blob: 102f14d61f8fbad945d36d50356fd3422a64784e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_error.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "chrome/common/automation_constants.h"
namespace webdriver {
namespace {
// Returns the string equivalent of the given |ErrorCode|.
const char* DefaultMessageForErrorCode(ErrorCode code) {
switch (code) {
case kSuccess:
return "Success";
case kNoSuchElement:
return "The element could not be found";
case kNoSuchFrame:
return "The frame could not be found";
case kUnknownCommand:
return "Unknown command";
case kStaleElementReference:
return "Element reference is invalid";
case kElementNotVisible:
return "Element is not visible";
case kInvalidElementState:
return "Element is in an invalid state";
case kUnknownError:
return "Unknown error";
case kElementNotSelectable:
return "Element is not selectable";
case kXPathLookupError:
return "XPath lookup error";
case kNoSuchWindow:
return "The window could not be found";
case kInvalidCookieDomain:
return "The cookie domain is invalid";
case kUnableToSetCookie:
return "Unable to set cookie";
case kUnexpectedAlertOpen:
return "An open modal dialog blocked the operation";
case kNoAlertOpenError:
return "No JavaScript modal dialog is open";
return "<unknown>";
} // namespace
// static
Error* Error::FromAutomationError(const automation::Error& error) {
ErrorCode code = kUnknownError;
switch (error.code()) {
case automation::kNoJavaScriptModalDialogOpen:
code = kNoAlertOpenError;
case automation::kBlockedByModalDialog:
code = kUnexpectedAlertOpen;
case automation::kInvalidId:
code = kNoSuchWindow;
// In Chrome 17 and before, the automation error was just a string.
// Compare against some strings that correspond to webdriver errors.
// TODO(kkania): Remove these comparisons when Chrome 17 is unsupported.
if (code == kUnknownError) {
if (error.message() ==
"Command cannot be performed because a modal dialog is active" ||
error.message() ==
"Could not complete script execution because a modal "
"dialog is active") {
code = kUnexpectedAlertOpen;
} else if (error.message() == "No modal dialog is showing" ||
error.message() == "No JavaScript modal dialog is showing") {
code = kNoAlertOpenError;
// If the automation error code did not refer to a webdriver error code
// (besides unknown), include the error message from chrome. Otherwise,
// include the webdriver error code and the webdriver error message.
if (code == kUnknownError) {
return new Error(code, error.message());
} else {
return new Error(code);
Error::Error(ErrorCode code)
: code_(code),
details_(DefaultMessageForErrorCode(code)) {
Error::Error(ErrorCode code, const std::string& details)
: code_(code), details_(details) {
Error::~Error() {
void Error::AddDetails(const std::string& details) {
details_ = details + ";\n " + details_;
ErrorCode Error::code() const {
return code_;
const std::string& Error::details() const {
return details_;
} // namespace webdriver