blob: be76e77255b3d29a8ac9dc5277444bcdaab74c77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class CustomButton;
class NonClientFrameView;
class Widget;
namespace ash {
// Container view for the frame caption buttons. It performs the appropriate
// action when a caption button is clicked.
class ASH_EXPORT FrameCaptionButtonContainerView
: public views::View,
public views::ButtonListener {
static const char kViewClassName[];
// Whether the frame can be minimized (either via the maximize/restore button
// or via a dedicated button).
enum MinimizeAllowed {
enum HeaderStyle {
// Dialogs, panels, packaged apps, tabbed maximized/fullscreen browser
// windows.
// Restored tabbed browser windows, popups for browser windows, restored
// hosted app windows, popups for hosted app windows.
// AppNonClientFrameViewAsh.
// |frame_view| and |frame| are the NonClientFrameView and the views::Widget
// that the caption buttons act on.
// |minimize_allowed| indicates whether the frame can be minimized (either via
// the maximize/restore button or via a dedicated button).
// TODO(pkotwicz): Remove the |frame_view| parameter once FrameMaximizeButton
// is refactored to take in a views::Widget instead.
FrameCaptionButtonContainerView(views::NonClientFrameView* frame_view,
views::Widget* frame,
MinimizeAllowed minimize_allowed);
virtual ~FrameCaptionButtonContainerView();
// For testing.
class TestApi {
explicit TestApi(FrameCaptionButtonContainerView* container_view)
: container_view_(container_view) {
views::CustomButton* minimize_button() const {
return container_view_->minimize_button_;
views::CustomButton* size_button() const {
return container_view_->size_button_;
views::CustomButton* close_button() const {
return container_view_->close_button_;
FrameCaptionButtonContainerView* container_view_;
// Tell the window controls to reset themselves to the normal state.
void ResetWindowControls();
// Determines the window HT* code for the caption button at |point|. Returns
// HTNOWHERE if |point| is not over any of the caption buttons. |point| must
// be in the coordinates of the FrameCaptionButtonContainerView.
int NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) const;
// Sets the header style.
void set_header_style(HeaderStyle header_style) {
header_style_ = header_style;
// views::View overrides:
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual const char* GetClassName() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
friend class FrameCaptionButtonContainerViewTest;
// Returns the distance between buttons which are next to each other. A
// negative value is returned if the buttons overlap.
int GetDistanceBetweenButtons() const;
// Returns the inset of the leftmost visible button from the view's border
// (if any).
int GetLeftInset() const;
// Returns the inset of the rightmost visible button from the view's border
// (if any).
int GetRightInset() const;
// views::ButtonListener override:
virtual void ButtonPressed(views::Button* sender,
const ui::Event& event) OVERRIDE;
// Methods specific to normal button style -----------------------------------
// Sets the images for a button based on the given ids.
void SetButtonImages(views::CustomButton* button,
int normal_image_id,
int hot_image_id,
int pushed_image_id);
// The widget that the buttons act on.
views::Widget* frame_;
// The close button separator.
gfx::ImageSkia button_separator_;
HeaderStyle header_style_;
// The buttons. In the normal button style, at most one of |minimize_button_|
// and |size_button_| is visible.
views::CustomButton* minimize_button_;
views::CustomButton* size_button_;
views::CustomButton* close_button_;
} // namesapace ash