blob: d568c03c0262074529f65bc909b21e0889fb3eaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Namespace for utility functions.
var filelist = {};
* Custom column model for advanced auto-resizing.
* @param {Array.<cr.ui.table.TableColumn>} tableColumns Table columns.
* @extends {cr.ui.table.TableColumnModel}
* @constructor
function FileTableColumnModel(tableColumns) {, tableColumns);
* The columns whose index is less than the constant are resizable.
* @const
* @type {number}
* @private
FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_ = 4;
* Inherits from cr.ui.TableColumnModel.
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.__proto__ =
* Minimum width of column.
* @const
* @type {number}
* @private
FileTableColumnModel.MIN_WIDTH_ = 10;
* Sets column width so that the column dividers move to the specified position.
* This function also check the width of each column and keep the width larger
* than MIN_WIDTH_.
* @private
* @param {Array.<number>} newPos Positions of each column dividers.
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.applyColumnPositions_ = function(newPos) {
// Check the minimum width and adjust the positions.
for (var i = 0; i < newPos.length - 2; i++) {
if (newPos[i + 1] - newPos[i] < FileTableColumnModel.MIN_WIDTH_) {
newPos[i + 1] = newPos[i] + FileTableColumnModel.MIN_WIDTH_;
for (var i = newPos.length - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
if (newPos[i] - newPos[i - 1] < FileTableColumnModel.MIN_WIDTH_) {
newPos[i - 1] = newPos[i] - FileTableColumnModel.MIN_WIDTH_;
// Set the new width of columns
for (var i = 0; i < FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_; i++) {
this.columns_[i].width = newPos[i + 1] - newPos[i];
* Normalizes widths to make their sum 100% if possible. Uses the proportional
* approach with some additional constraints.
* @param {number} contentWidth Target width.
* @override
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.normalizeWidths = function(contentWidth) {
var totalWidth = 0;
var fixedWidth = 0;
// Some columns have fixed width.
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns_.length; i++) {
if (i < FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_)
totalWidth += this.columns_[i].width;
fixedWidth += this.columns_[i].width;
var newTotalWidth = Math.max(contentWidth - fixedWidth, 0);
var positions = [0];
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_; i++) {
var column = this.columns_[i];
sum += column.width;
// Faster alternative to Math.floor for non-negative numbers.
positions[i + 1] = ~~(newTotalWidth * sum / totalWidth);
* Handles to the start of column resizing by splitters.
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.handleSplitterDragStart = function() {
this.columnPos_ = [0];
for (var i = 0; i < this.columns_.length; i++) {
this.columnPos_[i + 1] = this.columns_[i].width + this.columnPos_[i];
* Handles to the end of column resizing by splitters.
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.handleSplitterDragEnd = function() {
this.columnPos_ = null;
* Sets the width of column with keeping the total width of table.
* @param {number} columnIndex Index of column that is resized.
* @param {number} columnWidth New width of the column.
FileTableColumnModel.prototype.setWidthAndKeepTotal = function(
columnIndex, columnWidth) {
// Skip to resize 'selection' column
if (columnIndex < 0 ||
columnIndex >= FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_ ||
!this.columnPos_) {
// Calculate new positions of column splitters.
var newPosStart =
this.columnPos_[columnIndex] + Math.max(columnWidth,
var newPos = [];
var posEnd = this.columnPos_[FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_];
for (var i = 0; i < columnIndex + 1; i++) {
newPos[i] = this.columnPos_[i];
for (var i = columnIndex + 1;
i < FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_;
i++) {
var posStart = this.columnPos_[columnIndex + 1];
newPos[i] = (posEnd - newPosStart) *
(this.columnPos_[i] - posStart) /
(posEnd - posStart) +
// Faster alternative to Math.floor for non-negative numbers.
newPos[i] = ~~newPos[i];
newPos[columnIndex] = this.columnPos_[columnIndex];
newPos[FileTableColumnModel.RESIZABLE_LENGTH_] = posEnd;
// Notifiy about resizing
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'resize');
* Custom splitter that resizes column with retaining the sum of all the column
* width.
var FileTableSplitter = cr.ui.define('div');
* Inherits from cr.ui.TableSplitter.
FileTableSplitter.prototype.__proto__ = cr.ui.TableSplitter.prototype;
* Handles the drag start event.
FileTableSplitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragStart = function() {;
* Handles the drag move event.
* @param {number} deltaX Horizontal mouse move offset.
FileTableSplitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragMove = function(deltaX) {
this.columnWidth_ + deltaX,
* Handles the drag end event.
FileTableSplitter.prototype.handleSplitterDragEnd = function() {;
* File list Table View.
* @constructor
function FileTable() {
throw new Error('Designed to decorate elements');
* Inherits from cr.ui.Table.
FileTable.prototype.__proto__ = cr.ui.Table.prototype;
* Decorates the element.
* @param {HTMLElement} self Table to decorate.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache To retrieve metadata.
* @param {boolean} fullPage True if it's full page File Manager,
* False if a file open/save dialog.
FileTable.decorate = function(self, metadataCache, fullPage) {
self.__proto__ = FileTable.prototype;
self.metadataCache_ = metadataCache;
self.collator_ = Intl.Collator([], {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'});
var columns = [
new cr.ui.table.TableColumn('name', str('NAME_COLUMN_LABEL'),
fullPage ? 386 : 324),
new cr.ui.table.TableColumn('size', str('SIZE_COLUMN_LABEL'),
110, true),
new cr.ui.table.TableColumn('type', str('TYPE_COLUMN_LABEL'),
fullPage ? 110 : 110),
new cr.ui.table.TableColumn('modificationTime',
fullPage ? 150 : 210)
columns[0].renderFunction = self.renderName_.bind(self);
columns[1].renderFunction = self.renderSize_.bind(self);
columns[1].defaultOrder = 'desc';
columns[2].renderFunction = self.renderType_.bind(self);
columns[3].renderFunction = self.renderDate_.bind(self);
columns[3].defaultOrder = 'desc';
var tableColumnModelClass;
tableColumnModelClass = FileTableColumnModel;
var columnModel = Object.create(tableColumnModelClass.prototype, {
* The number of columns.
* @type {number}
size: {
* @this {FileTableColumnModel}
* @return {number} Number of columns.
get: function() {
return this.totalSize;
* The number of columns.
* @type {number}
totalSize: {
* @this {FileTableColumnModel}
* @return {number} Number of columns.
get: function() {
return columns.length;
* Obtains a column by the specified horizontal position.
getHitColumn: {
* @this {FileTableColumnModel}
* @param {number} x Horizontal position.
* @return {object} The object that contains column index, column width,
* and hitPosition where the horizontal position is hit in the column.
value: function(x) {
for (var i = 0; x >= this.columns_[i].width; i++) {
x -= this.columns_[i].width;
if (i >= this.columns_.length)
return null;
return {index: i, hitPosition: x, width: this.columns_[i].width};
});, columns);
self.columnModel = columnModel;
self.scrollBar_ = MainPanelScrollBar();
self.scrollBar_.initialize(self, self.list);
// Keep focus on the file list when clicking on the header.
self.header.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
self.relayoutAggregation_ =
new AsyncUtil.Aggregation(self.relayoutImmediately_.bind(self));
// Override header#redraw to use FileTableSplitter.
self.header_.redraw = function() {;
// Extend table splitters
var splitters = this.querySelectorAll('.table-header-splitter');
for (var i = 0; i < splitters.length; i++) {
if (splitters[i] instanceof FileTableSplitter)
// Save the last selection. This is used by shouldStartDragSelection.
self.list.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
this.lastSelection_ = this.selectionModel.selectedIndexes;
}.bind(self), true);
self.list.shouldStartDragSelection =
* Obtains the index list of elements that are hit by the point or the
* rectangle.
* @param {number} x X coordinate value.
* @param {number} y Y coordinate value.
* @param {=number} opt_width Width of the coordinate.
* @param {=number} opt_height Height of the coordinate.
* @return {Array.<number>} Index list of hit elements.
self.list.getHitElements = function(x, y, opt_width, opt_height) {
var currentSelection = [];
var bottom = y + (opt_height || 0);
for (var i = 0; i < this.selectionModel_.length; i++) {
var itemMetrics = this.getHeightsForIndex_(i);
if ( < bottom && + itemMetrics.height >= y)
return currentSelection;
* Sets date and time format.
* @param {boolean} use12hourClock True if 12 hours clock, False if 24 hours.
FileTable.prototype.setDateTimeFormat = function(use12hourClock) {
this.timeFormatter_ = Intl.DateTimeFormat(
[] /* default locale */,
{hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric',
hour12: use12hourClock});
this.dateFormatter_ = Intl.DateTimeFormat(
[] /* default locale */,
{year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric',
hour12: use12hourClock});
* Obtains if the drag selection should be start or not by referring the mouse
* event.
* @param {MouseEvent} event Drag start event.
* @return {boolean} True if the mouse is hit to the background of the list.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.shouldStartDragSelection_ = function(event) {
// If the shift key is pressed, it should starts drag selection.
if (event.shiftKey)
return true;
// If the position values are negative, it points the out of list.
// It should start the drag selection.
var pos = DragSelector.getScrolledPosition(this.list, event);
if (!pos)
return false;
if (pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0)
return true;
// If the item index is out of range, it should start the drag selection.
var itemHeight = this.list.measureItem().height;
// Faster alternative to Math.floor for non-negative numbers.
var itemIndex = ~~(pos.y / itemHeight);
if (itemIndex >= this.list.dataModel.length)
return true;
// If the pointed item is already selected, it should not start the drag
// selection.
if (this.lastSelection_.indexOf(itemIndex) !== -1)
return false;
// If the horizontal value is not hit to column, it should start the drag
// selection.
var hitColumn = this.columnModel.getHitColumn(pos.x);
if (!hitColumn)
return true;
// Check if the point is on the column contents or not.
var item = this.list.getListItemByIndex(itemIndex);
switch (this.columnModel.columns_[hitColumn.index].id) {
case 'name':
var spanElement = item.querySelector('.filename-label span');
var spanRect = spanElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// The this.list.cachedBounds_ object is set by
// DragSelector.getScrolledPosition.
if (!this.list.cachedBounds)
return true;
var textRight =
spanRect.left - this.list.cachedBounds.left + spanRect.width;
return textRight <= hitColumn.hitPosition;
return true;
* Prepares the data model to be sorted by columns.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model to prepare.
FileTable.prototype.setupCompareFunctions = function(dataModel) {
* Render the Name column of the detail table.
* Invoked by cr.ui.Table when a file needs to be rendered.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @param {string} columnId The id of the column to be rendered.
* @param {cr.ui.Table} table The table doing the rendering.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderName_ = function(entry, columnId, table) {
var label = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
label.appendChild(this.renderIconType_(entry, columnId, table));
label.entry = entry;
label.className = 'detail-name';
label.appendChild(filelist.renderFileNameLabel(this.ownerDocument, entry));
return label;
* Render the Size column of the detail table.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @param {string} columnId The id of the column to be rendered.
* @param {cr.ui.Table} table The table doing the rendering.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderSize_ = function(entry, columnId, table) {
var div = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
div.className = 'size';
div, entry, this.metadataCache_.getCached(entry, 'filesystem'));
return div;
* Sets up or updates the size cell.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} div The table cell.
* @param {Entry} entry The corresponding entry.
* @param {Object} filesystemProps Metadata.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.updateSize_ = function(div, entry, filesystemProps) {
if (!filesystemProps) {
div.textContent = '...';
} else if (filesystemProps.size === -1) {
div.textContent = '--';
} else if (filesystemProps.size === 0 &&
FileType.isHosted(entry)) {
div.textContent = '--';
} else {
div.textContent = util.bytesToString(filesystemProps.size);
* Render the Type column of the detail table.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @param {string} columnId The id of the column to be rendered.
* @param {cr.ui.Table} table The table doing the rendering.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderType_ = function(entry, columnId, table) {
var div = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
div.className = 'type';
div.textContent = FileType.typeToString(FileType.getType(entry));
return div;
* Render the Date column of the detail table.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @param {string} columnId The id of the column to be rendered.
* @param {cr.ui.Table} table The table doing the rendering.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderDate_ = function(entry, columnId, table) {
var div = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
div.className = 'date';
this.metadataCache_.getCached(entry, 'filesystem'));
return div;
* Sets up or updates the date cell.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} div The table cell.
* @param {Object} filesystemProps Metadata.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.updateDate_ = function(div, filesystemProps) {
if (!filesystemProps) {
div.textContent = '...';
var modTime = filesystemProps.modificationTime;
var today = new Date();
* Number of milliseconds in a day.
var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (modTime >= today &&
modTime < today.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY) {
div.textContent = strf('TIME_TODAY', this.timeFormatter_.format(modTime));
} else if (modTime >= today - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY && modTime < today) {
div.textContent = strf('TIME_YESTERDAY',
} else {
div.textContent =
* Updates the file metadata in the table item.
* @param {Element} item Table item.
* @param {Entry} entry File entry.
FileTable.prototype.updateFileMetadata = function(item, entry) {
var props = this.metadataCache_.getCached(entry, 'filesystem');
this.updateDate_(item.querySelector('.date'), props);
this.updateSize_(item.querySelector('.size'), entry, props);
* Updates list items 'in place' on metadata change.
* @param {string} type Type of metadata change.
* @param {Object.<string, Object>} propsMap Map from entry URLs to metadata
* properties.
FileTable.prototype.updateListItemsMetadata = function(type, propsMap) {
var forEachCell = function(selector, callback) {
var cells = this.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var cell = cells[i];
var listItem = this.list_.getListItemAncestor(cell);
var entry = this.dataModel.item(listItem.listIndex);
if (entry) {
var props = propsMap[entry.toURL()];
if (props), cell, entry, props, listItem);
if (type === 'filesystem') {
forEachCell('.table-row-cell > .date', function(item, entry, props) {
this.updateDate_(item, props);
forEachCell('.table-row-cell > .size', function(item, entry, props) {
this.updateSize_(item, entry, props);
} else if (type === 'drive') {
// The cell name does not matter as the entire list item is needed.
forEachCell('.table-row-cell > .date',
function(item, entry, props, listItem) {
filelist.updateListItemDriveProps(listItem, props);
* Compare by mtime first, then by name.
* @param {Entry} a First entry.
* @param {Entry} b Second entry.
* @return {number} Compare result.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.compareName_ = function(a, b) {
* Compare by mtime first, then by name.
* @param {Entry} a First entry.
* @param {Entry} b Second entry.
* @return {number} Compare result.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.compareMtime_ = function(a, b) {
var aCachedFilesystem = this.metadataCache_.getCached(a, 'filesystem');
var aTime = aCachedFilesystem ? aCachedFilesystem.modificationTime : 0;
var bCachedFilesystem = this.metadataCache_.getCached(b, 'filesystem');
var bTime = bCachedFilesystem ? bCachedFilesystem.modificationTime : 0;
if (aTime > bTime)
return 1;
if (aTime < bTime)
return -1;
* Compare by size first, then by name.
* @param {Entry} a First entry.
* @param {Entry} b Second entry.
* @return {number} Compare result.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.compareSize_ = function(a, b) {
var aCachedFilesystem = this.metadataCache_.getCached(a, 'filesystem');
var aSize = aCachedFilesystem ? aCachedFilesystem.size : 0;
var bCachedFilesystem = this.metadataCache_.getCached(b, 'filesystem');
var bSize = bCachedFilesystem ? bCachedFilesystem.size : 0;
if (aSize !== bSize) return aSize - bSize;
* Compare by type first, then by subtype and then by name.
* @param {Entry} a First entry.
* @param {Entry} b Second entry.
* @return {number} Compare result.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.compareType_ = function(a, b) {
// Directories precede files.
if (a.isDirectory !== b.isDirectory)
return Number(b.isDirectory) - Number(a.isDirectory);
var aType = FileType.typeToString(FileType.getType(a));
var bType = FileType.typeToString(FileType.getType(b));
var result =, bType);
if (result !== 0)
return result;
* Renders table row.
* @param {function(Entry, cr.ui.Table)} baseRenderFunction Base renderer.
* @param {Entry} entry Corresponding entry.
* @return {HTMLLiElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderTableRow_ = function(baseRenderFunction, entry) {
var item = baseRenderFunction(entry, this);
filelist.decorateListItem(item, entry, this.metadataCache_);
return item;
* Render the type column of the detail table.
* Invoked by cr.ui.Table when a file needs to be rendered.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @param {string} columnId The id of the column to be rendered.
* @param {cr.ui.Table} table The table doing the rendering.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} Created element.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.renderIconType_ = function(entry, columnId, table) {
var icon = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
icon.className = 'detail-icon';
icon.setAttribute('file-type-icon', FileType.getIcon(entry));
return icon;
* Sets the margin height for the transparent preview panel at the bottom.
* @param {number} margin Margin to be set in px.
FileTable.prototype.setBottomMarginForPanel = function(margin) { = margin + 'px';
* Redraws the UI. Skips multiple consecutive calls.
FileTable.prototype.relayout = function() {;
* Redraws the UI immediately.
* @private
FileTable.prototype.relayoutImmediately_ = function() {
if (this.clientWidth > 0)
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this.list, 'relayout');
* Common item decoration for table's and grid's items.
* @param {ListItem} li List item.
* @param {Entry} entry The entry.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache Cache to retrieve metadada.
filelist.decorateListItem = function(li, entry, metadataCache) {
li.classList.add(entry.isDirectory ? 'directory' : 'file');
// The metadata may not yet be ready. In that case, the list item will be
// updated when the metadata is ready via updateListItemsMetadata. For files
// not on Drive, driveProps is not available.
var driveProps = metadataCache.getCached(entry, 'drive');
if (driveProps)
filelist.updateListItemDriveProps(li, driveProps);
// Overriding the default role 'list' to 'listbox' for better
// accessibility on ChromeOS.
li.setAttribute('role', 'option');
Object.defineProperty(li, 'selected', {
* @this {ListItem}
* @return {boolean} True if the list item is selected.
get: function() {
return this.hasAttribute('selected');
* @this {ListItem}
set: function(v) {
if (v)
this.setAttribute('selected', '');
* Render filename label for grid and list view.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Owner document.
* @param {Entry} entry The Entry object to render.
* @return {HTMLDivElement} The label.
filelist.renderFileNameLabel = function(doc, entry) {
// Filename need to be in a '.filename-label' container for correct
// work of inplace renaming.
var box = doc.createElement('div');
box.className = 'filename-label';
var fileName = doc.createElement('span');
fileName.className = 'entry-name';
fileName.textContent =;
return box;
* Updates grid item or table row for the driveProps.
* @param {cr.ui.ListItem} li List item.
* @param {Object} driveProps Metadata.
filelist.updateListItemDriveProps = function(li, driveProps) {
if (li.classList.contains('file')) {
if (driveProps.availableOffline)
// TODO(mtomasz): Consider adding some vidual indication for files which
// are not cached on LTE. Currently we show them as normal files.
var iconDiv = li.querySelector('.detail-icon');
if (!iconDiv)
if (driveProps.customIconUrl) = 'url(' + driveProps.customIconUrl + ')';
if (li.classList.contains('directory'))
iconDiv.classList.toggle('shared', driveProps.shared);