blob: 6253fa07f7552038904961310633b4a11c44ff11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* TODO(stoarca): This class has become obsolete except for the shadow table.
* Chop most of it away.
* @fileoverview A DOM traversal interface for navigating data in tables.
* An object that represents an active table cell inside the shadow table.
* @constructor
function ShadowTableNode() {}
* Whether or not the active cell is spanned by a preceding cell.
* @type {boolean}
* Whether or not this cell is spanned by a rowSpan.
* @type {?boolean}
* Whether or not this cell is spanned by a colspan
* @type {?boolean}
* The row index of the corresponding active table cell
* @type {?number}
* The column index of the corresponding active table cell
* @type {?number}
* The corresponding <TD> or <TH> node in the active table.
* @type {?Node}
* The cells that are row headers of the corresponding active table cell
* @type {!Array}
ShadowTableNode.prototype.rowHeaderCells = [];
* The cells that are column headers of the corresponding active table cell
* @type {!Array}
ShadowTableNode.prototype.colHeaderCells = [];
* Initializes the traversal with the provided table node.
* @constructor
* @param {Node} tableNode The table to be traversed.
cvox.TraverseTable = function(tableNode) {
* The active table <TABLE> node. In this context, "active" means that this is
* the table the TraverseTable object is navigating.
* @type {Node}
* @private
this.activeTable_ = null;
* A 2D array "shadow table" that contains pointers to nodes in the active
* table. More specifically, each cell of the shadow table contains a special
* object ShadowTableNode that has as one of its member variables the
* corresponding cell in the active table.
* The shadow table will allow us efficient navigation of tables with
* rowspans and colspans without needing to repeatedly scan the table. For
* example, if someone requests a cell at (1,3), predecessor cells with
* rowspans/colspans mean the cell you eventually return could actually be
* one located at (0,2) that spans out to (1,3).
* This shadow table will contain a ShadowTableNode with the (0, 2) index at
* the (1,3) position, eliminating the need to check for predecessor cells
* with rowspan/colspan every time we traverse the table.
* @type {!Array.<Array.<ShadowTableNode>>}
* @private
this.shadowTable_ = [];
* An array of shadow table nodes that have been determined to contain header
* cells or information about header cells. This array is collected at
* initialization and then only recalculated if the table changes.
* This array is used by findHeaderCells() to determine table row headers
* and column headers.
* @type {Array.<ShadowTableNode>}
* @private
this.candidateHeaders_ = [];
* An array that associates cell IDs with their corresponding shadow nodes.
* If there are two shadow nodes for the same cell (i.e. when a cell spans
* other cells) then the first one will be associated with the ID. This means
* that shadow nodes that have spanned set to true will not be included in
* this array.
* @type {Array.<ShadowTableNode>}
* @private
this.idToShadowNode_ = [];
* The cell cursor, represented by an array that stores the row and
* column location [i, j] of the active cell. These numbers are 0-based.
* In this context, "active" means that this is the cell the user is
* currently looking at.
* @type {Array}
* The number of columns in the active table. This is calculated at
* initialization and then only recalculated if the table changes.
* Please Note: We have chosen to use the number of columns in the shadow
* table as the canonical column count. This is important for tables that
* have colspans - the number of columns in the active table will always be
* less than the true number of columns.
* @type {?number}
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.colCount = null;
* The number of rows in the active table. This is calculated at
* initialization and then only recalculated if the table changes.
* @type {?number}
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.rowCount = null;
* The row headers in the active table. This is calculated at
* initialization and then only recalculated if the table changes.
* Please Note:
* Row headers are defined here as <TH> or <TD> elements. <TD> elements when
* serving as header cells must have either:
* - The scope attribute defined
* - Their IDs referenced in the header content attribute of another <TD> or
* <TH> element.
* The HTML5 spec specifies that only header <TH> elements can be row headers
* ( ) but the
* HTML4 spec says that <TD> elements can act as both
* ( ). In the
* interest of providing meaningful header information for all tables, here
* we take the position that <TD> elements can act as both.
* @type {Array}
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.tableRowHeaders = null;
* The column headers in the active table. This is calculated at
* initialization and then only recalculated if the table changes.
* Please Note: see comment for tableRowHeaders.
* @type {Array}
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.tableColHeaders = null;
// TODO (stoarca): tighten up interface to {!Node}
* Initializes the class member variables.
* @param {Node} tableNode The table to be traversed.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.initialize = function(tableNode) {
if (!tableNode) {
if (tableNode == this.activeTable_) {
this.activeTable_ = tableNode;
this.currentCellCursor = null;
this.tableRowHeaders = [];
this.tableColHeaders = [];
this.colCount = this.shadowColCount_();
this.rowCount = this.countRows_();
// Listen for changes to the active table. If the active table changes,
// rebuild the shadow table.
// TODO (stoarca): Is this safe? When this object goes away, doesn't the
// eventListener stay on the node? Someone with better knowledge of js
// please confirm. If so, this is a leak.
goog.bind(function() {
this.colCount = this.shadowColCount_();
this.rowCount = this.countRows_();
this.tableRowHeaders = [];
this.tableColHeaders = [];
if (this.colCount == 0 && this.rowCount == 0) {
if (this.getCell() == null) {
}, this), false);
* Finds the cell cursor containing the specified node within the table.
* Returns null if there is no close cell.
* @param {!Node} node The node for which to find the cursor.
* @return {Array.<number>} The table index for the node.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.findNearestCursor = function(node) {
// TODO (stoarca): The current structure for representing the
// shadow table is not optimal for this query, but it's not urgent
// since this only gets executed at most once per user action.
// In case node is in a table but above any individual cell, we go down as
// deep as we can, being careful to avoid going into nested tables.
var n = node;
while (n.firstElementChild &&
!(n.firstElementChild.tagName == 'TABLE' ||
cvox.AriaUtil.isGrid(n.firstElementChild))) {
n = n.firstElementChild;
while (!cvox.DomPredicates.cellPredicate(cvox.DomUtil.getAncestors(n))) {
n = cvox.DomUtil.directedNextLeafNode(n);
// TODO(stoarca): Ugly logic. Captions should be part of tables.
// There have been a bunch of bugs as a result of
// DomUtil.findTableNodeInList excluding captions from tables because
// it makes them non-contiguous.
if (!cvox.DomUtil.getContainingTable(n, {allowCaptions: true})) {
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.colCount; ++j) {
if (this.shadowTable_[i][j]) {
if (cvox.DomUtil.isDescendantOfNode(
n, this.shadowTable_[i][j].activeCell)) {
return [i, j];
return null;
* Finds the valid cell nearest to the current cell cursor and moves the cell
* cursor there. To be used when the table has changed and the current cell
* cursor is now invalid (doesn't exist anymore).
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.attachCursorToNearestCell_ = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor) {
// We have no idea. Just go 'somewhere'. Other code paths in this
// function go to the last cell, so let's do that!
var currentCursor = this.currentCellCursor;
// Does the current row still exist in the table?
var currentRow = this.shadowTable_[currentCursor[0]];
if (currentRow) {
// Try last cell of current row
this.currentCellCursor = [currentCursor[0], (currentRow.length - 1)];
} else {
// Current row does not exist anymore. Does current column still exist?
// Try last cell of current column
var numRows = this.shadowTable_.length;
if (numRows == 0) {
// Table has been deleted!
this.currentCellCursor = null;
var aboveCell =
this.shadowTable_[numRows - 1][currentCursor[1]];
if (aboveCell) {
this.currentCellCursor = [(numRows - 1), currentCursor[1]];
} else {
// Current column does not exist anymore either.
// Move cursor to last cell in table.
* Builds or rebuilds the shadow table by iterating through all of the cells
* ( <TD> or <TH> or role='gridcell' nodes) of the active table.
* @return {!Array} The shadow table.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.buildShadowTable_ = function() {
// Clear shadow table
this.shadowTable_ = [];
// Build shadow table structure. Initialize it as a 2D array.
var allRows = cvox.TableUtil.getChildRows(this.activeTable_);
var currentRowParent = null;
var currentRowGroup = null;
var colGroups = cvox.TableUtil.getColGroups(this.activeTable_);
var colToColGroup = cvox.TableUtil.determineColGroups(colGroups);
for (var ctr = 0; ctr < allRows.length; ctr++) {
// Iterate through active table by row
for (var i = 0; i < allRows.length; i++) {
var childCells = cvox.TableUtil.getChildCells(allRows[i]);
// Keep track of position in active table
var activeTableCol = 0;
// Keep track of position in shadow table
var shadowTableCol = 0;
while (activeTableCol < childCells.length) {
// Check to make sure we haven't already filled this cell.
if (this.shadowTable_[i][shadowTableCol] == null) {
var activeTableCell = childCells[activeTableCol];
// Default value for colspan and rowspan is 1
var colsSpanned = 1;
var rowsSpanned = 1;
if (activeTableCell.hasAttribute('colspan')) {
colsSpanned =
parseInt(activeTableCell.getAttribute('colspan'), 10);
if ((isNaN(colsSpanned)) || (colsSpanned <= 0)) {
// The HTML5 spec defines colspan MUST be greater than 0:
// This is a change from the HTML4 spec:
// We will degrade gracefully by treating a colspan=0 as
// equivalent to a colspan=1.
// Tested in method testColSpan0 in rowColSpanTable_test.js
colsSpanned = 1;
if (activeTableCell.hasAttribute('rowspan')) {
rowsSpanned =
parseInt(activeTableCell.getAttribute('rowspan'), 10);
if ((isNaN(rowsSpanned)) || (rowsSpanned <= 0)) {
// The HTML5 spec defines that rowspan can be any non-negative
// integer, including 0:
// However, Chromium treats rowspan=0 as rowspan=1. This appears
// to be a bug from WebKit:
// Inherited from a bug (since fixed) in KDE:
// We will follow Chromium and treat rowspan=0 as equivalent to
// rowspan=1.
// Tested in method testRowSpan0 in rowColSpanTable_test.js
// Filed as a bug in Chromium:
rowsSpanned = 1;
for (var r = 0; r < rowsSpanned; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < colsSpanned; c++) {
var shadowNode = new ShadowTableNode();
if ((r == 0) && (c == 0)) {
// This position is not spanned.
shadowNode.spanned = false;
shadowNode.rowSpan = false;
shadowNode.colSpan = false;
shadowNode.i = i;
shadowNode.j = shadowTableCol;
shadowNode.activeCell = activeTableCell;
shadowNode.rowHeaderCells = [];
shadowNode.colHeaderCells = [];
shadowNode.isRowHeader = false;
shadowNode.isColHeader = false;
} else {
// This position is spanned.
shadowNode.spanned = true;
shadowNode.rowSpan = (rowsSpanned > 1);
shadowNode.colSpan = (colsSpanned > 1);
shadowNode.i = i;
shadowNode.j = shadowTableCol;
shadowNode.activeCell = activeTableCell;
shadowNode.rowHeaderCells = [];
shadowNode.colHeaderCells = [];
shadowNode.isRowHeader = false;
shadowNode.isColHeader = false;
// Check this shadowNode to see if it is a candidate header cell
if (cvox.TableUtil.checkIfHeader(shadowNode.activeCell)) {
} else if (shadowNode.activeCell.hasAttribute('headers')) {
// This shadowNode has information about other header cells
// Check and update row group status.
if (currentRowParent == null) {
// This is the first row
currentRowParent = allRows[i].parentNode;
currentRowGroup = 0;
} else {
if (allRows[i].parentNode != currentRowParent) {
// We're in a different row group now
currentRowParent = allRows[i].parentNode;
currentRowGroup = currentRowGroup + 1;
shadowNode.rowGroup = currentRowGroup;
// Check and update col group status
if (colToColGroup.length > 0) {
shadowNode.colGroup = colToColGroup[shadowTableCol];
} else {
shadowNode.colGroup = 0;
if (! shadowNode.spanned) {
if ( != null) {
this.idToShadowNode_[] = shadowNode;
this.shadowTable_[i + r][shadowTableCol + c] = shadowNode;
shadowTableCol += colsSpanned;
} else {
// This position has already been filled (by a previous cell that has
// a colspan or a rowspan)
shadowTableCol += 1;
return this.shadowTable_;
* Finds header cells from the list of candidate headers and classifies them
* in two ways:
* -- Identifies them for the entire table by adding them to
* this.tableRowHeaders and this.tableColHeaders.
* -- Identifies them for each shadow table node by adding them to the node's
* rowHeaderCells or colHeaderCells arrays.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.findHeaderCells_ = function() {
// Forming relationships between data cells and header cells:
// #header-and-data-cell-semantics
for (var i = 0; i < this.candidateHeaders_.length; i++) {
var currentShadowNode = this.candidateHeaders_[i];
var currentCell = currentShadowNode.activeCell;
var assumedScope = null;
var specifiedScope = null;
if (currentShadowNode.spanned) {
if ((currentCell.tagName == 'TH') &&
!(currentCell.hasAttribute('scope'))) {
// No scope specified - compute scope ourselves.
// Go left/right - if there's a header node, then this is a column
// header
if (currentShadowNode.j > 0) {
if (this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i][currentShadowNode.j - 1].
activeCell.tagName == 'TH') {
assumedScope = 'col';
} else if (currentShadowNode.j < this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i].
length - 1) {
if (this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i][currentShadowNode.j + 1].
activeCell.tagName == 'TH') {
assumedScope = 'col';
} else {
// This row has a width of 1 cell, just assume this is a colum header
assumedScope = 'col';
if (assumedScope == null) {
// Go up/down - if there's a header node, then this is a row header
if (currentShadowNode.i > 0) {
if (this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i - 1][currentShadowNode.j].
activeCell.tagName == 'TH') {
assumedScope = 'row';
} else if (currentShadowNode.i < this.shadowTable_.length - 1) {
if (this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i + 1][currentShadowNode.j].
activeCell.tagName == 'TH') {
assumedScope = 'row';
} else {
// This column has a height of 1 cell, just assume that this is
// a row header
assumedScope = 'row';
} else if (currentCell.hasAttribute('scope')) {
specifiedScope = currentCell.getAttribute('scope');
} else if (currentCell.hasAttribute('role') &&
(currentCell.getAttribute('role') == 'rowheader')) {
specifiedScope = 'row';
} else if (currentCell.hasAttribute('role') &&
(currentCell.getAttribute('role') == 'columnheader')) {
specifiedScope = 'col';
if ((specifiedScope == 'row') || (assumedScope == 'row')) {
currentShadowNode.isRowHeader = true;
// Go right until you hit the edge of the table or a data
// cell after another header cell.
// Add this cell to each shadowNode.rowHeaderCells attribute as you go.
for (var rightCtr = currentShadowNode.j;
rightCtr < this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i].length;
rightCtr++) {
var rightShadowNode = this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i][rightCtr];
var rightCell = rightShadowNode.activeCell;
if ((rightCell.tagName == 'TH') ||
(rightCell.hasAttribute('scope'))) {
if (rightCtr < this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i].length - 1) {
var checkDataCell =
this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i][rightCtr + 1];
} else if ((specifiedScope == 'col') || (assumedScope == 'col')) {
currentShadowNode.isColHeader = true;
// Go down until you hit the edge of the table or a data cell
// after another header cell.
// Add this cell to each shadowNode.colHeaders attribute as you go.
for (var downCtr = currentShadowNode.i;
downCtr < this.shadowTable_.length;
downCtr++) {
var downShadowNode = this.shadowTable_[downCtr][currentShadowNode.j];
if (downShadowNode == null) {
var downCell = downShadowNode.activeCell;
if ((downCell.tagName == 'TH') ||
(downCell.hasAttribute('scope'))) {
if (downCtr < this.shadowTable_.length - 1) {
var checkDataCell =
this.shadowTable_[downCtr + 1][currentShadowNode.j];
} else if (specifiedScope == 'rowgroup') {
currentShadowNode.isRowHeader = true;
// This cell is a row header for the rest of the cells in this row group.
var currentRowGroup = currentShadowNode.rowGroup;
// Get the rest of the cells in this row first
for (var cellsInRow = currentShadowNode.j + 1;
cellsInRow < this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i].length;
cellsInRow++) {
// Now propagate to rest of row group
for (var downCtr = currentShadowNode.i + 1;
downCtr < this.shadowTable_.length;
downCtr++) {
if (this.shadowTable_[downCtr][0].rowGroup != currentRowGroup) {
for (var rightCtr = 0;
rightCtr < this.shadowTable_[downCtr].length;
rightCtr++) {
} else if (specifiedScope == 'colgroup') {
currentShadowNode.isColHeader = true;
// This cell is a col header for the rest of the cells in this col group.
var currentColGroup = currentShadowNode.colGroup;
// Get the rest of the cells in this colgroup first
for (var cellsInCol = currentShadowNode.j + 1;
cellsInCol < this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i].length;
cellsInCol++) {
if (this.shadowTable_[currentShadowNode.i][cellsInCol].colGroup ==
currentColGroup) {
// Now propagate to rest of col group
for (var downCtr = currentShadowNode.i + 1;
downCtr < this.shadowTable_.length;
downCtr++) {
for (var rightCtr = 0;
rightCtr < this.shadowTable_[downCtr].length;
rightCtr++) {
if (this.shadowTable_[downCtr][rightCtr].colGroup ==
currentColGroup) {
if (currentCell.hasAttribute('headers')) {
if (currentCell.hasAttribute('aria-describedby')) {
* Finds header cells from the 'headers' attribute of a given shadow node's
* active cell and classifies them in two ways:
* -- Identifies them for the entire table by adding them to
* this.tableRowHeaders and this.tableColHeaders.
* -- Identifies them for the shadow table node by adding them to the node's
* rowHeaderCells or colHeaderCells arrays.
* Please note that header cells found through the 'headers' attribute are
* difficult to attribute to being either row or column headers because a
* table cell can declare arbitrary cells as its headers. A guess is made here
* based on which axis the header cell is closest to.
* @param {ShadowTableNode} currentShadowNode A shadow node with an active cell
* that has a 'headers' attribute.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.findAttrbHeaders_ = function(currentShadowNode) {
var activeTableCell = currentShadowNode.activeCell;
var idList = activeTableCell.getAttribute('headers').split(' ');
for (var idToken = 0; idToken < idList.length; idToken++) {
// Find cell(s) with this ID, add to header list
var idCellArray = cvox.TableUtil.getCellWithID(this.activeTable_,
for (var idCtr = 0; idCtr < idCellArray.length; idCtr++) {
if (idCellArray[idCtr].id == {
// Skip if the ID is the same as the current cell's ID
// Check if this list of candidate headers contains a
// shadowNode with an active cell with this ID already
var possibleHeaderNode =
if (! cvox.TableUtil.checkIfHeader(possibleHeaderNode.activeCell)) {
// This listed header cell will not be handled later.
// Determine whether this is a row or col header for
// the active table cell
var iDiff = Math.abs(possibleHeaderNode.i - currentShadowNode.i);
var jDiff = Math.abs(possibleHeaderNode.j - currentShadowNode.j);
if ((iDiff == 0) || (iDiff < jDiff)) {
} else {
// This is a column header
* Finds header cells from the 'aria-describedby' attribute of a given shadow
* node's active cell and classifies them in two ways:
* -- Identifies them for the entire table by adding them to
* this.tableRowHeaders and this.tableColHeaders.
* -- Identifies them for the shadow table node by adding them to the node's
* rowHeaderCells or colHeaderCells arrays.
* Please note that header cells found through the 'aria-describedby' attribute
* must have the role='rowheader' or role='columnheader' attributes in order to
* be considered header cells.
* @param {ShadowTableNode} currentShadowNode A shadow node with an active cell
* that has an 'aria-describedby' attribute.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.findAttrbDescribedBy_ =
function(currentShadowNode) {
var activeTableCell = currentShadowNode.activeCell;
var idList = activeTableCell.getAttribute('aria-describedby').split(' ');
for (var idToken = 0; idToken < idList.length; idToken++) {
// Find cell(s) with this ID, add to header list
var idCellArray = cvox.TableUtil.getCellWithID(this.activeTable_,
for (var idCtr = 0; idCtr < idCellArray.length; idCtr++) {
if (idCellArray[idCtr].id == {
// Skip if the ID is the same as the current cell's ID
// Check if this list of candidate headers contains a
// shadowNode with an active cell with this ID already
var possibleHeaderNode =
if (! cvox.TableUtil.checkIfHeader(possibleHeaderNode.activeCell)) {
// This listed header cell will not be handled later.
// Determine whether this is a row or col header for
// the active table cell
if (possibleHeaderNode.activeCell.hasAttribute('role') &&
(possibleHeaderNode.activeCell.getAttribute('role') ==
'rowheader')) {
} else if (possibleHeaderNode.activeCell.hasAttribute('role') &&
(possibleHeaderNode.activeCell.getAttribute('role') ==
'columnheader')) {
* Gets the current cell or null if there is no current cell.
* @return {?Node} The cell <TD> or <TH> or role='gridcell' node.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getCell = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor || !this.shadowTable_) {
return null;
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry && shadowEntry.activeCell;
* Gets the cell at the specified location.
* @param {Array.<number>} index The index <i, j> of the required cell.
* @return {?Node} The cell <TD> or <TH> or role='gridcell' node at the
* specified location. Null if that cell does not exist.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getCellAt = function(index) {
if (((index[0] < this.rowCount) && (index[0] >= 0)) &&
((index[1] < this.colCount) && (index[1] >= 0))) {
var shadowEntry = this.shadowTable_[index[0]][index[1]];
if (shadowEntry != null) {
return shadowEntry.activeCell;
return null;
* Gets the cells that are row headers of the current cell.
* @return {!Array} The cells that are row headers of the current cell. Empty if
* the current cell does not have row headers.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getCellRowHeaders = function() {
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry.rowHeaderCells;
* Gets the cells that are col headers of the current cell.
* @return {!Array} The cells that are col headers of the current cell. Empty if
* the current cell does not have col headers.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getCellColHeaders = function() {
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry.colHeaderCells;
* Whether or not the current cell is spanned by another cell.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the current cell is spanned by another cell.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.isSpanned = function() {
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry.spanned;
* Whether or not the current cell is a row header cell.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the current cell is a row header cell.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.isRowHeader = function() {
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry.isRowHeader;
* Whether or not the current cell is a col header cell.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the current cell is a col header cell.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.isColHeader = function() {
var shadowEntry =
return shadowEntry.isColHeader;
* Gets the active column, represented as an array of <TH> or <TD> nodes that
* make up a column. In this context, "active" means that this is the column
* that contains the cell the user is currently looking at.
* @return {Array} An array of <TH> or <TD> or role='gridcell' nodes.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getCol = function() {
var colArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.shadowTable_.length; i++) {
if (this.shadowTable_[i][this.currentCellCursor[1]]) {
var shadowEntry = this.shadowTable_[i][this.currentCellCursor[1]];
if (shadowEntry.colSpan && shadowEntry.rowSpan) {
// Look at the last element in the column cell aray.
var prev = colArray[colArray.length - 1];
if (prev !=
shadowEntry.activeCell) {
// Watch out for positions spanned by a cell with rowspan and
// colspan. We don't want the same cell showing up multiple times
// in per-column cell lists.
} else if ((shadowEntry.colSpan) || (!shadowEntry.rowSpan)) {
return colArray;
* Gets the active row <TR> node. In this context, "active" means that this is
* the row that contains the cell the user is currently looking at.
* @return {Node} The active row node.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getRow = function() {
var childRows = cvox.TableUtil.getChildRows(this.activeTable_);
return childRows[this.currentCellCursor[0]];
* Gets the table summary text.
* @return {?string} Either:
* 1) The table summary text
* 2) Null if the table does not contain a summary attribute.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.summaryText = function() {
// see
// for information why this is necessary
if (!this.activeTable_.hasAttribute('summary')) {
return null;
return this.activeTable_.getAttribute('summary');
* Gets the table caption text.
* @return {?string} Either:
* 1) The table caption text
* 2) Null if the table does not include a caption tag.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.captionText = function() {
// If there's more than one outer <caption> element, choose the first one.
var captionNodes = cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('caption\[1]',
if (captionNodes.length > 0) {
return captionNodes[0].innerHTML;
} else {
return null;
* Calculates the number of columns in the shadow table.
* @return {number} The number of columns in the shadow table.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.shadowColCount_ = function() {
// As the shadow table is a 2D array, the number of columns is the
// max number of elements in the second-level arrays.
var max = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.shadowTable_.length; i++) {
if (this.shadowTable_[i].length > max) {
max = this.shadowTable_[i].length;
return max;
* Calculates the number of rows in the table.
* @return {number} The number of rows in the table.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.countRows_ = function() {
// Number of rows in a table is equal to the number of TR elements contained
// by the (outer) TBODY elements.
var rowCount = cvox.TableUtil.getChildRows(this.activeTable_);
return rowCount.length;
* Calculates the number of columns in the table.
* This uses the W3C recommended algorithm for calculating number of
* columns, but it does not take rowspans or colspans into account. This means
* that the number of columns calculated here might be lower than the actual
* number of columns in the table if columns are indicated by colspans.
* @return {number} The number of columns in the table.
* @private
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.getW3CColCount_ = function() {
// See
var colgroupNodes = cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('child::colgroup',
var colNodes = cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('child::col', this.activeTable_);
if ((colgroupNodes.length == 0) && (colNodes.length == 0)) {
var maxcols = 0;
var outerChildren = cvox.TableUtil.getChildRows(this.activeTable_);
for (var i = 0; i < outerChildren.length; i++) {
var childrenCount = cvox.TableUtil.getChildCells(outerChildren[i]);
if (childrenCount.length > maxcols) {
maxcols = childrenCount.length;
return maxcols;
} else {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < colNodes.length; i++) {
if (colNodes[i].hasAttribute('span')) {
sum += colNodes[i].getAttribute('span');
} else {
sum += 1;
for (i = 0; i < colgroupNodes.length; i++) {
var colChildren = cvox.XpathUtil.evalXPath('child::col',
if (colChildren.length == 0) {
if (colgroupNodes[i].hasAttribute('span')) {
sum += colgroupNodes[i].getAttribute('span');
} else {
sum += 1;
return sum;
* Moves to the next row in the table. Updates the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the update has been made.
* 2) False if the end of the table has been reached and the update has not
* happened.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.nextRow = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor) {
// We have not started moving through the table yet
return this.goToRow(0);
} else {
return this.goToRow(this.currentCellCursor[0] + 1);
* Moves to the previous row in the table. Updates the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the update has been made.
* 2) False if the end of the table has been reached and the update has not
* happened.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.prevRow = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor) {
// We have not started moving through the table yet
return this.goToRow(this.rowCount - 1);
} else {
return this.goToRow(this.currentCellCursor[0] - 1);
* Moves to the next column in the table. Updates the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the update has been made.
* 2) False if the end of the table has been reached and the update has not
* happened.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.nextCol = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor) {
// We have not started moving through the table yet
return this.goToCol(0);
} else {
return this.goToCol(this.currentCellCursor[1] + 1);
* Moves to the previous column in the table. Updates the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the update has been made.
* 2) False if the end of the table has been reached and the update has not
* happened.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.prevCol = function() {
if (!this.currentCellCursor) {
// We have not started moving through the table yet
return this.goToCol(this.shadowColCount_() - 1);
} else {
return this.goToCol(this.currentCellCursor[1] - 1);
* Moves to the row at the specified index in the table. Updates the cell
* cursor.
* @param {number} index The index of the required row.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (either less than 0 or greater than
* the number of rows in the table).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToRow = function(index) {
if (this.shadowTable_[index] != null) {
if (this.currentCellCursor == null) {
// We haven't started moving through the table yet
this.currentCellCursor = [index, 0];
} else {
this.currentCellCursor = [index, this.currentCellCursor[1]];
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Moves to the column at the specified index in the table. Updates the cell
* cursor.
* @param {number} index The index of the required column.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (either less than 0 or greater than
* the number of rows in the table).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToCol = function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.colCount) {
return false;
if (this.currentCellCursor == null) {
// We haven't started moving through the table yet
this.currentCellCursor = [0, index];
} else {
this.currentCellCursor = [this.currentCellCursor[0], index];
return true;
* Moves to the cell at the specified index <i, j> in the table. Updates the
* cell cursor.
* @param {Array.<number>} index The index <i, j> of the required cell.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (either less than 0, greater than
* the number of rows or columns in the table, or there is no cell
* at that location).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToCell = function(index) {
if (((index[0] < this.rowCount) && (index[0] >= 0)) &&
((index[1] < this.colCount) && (index[1] >= 0))) {
var cell = this.shadowTable_[index[0]][index[1]];
if (cell != null) {
this.currentCellCursor = index;
return true;
return false;
* Moves to the cell at the last index in the table. Updates the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (there is no cell at that location).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToLastCell = function() {
var numRows = this.shadowTable_.length;
if (numRows == 0) {
return false;
var lastRow = this.shadowTable_[numRows - 1];
var lastIndex = [(numRows - 1), (lastRow.length - 1)];
var cell =
if (cell != null) {
this.currentCellCursor = lastIndex;
return true;
return false;
* Moves to the cell at the last index in the current row of the table. Update
* the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (there is no cell at that location).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToRowLastCell = function() {
var currentRow = this.currentCellCursor[0];
var lastIndex = [currentRow, (this.shadowTable_[currentRow].length - 1)];
var cell =
if (cell != null) {
this.currentCellCursor = lastIndex;
return true;
return false;
* Moves to the cell at the last index in the current column of the table.
* Update the cell cursor.
* @return {boolean} Either:
* 1) True if the index is valid and the update has been made.
* 2) False if the index is not valid (there is no cell at that location).
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.goToColLastCell = function() {
var currentCol = this.getCol();
var lastIndex = [(currentCol.length - 1), this.currentCellCursor[1]];
var cell =
if (cell != null) {
this.currentCellCursor = lastIndex;
return true;
return false;
* Resets the table cursors.
cvox.TraverseTable.prototype.resetCursor = function() {
this.currentCellCursor = null;