blob: e4ca2805243c6edb7f02830ae28bd808256ef6df [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Dispatches the instrumentation tests."""
import logging
import os
from pylib import android_commands
from pylib import constants
from pylib.base import base_test_result
from pylib.base import shard
from pylib.utils import report_results
import test_package
import test_runner
def Dispatch(options):
"""Dispatches instrumentation tests onto connected device(s).
If possible, this method will attempt to shard the tests to
all connected devices. Otherwise, dispatch and run tests on one device.
options: Command line options.
A tuple of (base_test_result.TestRunResults object, exit code).
Exception: when there are no attached devices.
test_pkg = test_package.TestPackage(options.test_apk_path,
tests = test_pkg._GetAllMatchingTests(
options.annotations, options.exclude_annotations, options.test_filter)
if not tests:
logging.error('No instrumentation tests to run with current args.')
return (base_test_result.TestRunResults(), constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE)
attached_devices = android_commands.GetAttachedDevices()
if not attached_devices:
raise Exception('There are no devices online.')
if options.test_device:
assert options.test_device in attached_devices
attached_devices = [options.test_device]
if len(attached_devices) > 1 and options.wait_for_debugger:
logging.warning('Debugger can not be sharded, using first available device')
attached_devices = attached_devices[:1]
def TestRunnerFactory(device, shard_index):
return test_runner.TestRunner(
options, device, shard_index, test_pkg, [])
return shard.ShardAndRunTests(TestRunnerFactory, attached_devices, tests,