blob: 73ed92cfb8d2d3a50424f74adcc8f872752bbf54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for appInfo objects.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option retain_unknown_fields = true;
package sync_pb;
import "synced_notification_render.proto";
message SyncedNotificationAppInfoSpecifics {
// Information of the list of apps we know about.
// NOTE: This may not be the comprehensive list of apps that send
// notifications. At best, it will contain all the first party apps and
// paging support is not needed.
// This is a static list sent from the server that is read only on the client.
repeated SyncedNotificationAppInfo synced_notification_app_info = 1;
message SyncedNotificationAppInfo {
// The application ID (the subservice within the sending service).
repeated string app_id = 1;
// The name to use in the settings screen for this app.
// Use app_name field instead.
optional string settings_display_name = 2 [deprecated = true];
// This field is deprecated. Use the app_icon field instead.
optional SyncedNotificationImage icon = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional string app_name = 4;
optional string settings_url = 5;
optional string info_url = 6;
message Icon {
enum Type {
GRAYSCALE_FAVICON_1X = 1; // Grayscale 16x16 px icon.
GRAYSCALE_FAVICON_2X = 2; // Grayscale 32x32 px icon.
COLOR_FAVICON_1X = 3; // Color 16x16 px icon.
COLOR_FAVICON_2X = 4; // Color 32x32 px icon.
COLOR_APPICON_1X = 5; // Color 80x80 px icon.
COLOR_APPICON_2X = 6; // Color 160x160 px icon.
optional Type type = 1;
optional string url = 2;
// A repeated set of icons of different resolutions and types.
repeated Icon app_icon = 7;