blob: 7947efb892b163eb908c95793ef9e43c80389131 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser.h"
#include "media/filters/chunk_demuxer.h"
namespace media {
// Helper class to capture per-track details needed by a frame processor. Some
// of this information may be duplicated in the short-term in the associated
// ChunkDemuxerStream and SourceBufferStream for a track.
// This parallels the MSE spec each of a SourceBuffer's Track Buffers at
class MseTrackBuffer {
explicit MseTrackBuffer(ChunkDemuxerStream* stream);
// Get/set |last_decode_timestamp_|.
base::TimeDelta last_decode_timestamp() const {
return last_decode_timestamp_;
void set_last_decode_timestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
last_decode_timestamp_ = timestamp;
// Get/set |last_frame_duration_|.
base::TimeDelta last_frame_duration() const {
return last_frame_duration_;
void set_last_frame_duration(base::TimeDelta duration) {
last_frame_duration_ = duration;
// Gets |highest_presentation_timestamp_|.
base::TimeDelta highest_presentation_timestamp() const {
return highest_presentation_timestamp_;
// Get/set |needs_random_access_point_|.
bool needs_random_access_point() const {
return needs_random_access_point_;
void set_needs_random_access_point(bool needs_random_access_point) {
needs_random_access_point_ = needs_random_access_point;
// Gets a pointer to this track's ChunkDemuxerStream.
ChunkDemuxerStream* stream() const { return stream_; }
// Unsets |last_decode_timestamp_|, unsets |last_frame_duration_|,
// unsets |highest_presentation_timestamp_|, and sets
// |needs_random_access_point_| to true.
void Reset();
// If |highest_presentation_timestamp_| is unset or |timestamp| is greater
// than |highest_presentation_timestamp_|, sets
// |highest_presentation_timestamp_| to |timestamp|. Note that bidirectional
// prediction between coded frames can cause |timestamp| to not be
// monotonically increasing even though the decode timestamps are
// monotonically increasing.
void SetHighestPresentationTimestampIfIncreased(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// The decode timestamp of the last coded frame appended in the current coded
// frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning "unset".
base::TimeDelta last_decode_timestamp_;
// The coded frame duration of the last coded frame appended in the current
// coded frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning "unset".
base::TimeDelta last_frame_duration_;
// The highest presentation timestamp encountered in a coded frame appended
// in the current coded frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning
// "unset".
base::TimeDelta highest_presentation_timestamp_;
// Keeps track of whether the track buffer is waiting for a random access
// point coded frame. Initially set to true to indicate that a random access
// point coded frame is needed before anything can be added to the track
// buffer.
bool needs_random_access_point_;
// Pointer to the stream associated with this track. The stream is not owned
// by |this|.
ChunkDemuxerStream* const stream_;
// Abstract interface for helper class implementation of Media Source
// Extension's coded frame processing algorithm.
// TODO(wolenetz): Once the new FrameProcessor implementation stabilizes, remove
// LegacyFrameProcessor and fold this interface into FrameProcessor. See
class MEDIA_EXPORT FrameProcessorBase {
// TODO(wolenetz/acolwell): Ensure that all TrackIds are coherent and unique
// for each track buffer. For now, special track identifiers are used for each
// of audio and video here, and text TrackIds are assumed to be non-negative.
// See
enum {
kAudioTrackId = -2,
kVideoTrackId = -3
virtual ~FrameProcessorBase();
// Get/set the current append mode, which if true means "sequence" and if
// false means "segments".
// See
bool sequence_mode() { return sequence_mode_; }
virtual void SetSequenceMode(bool sequence_mode) = 0;
// Processes buffers in |audio_buffers|, |video_buffers|, and |text_map|.
// Returns true on success or false on failure which indicates decode error.
// |append_window_start| and |append_window_end| correspond to the MSE spec's
// similarly named source buffer attributes that are used in coded frame
// processing.
// |*new_media_segment| tracks whether the next buffers processed within the
// append window represent the start of a new media segment. This method may
// both use and update this flag.
// Uses |*timestamp_offset| according to the coded frame processing algorithm,
// including updating it as required in 'sequence' mode frame processing.
virtual bool ProcessFrames(const StreamParser::BufferQueue& audio_buffers,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& video_buffers,
const StreamParser::TextBufferQueueMap& text_map,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
bool* new_media_segment,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset) = 0;
// Signals the frame processor to update its group start timestamp to be
// |timestamp_offset| if it is in sequence append mode.
void SetGroupStartTimestampIfInSequenceMode(base::TimeDelta timestamp_offset);
// Adds a new track with unique track ID |id|.
// If |id| has previously been added, returns false to indicate error.
// Otherwise, returns true, indicating future ProcessFrames() will emit
// frames for the track |id| to |stream|.
bool AddTrack(StreamParser::TrackId id, ChunkDemuxerStream* stream);
// Updates the internal mapping of TrackId to track buffer for the track
// buffer formerly associated with |old_id| to be associated with |new_id|.
// Returns false to indicate failure due to either no existing track buffer
// for |old_id| or collision with previous track buffer already mapped to
// |new_id|. Otherwise returns true.
bool UpdateTrack(StreamParser::TrackId old_id, StreamParser::TrackId new_id);
// Sets the need random access point flag on all track buffers to true.
void SetAllTrackBuffersNeedRandomAccessPoint();
// Resets state for the coded frame processing algorithm as described in steps
// 2-5 of the MSE Reset Parser State algorithm described at
void Reset();
// Must be called when the audio config is updated. Used to manage when
// the preroll buffer is cleared and the allowed "fudge" factor between
// preroll buffers.
void OnPossibleAudioConfigUpdate(const AudioDecoderConfig& config);
typedef std::map<StreamParser::TrackId, MseTrackBuffer*> TrackBufferMap;
// If |track_buffers_| contains |id|, returns a pointer to the associated
// MseTrackBuffer. Otherwise, returns NULL.
MseTrackBuffer* FindTrack(StreamParser::TrackId id);
// Signals all track buffers' streams that a new media segment is starting
// with timestamp |segment_timestamp|.
void NotifyNewMediaSegmentStarting(base::TimeDelta segment_timestamp);
// Handles partial append window trimming of |buffer|. Returns true if the
// given |buffer| can be partially trimmed or have preroll added; otherwise,
// returns false.
// If |buffer| overlaps |append_window_start|, the portion of |buffer| before
// |append_window_start| will be marked for post-decode discard. Further, if
// |audio_preroll_buffer_| exists and abuts |buffer|, it will be set as
// preroll on |buffer| and |audio_preroll_buffer_| will be cleared. If the
// preroll buffer does not abut |buffer|, it will be discarded, but not used.
// If |buffer| lies entirely before |append_window_start|, and thus would
// normally be discarded, |audio_preroll_buffer_| will be set to |buffer| and
// the method will return false.
bool HandlePartialAppendWindowTrimming(
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer);
// The AppendMode of the associated SourceBuffer.
// See SetSequenceMode() for interpretation of |sequence_mode_|.
// Per
// Controls how a sequence of media segments are handled. This is initially
// set to false ("segments").
bool sequence_mode_;
// TrackId-indexed map of each track's stream.
TrackBufferMap track_buffers_;
// Tracks the MSE coded frame processing variable of same name.
// Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning "unset".
// Note: LegacyFrameProcessor does not use this member; it's here to reduce
// short-term plumbing of SetGroupStartTimestampIfInSequenceMode() until
// LegacyFrameProcessor is removed.
base::TimeDelta group_start_timestamp_;
// The last audio buffer seen by the frame processor that was removed because
// it was entirely before the start of the append window.
scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer> audio_preroll_buffer_;
// The AudioDecoderConfig associated with buffers handed to ProcessFrames().
AudioDecoderConfig current_audio_config_;
base::TimeDelta sample_duration_;
} // namespace media