blob: 4edc475256855453962a80c55fd70e6db823c5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/cros_disks_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace disks {
// Condition of mounted filesystem.
enum MountCondition {
// This class handles the interaction with cros-disks.
// Other classes can add themselves as observers.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT DiskMountManager {
// Event types passed to the observers.
enum DiskEvent {
enum DeviceEvent {
enum MountEvent {
enum FormatEvent {
// Used to house an instance of each found mount device.
class Disk {
Disk(const std::string& device_path,
const std::string& mount_path,
const std::string& system_path,
const std::string& file_path,
const std::string& device_label,
const std::string& drive_label,
const std::string& vendor_id,
const std::string& vendor_name,
const std::string& product_id,
const std::string& product_name,
const std::string& fs_uuid,
const std::string& system_path_prefix,
DeviceType device_type,
uint64 total_size_in_bytes,
bool is_parent,
bool is_read_only,
bool has_media,
bool on_boot_device,
bool is_hidden);
// The path of the device, used by devicekit-disks.
// (e.g. /sys/devices/pci0000:00/.../8:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1)
const std::string& device_path() const { return device_path_; }
// The path to the mount point of this device. Will be empty if not mounted.
// (e.g. /media/removable/VOLUME)
const std::string& mount_path() const { return mount_path_; }
// The path of the device according to the udev system.
// (e.g. /sys/devices/pci0000:00/.../8:0:0:0/block/sdb/sdb1)
const std::string& system_path() const { return system_path_; }
// The path of the device according to filesystem.
// (e.g. /dev/sdb)
const std::string& file_path() const { return file_path_; }
// Device's label.
const std::string& device_label() const { return device_label_; }
// If disk is a parent, then its label, else parents label.
// (e.g. "TransMemory")
const std::string& drive_label() const { return drive_label_; }
// Vendor ID of the device (e.g. "18d1").
const std::string& vendor_id() const { return vendor_id_; }
// Vendor name of the device (e.g. "Google Inc.").
const std::string& vendor_name() const { return vendor_name_; }
// Product ID of the device (e.g. "4e11").
const std::string& product_id() const { return product_id_; }
// Product name of the device (e.g. "Nexus One").
const std::string& product_name() const { return product_name_; }
// Returns the file system uuid string.
const std::string& fs_uuid() const { return fs_uuid_; }
// Path of the system device this device's block is a part of.
// (e.g. /sys/devices/pci0000:00/.../8:0:0:0/)
const std::string& system_path_prefix() const {
return system_path_prefix_;
// Device type.
DeviceType device_type() const { return device_type_; }
// Total size of the device in bytes.
uint64 total_size_in_bytes() const { return total_size_in_bytes_; }
// Is the device is a parent device (i.e. sdb rather than sdb1).
bool is_parent() const { return is_parent_; }
// Is the device read only.
bool is_read_only() const { return is_read_only_; }
// Does the device contains media.
bool has_media() const { return has_media_; }
// Is the device on the boot device.
bool on_boot_device() const { return on_boot_device_; }
// Shoud the device be shown in the UI, or automounted.
bool is_hidden() const { return is_hidden_; }
void set_mount_path(const std::string& mount_path) {
mount_path_ = mount_path;
void clear_mount_path() { mount_path_.clear(); }
std::string device_path_;
std::string mount_path_;
std::string system_path_;
std::string file_path_;
std::string device_label_;
std::string drive_label_;
std::string vendor_id_;
std::string vendor_name_;
std::string product_id_;
std::string product_name_;
std::string fs_uuid_;
std::string system_path_prefix_;
DeviceType device_type_;
uint64 total_size_in_bytes_;
bool is_parent_;
bool is_read_only_;
bool has_media_;
bool on_boot_device_;
bool is_hidden_;
typedef std::map<std::string, Disk*> DiskMap;
// A struct to store information about mount point.
struct MountPointInfo {
// Device's path.
std::string source_path;
// Mounted path.
std::string mount_path;
// Type of mount.
MountType mount_type;
// Condition of mount.
MountCondition mount_condition;
MountPointInfo(const std::string& source,
const std::string& mount,
const MountType type,
MountCondition condition)
: source_path(source),
mount_condition(condition) {
// MountPointMap key is mount_path.
typedef std::map<std::string, MountPointInfo> MountPointMap;
// A callback function type which is called after UnmountDeviceRecursively
// finishes.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackType;
// A callback type for UnmountPath method.
typedef base::Callback<void(MountError error_code)> UnmountPathCallback;
// Implement this interface to be notified about disk/mount related events.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Called when disk mount status is changed.
virtual void OnDiskEvent(DiskEvent event, const Disk* disk) = 0;
// Called when device status is changed.
virtual void OnDeviceEvent(DeviceEvent event,
const std::string& device_path) = 0;
// Called after a mount point has been mounted or unmounted.
virtual void OnMountEvent(MountEvent event,
MountError error_code,
const MountPointInfo& mount_info) = 0;
// Called on format process events.
virtual void OnFormatEvent(FormatEvent event,
FormatError error_code,
const std::string& device_path) = 0;
virtual ~DiskMountManager() {}
// Adds an observer.
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Removes an observer.
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Gets the list of disks found.
virtual const DiskMap& disks() const = 0;
// Returns Disk object corresponding to |source_path| or NULL on failure.
virtual const Disk* FindDiskBySourcePath(
const std::string& source_path) const = 0;
// Gets the list of mount points.
virtual const MountPointMap& mount_points() const = 0;
// Requests refreshing all the information about mounted disks.
virtual void RequestMountInfoRefresh() = 0;
// Mounts a device.
// Note that the mount operation may fail. To find out the result, one should
// observe DiskMountManager for |Observer::OnMountEvent| event, which will be
// raised upon the mount operation completion.
virtual void MountPath(const std::string& source_path,
const std::string& source_format,
const std::string& mount_label,
MountType type) = 0;
// Unmounts a mounted disk.
// |UnmountOptions| enum defined in chromeos/dbus/cros_disks_client.h.
// When the method is complete, |callback| will be called and observers'
// |OnMountEvent| will be raised.
// |callback| may be empty, in which case it gets ignored.
virtual void UnmountPath(const std::string& mount_path,
UnmountOptions options,
const UnmountPathCallback& callback) = 0;
// Formats Device given its mount path. Unmounts the device.
// Example: mount_path: /media/VOLUME_LABEL
virtual void FormatMountedDevice(const std::string& mount_path) = 0;
// Unmounts device_path and all of its known children.
virtual void UnmountDeviceRecursively(
const std::string& device_path,
const UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackType& callback) = 0;
// Used in tests to initialize the manager's disk and mount point sets.
// Default implementation does noting. It just fails.
virtual bool AddDiskForTest(Disk* disk);
virtual bool AddMountPointForTest(const MountPointInfo& mount_point);
// Returns corresponding string to |type| like "unknown_filesystem".
static std::string MountConditionToString(MountCondition type);
// Returns corresponding string to |type|, like "sd", "usb".
static std::string DeviceTypeToString(DeviceType type);
// Creates the global DiskMountManager instance.
static void Initialize();
// Similar to Initialize(), but can inject an alternative
// DiskMountManager such as MockDiskMountManager for testing.
// The injected object will be owned by the internal pointer and deleted
// by Shutdown().
static void InitializeForTesting(DiskMountManager* disk_mount_manager);
// Destroys the global DiskMountManager instance if it exists.
static void Shutdown();
// Returns a pointer to the global DiskMountManager instance.
// Initialize() should already have been called.
static DiskMountManager* GetInstance();
} // namespace disks
} // namespace chromeos