blob: 2bb54563775f844314dc8a5c28ef6093138df431 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import sys
from lib.policy import PolicySet
from lib.subcommand import SubCommand
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('dmprof')
class ExpandCommand(SubCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(ExpandCommand, self).__init__(
'Usage: %prog expand <dump> <policy> <component> <depth>')
self._parser.add_option('--alternative-dirs', dest='alternative_dirs',
help='Read files in /path/on/host/ instead of '
'files in /path/on/target/.')
def do(self, sys_argv):
options, args = self._parse_args(sys_argv, 4)
dump_path = args[1]
target_policy = args[2]
component_name = args[3]
depth = args[4]
alternative_dirs_dict = {}
policy_set = PolicySet.load(SubCommand._parse_policy_list(target_policy))
if not policy_set[target_policy].find_rule(component_name):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Component %s not found in policy %s\n"
% (component_name, target_policy))
return 1
if options.alternative_dirs:
for alternative_dir_pair in options.alternative_dirs.split(':'):
target_path, host_path = alternative_dir_pair.split('@', 1)
alternative_dirs_dict[target_path] = host_path
(bucket_set, dump) = SubCommand.load_basic_files(
dump_path, False, alternative_dirs=alternative_dirs_dict)
ExpandCommand._output(dump, policy_set[target_policy], bucket_set,
component_name, int(depth), sys.stdout)
return 0
def _output(dump, policy, bucket_set, component_name, depth, out):
"""Prints all stacktraces in a given component of given depth.
dump: A Dump object.
policy: A Policy object.
bucket_set: A BucketSet object.
component_name: A name of component for filtering.
depth: An integer representing depth to be printed.
out: An IO object to output.
sizes = {}
dump, policy, bucket_set, component_name, depth, sizes)
sorted_sizes_list = sorted(
sizes.iteritems(), key=(lambda x: x[1]), reverse=True)
total = 0
# TODO(dmikurube): Better formatting.
for size_pair in sorted_sizes_list:
out.write('%10d %s\n' % (size_pair[1], size_pair[0]))
total += size_pair[1]'total: %d\n' % total)
def _add_size(precedence, bucket, depth, committed, sizes):
stacktrace_sequence = precedence
for function, sourcefile in zip(
0 : min(len(bucket.symbolized_stackfunction), 1 + depth)],
0 : min(len(bucket.symbolized_stacksourcefile), 1 + depth)]):
stacktrace_sequence += '%s(@%s) ' % (function, sourcefile)
if not stacktrace_sequence in sizes:
sizes[stacktrace_sequence] = 0
sizes[stacktrace_sequence] += committed
def _accumulate(dump, policy, bucket_set, component_name, depth, sizes):
rule = policy.find_rule(component_name)
if not rule:
elif rule.allocator_type == 'malloc':
for bucket_id, _, committed, allocs, frees in dump.iter_stacktrace:
bucket = bucket_set.get(bucket_id)
if not bucket or bucket.allocator_type == 'malloc':
component_match = policy.find_malloc(bucket)
elif bucket.allocator_type == 'mmap':
assert False
if component_match == component_name:
precedence = ''
precedence += '(alloc=%d) ' % allocs
precedence += '(free=%d) ' % frees
if bucket.typeinfo:
precedence += '(type=%s) ' % bucket.symbolized_typeinfo
precedence += '( ' % bucket.typeinfo_name
ExpandCommand._add_size(precedence, bucket, depth, committed, sizes)
elif rule.allocator_type == 'mmap':
for _, region in dump.iter_map:
if region[0] != 'hooked':
component_match, bucket = policy.find_mmap(region, bucket_set)
if component_match == component_name:
ExpandCommand._add_size('', bucket, depth,
region[1]['committed'], sizes)