blob: aa0b9f6e9f80adbce7de9d58e8a79eb5dc667c5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
namespace net {
struct NET_EXPORT SHA1HashValue {
bool Equals(const SHA1HashValue& other) const;
unsigned char data[20];
struct NET_EXPORT SHA256HashValue {
bool Equals(const SHA256HashValue& other) const;
unsigned char data[32];
enum HashValueTag {
// This must always be last.
class NET_EXPORT HashValue {
explicit HashValue(HashValueTag tag) : tag(tag) {}
HashValue() : tag(HASH_VALUE_SHA1) {}
// Check for equality of hash values
// This function may have VARIABLE timing which leaks information
// about its inputs. For example it may exit early once a
// nonequal character is discovered. Thus, for security reasons
// this function MUST NOT be used with secret values (such as
// password hashes, MAC tags, etc.)
bool Equals(const HashValue& other) const;
// Serializes/Deserializes hashes in the form of
// <hash-name>"/"<base64-hash-value>
// (eg: "sha1/...")
// This format may be persisted to permanent storage, so
// care should be taken before changing the serialization.
// This format is used for:
// - net_internals display/setting public-key pins
// - logging public-key pins
// - serializing public-key pins
// Deserializes a HashValue from a string. On error, returns
// false and MAY change the contents of HashValue to contain invalid data.
bool FromString(const base::StringPiece input);
// Serializes the HashValue to a string. If an invalid HashValue
// is supplied (eg: an unknown hash tag), returns "unknown"/<base64>
std::string ToString() const;
size_t size() const;
unsigned char* data();
const unsigned char* data() const;
HashValueTag tag;
union {
SHA1HashValue sha1;
SHA256HashValue sha256;
} fingerprint;
typedef std::vector<HashValue> HashValueVector;
class SHA1HashValueLessThan {
bool operator()(const SHA1HashValue& lhs,
const SHA1HashValue& rhs) const {
return memcmp(,, sizeof( < 0;
class SHA256HashValueLessThan {
bool operator()(const SHA256HashValue& lhs,
const SHA256HashValue& rhs) const {
return memcmp(,, sizeof( < 0;
class HashValuesEqual {
explicit HashValuesEqual(const HashValue& fingerprint) :
fingerprint_(fingerprint) {}
bool operator()(const HashValue& other) const {
return fingerprint_.Equals(other);
const HashValue& fingerprint_;
// IsSHA1HashInSortedArray returns true iff |hash| is in |array|, a sorted
// array of SHA1 hashes.
bool IsSHA1HashInSortedArray(const SHA1HashValue& hash,
const uint8* array,
size_t array_byte_len);
} // namespace net