blob: 8e8b5e071521896dfc2e0ef953ef1f1e02125165 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/audio_block_fifo.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
class AudioBlockFifoTest : public testing::Test {
AudioBlockFifoTest() {}
virtual ~AudioBlockFifoTest() {}
void PushAndVerify(AudioBlockFifo* fifo, int frames_to_push,
int channels, int block_frames, int max_frames) {
const int bytes_per_sample = 2;
const int data_byte_size = bytes_per_sample * channels * frames_to_push;
scoped_ptr<uint8[]> data(new uint8[data_byte_size]);
memset(data.get(), 0, data_byte_size);
for (int filled_frames = max_frames - fifo->GetUnfilledFrames();
filled_frames + frames_to_push <= max_frames;) {
fifo->Push(data.get(), frames_to_push, bytes_per_sample);
filled_frames += frames_to_push;
EXPECT_EQ(max_frames - filled_frames, fifo->GetUnfilledFrames());
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int>(filled_frames / block_frames),
// Verify that construction works as intended.
TEST_F(AudioBlockFifoTest, Construct) {
const int channels = 6;
const int frames = 128;
const int blocks = 4;
AudioBlockFifo fifo(channels, frames, blocks);
EXPECT_EQ(0, fifo.available_blocks());
EXPECT_EQ(frames * blocks, fifo.GetUnfilledFrames());
// Pushes audio bus objects to/from a FIFO up to different degrees.
TEST_F(AudioBlockFifoTest, Push) {
const int channels = 2;
const int frames = 128;
const int blocks = 2;
AudioBlockFifo fifo(channels, frames, blocks);
// Push frames / 2 of data until FIFO is full.
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames / 2, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
// Push frames of data until FIFO is full.
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
// Push 1.5 * frames of data.
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames * 1.5, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
// Perform a sequence of Push/Consume calls to different degrees, and verify
// things are correct.
TEST_F(AudioBlockFifoTest, PushAndConsume) {
const int channels = 2;
const int frames = 441;
const int blocks = 4;
AudioBlockFifo fifo(channels, frames, blocks);
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == blocks);
// Consume 1 block of data.
const AudioBus* bus = fifo.Consume();
EXPECT_TRUE(channels == bus->channels());
EXPECT_TRUE(frames == bus->frames());
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == (blocks - 1));
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == frames);
// Fill it up again.
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == blocks);
// Consume all blocks of data.
for (int i = 1; i <= blocks; ++i) {
const AudioBus* bus = fifo.Consume();
EXPECT_TRUE(channels == bus->channels());
EXPECT_TRUE(frames == bus->frames());
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == frames * i);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == (blocks - i));
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == 0);
int new_push_frames = 128;
// Change the input frame and try to fill up the FIFO.
PushAndVerify(&fifo, new_push_frames, channels, frames,
frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() != 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == blocks -1);
// Consume all the existing filled blocks of data.
while (fifo.available_blocks()) {
const AudioBus* bus = fifo.Consume();
EXPECT_TRUE(channels == bus->channels());
EXPECT_TRUE(frames == bus->frames());
// Since one block of FIFO has not been completely filled up, there should
// be remaining frames.
const int number_of_push =
static_cast<int>(frames * blocks / new_push_frames);
const int remain_frames = frames * blocks - fifo.GetUnfilledFrames();
EXPECT_EQ(number_of_push * new_push_frames - frames * (blocks - 1),
// Completely fill up the buffer again.
new_push_frames = frames * blocks - remain_frames;
PushAndVerify(&fifo, new_push_frames, channels, frames,
frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == blocks);
// Perform a sequence of Push/Consume calls to a 1 block FIFO.
TEST_F(AudioBlockFifoTest, PushAndConsumeOneBlockFifo) {
static const int channels = 2;
static const int frames = 441;
static const int blocks = 1;
AudioBlockFifo fifo(channels, frames, blocks);
PushAndVerify(&fifo, frames, channels, frames, frames * blocks);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == blocks);
// Consume 1 block of data.
const AudioBus* bus = fifo.Consume();
EXPECT_TRUE(channels == bus->channels());
EXPECT_TRUE(frames == bus->frames());
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.available_blocks() == 0);
EXPECT_TRUE(fifo.GetUnfilledFrames() == frames);
} // namespace media