blob: 0778b7fcc0a4682734ecdbf619971fb78bdad261 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Maps policy names to the root node that they affect.
var policyToNodeId = {
'Bookmarks Bar': '1',
'Other Bookmarks': '2'
* A function that fixes a URL. Turns e.g. "" into
* "". This is used to correctly match against the
* canonicalized URLs stored in bookmarks created with the bookmarks API.
var fixURL = (function() {
// An "a" element is used to parse the given URL and build the fixed version.
var a = document.createElement('a');
return function(url) {
// Preserve null, undefined, etc.
if (!url)
return url;
a.href = url;
// Handle cases like "", which will be relative to the extension.
if (a.protocol === 'chrome-extension:' &&
url.substr(0, 17) !== 'chrome-extension:') {
a.href = 'http://' + url;
return a.href;
* A CallbackChain can be used to wrap other callbacks and perform a list of
* actions at the end, once all the wrapped callbacks have been invoked.
var CallbackChain = function() {
this._count = 0;
this._callbacks = [];
CallbackChain.prototype.push = function(callback) {
CallbackChain.prototype.wrap = function(callback) {
var self = this;
return function() {
if (callback)
callback.apply(null, arguments);
if (self._count == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < self._callbacks.length; ++i)
* Represents a managed bookmark.
var Node = function(nodesMap, id, title, url) {
this._nodesMap = nodesMap;
this._id = id;
this._title = title;
if (url !== undefined)
this._url = url;
this._children = [];
if (id)
this._nodesMap[id] = this;
Node.prototype.isRoot = function() {
return this._id in [ '0', '1', '2' ];
Node.prototype.getIndex = function() {
return this._nodesMap[this._parentId]._children.indexOf(this);
Node.prototype.appendChild = function(node) {
node._parentId = this._id;
Node.prototype.droppedFromParent = function() {
// Remove |this| and its children from the |nodesMap|.
var nodesMap = this._nodesMap;
var removeFromNodesMap = function(node) {
delete nodesMap[node._id];
(node._children || []).forEach(removeFromNodesMap);
if (this._children)
Node.prototype.matches = function(bookmark) {
return this._title === bookmark.title &&
this._url === bookmark.url &&
typeof this._children === typeof bookmark.children;
* Makes this node's children match |wantedChildren|.
Node.prototype.updateChildren = function(wantedChildren, callbackChain) {
// Rebuild the list of children to match |wantedChildren|.
var currentChildren = this._children;
this._children = [];
for (var i = 0; i < wantedChildren.length; ++i) {
var currentChild = currentChildren[i];
var wantedChild = wantedChildren[i];
wantedChild.url = fixURL(wantedChild.url);
if (currentChild && currentChild.matches(wantedChild)) {
if (wantedChild.children)
currentChild.updateChildren(wantedChild.children, callbackChain);
} else {
// This child is either missing, invalid or misplaced; drop it and
// generate it again. Note that the actual dropping is delayed so that
// bookmarks.onRemoved is triggered after the changes have been persisted.
if (currentChild)
// The "id" comes with the callback from bookmarks.create() but the Node
// is created now so that the child is placed at the right position.
var newChild = new Node(
this._nodesMap, undefined, wantedChild.title, wantedChild.url);
'parentId': this._id,
'title': newChild._title,
'url': newChild._url,
'index': i
}, callbackChain.wrap((function(wantedChild, newChild, createdNode) {
newChild._id =;
newChild._nodesMap[newChild._id] = newChild;
if (wantedChild.children)
newChild.updateChildren(wantedChild.children, callbackChain);
}).bind(null, wantedChild, newChild)));
// Drop all additional bookmarks past the end that are not wanted anymore.
if (currentChildren.length > wantedChildren.length) {
var chainCounter = callbackChain.wrap();
currentChildren.slice(wantedChildren.length).forEach(function(child) {
// This wrapped nop makes sure that the callbacks appended to the chain
// execute if nothing else was wrapped.
* Creates new nodes in the bookmark model to represent this Node and its
* children.
Node.prototype.regenerate = function(parentId, index, callbackChain) {
var self = this;
'parentId': parentId,
'title': self._title,
'url': self._url,
'index': index
}, callbackChain.wrap(function(newNode) {
delete self._nodesMap[self._id];
self._id =;
self._parentId = newNode.parentId;
self._nodesMap[self._id] = self;
(self._children || []).forEach(function(child, i) {
child.regenerate(self._id, i, callbackChain);
* Moves this node to the correct position in the model.
* |currentParentId| and |currentIndex| indicate the current position in
* the model, which may not match the expected position.
Node.prototype.moveInModel = function(currentParentId, currentIndex, callback) {
var index = this.getIndex();
if (currentParentId == this._parentId) {
if (index == currentIndex) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (index > currentIndex) {
// A bookmark moved is inserted at the new position before it is removed
// from the previous position. So when moving forward in the same parent,
// the index must be adjusted by one from the desired index.
chrome.bookmarks.move(this._id, {
'parentId': this._parentId,
'index': index
}, callback);
* Moves any misplaced child nodes into their expected positions.
Node.prototype.reorderChildren = function() {
var self = this;
chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(self._id, function(currentOrder) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentOrder.length; ++i) {
var node = currentOrder[i];
var child = self._nodesMap[];
if (child && child.getIndex() != i) {
// Check again after moving this child.
node.parentId, node.index, self.reorderChildren.bind(self));
var serializeNode = function(node) {
var result = {
'id': node._id,
'title': node._title
if (node._url)
result['url'] = node._url;
result['children'] =;
return result;
var unserializeNode = function(nodesMap, node) {
var result = new Node(nodesMap, node['id'], node['title'], node['url']);
if (node.children) {
node.children.forEach(function(child) {
result.appendChild(unserializeNode(nodesMap, child));
return result;
* Tracks all the managed bookmarks, and persists the known state so that
* managed bookmarks can be updated after restarts.
var ManagedBookmarkTree = function() {
// Maps a string id to its Node. Used to lookup an entry by ID.
this._nodesMap = {};
this._root = new Node(this._nodesMap, '0', '');
this._root.appendChild(new Node(this._nodesMap, '1', 'Bookmarks Bar'));
this._root.appendChild(new Node(this._nodesMap, '2', 'Other Bookmarks'));
} = function() {{
'ManagedBookmarkTree': serializeNode(this._root)
ManagedBookmarkTree.prototype.load = function(callback) {
var self = this;'ManagedBookmarkTree', function(result) {
if (result.hasOwnProperty('ManagedBookmarkTree')) {
self._nodesMap = {};
self._root = unserializeNode(self._nodesMap,
ManagedBookmarkTree.prototype.getById = function(id) {
return this._nodesMap[id];
ManagedBookmarkTree.prototype.update = function(rootNodeId, currentPolicy) {
// Note that the |callbackChain| is only invoked if a callback is wrapped,
// otherwise its callbacks are never invoked. So store() is called only if
// bookmarks.create() is actually used.
var callbackChain = new CallbackChain();
this._nodesMap[rootNodeId].updateChildren(currentPolicy || [], callbackChain);
var tree = new ManagedBookmarkTree();
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {
// Enforce the initial policy.
// This load() should be empty on the first install, but is useful during
// development to handle reloads.
tree.load(function() { {
Object.keys(policyToNodeId).forEach(function(policyName) {
tree.update(policyToNodeId[policyName], policy[policyName]);
// Start observing policy changes. The tree is reloaded since this may be
// called back while the page was inactive., namespace) {
if (namespace !== 'managed')
tree.load(function() {
Object.keys(changes).forEach(function(policyName) {
tree.update(policyToNodeId[policyName], changes[policyName].newValue);
// Observe bookmark modifications and revert any modifications made to managed
// bookmarks. The tree is always reloaded in case the events happened while the
// page was inactive.
chrome.bookmarks.onMoved.addListener(function(id, info) {
tree.load(function() {
var managedNode = tree.getById(id);
if (managedNode && !managedNode.isRoot()) {
managedNode.moveInModel(info.parentId, info.index, function(){});
} else {
// Check if the parent node has managed children that need to move.
// Example: moving a non-managed bookmark in front of the managed
// bookmarks.
var parentNode = tree.getById(info.parentId);
if (parentNode)
chrome.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(function(id, info) {
tree.load(function() {
var managedNode = tree.getById(id);
if (!managedNode || managedNode.isRoot())
chrome.bookmarks.update(id, {
'title': managedNode._title,
'url': managedNode._url
chrome.bookmarks.onRemoved.addListener(function(id, info) {
tree.load(function() {
var managedNode = tree.getById(id);
if (!managedNode || managedNode.isRoot())
// A new is needed at the end because the regenerated nodes
// will have new IDs.
var callbackChain = new CallbackChain();
managedNode.regenerate(info.parentId, info.index, callbackChain);