blob: 75052829526c8d4de11b720f001f47f3c78c6f32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import base64
import cStringIO
from telemetry.core import util
util.AddDirToPythonPath(util.GetTelemetryDir(), 'third_party', 'png')
import png # pylint: disable=F0401
class PngColor(object):
"""Encapsulates an RGB color retreived from a PngBitmap"""
def __init__(self, r, g, b, a=255):
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
self.a = a
def IsEqual(self, expected_color, tolerance=0):
"""Verifies that the color is within a given tolerance of
the expected color"""
r_diff = abs(self.r - expected_color.r)
g_diff = abs(self.g - expected_color.g)
b_diff = abs(self.b - expected_color.b)
a_diff = abs(self.a - expected_color.a)
return (r_diff <= tolerance and g_diff <= tolerance
and b_diff <= tolerance and a_diff <= tolerance)
def AssertIsRGB(self, r, g, b, tolerance=0):
assert self.IsEqual(PngColor(r, g, b), tolerance)
def AssertIsRGBA(self, r, g, b, a, tolerance=0):
assert self.IsEqual(PngColor(r, g, b, a), tolerance)
class PngBitmap(object):
"""Utilities for parsing and inspecting a PNG"""
def __init__(self, png_data):
self._png_data = png_data
self._png = png.Reader(bytes=self._png_data)
rgba8_data = self._png.asRGBA8()
self._width = rgba8_data[0]
self._height = rgba8_data[1]
self._pixels = list(rgba8_data[2])
self._metadata = rgba8_data[3]
def width(self):
"""Width of the snapshot"""
return self._width
def height(self):
"""Height of the snapshot"""
return self._height
def GetPixelColor(self, x, y):
"""Returns a PngColor for the pixel at (x, y)"""
row = self._pixels[y]
offset = x * 4
return PngColor(row[offset], row[offset+1], row[offset+2], row[offset+3])
def WriteFile(self, path):
with open(path, "wb") as f:
def FromFile(path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
return PngBitmap(
def FromBase64(base64_png):
return PngBitmap(base64.b64decode(base64_png))
def IsEqual(self, expected_png, tolerance=0):
"""Verifies that two PngBitmaps are identical within a given tolerance"""
# Dimensions must be equal
if self.width != expected_png.width or self.height != expected_png.height:
return False
# Loop over each pixel and test for equality
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
c0 = self.GetPixelColor(x, y)
c1 = expected_png.GetPixelColor(x, y)
if not c0.IsEqual(c1, tolerance):
return False
return True
def Diff(self, other_png):
"""Returns a new PngBitmap that represents the difference between this image
and another PngBitmap"""
# Output dimensions will be the maximum of the two input dimensions
out_width = max(self.width, other_png.width)
out_height = max(self.height, other_png.height)
diff = [[0 for x in xrange(out_width * 3)] for x in xrange(out_height)]
# Loop over each pixel and write out the difference
for y in range(out_height):
for x in range(out_width):
if x < self.width and y < self.height:
c0 = self.GetPixelColor(x, y)
c0 = PngColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
if x < other_png.width and y < other_png.height:
c1 = other_png.GetPixelColor(x, y)
c1 = PngColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
offset = x * 3
diff[y][offset] = abs(c0.r - c1.r)
diff[y][offset+1] = abs(c0.g - c1.g)
diff[y][offset+2] = abs(c0.b - c1.b)
# This particular method can only save to a file, so the result will be
# written into an in-memory buffer and read back into a PngBitmap
diff_img = png.from_array(diff, mode='RGB')
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
diff_png = PngBitmap(output.getvalue())
return diff_png
def Crop(self, left, top, width, height):
"""Returns a new PngBitmap that represents the specified sub-rect of this
if (left < 0 or top < 0 or
(left + width) > self.width or
(top + height) > self.height):
raise Exception('Invalid dimensions')
img_data = [[0 for x in xrange(width * 4)] for x in xrange(height)]
# Copy each pixel in the sub-rect
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
c = self.GetPixelColor(x + left, y + top)
offset = x * 4
img_data[y][offset] = c.r
img_data[y][offset+1] = c.g
img_data[y][offset+2] = c.b
img_data[y][offset+3] = c.a
# This particular method can only save to a file, so the result will be
# written into an in-memory buffer and read back into a PngBitmap
crop_img = png.from_array(img_data, mode='RGBA')
output = cStringIO.StringIO()
crop_png = PngBitmap(output.getvalue())
return crop_png