blob: 72cc187aaf13b3741e4e678a2f8fbb9d74476479 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/quic_congestion_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/pacing_sender.h"
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/receive_algorithm_interface.h"
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/send_algorithm_interface.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
using std::map;
using std::min;
// A test-only flag to prevent the RTO from backing off when multiple sequential
// tail drops occur.
bool FLAGS_limit_rto_increase_for_tests = false;
// Do not remove this flag until the Finch-trials described in b/11706275
// are complete.
// If true, QUIC connections will support the use of a pacing algorithm when
// sending packets, in an attempt to reduce packet loss. The client must also
// request pacing for the server to enable it.
bool FLAGS_enable_quic_pacing = false;
namespace net {
namespace {
static const int kBitrateSmoothingPeriodMs = 1000;
static const int kHistoryPeriodMs = 5000;
static const int kDefaultRetransmissionTimeMs = 500;
// TCP RFC calls for 1 second RTO however Linux differs from this default and
// define the minimum RTO to 200ms, we will use the same until we have data to
// support a higher or lower value.
static const int kMinRetransmissionTimeMs = 200;
static const int kMaxRetransmissionTimeMs = 60000;
static const size_t kMaxRetransmissions = 10;
// We want to make sure if we get a nack packet which triggers several
// retransmissions, we don't queue up too many packets. 10 is TCP's default
// initial congestion window(RFC 6928).
static const size_t kMaxRetransmissionsPerAck = kDefaultInitialWindow;
// TCP retransmits after 3 nacks.
// TODO(ianswett): Change to match TCP's rule of retransmitting once an ack
// at least 3 sequence numbers larger arrives.
static const size_t kNumberOfNacksBeforeRetransmission = 3;
COMPILE_ASSERT(kHistoryPeriodMs >= kBitrateSmoothingPeriodMs,
} // namespace
const QuicClock* clock,
CongestionFeedbackType type)
: clock_(clock),
receive_algorithm_(ReceiveAlgorithmInterface::Create(clock, type)),
send_algorithm_(SendAlgorithmInterface::Create(clock, type)),
using_pacing_(false) {
QuicCongestionManager::~QuicCongestionManager() {
void QuicCongestionManager::SetFromConfig(const QuicConfig& config,
bool is_server) {
if (config.initial_round_trip_time_us() > 0 &&
rtt_sample_.IsInfinite()) {
// The initial rtt should already be set on the client side.
DLOG_IF(INFO, !is_server)
<< "Client did not set an initial RTT, but did negotiate one.";
rtt_sample_ =
if (config.congestion_control() == kPACE) {
send_algorithm_->SetFromConfig(config, is_server);
void QuicCongestionManager::SetMaxPacketSize(QuicByteCount max_packet_size) {
void QuicCongestionManager::OnPacketSent(
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime sent_time,
QuicByteCount bytes,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
HasRetransmittableData has_retransmittable_data) {
DCHECK_LT(0u, sequence_number);
DCHECK(!ContainsKey(pending_packets_, sequence_number));
// Only track packets the send algorithm wants us to track.
if (!send_algorithm_->OnPacketSent(sent_time, sequence_number, bytes,
has_retransmittable_data)) {
packet_history_map_[sequence_number] = new SendAlgorithmInterface::SentPacket(
bytes, sent_time, has_retransmittable_data);
void QuicCongestionManager::OnRetransmissionTimeout() {
// Abandon all pending packets to ensure the congestion window
// opens up before we attempt to retransmit packets.
for (SequenceNumberSet::const_iterator it = pending_packets_.begin();
it != pending_packets_.end(); ++it) {
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number = *it;
DCHECK(ContainsKey(packet_history_map_, sequence_number));
sequence_number, packet_history_map_[sequence_number]->bytes_sent());
void QuicCongestionManager::OnLeastUnackedIncreased() {
consecutive_rto_count_ = 0;
void QuicCongestionManager::OnPacketAbandoned(
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number) {
SequenceNumberSet::iterator it = pending_packets_.find(sequence_number);
if (it != pending_packets_.end()) {
DCHECK(ContainsKey(packet_history_map_, sequence_number));
sequence_number, packet_history_map_[sequence_number]->bytes_sent());
void QuicCongestionManager::OnIncomingQuicCongestionFeedbackFrame(
const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& frame, QuicTime feedback_receive_time) {
frame, feedback_receive_time, packet_history_map_);
SequenceNumberSet QuicCongestionManager::OnIncomingAckFrame(
const QuicAckFrame& frame,
QuicTime ack_receive_time) {
// We calculate the RTT based on the highest ACKed sequence number, the lower
// sequence numbers will include the ACK aggregation delay.
SendAlgorithmInterface::SentPacketsMap::iterator history_it =
// TODO(satyamshekhar): largest_observed might be missing.
if (history_it != packet_history_map_.end()) {
QuicTime::Delta send_delta = ack_receive_time.Subtract(
if (send_delta > frame.received_info.delta_time_largest_observed) {
rtt_sample_ = send_delta.Subtract(
} else if (rtt_sample_.IsInfinite()) {
// Even though we received information from the peer suggesting
// an invalid (negative) RTT, we can use the send delta as an
// approximation until we get a better estimate.
rtt_sample_ = send_delta;
// We want to.
// * Get all packets lower(including) than largest_observed
// from pending_packets_.
// * Remove all missing packets.
// * Send each ACK in the list to send_algorithm_.
SequenceNumberSet::iterator it = pending_packets_.begin();
SequenceNumberSet::iterator it_upper =
SequenceNumberSet retransmission_packets;
SequenceNumberSet lost_packets;
while (it != it_upper) {
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number = *it;
if (!IsAwaitingPacket(frame.received_info, sequence_number)) {
// Not missing, hence implicitly acked.
size_t bytes_sent = packet_history_map_[sequence_number]->bytes_sent();
send_algorithm_->OnPacketAcked(sequence_number, bytes_sent, rtt_sample_);
pending_packets_.erase(it++); // Must be incremented post to work.
// The peer got packets after this sequence number. This is an explicit
// nack.
DVLOG(1) << "still missing packet " << sequence_number;
DCHECK(ContainsKey(packet_history_map_, sequence_number));
const SendAlgorithmInterface::SentPacket* sent_packet =
// Consider it multiple nacks when there is a gap between the missing packet
// and the largest observed, since the purpose of a nack threshold is to
// tolerate re-ordering. This handles both StretchAcks and Forward Acks.
// TODO(ianswett): This relies heavily on sequential reception of packets,
// and makes an assumption that the congestion control uses TCP style nacks.
size_t min_nacks = frame.received_info.largest_observed - sequence_number;
size_t num_nacks_needed = kNumberOfNacksBeforeRetransmission;
// Check for early retransmit(RFC5827) when the last packet gets acked and
// the there are fewer than 4 pending packets.
if (pending_packets_.size() <= kNumberOfNacksBeforeRetransmission &&
sent_packet->has_retransmittable_data() == HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA &&
*pending_packets_.rbegin() == frame.received_info.largest_observed) {
num_nacks_needed = frame.received_info.largest_observed - sequence_number;
if (sent_packet->nack_count() < num_nacks_needed) {
// If the number of retransmissions has maxed out, don't lose or retransmit
// any more packets.
if (retransmission_packets.size() >= kMaxRetransmissionsPerAck) {
if (sent_packet->has_retransmittable_data() == HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA) {
// Abandon packets after the loop over pending packets, because otherwise it
// changes the early retransmit logic and iteration.
for (SequenceNumberSet::const_iterator it = lost_packets.begin();
it != lost_packets.end(); ++it) {
// TODO(ianswett): OnPacketLost is also called from TCPCubicSender when
// an FEC packet is lost, but FEC loss information should be shared among
// congestion managers. Additionally, if it's expected the FEC packet may
// repair the loss, it should be recorded as a loss to the congestion
// manager, but not retransmitted until it's known whether the FEC packet
// arrived.
send_algorithm_->OnPacketLost(*it, ack_receive_time);
return retransmission_packets;
QuicTime::Delta QuicCongestionManager::TimeUntilSend(
QuicTime now,
TransmissionType transmission_type,
HasRetransmittableData retransmittable,
IsHandshake handshake) {
return send_algorithm_->TimeUntilSend(now, transmission_type, retransmittable,
bool QuicCongestionManager::GenerateCongestionFeedback(
QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame* feedback) {
return receive_algorithm_->GenerateCongestionFeedback(feedback);
void QuicCongestionManager::RecordIncomingPacket(
QuicByteCount bytes,
QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime timestamp,
bool revived) {
receive_algorithm_->RecordIncomingPacket(bytes, sequence_number, timestamp,
const QuicTime::Delta QuicCongestionManager::DefaultRetransmissionTime() {
return QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultRetransmissionTimeMs);
// Ensures that the Delayed Ack timer is always set to a value lesser
// than the retransmission timer's minimum value (MinRTO). We want the
// delayed ack to get back to the QUIC peer before the sender's
// retransmission timer triggers. Since we do not know the
// reverse-path one-way delay, we assume equal delays for forward and
// reverse paths, and ensure that the timer is set to less than half
// of the MinRTO.
// There may be a value in making this delay adaptive with the help of
// the sender and a signaling mechanism -- if the sender uses a
// different MinRTO, we may get spurious retransmissions. May not have
// any benefits, but if the delayed ack becomes a significant source
// of (likely, tail) latency, then consider such a mechanism.
const QuicTime::Delta QuicCongestionManager::DelayedAckTime() {
return QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kMinRetransmissionTimeMs/2);
const QuicTime::Delta QuicCongestionManager::GetRetransmissionDelay() const {
size_t number_retransmissions = consecutive_rto_count_;
if (FLAGS_limit_rto_increase_for_tests) {
const size_t kTailDropWindowSize = 5;
const size_t kTailDropMaxRetransmissions = 4;
if (pending_packets_.size() <= kTailDropWindowSize) {
// Avoid exponential backoff of RTO when there are only a few packets
// outstanding. This helps avoid the situation where fake packet loss
// causes a packet and it's retransmission to be dropped causing
// test timouts.
if (number_retransmissions <= kTailDropMaxRetransmissions) {
number_retransmissions = 0;
} else {
number_retransmissions -= kTailDropMaxRetransmissions;
QuicTime::Delta retransmission_delay = send_algorithm_->RetransmissionDelay();
if (retransmission_delay.IsZero()) {
// We are in the initial state, use default timeout values.
retransmission_delay =
// Calculate exponential back off.
retransmission_delay = QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(
retransmission_delay.ToMilliseconds() * static_cast<size_t>(
(1 << min<size_t>(number_retransmissions, kMaxRetransmissions))));
// TODO(rch): This code should move to |send_algorithm_|.
if (retransmission_delay.ToMilliseconds() < kMinRetransmissionTimeMs) {
return QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kMinRetransmissionTimeMs);
if (retransmission_delay.ToMilliseconds() > kMaxRetransmissionTimeMs) {
return QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxRetransmissionTimeMs);
return retransmission_delay;
const QuicTime::Delta QuicCongestionManager::SmoothedRtt() const {
return send_algorithm_->SmoothedRtt();
QuicBandwidth QuicCongestionManager::BandwidthEstimate() const {
return send_algorithm_->BandwidthEstimate();
QuicByteCount QuicCongestionManager::GetCongestionWindow() const {
return send_algorithm_->GetCongestionWindow();
void QuicCongestionManager::SetCongestionWindow(QuicByteCount window) {
void QuicCongestionManager::CleanupPacketHistory() {
const QuicTime::Delta kHistoryPeriod =
QuicTime now = clock_->ApproximateNow();
SendAlgorithmInterface::SentPacketsMap::iterator history_it =
for (; history_it != packet_history_map_.end(); ++history_it) {
if (now.Subtract(history_it->second->send_timestamp()) <= kHistoryPeriod) {
// Don't remove packets which have not been acked.
if (ContainsKey(pending_packets_, history_it->first)) {
delete history_it->second;
history_it = packet_history_map_.begin();
void QuicCongestionManager::MaybeEnablePacing() {
if (!FLAGS_enable_quic_pacing) {
if (using_pacing_) {
using_pacing_ = true;
new PacingSender(send_algorithm_.release(),
} // namespace net