blob: 3f3c78d5c63a540f0855576395b1549e3ec7bc31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('print_preview', function() {
'use strict';
* Draggable control for setting a page margin.
* @param {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation} orientation
* Orientation of the margin control that determines where the margin
* textbox will be placed.
* @constructor
* @extends {print_preview.Component}
function MarginControl(orientation) {;
* Determines where the margin textbox will be placed.
* @type {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation}
* @private
this.orientation_ = orientation;
* Position of the margin control in points.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.positionInPts_ = 0;
* Page size of the document to print.
* @type {!print_preview.Size}
* @private
this.pageSize_ = new print_preview.Size(0, 0);
* Amount to scale pixel values by to convert to pixel space.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.scaleTransform_ = 1;
* Amount to translate values in pixel space.
* @type {!print_preview.Coordinate2d}
* @private
this.translateTransform_ = new print_preview.Coordinate2d(0, 0);
* Position of the margin control when dragging starts.
* @type {print_preview.Coordinate2d}
* @private
this.marginStartPositionInPixels_ = null;
* Position of the mouse when the dragging starts.
* @type {print_preview.Coordinate2d}
* @private
this.mouseStartPositionInPixels_ = null;
* Processing timeout for the textbox.
* @type {?number}
* @private
this.textTimeout_ = null;
* Value of the textbox when the timeout was started.
* @type {?string}
* @private
this.preTimeoutValue_ = null;
* Textbox used to display and receive the value of the margin.
* @type {HTMLInputElement}
* @private
this.textbox_ = null;
* Element of the margin control line.
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.marginLineEl_ = null;
* Whether this margin control's textbox has keyboard focus.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.isFocused_ = false;
* Whether the margin control is in an error state.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.isInError_ = false;
* Event types dispatched by the margin control.
* @enum {string}
MarginControl.EventType = {
// Dispatched when the margin control starts dragging.
DRAG_START: 'print_preview.MarginControl.DRAG_START',
// Dispatched when the text in the margin control's textbox changes.
TEXT_CHANGE: 'print_preview.MarginControl.TEXT_CHANGE'
* CSS classes used by this component.
* @enum {string}
* @private
MarginControl.Classes_ = {
TOP: 'margin-control-top',
RIGHT: 'margin-control-right',
BOTTOM: 'margin-control-bottom',
LEFT: 'margin-control-left',
TEXTBOX: 'margin-control-textbox',
INVALID: 'invalid',
INVISIBLE: 'invisible',
DISABLED: 'margin-control-disabled',
DRAGGING: 'margin-control-dragging',
LINE: 'margin-control-line'
* Map from orientation to CSS class name.
* @type {!Object.<
* !print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation,
* !MarginControl.Classes_>}
* @private
MarginControl.OrientationToClass_ = {};
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation.TOP] =
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation.RIGHT] =
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation.BOTTOM] =
print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation.LEFT] =
* Radius of the margin control in pixels. Padding of control + 1 for border.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
MarginControl.RADIUS_ = 9;
* Timeout after a text change after which the text in the textbox is saved to
* the print ticket. Value in milliseconds.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
MarginControl.TEXTBOX_TIMEOUT_ = 1000;
MarginControl.prototype = {
__proto__: print_preview.Component.prototype,
/** @return {boolean} Whether this margin control is in focus. */
getIsFocused: function() {
return this.isFocused_;
* @return {!print_preview.ticket_items.CustomMargins.Orientation}
* Orientation of the margin control.
getOrientation: function() {
return this.orientation_;
* @param {number} scaleTransform New scale transform of the margin control.
setScaleTransform: function(scaleTransform) {
this.scaleTransform_ = scaleTransform;
// Reset position
* @param {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} translateTransform New translate
* transform of the margin control.
setTranslateTransform: function(translateTransform) {
this.translateTransform_ = translateTransform;
// Reset position
* @param {!print_preview.Size} pageSize New size of the document's pages.
setPageSize: function(pageSize) {
this.pageSize_ = pageSize;
/** @param {boolean} isVisible Whether the margin control is visible. */
setIsVisible: function(isVisible) {
if (isVisible) {
} else {
/** @return {boolean} Whether the margin control is in an error state. */
getIsInError: function() {
return this.isInError_;
* @param {boolean} isInError Whether the margin control is in an error
* state.
setIsInError: function(isInError) {
this.isInError_ = isInError;
if (isInError) {
} else {
/** @param {boolean} isEnabled Whether to enable the margin control. */
setIsEnabled: function(isEnabled) {
this.textbox_.disabled = !isEnabled;
if (isEnabled) {
} else {
/** @return {number} Current position of the margin control in points. */
getPositionInPts: function() {
return this.positionInPts_;
* @param {number} posInPts New position of the margin control in points.
setPositionInPts: function(posInPts) {
this.positionInPts_ = posInPts;
var orientationEnum =
var x = this.translateTransform_.x;
var y = this.translateTransform_.y;
var width = null, height = null;
if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.TOP) {
y = this.scaleTransform_ * posInPts + this.translateTransform_.y -
width = this.scaleTransform_ * this.pageSize_.width;
} else if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.RIGHT) {
x = this.scaleTransform_ * (this.pageSize_.width - posInPts) +
this.translateTransform_.x - MarginControl.RADIUS_;
height = this.scaleTransform_ * this.pageSize_.height;
} else if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.BOTTOM) {
y = this.scaleTransform_ * (this.pageSize_.height - posInPts) +
this.translateTransform_.y - MarginControl.RADIUS_;
width = this.scaleTransform_ * this.pageSize_.width;
} else {
x = this.scaleTransform_ * posInPts + this.translateTransform_.x -
height = this.scaleTransform_ * this.pageSize_.height;
this.getElement().style.left = Math.round(x) + 'px';
this.getElement() = Math.round(y) + 'px';
if (width != null) {
this.getElement().style.width = Math.round(width) + 'px';
if (height != null) {
this.getElement().style.height = Math.round(height) + 'px';
/** @return {string} The value in the margin control's textbox. */
getTextboxValue: function() {
return this.textbox_.value;
/** @param {string} value New value of the margin control's textbox. */
setTextboxValue: function(value) {
if (this.textbox_.value != value) {
this.textbox_.value = value;
* Converts a value in pixels to points.
* @param {number} Pixel value to convert.
* @return {number} Given value expressed in points.
convertPixelsToPts: function(pixels) {
var pts;
var orientationEnum =
if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.TOP) {
pts = pixels - this.translateTransform_.y + MarginControl.RADIUS_;
pts /= this.scaleTransform_;
} else if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.RIGHT) {
pts = pixels - this.translateTransform_.x + MarginControl.RADIUS_;
pts /= this.scaleTransform_;
pts = this.pageSize_.width - pts;
} else if (this.orientation_ == orientationEnum.BOTTOM) {
pts = pixels - this.translateTransform_.y + MarginControl.RADIUS_;
pts /= this.scaleTransform_;
pts = this.pageSize_.height - pts;
} else {
pts = pixels - this.translateTransform_.x + MarginControl.RADIUS_;
pts /= this.scaleTransform_;
return pts;
* Translates the position of the margin control relative to the mouse
* position in pixels.
* @param {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} mousePosition New position of
* the mouse.
* @return {!print_preview.Coordinate2d} New position of the margin control.
translateMouseToPositionInPixels: function(mousePosition) {
return new print_preview.Coordinate2d(
mousePosition.x - this.mouseStartPositionInPixels_.x +
mousePosition.y - this.mouseStartPositionInPixels_.y +
/** @override */
createDom: function() {
this.textbox_ = this.getElement().getElementsByClassName(
this.marginLineEl_ = this.getElement().getElementsByClassName(
/** @override */
enterDocument: function() {;
this.getElement(), 'mousedown', this.onMouseDown_.bind(this));
this.textbox_, 'keydown', this.onTextboxKeyDown_.bind(this));
this.textbox_, 'focus', this.setIsFocused_.bind(this, true));
this.tracker.add(this.textbox_, 'blur', this.onTexboxBlur_.bind(this));
/** @override */
exitDocument: function() {;
this.textbox_ = null;
this.marginLineEl_ = null;
* @param {boolean} isFocused Whether the margin control is in focus.
* @private
setIsFocused_: function(isFocused) {
this.isFocused_ = isFocused;
* Called whenever a mousedown event occurs on the component.
* @param {MouseEvent} event The event that occured.
* @private
onMouseDown_: function(event) {
if (!this.textbox_.disabled &&
event.button == 0 &&
( == this.getElement() || == this.marginLineEl_)) {
this.mouseStartPositionInPixels_ =
new print_preview.Coordinate2d(event.x, event.y);
this.marginStartPositionInPixels_ = new print_preview.Coordinate2d(
this.getElement().offsetLeft, this.getElement().offsetTop);
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, MarginControl.EventType.DRAG_START);
* Called when a key down event occurs on the textbox. Dispatches a
* TEXT_CHANGE event if the "Enter" key was pressed.
* @param {Event} event Contains the key that was pressed.
* @private
onTextboxKeyDown_: function(event) {
if (this.textTimeout_) {
this.textTimeout_ = null;
if (event.keyIdentifier == 'Enter') {
this.preTimeoutValue_ = null;
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, MarginControl.EventType.TEXT_CHANGE);
} else {
if (this.preTimeoutValue_ == null) {
this.preTimeoutValue_ = this.textbox_.value;
this.textTimeout_ = setTimeout(
this.onTextboxTimeout_.bind(this), MarginControl.TEXTBOX_TIMEOUT_);
* Called after a timeout after the text in the textbox has changed. Saves
* the textbox's value to the print ticket.
* @private
onTextboxTimeout_: function() {
this.textTimeout_ = null;
if (this.textbox_.value != this.preTimeoutValue_) {
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, MarginControl.EventType.TEXT_CHANGE);
this.preTimeoutValue_ = null;
* Called when the textbox loses focus. Dispatches a TEXT_CHANGE event.
onTexboxBlur_: function() {
if (this.textTimeout_) {
this.textTimeout_ = null;
this.preTimeoutValue_ = null;
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, MarginControl.EventType.TEXT_CHANGE);
// Export
return {
MarginControl: MarginControl