blob: 7546db1fbb9af1c0716bcdf5bd26c7fb8ae2679e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
<include src="extension_error.js">
* The type of the extension data object. The definition is based on
* chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/
* and
* chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/
* ExtensionSettingsHandler::CreateExtensionDetailValue()
* @typedef {{allow_reload: boolean,
* allowAllUrls: boolean,
* allowFileAccess: boolean,
* blacklistText: string,
* corruptInstall: boolean,
* dependentExtensions: Array,
* description: string,
* detailsUrl: string,
* enableExtensionInfoDialog: boolean,
* enable_show_button: boolean,
* enabled: boolean,
* enabledIncognito: boolean,
* errorCollectionEnabled: (boolean|undefined),
* hasPopupAction: boolean,
* homepageProvided: boolean,
* homepageUrl: string,
* icon: string,
* id: string,
* incognitoCanBeEnabled: boolean,
* installWarnings: (Array|undefined),
* is_hosted_app: boolean,
* is_platform_app: boolean,
* isFromStore: boolean,
* isUnpacked: boolean,
* kioskEnabled: boolean,
* kioskOnly: boolean,
* locationText: string,
* managedInstall: boolean,
* manifestErrors: (Array.<RuntimeError>|undefined),
* name: string,
* offlineEnabled: boolean,
* optionsOpenInTab: boolean,
* optionsPageHref: string,
* optionsUrl: string,
* order: number,
* packagedApp: boolean,
* path: (string|undefined),
* prettifiedPath: (string|undefined),
* recommendedInstall: boolean,
* runtimeErrors: (Array.<RuntimeError>|undefined),
* suspiciousInstall: boolean,
* terminated: boolean,
* version: string,
* views: Array.<{renderViewId: number, renderProcessId: number,
* path: string, incognito: boolean,
* generatedBackgroundPage: boolean}>,
* wantsAllUrls: boolean,
* wantsErrorCollection: boolean,
* wantsFileAccess: boolean,
* warnings: (Array|undefined)}}
var ExtensionData;
cr.define('options', function() {
'use strict';
* Creates a new list of extensions.
* @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLDivElement}
var ExtensionsList = cr.ui.define('div');
* @type {Object.<string, boolean>} A map from extension id to a boolean
* indicating whether the incognito warning is showing. This persists
* between calls to decorate.
var butterBarVisibility = {};
* @type {Object.<string, number>} A map from extension id to last reloaded
* timestamp. The timestamp is recorded when the user click the 'Reload'
* link. It is used to refresh the icon of an unpacked extension.
* This persists between calls to decorate.
var extensionReloadedTimestamp = {};
ExtensionsList.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
* Indicates whether an embedded options page that was navigated to through
* the '?options=' URL query has been shown to the user. This is necessary
* to prevent showExtensionNodes_ from opening the options more than once.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
optionsShown_: false,
/** @override */
decorate: function() {
this.textContent = '';
getIdQueryParam_: function() {
return parseQueryParams(document.location)['id'];
getOptionsQueryParam_: function() {
return parseQueryParams(document.location)['options'];
* Creates all extension items from scratch.
* @private
showExtensionNodes_: function() {
// Iterate over the extension data and add each item to the list.
this.data_.extensions.forEach(this.createNode_, this);
var idToHighlight = this.getIdQueryParam_();
if (idToHighlight && $(idToHighlight))
var idToOpenOptions = this.getOptionsQueryParam_();
if (idToOpenOptions && $(idToOpenOptions))
this.showEmbeddedExtensionOptions_(idToOpenOptions, true);
if (this.data_.extensions.length == 0)
* Scrolls the page down to the extension node with the given id.
* @param {string} extensionId The id of the extension to scroll to.
* @private
scrollToNode_: function(extensionId) {
// Scroll offset should be calculated slightly higher than the actual
// offset of the element being scrolled to, so that it ends up not all
// the way at the top. That way it is clear that there are more elements
// above the element being scrolled to.
var scrollFudge = 1.2;
var scrollTop = $(extensionId).offsetTop - scrollFudge *
setScrollTopForDocument(document, scrollTop);
* Synthesizes and initializes an HTML element for the extension metadata
* given in |extension|.
* @param {ExtensionData} extension A dictionary of extension metadata.
* @private
createNode_: function(extension) {
var template = $('template-collection').querySelector(
var node = template.cloneNode(true); =;
if (!extension.enabled || extension.terminated)
if (extension.managedInstall ||
extension.dependentExtensions.length > 0) {
} else if (extension.recommendedInstall) {
} else if (extension.suspiciousInstall || extension.corruptInstall) {
var idToHighlight = this.getIdQueryParam_();
if ( == idToHighlight)
var item = node.querySelector('.extension-list-item');
// Prevent the image cache of extension icon by using the reloaded
// timestamp as a query string. The timestamp is recorded when the user
// clicks the 'Reload' link.
if (extensionReloadedTimestamp[]) { =
'url(' + extension.icon + '?' +
extensionReloadedTimestamp[] + ')';
} else { = 'url(' + extension.icon + ')';
var title = node.querySelector('.extension-title');
title.textContent =;
var version = node.querySelector('.extension-version');
version.textContent = extension.version;
var locationText = node.querySelector('.location-text');
locationText.textContent = extension.locationText;
var blacklistText = node.querySelector('.blacklist-text');
blacklistText.textContent = extension.blacklistText;
var description = document.createElement('span');
description.textContent = extension.description;
// The 'Show Browser Action' button.
if (extension.enable_show_button) {
var showButton = node.querySelector('.show-button');
showButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsShowButton', []);
showButton.hidden = false;
// The 'allow in incognito' checkbox.
node.querySelector('.incognito-control').hidden =
var incognito = node.querySelector('.incognito-control input');
incognito.disabled = !extension.incognitoCanBeEnabled;
incognito.checked = extension.enabledIncognito;
if (!incognito.disabled) {
incognito.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var checked =;
butterBarVisibility[] = checked;
butterBar.hidden = !checked || extension.is_hosted_app;
[, String(checked)]);
var butterBar = node.querySelector('.butter-bar');
butterBar.hidden = !butterBarVisibility[];
// The 'collect errors' checkbox. This should only be visible if the
// error console is enabled - we can detect this by the existence of the
// |errorCollectionEnabled| property.
if (extension.wantsErrorCollection) {
node.querySelector('.error-collection-control').hidden = false;
var errorCollection =
node.querySelector('.error-collection-control input');
errorCollection.checked = extension.errorCollectionEnabled;
errorCollection.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
[, String(]);
// The 'allow on all urls' checkbox. This should only be visible if
// active script restrictions are enabled. If they are not enabled, no
// extensions should want all urls.
if (extension.wantsAllUrls) {
var allUrls = node.querySelector('.all-urls-control');
allUrls.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
[, String(]);
allUrls.querySelector('input').checked = extension.allowAllUrls;
allUrls.hidden = false;
// The 'allow file:// access' checkbox.
if (extension.wantsFileAccess) {
var fileAccess = node.querySelector('.file-access-control');
fileAccess.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
[, String(]);
fileAccess.querySelector('input').checked = extension.allowFileAccess;
fileAccess.hidden = false;
// The 'Options' button or link, depending on its behaviour.
if (extension.enabled && extension.optionsUrl) {
var options, optionsClickListener;
if (extension.optionsOpenInTab) {
options = node.querySelector('.options-link');
// Set an href to get the correct mouse-over appearance (link,
// footer) - but the actual link opening is done through chrome.send
// with a preventDefault().
options.setAttribute('href', extension.optionsPageHref);
optionsClickListener = function() {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsOptions', []);
} else {
options = node.querySelector('.options-button');
optionsClickListener = function() {
this.showEmbeddedExtensionOptions_(, false);
options.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
options.hidden = false;
// The 'Permissions' link.
var permissions = node.querySelector('.permissions-link');
permissions.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsPermissions', []);
// The 'View in Web Store/View Web Site' link.
if (extension.homepageUrl && !extension.enableExtensionInfoDialog) {
var siteLink = node.querySelector('.site-link');
siteLink.href = extension.homepageUrl;
siteLink.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
extension.homepageProvided ? 'extensionSettingsVisitWebsite' :
siteLink.hidden = false;
if (extension.allow_reload) {
// The 'Reload' link.
var reload = node.querySelector('.reload-link');
reload.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsReload', []);
extensionReloadedTimestamp[] =;
reload.hidden = false;
if (extension.is_platform_app) {
// The 'Launch' link.
var launch = node.querySelector('.launch-link');
launch.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsLaunch', []);
launch.hidden = false;
if (extension.terminated) {
var terminatedReload = node.querySelector('.terminated-reload-link');
terminatedReload.hidden = false;
terminatedReload.onclick = function() {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsReload', []);
} else if (extension.corruptInstall && extension.isFromStore) {
var repair = node.querySelector('.corrupted-repair-button');
repair.hidden = false;
repair.onclick = function() {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsRepair', []);
} else {
// The 'Enabled' checkbox.
var enable = node.querySelector('.enable-checkbox');
enable.hidden = false;
var enableCheckboxDisabled = extension.managedInstall ||
extension.suspiciousInstall ||
extension.corruptInstall ||
extension.dependentExtensions.length > 0;
enable.querySelector('input').disabled = enableCheckboxDisabled;
if (!enableCheckboxDisabled) {
enable.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// When is the label instead of the checkbox, it doesn't
// have the checked property and the state of the checkbox is
// left unchanged.
var checked =;
if (checked == undefined)
checked = !e.currentTarget.querySelector('input').checked;
[, checked ? 'true' : 'false']);
// This may seem counter-intuitive (to not set/clear the checkmark)
// but this page will be updated asynchronously if the extension
// becomes enabled/disabled. It also might not become enabled or
// disabled, because the user might e.g. get prompted when enabling
// and choose not to.
enable.querySelector('input').checked = extension.enabled;
// 'Remove' button.
var trashTemplate = $('template-collection').querySelector('.trash');
var trash = trashTemplate.cloneNode(true);
trash.title = loadTimeData.getString('extensionUninstall');
trash.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
butterBarVisibility[] = false;
chrome.send('extensionSettingsUninstall', []);
// Developer mode ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// First we have the id.
var idLabel = node.querySelector('.extension-id');
idLabel.textContent = ' ' +;
// Then the path, if provided by unpacked extension.
if (extension.isUnpacked) {
var loadPath = node.querySelector('.load-path');
loadPath.hidden = false;
var pathLink = loadPath.querySelector('a:nth-of-type(1)');
pathLink.textContent = ' ' + extension.prettifiedPath;
pathLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
chrome.send('extensionSettingsShowPath', [String(]);
// Then the 'managed, cannot uninstall/disable' message.
if (extension.managedInstall || extension.recommendedInstall) {
node.querySelector('.managed-message').hidden = false;
} else {
if (extension.suspiciousInstall) {
// Then the 'This isn't from the webstore, looks suspicious' message.
node.querySelector('.suspicious-install-message').hidden = false;
if (extension.corruptInstall) {
// Then the 'This is a corrupt extension' message.
node.querySelector('.corrupt-install-message').hidden = false;
if (extension.dependentExtensions.length > 0) {
var dependentMessage =
dependentMessage.hidden = false;
var dependentList = dependentMessage.querySelector('ul');
var dependentTemplate = $('template-collection').querySelector(
extension.dependentExtensions.forEach(function(elem) {
var depNode = dependentTemplate.cloneNode(true);
depNode.querySelector('.dep-extension-title').textContent =;
depNode.querySelector('.dep-extension-id').textContent =;
// Then active views.
if (extension.views.length > 0) {
var activeViews = node.querySelector('.active-views');
activeViews.hidden = false;
var link = activeViews.querySelector('a');
extension.views.forEach(function(view, i) {
var displayName = view.generatedBackgroundPage ?
loadTimeData.getString('backgroundPage') : view.path;
var label = displayName +
(view.incognito ?
' ' + loadTimeData.getString('viewIncognito') : '') +
(view.renderProcessId == -1 ?
' ' + loadTimeData.getString('viewInactive') : '');
link.textContent = label;
link.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// TODO(estade): remove conversion to string?
chrome.send('extensionSettingsInspect', [
if (i < extension.views.length - 1) {
link = link.cloneNode(true);
// The extension warnings (describing runtime issues).
if (extension.warnings) {
var panel = node.querySelector('.extension-warnings');
panel.hidden = false;
var list = panel.querySelector('ul');
extension.warnings.forEach(function(warning) {
list.appendChild(document.createElement('li')).innerText = warning;
// If the ErrorConsole is enabled, we should have manifest and/or runtime
// errors. Otherwise, we may have install warnings. We should not have
// both ErrorConsole errors and install warnings.
if (extension.manifestErrors) {
var panel = node.querySelector('.manifest-errors');
panel.hidden = false;
panel.appendChild(new extensions.ExtensionErrorList(
if (extension.runtimeErrors) {
var panel = node.querySelector('.runtime-errors');
panel.hidden = false;
panel.appendChild(new extensions.ExtensionErrorList(
if (extension.installWarnings) {
var panel = node.querySelector('.install-warnings');
panel.hidden = false;
var list = panel.querySelector('ul');
extension.installWarnings.forEach(function(warning) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerText = warning.message;
if (location.hash.substr(1) == {
// Scroll beneath the fixed header so that the extension is not
// obscured.
var topScroll = node.offsetTop - $('page-header').offsetHeight;
var pad = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(node, null).marginTop, 10);
if (!isNaN(pad))
topScroll -= pad / 2;
setScrollTopForDocument(document, topScroll);
* Opens the extension options overlay for the extension with the given id.
* @param {string} extensionId The id of extension whose options page should
* be displayed.
* @param {boolean} scroll Whether the page should scroll to the extension
* @private
showEmbeddedExtensionOptions_: function(extensionId, scroll) {
if (this.optionsShown_)
// Get the extension from the given id.
var extension = this.data_.extensions.filter(function(extension) {
return extension.enabled && == extensionId;
if (!extension)
if (scroll)
// Add the options query string. Corner case: the 'options' query string
// will clobber the 'id' query string if the options link is clicked when
// 'id' is in the URL, or if both query strings are in the URL.
uber.replaceState({}, '?options=' + extensionId);
this.optionsShown_ = true;
$('overlay').addEventListener('cancelOverlay', function() {
this.optionsShown_ = false;
return {
ExtensionsList: ExtensionsList