blob: 806668f323263f3e302316fee5ba24a14aa019f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This view displays information on the host resolver:
* - Shows the default address family.
* - Has a button to enable IPv6, if it is disabled.
* - Shows the current host cache contents.
* - Has a button to clear the host cache.
* - Shows the parameters used to construct the host cache (capacity, ttl).
// TODO(mmenke): Add links for each address entry to the corresponding NetLog
// source. This could either be done by adding NetLog source ids
// to cache entries, or tracking sources based on their type and
// description. Former is simpler, latter may be useful
// elsewhere as well.
var DnsView = (function() {
'use strict';
// We inherit from DivView.
var superClass = DivView;
* @constructor
function DnsView() {
// Call superclass's constructor., DnsView.MAIN_BOX_ID);
$(DnsView.ENABLE_IPV6_BUTTON_ID).onclick =
$(DnsView.CLEAR_CACHE_BUTTON_ID).onclick =
// Register to receive changes to the host resolver info.
g_browser.addHostResolverInfoObserver(this, false);
DnsView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-dns';
DnsView.TAB_NAME = 'DNS';
DnsView.TAB_HASH = '#dns';
// IDs for special HTML elements in dns_view.html
DnsView.MAIN_BOX_ID = 'dns-view-tab-content';
DnsView.DEFAULT_FAMILY_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-default-family';
DnsView.IPV6_DISABLED_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-ipv6-disabled';
DnsView.ENABLE_IPV6_BUTTON_ID = 'dns-view-enable-ipv6';
DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_ENABLED_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-internal-dns-enabled';
DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_CONFIG_TBODY_ID = 'dns-view-internal-dns-config-tbody';
DnsView.CLEAR_CACHE_BUTTON_ID = 'dns-view-clear-cache';
DnsView.CAPACITY_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-cache-capacity';
DnsView.ACTIVE_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-cache-active';
DnsView.EXPIRED_SPAN_ID = 'dns-view-cache-expired';
DnsView.CACHE_TBODY_ID = 'dns-view-cache-tbody';
DnsView.prototype = {
// Inherit the superclass's methods.
__proto__: superClass.prototype,
onLoadLogFinish: function(data) {
return this.onHostResolverInfoChanged(data.hostResolverInfo);
onHostResolverInfoChanged: function(hostResolverInfo) {
// Clear the existing values.
$(DnsView.CAPACITY_SPAN_ID).innerHTML = '';
$(DnsView.CACHE_TBODY_ID).innerHTML = '';
$(DnsView.ACTIVE_SPAN_ID).innerHTML = '0';
$(DnsView.EXPIRED_SPAN_ID).innerHTML = '0';
// Update fields containing async DNS configuration information.
// No info.
if (!hostResolverInfo || !hostResolverInfo.cache)
return false;
var family = hostResolverInfo.default_address_family;
var ipv6Disabled = (family == AddressFamily.ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4);
setNodeDisplay($(DnsView.IPV6_DISABLED_SPAN_ID), ipv6Disabled);
// Fill in the basic cache information.
var hostResolverCache = hostResolverInfo.cache;
$(DnsView.CAPACITY_SPAN_ID).innerText = hostResolverCache.capacity;
var expiredEntries = 0;
// Date the cache was logged. This will be either now, when actively
// logging data, or the date the log dump was created.
var logDate;
if (MainView.isViewingLoadedLog()) {
logDate = new Date(ClientInfo.numericDate);
} else {
logDate = new Date();
// Fill in the cache contents table.
for (var i = 0; i < hostResolverCache.entries.length; ++i) {
var e = hostResolverCache.entries[i];
var tr = addNode($(DnsView.CACHE_TBODY_ID), 'tr');
var hostnameCell = addNode(tr, 'td');
addTextNode(hostnameCell, e.hostname);
var familyCell = addNode(tr, 'td');
var addressesCell = addNode(tr, 'td');
if (e.error != undefined) {
var errorText =
e.error + ' (' + netErrorToString(e.error) + ')';
var errorNode = addTextNode(addressesCell, 'error: ' + errorText);
} else {
addListToNode_(addNode(addressesCell, 'div'), e.addresses);
var expiresDate = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(e.expiration);
var expiresCell = addNode(tr, 'td');
timeutil.addNodeWithDate(expiresCell, expiresDate);
if (logDate > timeutil.convertTimeTicksToDate(e.expiration)) {
var expiredSpan = addNode(expiresCell, 'span');
addTextNode(expiredSpan, ' [Expired]');
$(DnsView.ACTIVE_SPAN_ID).innerText =
hostResolverCache.entries.length - expiredEntries;
$(DnsView.EXPIRED_SPAN_ID).innerText = expiredEntries;
return true;
* Displays information corresponding to the current async DNS configuration.
* @param {Object} hostResolverInfo The host resolver information.
function displayAsyncDnsConfig_(hostResolverInfo) {
// Clear the table.
// Figure out if the internal DNS resolver is disabled or has no valid
// configuration information, and update display accordingly.
var enabled = hostResolverInfo &&
hostResolverInfo.dns_config !== undefined;
var noConfig = enabled &&
hostResolverInfo.dns_config.nameservers === undefined;
$(DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_ENABLED_SPAN_ID).innerText = enabled;
setNodeDisplay($(DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_INVALID_CONFIG_SPAN_ID), noConfig);
// If the internal DNS resolver is disabled or has no valid configuration,
// we're done.
if (!enabled || noConfig)
var dnsConfig = hostResolverInfo.dns_config;
// Display nameservers first.
var nameserverRow = addNode($(DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_CONFIG_TBODY_ID), 'tr');
addNodeWithText(nameserverRow, 'th', 'nameservers');
addListToNode_(addNode(nameserverRow, 'td'), dnsConfig.nameservers);
// Add everything else in |dnsConfig| to the table.
for (var key in dnsConfig) {
if (key == 'nameservers')
var tr = addNode($(DnsView.INTERNAL_DNS_CONFIG_TBODY_ID), 'tr');
addNodeWithText(tr, 'th', key);
var td = addNode(tr, 'td');
// For lists, display each list entry on a separate line.
if (typeof dnsConfig[key] == 'object' &&
dnsConfig[key].constructor == Array) {
addListToNode_(td, dnsConfig[key]);
addTextNode(td, dnsConfig[key]);
* Takes a last of strings and adds them all to a DOM node, displaying them
* on separate lines.
* @param {DomNode} node The parent node.
* @param {Array.<string>} list List of strings to add to the node.
function addListToNode_(node, list) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i)
addNodeWithText(node, 'div', list[i]);
return DnsView;