blob: 7ce2b7845f702b46f0a20db9252959abbd0de918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
class Err;
class Item;
class Label;
class Scope;
class Value;
class Visibility {
class VisPattern {
enum Type {
MATCH = 1, // Exact match for a given target.
DIRECTORY, // Only targets in the file in the given directory.
RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY // The given directory and any subdir.
// (also indicates "public" when dir is empty).
VisPattern(Type type, const SourceDir& dir, const base::StringPiece& name);
bool Matches(const Label& label) const;
Type type() const { return type_; }
const SourceDir& dir() const { return dir_; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
Type type_;
// Used when type_ == PRIVATE and PRIVATE_RECURSIVE. This specifies the
// directory that to which the pattern is private to.
SourceDir dir_;
// Empty name means match everything. Otherwise the name must match
// exactly.
std::string name_;
// Defaults to private visibility (only the current file).
// Set the visibility to the thing specified by the given value. On failure,
// returns false and sets the error.
bool Set(const SourceDir& current_dir, const Value& value, Err* err);
// Sets the visibility to be public.
void SetPublic();
// Sets the visibility to be private to the given directory.
void SetPrivate(const SourceDir& current_dir);
// Returns true if the target with the given label can depend on one with the
// current visibility.
bool CanSeeMe(const Label& label) const;
// Returns a string listing the visibility. |indent| number of spaces will
// be added on the left side of the output. If |include_brackets| is set, the
// result will be wrapped in "[ ]" and the contents further indented. The
// result will end in a newline.
std::string Describe(int indent, bool include_brackets) const;
// Converts the given input string to a pattern. This does special stuff
// to treat the pattern as a label. Sets the error on failure.
static VisPattern GetPattern(const SourceDir& current_dir,
const Value& value,
Err* err);
// Helper function to check visibility between the given two items. If
// to is invisible to from, returns false and sets the error.
static bool CheckItemVisibility(const Item* from, const Item* to, Err* err);
// Helper function to fill an item's visibility from the "visibility" value
// in the current scope.
static bool FillItemVisibility(Item* item, Scope* scope, Err* err);
std::vector<VisPattern> patterns_;