blob: 3b6ee18baa648f4c925890fb1073e43e16e792a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
* The base class for all InfoBar classes.
* Note that infobars expire by default when a new navigation occurs.
* Make sure to use setExpireOnNavigation(false) if you want an infobar to be sticky.
public abstract class InfoBar implements InfoBarView {
private static final String TAG = "InfoBar";
* Possible labels of all the infobar buttons.
* Make sure this set of values is aligned with the C++ correspondent in
* infobar_android.h
public static final int ACTION_TYPE_NONE = 0;
// Confirm infobar
public static final int ACTION_TYPE_OK = 1;
public static final int ACTION_TYPE_CANCEL = 2;
// Translate infobar
public static final int ACTION_TYPE_TRANSLATE = 3;
public static final int ACTION_TYPE_TRANSLATE_SHOW_ORIGINAL = 4;
// Background types
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_INFO = 0;
public static final int BACKGROUND_TYPE_WARNING = 1;
private final int mBackgroundType;
private final int mIconDrawableId;
private InfoBarListeners.Dismiss mListener;
private ContentWrapperView mContentView;
private InfoBarContainer mContainer;
private Context mContext;
private boolean mExpireOnNavigation;
private boolean mIsDismissed;
private boolean mControlsEnabled;
// This cannot be private until the swap in place infrastructure is
// improved since subclasses need to access a possibly replaced native
// pointer.
protected long mNativeInfoBarPtr;
// Used by tests to reference infobars.
private final int mId;
private static int sIdCounter = 0;
private static int generateId() {
return sIdCounter++;
* @param listener Listens to when buttons have been clicked on the InfoBar.
* @param backgroundType Background type to use (INFO or WARNING).
* @param iconDrawableId ID of the resource to use for the Icon. If 0, no icon will be shown.
public InfoBar(InfoBarListeners.Dismiss listener, int backgroundType, int iconDrawableId) {
mListener = listener;
mId = generateId();
mBackgroundType = backgroundType;
mIconDrawableId = iconDrawableId;
mExpireOnNavigation = true;
* Stores a pointer to the native-side counterpart of this InfoBar.
* @param nativeInfoBarPtr Pointer to the NativeInfoBar.
protected void setNativeInfoBar(long nativeInfoBarPtr) {
if (nativeInfoBarPtr != 0) {
// The native code takes care of expiring infobars on navigations.
mExpireOnNavigation = false;
mNativeInfoBarPtr = nativeInfoBarPtr;
* Change the pointer to the native-side counterpart of this InfoBar. Native-side code is
* responsible for managing the cleanup of the pointer.
* @param nativeInfoBarPtr Pointer to the NativeInfoBar.
protected void replaceNativePointer(long newInfoBarPtr) {
mNativeInfoBarPtr = newInfoBarPtr;
// Determine if the infobar should be dismissed when |url| is loaded. Calling
// setExpireOnNavigation(true/false) causes this method always to return true/false.
// This only applies to java-only infobars. C++ infobars will use the same logic
// as other platforms so they are not attempted to be dismissed twice.
// It should really be removed once all infobars have a C++ counterpart.
public final boolean shouldExpire(String url) {
return mExpireOnNavigation && mNativeInfoBarPtr == 0;
// Sets whether the bar should be dismissed when a navigation occurs.
public void setExpireOnNavigation(boolean expireOnNavigation) {
mExpireOnNavigation = expireOnNavigation;
* @return true if this java infobar owns this {@code nativePointer}
boolean ownsNativeInfoBar(long nativePointer) {
return mNativeInfoBarPtr == nativePointer;
* @return whether or not the InfoBar has been dismissed.
protected boolean isDismissed() {
return mIsDismissed;
* Sets the Context used when creating the InfoBar.
protected void setContext(Context context) {
mContext = context;
* @return The Context used to create the InfoBar. This will be null until the InfoBar is added
* to the InfoBarContainer, and should never be null afterward.
protected Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* Creates the View that represents the InfoBar.
* @return The View representing the InfoBar.
protected final View createView() {
assert mContext != null;
return new InfoBarLayout(mContext, this, mBackgroundType, mIconDrawableId);
* Used to close a java only infobar.
public void dismissJavaOnlyInfoBar() {
assert mNativeInfoBarPtr == 0;
if (closeInfoBar() && mListener != null) {
* @return whether the infobar actually needed closing.
public boolean closeInfoBar() {
if (!mIsDismissed) {
mIsDismissed = true;
if (!mContainer.hasBeenDestroyed()) {
// If the container was destroyed, it's already been emptied of all its infobars.
return true;
return false;
protected ContentWrapperView getContentWrapper(boolean createIfNotFound) {
if (mContentView == null && createIfNotFound) {
mContentView = new ContentWrapperView(getContext(), this, mBackgroundType,
createView(), getInfoBarContainer().areInfoBarsOnTop());
return mContentView;
protected InfoBarContainer getInfoBarContainer() {
return mContainer;
* @return The content view for the info bar.
public ContentWrapperView getContentWrapper() {
return getContentWrapper(true);
void setInfoBarContainer(InfoBarContainer container) {
mContainer = container;
public boolean areControlsEnabled() {
return mControlsEnabled;
public void setControlsEnabled(boolean state) {
mControlsEnabled = state;
// Handle the close button.
if (mContentView != null) {
View closeButton = mContentView.findViewById(;
if (closeButton != null) closeButton.setEnabled(state);
public void onButtonClicked(boolean isPrimaryButton) {
public void onLinkClicked() {
public void createContent(InfoBarLayout layout) {
public String getPrimaryButtonText(Context context) {
return null;
public String getSecondaryButtonText(Context context) {
return null;
* Returns the id of the tab this infobar is showing into.
public int getTabId() {
return mContainer.getTabId();
public int getId() {
return mId;
public void setDismissedListener(InfoBarListeners.Dismiss listener) {
mListener = listener;
protected native void nativeOnLinkClicked(long nativeInfoBarAndroid);
protected native void nativeOnButtonClicked(
long nativeInfoBarAndroid, int action, String actionValue);
protected native void nativeOnCloseButtonClicked(long nativeInfoBarAndroid);