blob: 6dab9e3f16c3464534c51897dfe684eea327e16e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import random
import unittest
from metrics import smoothness
from metrics import statistics
from metrics import rendering_stats
from import RawTraceResultImpl
from import TraceResult
from import page
from import PageMeasurementResults
SYNTHETIC_GESTURE_MARKER = 'SyntheticGestureController::running'
class MockTimer(object):
"""A mock timer class which can generate random durations.
An instance of this class is used as a global timer to generate random
durations for stats and consistent timestamps for all mock trace events.
def __init__(self):
self.microseconds = 0
def Advance(self, low=0, high=100000):
duration = random.randint(low, high)
self.microseconds += duration
return duration
class MockFrame(object):
"""Mocks rendering, texture and latency stats for a single frame."""
def __init__(self, mock_timer):
""" Initialize the stats to random values """
self.start = mock_timer.microseconds
self.main_stats = {}
self.impl_stats = {}
self.texture_stats = {}
self.latency_stats = {}
self.main_stats['frame_count'] = 0
self.main_stats['paint_time'] = mock_timer.Advance()
self.main_stats['painted_pixel_count'] = random.randint(0, 2000000)
self.main_stats['record_time'] = mock_timer.Advance()
self.main_stats['recorded_pixel_count'] = random.randint(0, 2000000)
self.impl_stats['frame_count'] = 1
self.impl_stats['rasterize_time'] = mock_timer.Advance()
self.impl_stats['rasterized_pixel_count'] = random.randint(0, 2000000)
self.end = mock_timer.microseconds
self.duration = self.end - self.start
def AppendTraceEventForMainThreadStats(self, trace_events):
"""Appends a trace event with the main thread stats.
The trace event is a dict with the following keys:
'tts' (thread timestamp),
'pid' (process id),
'ts' (timestamp),
'cat' (category),
'tid' (thread id),
'ph' (phase),
'args' (a dict with the key 'data').
This is related to src/base/debug/trace_event.h.
event = {'name': 'MainThreadRenderingStats::IssueTraceEvent',
'tts': self.end,
'pid': 20978,
'ts': self.end,
'cat': 'benchmark',
's': 't',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'i',
'args': {'data': self.main_stats}}
def AppendTraceEventForImplThreadStats(self, trace_events):
"""Appends a trace event with the impl thread stat."""
event = {'name': 'ImplThreadRenderingStats::IssueTraceEvent',
'tts': self.end,
'pid': 20978,
'ts': self.end,
'cat': 'benchmark',
's': 't',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'i',
'args': {'data': self.impl_stats}}
class SmoothnessMetricUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testCalcResultsTraceEvents(self):
# Make the test repeatable by seeding the random number generator
# (which is used by the mock timer) with a constant number.
mock_timer = MockTimer()
trace_events = []
total_time_seconds = 0.0
num_frames_sent = 0.0
first_frame = True
previous_frame_time = None
# This list represents time differences between frames in milliseconds.
expected_frame_times = []
# Append start trace events for the timeline marker and gesture marker,
# with some amount of time in between them.
trace_events.append({'name': rendering_stats.RENDER_PROCESS_MARKER,
'tts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'args': {},
'pid': 20978,
'ts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'cat': 'webkit',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'S', # Phase: start.
'id': '0x12345'})
trace_events.append({'name': SYNTHETIC_GESTURE_MARKER,
'tts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'args': {},
'pid': 20978,
'ts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'cat': 'webkit',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'S',
'id': '0xabcde'})
# Generate 100 random mock frames and append their trace events.
for _ in xrange(0, 100):
mock_frame = MockFrame(mock_timer)
# Exclude the first frame, because it may have started before the
# benchmark run.
if not first_frame:
total_time_seconds += mock_frame.duration / 1e6
num_frames_sent += mock_frame.main_stats['frame_count']
num_frames_sent += mock_frame.impl_stats['frame_count']
first_frame = False
current_frame_time = mock_timer.microseconds / 1000.0
if previous_frame_time:
difference = current_frame_time - previous_frame_time
difference = round(difference, 2)
previous_frame_time = current_frame_time
# Append finish trace events for the timeline and gesture markers, in the
# reverse order from how they were added, with some time in between.
trace_events.append({'name': SYNTHETIC_GESTURE_MARKER,
'tts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'args': {},
'pid': 20978,
'ts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'cat': 'webkit',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'F', # Phase: finish.
'id': '0xabcde'})
trace_events.append({'name': rendering_stats.RENDER_PROCESS_MARKER,
'tts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'args': {},
'pid': 20978,
'ts': mock_timer.microseconds,
'cat': 'webkit',
'tid': 11,
'ph': 'F',
'id': '0x12345'})
# Create a timeline object from the trace.
trace_impl = RawTraceResultImpl(trace_events)
trace_result = TraceResult(trace_impl)
timeline = trace_result.AsTimelineModel()
# Find the timeline marker and gesture marker in the timeline,
# and create a RenderingStats object.
render_process_marker = timeline.FindTimelineMarkers(
timeline_markers = timeline.FindTimelineMarkers(
stats = rendering_stats.RenderingStats(
render_process_marker, timeline_markers)
# Make a results object and add results to it from the smoothness metric.
results = PageMeasurementResults()
results.WillMeasurePage(page.Page('', None))
smoothness_metric = smoothness.SmoothnessMetric(stats)
smoothness_metric.AddResults(None, results)
1000.0 * (total_time_seconds / num_frames_sent),
# We don't verify the correctness of the discrepancy computation itself,
# because we have a separate unit test for that purpose.
statistics.FrameDiscrepancy(stats.frame_timestamps, True),
# We do not verify the correctness of Percentile here; Percentile should
# have its own test.
# The 17 here represents a threshold of 17 ms; this should match the value
# in the smoothness metric.
statistics.Percentile(expected_frame_times, 95.0) < 17.0,