blob: 17f0643386b6b629a353a9a0181ed40c4401fc73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
// Structure containing result of a single test.
struct TestResult {
enum Status {
TEST_UNKNOWN, // Status not set.
TEST_SUCCESS, // Test passed.
TEST_FAILURE, // Assertion failure (think EXPECT_TRUE, not DCHECK).
TEST_TIMEOUT, // Test timed out and was killed.
TEST_CRASH, // Test crashed (includes CHECK/DCHECK failures).
TEST_SKIPPED, // Test skipped (not run at all).
std::string GetFullName() const { return test_case_name + "." + test_name; }
// Returns the test status as string (e.g. for display).
std::string StatusAsString() const;
// Returns true if the test has completed (i.e. the test binary exited
// normally, possibly with an exit code indicating failure, but didn't crash
// or time out in the middle of the test).
bool completed() const {
return status == TEST_SUCCESS || status == TEST_FAILURE;
// Name of the test case (before the dot, e.g. "A" for test "A.B").
std::string test_case_name;
// Name of the test (after the dot, e.g. "B" for test "A.B").
std::string test_name;
Status status;
// Time it took to run the test.
base::TimeDelta elapsed_time;
// Output of just this test (optional).
std::string output_snippet;
} // namespace base