blob: a637e87a3a942826654e416d9af162e479bdf0e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tools/gn/escape.h"
TEST(Escape, UsedQuotes) {
EscapeOptions shell_options;
shell_options.mode = ESCAPE_SHELL;
EscapeOptions ninja_options;
ninja_options.mode = ESCAPE_NINJA;
EscapeOptions ninja_shell_options;
ninja_shell_options.mode = ESCAPE_NINJA_SHELL;
// Shell escaping with quoting inhibited.
bool used_quotes = false;
shell_options.inhibit_quoting = true;
EXPECT_EQ("foo bar", EscapeString("foo bar", shell_options, &used_quotes));
// Shell escaping with regular quoting.
used_quotes = false;
shell_options.inhibit_quoting = false;
EXPECT_EQ("\"foo bar\"",
EscapeString("foo bar", shell_options, &used_quotes));
// Ninja shell escaping should be the same.
used_quotes = false;
EXPECT_EQ("\"foo$ bar\"",
EscapeString("foo bar", ninja_shell_options, &used_quotes));
// Ninja escaping shouldn't use quoting.
used_quotes = false;
EXPECT_EQ("foo$ bar", EscapeString("foo bar", ninja_options, &used_quotes));
// Used quotes not reset if it's already true.
used_quotes = true;
EscapeString("foo", ninja_options, &used_quotes);