blob: 3bc561cd3f717c52076584e3bd5270551a865b29 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains high-level info about how to use password manager tests and
how to create new ones.
The password manager tests purpose is to allow automatic password manager
checking and avoiding to do so manually.
The tests are written in python using selenium Webdriver library.
=====Getting started=====
Build ChromeDriver by building the 'chromedriver' target. This will
create an executable binary in the build folder named 'chromedriver[.exe]'.
Build chrome too by building the 'chrome' target. This will
create an executable binary in the build folder named 'chrome[.exe]'.
Install Selenium (the version tested was 2.41.0):
pip install -U selenium
For security reasons, we didn't publish the passwords and the usernames we
used to test. So we put them to an xml file (websites.xml). The structure of
the file is the following:
<website name = "website name">
You can ask someone to give you the websites.xml file and put it in the same
folder as the tests. You can also create your own websites.xml with your
personal accounts.
WARNING: All the content of the PROFILEPATH is going to be deleted.
Show the help:
python --help
Run all the working tests tests by executing:
python --chrome-path CHROMEPATH --chromedriver-path CHROMEDRIVERPATH
--profile-path PROFILEPATH [--passwords_path PASSWORDSPATH]
Run all the tests by executing:
python --all --chrome-path CHROMEPATH --chromedriver-path
Run one or many tests by executing:
python google --chrome-path CHROMEPATH --chromedriver-path
python google facebook --chrome-path CHROMEPATH --chromedriver-path
python google facebook amazon --chrome-path CHROMEPATH
--chromedriver-path CHROMEDRIVERPATH --profile-path PROFILEPATH
[--passwords_path PASSWORDSPATH]
To display the debugging messages on the screen, use:
python --log DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL --log-screen
To save debugging messages into a file, use:
=====Creating new test=====
1) Open
2) Add tests like this:
class NewWebsiteTest(WebsiteTest):
def Login(self):
# Add login steps for the website, for example:
self.FillUsernameInto("Username CSS selector")
self.FillPasswordInto("Password CSS selector")
self.Submit("Password CSS selector")
def Logout(self):
# Add logout steps for the website, for example:
self.Click("Logout button CSS selector")
Then, to create the new test, you need just to add:
environment.AddWebsiteTest(NewWebsiteTest("website name"))
* For security reasons, passwords and usernames need to be supplied in a
separate XML file and never checked in to the repository. The XML file should
contain data structured like this:
<website name = "website name">
The "website name" is only used to find the username and password in the xml
Use the flowing methods to perform the login and logout:
The methods that you can use are:
* Click: find an element using CSS Selector and click on it. Throw an
exception if the element is not visible.
* ClickIfClickable: find an element using CSS Selector and click on it if it's
possible to do that.
* GoTo: navigate the main frame to a url.
* HoverOver: find an element using CSS Selector and hover over it.
* SendEnterTo: find an element using CSS Selector and send enter to it.
* IsDisplayed: check if an element is displayed.
* Wait: wait for some amount of time in seconds.
* WaitUntilDisplayed: wait for an element defined using CSS Selector to be
* FillPasswordInto: find an input element using CSS Selector and fill it with
the password.
* FillUsernameInto: find an input element using CSS Selector and fill it with
the username.
* Submit: find an element using CSS Selector and call its submit() handler.
=====Files structure=====
* the definition the tests Environment.
* WebsiteTest is defined here. You need to create an instance
of this class for each website you want to test.
* the tests setup and the configuration for each website happens
here. This file contain 3 separate kinds of tests:
1) working tests: tests that are supposed to work. If you have a problem with
one of them, rerun it again. Or try using the Known Issues section to fix it.
2) tests that can cause a crash (the cause of the crash is not related to the
password manager): This means that this set is expected to become a working
test or failing test when the issue that causes the crash now is solved.
3) failing tests: tests that fail for known bug related to the password
manager. When this bug is solved, all the tests that were failing because of
it are going to be moved to working tests.
Other files:
* websites.xml : a private file where you can find all the passwords. You can
ask someone to give it to you or just create your own with your personal
<website name = "website name">
=====Known Issues=====
The tests are very fragile. Here are some suggestions for solving most of the
* Restart the tests.
* Remove the profile if the tests fail at the beginning for unknown reason.
* If tests fail, isolate the one that causes problem, read debugging messages
and keep your eyes on the browser window to understand its causes:
a) In the tests, we often need to wait for a menu to appear ... If the
menu takes more time to appear than expected, the tests are going to fail.
b) The websites change very often. And even if they are not changed, they some
time show a popup that broke the tests. In the case you need to login manually
to the website, close all popup and logout.
* If you are logged in when the tests crashes, don't forget to log out before
running the tests a second time.