blob: 90c7c9143862027271087a39b2a5c95d4aa4a644 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @type {string}
* @const
/** @type {number}
* @const
var MAX_ATTACH_FILE_SIZE = 3 * 1024 * 1024;
var attachedFileBlob = null;
var lastReader = null;
var feedbackInfo = null;
var systemInfo = null;
var systemInfoWindowId = 0;
* Reads the selected file when the user selects a file.
* @param {Event} fileSelectedEvent The onChanged event for the file input box.
function onFileSelected(fileSelectedEvent) {
$('attach-error').hidden = true;
var file =[0];
if (!file) {
// User canceled file selection.
attachedFileBlob = null;
if (file.size > MAX_ATTACH_FILE_SIZE) {
$('attach-error').hidden = false;
// Clear our selected file.
$('attach-file').value = '';
attachedFileBlob = null;
attachedFileBlob = file.slice();
* Clears the file that was attached to the report with the initial request.
* Instead we will now show the attach file button in case the user wants to
* attach another file.
function clearAttachedFile() {
$('custom-file-container').hidden = true;
attachedFileBlob = null;
feedbackInfo.attachedFile = null;
$('attach-file').hidden = false;
* Opens a new window with chrome://system, showing the current system info.
function openSystemInfoWindow() {
if (systemInfoWindowId == 0) {{url: 'chrome://system'}, function(win) {
systemInfoWindowId =;;
} else {, {drawAttention: true});
* Sends the report; after the report is sent, we need to be redirected to
* the landing page, but we shouldn't be able to navigate back, hence
* we open the landing page in a new tab and sendReport closes this tab.
* @return {boolean} True if the report was sent.
function sendReport() {
if ($('description-text').value.length == 0) {
var description = $('description-text');
description.placeholder = loadTimeData.getString('no-description');
return false;
console.log('Feedback: Sending report');
if (!feedbackInfo.attachedFile && attachedFileBlob) {
feedbackInfo.attachedFile = { name: $('attach-file').value,
data: attachedFileBlob };
feedbackInfo.description = $('description-text').value;
feedbackInfo.pageUrl = $('page-url-text').value; = $('user-email-text').value;
var useSystemInfo = false;
// On ChromeOS, since we gather System info, check if the user has given his
// permission for us to send system info.
<if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
if ($('sys-info-checkbox') != null &&
$('sys-info-checkbox').checked &&
systemInfo != null) {
useSystemInfo = true;
if ($('performance-info-checkbox') == null ||
!($('performance-info-checkbox').checked)) {
feedbackInfo.traceId = null;
// On NonChromeOS, we don't have any system information gathered except the
// Chrome version and the OS version. Hence for Chrome, pass the system info
// through.
<if expr="not pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
if (systemInfo != null)
useSystemInfo = true;
if (useSystemInfo) {
if (feedbackInfo.systemInformation != null) {
// Concatenate sysinfo if we had any initial system information
// sent with the feedback request event.
feedbackInfo.systemInformation =
} else {
feedbackInfo.systemInformation = systemInfo;
// If the user doesn't want to send the screenshot.
if (!$('screenshot-checkbox').checked)
feedbackInfo.screenshot = null;
chrome.feedbackPrivate.sendFeedback(feedbackInfo, function(result) {, '_blank');
return true;
* Click listener for the cancel button.
* @param {Event} e The click event being handled.
function cancel(e) {
* Converts a blob data URL to a blob object.
* @param {string} url The data URL to convert.
* @return {Blob} Blob object containing the data.
function dataUrlToBlob(url) {
var mimeString = url.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];
var data = atob(url.split(',')[1]);
var dataArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
return new Blob([new Uint8Array(dataArray)], {type: mimeString});
<if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
* Update the page when performance feedback state is changed.
function performanceFeedbackChanged() {
if ($('performance-info-checkbox').checked) {
$('attach-file').disabled = true;
$('attach-file').checked = false;
$('screenshot-checkbox').disabled = true;
$('screenshot-checkbox').checked = false;
$('sys-info-checkbox').disabled = true;
$('sys-info-checkbox').checked = false;
} else {
$('attach-file').disabled = false;
$('screenshot-checkbox').disabled = false;
$('sys-info-checkbox').disabled = false;
* Initializes our page.
* Flow:
* .) DOMContent Loaded -> . Request feedbackInfo object
* . Setup page event handlers
* .) Feedback Object Received -> . take screenshot
* . request email
* . request System info
* . request i18n strings
* .) Screenshot taken -> . Show Feedback window.
function initialize() {
// Add listener to receive the feedback info object.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.sentFromEventPage) {
feedbackInfo =;
$('description-text').textContent = feedbackInfo.description;
if (feedbackInfo.pageUrl)
$('page-url-text').value = feedbackInfo.pageUrl;
takeScreenshot(function(screenshotDataUrl) {
$('screenshot-image').src = screenshotDataUrl;
feedbackInfo.screenshot = dataUrlToBlob(screenshotDataUrl);;
chrome.feedbackPrivate.getUserEmail(function(email) {
$('user-email-text').value = email;
chrome.feedbackPrivate.getSystemInformation(function(sysInfo) {
systemInfo = sysInfo;
// An extension called us with an attached file.
if (feedbackInfo.attachedFile) {
$('attached-filename-text').textContent =;
attachedFileBlob =;
$('custom-file-container').hidden = false;
$('attach-file').hidden = true;
<if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
if (feedbackInfo.traceId && ($('performance-info-area'))) {
$('performance-info-area').hidden = false;
$('performance-info-checkbox').checked = true;
chrome.feedbackPrivate.getStrings(function(strings) { = strings;
i18nTemplate.process(document, loadTimeData);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Ready to receive the feedback object.
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ready: true});
// Setup our event handlers.
$('attach-file').addEventListener('change', onFileSelected);
$('send-report-button').onclick = sendReport;
$('cancel-button').onclick = cancel;
$('remove-attached-file').onclick = clearAttachedFile;
<if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">
'change', performanceFeedbackChanged);
</if>, removeInfo) {
if (windowId == systemInfoWindowId)
systemInfoWindowId = 0;
if ($('sysinfo-url')) {
$('sysinfo-url').onclick = openSystemInfoWindow;