blob: 8faec8dd603f72264923e7cf8364b23b461f49e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/managed/managed_user_authenticator.h"
#include "chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_registration_utility.h"
class Profile;
namespace chromeos {
// ManagedUserCreationController is used to locally managed user
// creation.
class ManagedUserCreationController {
// This constant is used to indicate that user does not have one of default
// avatars: either he has no chromeos avatar at all, or has an external
// image as an avatar.
static const int kDummyAvatarIndex;
enum ErrorCode {
class StatusConsumer {
virtual ~StatusConsumer();
virtual void OnCreationError(ErrorCode code) = 0;
virtual void OnLongCreationWarning() = 0;
virtual void OnCreationTimeout() = 0;
virtual void OnCreationSuccess() = 0;
// All UI initialization is deferred till Init() call.
// |Consumer| is not owned by controller, and it is expected that it wouldn't
// be deleted before ManagedUserCreationController.
explicit ManagedUserCreationController(StatusConsumer* consumer);
virtual ~ManagedUserCreationController();
// Returns the current locally managed user controller if it has been created.
static ManagedUserCreationController* current_controller() {
return current_controller_;
// Set up controller for creating new supervised user with |display_name|,
// |password| and avatar indexed by |avatar_index|. StartCreation() have to
// be called to actually start creating user.
virtual void StartCreation(const base::string16& display_name,
const std::string& password,
int avatar_index) = 0;
// Configures and initiates importing existing supervised user to this device.
// Existing user is identified by |sync_id|, has |display_name|, |password|,
// |avatar_index|. The master key for cryptohome is a |master_key|.
virtual void StartImport(const base::string16& display_name,
const std::string& password,
int avatar_index,
const std::string& sync_id,
const std::string& master_key) = 0;
// Configures and initiates importing existing supervised user to this device.
// Existing user is identified by |sync_id|, has |display_name|,
// |avatar_index|. The master key for cryptohome is a |master_key|. The user
// has password specified in |password_data| and
// |encryption_key|/|signature_key| for cryptohome.
virtual void StartImport(const base::string16& display_name,
int avatar_index,
const std::string& sync_id,
const std::string& master_key,
const base::DictionaryValue* password_data,
const std::string& encryption_key,
const std::string& signature_key) = 0;
virtual void SetManagerProfile(Profile* manager_profile) = 0;
virtual Profile* GetManagerProfile() = 0;
virtual void CancelCreation() = 0;
virtual void FinishCreation() = 0;
virtual std::string GetManagedUserId() = 0;
// Pointer to the current instance of the controller to be used by
// automation tests.
static ManagedUserCreationController* current_controller_;
StatusConsumer* consumer_;
} // namespace chromeos