blob: e776ff8f06549e8585bafac4bdbc574f57af7b9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @param {Element} container Content container.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel Selection model.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache Metadata cache.
* @param {VolumeManagerWrapper} volumeManager Volume manager.
* @param {function} toggleMode Function to switch to the Slide mode.
* @constructor
function MosaicMode(
container, dataModel, selectionModel, metadataCache, volumeManager,
toggleMode) {
this.mosaic_ = new Mosaic(
container.ownerDocument, dataModel, selectionModel, metadataCache,
this.toggleMode_ = toggleMode;
this.mosaic_.addEventListener('dblclick', this.toggleMode_);
this.showingTimeoutID_ = null;
* @return {Mosaic} The mosaic control.
MosaicMode.prototype.getMosaic = function() { return this.mosaic_ };
* @return {string} Mode name.
MosaicMode.prototype.getName = function() { return 'mosaic' };
* @return {string} Mode title.
MosaicMode.prototype.getTitle = function() { return 'GALLERY_MOSAIC' };
* Execute an action (this mode has no busy state).
* @param {function} action Action to execute.
MosaicMode.prototype.executeWhenReady = function(action) { action() };
* @return {boolean} Always true (no toolbar fading in this mode).
MosaicMode.prototype.hasActiveTool = function() { return true };
* Keydown handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
MosaicMode.prototype.onKeyDown = function(event) {
switch (util.getKeyModifiers(event) + event.keyIdentifier) {
case 'Enter':
if (!document.activeElement ||
document.activeElement.localName !== 'button') {
* Mosaic control.
* @param {Document} document Document.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel Selection model.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache Metadata cache.
* @param {VolumeManagerWrapper} volumeManager Volume manager.
* @return {Element} Mosaic element.
* @constructor
function Mosaic(document, dataModel, selectionModel, metadataCache,
volumeManager) {
var self = document.createElement('div');
self, dataModel, selectionModel, metadataCache, volumeManager);
return self;
* Inherits from HTMLDivElement.
Mosaic.prototype.__proto__ = HTMLDivElement.prototype;
* Default layout delay in ms.
* @const
* @type {number}
Mosaic.LAYOUT_DELAY = 200;
* Smooth scroll animation duration when scrolling using keyboard or
* clicking on a partly visible tile. In ms.
* @const
* @type {number}
* Decorates a Mosaic instance.
* @param {Mosaic} self Self pointer.
* @param {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} dataModel Data model.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel Selection model.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache Metadata cache.
* @param {VolumeManagerWrapper} volumeManager Volume manager.
Mosaic.decorate = function(
self, dataModel, selectionModel, metadataCache, volumeManager) {
self.__proto__ = Mosaic.prototype;
self.className = 'mosaic';
self.dataModel_ = dataModel;
self.selectionModel_ = selectionModel;
self.metadataCache_ = metadataCache;
self.volumeManager_ = volumeManager;
// Initialization is completed lazily on the first call to |init|.
* Initializes the mosaic element.
Mosaic.prototype.init = function() {
if (this.tiles_)
return; // Already initialized, nothing to do.
this.layoutModel_ = new Mosaic.Layout();
this.selectionController_ =
new Mosaic.SelectionController(this.selectionModel_, this.layoutModel_);
this.tiles_ = [];
for (var i = 0; i !== this.dataModel_.length; i++) {
var locationInfo =
new Mosaic.Tile(this, this.dataModel_.item(i), locationInfo));
this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes.forEach(function(index) {
// The listeners might be called while some tiles are still loading.
* @return {boolean} Whether mosaic is initialized.
Mosaic.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
return !!this.tiles_;
* Starts listening to events.
* We keep listening to events even when the mosaic is hidden in order to
* keep the layout up to date.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.initListeners_ = function() {
'resize', this.onResize_.bind(this));
var mouseEventBound = this.onMouseEvent_.bind(this);
this.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseEventBound);
this.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseEventBound);
this.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseEventBound);
this.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this));
this.selectionModel_.addEventListener('change', this.onSelection_.bind(this));
this.dataModel_.addEventListener('splice', this.onSplice_.bind(this));
this.dataModel_.addEventListener('content', this.onContentChange_.bind(this));
* Smoothly scrolls the container to the specified position using
* f(x) = sqrt(x) speed function normalized to animation duration.
* @param {number} targetPosition Horizontal scroll position in pixels.
Mosaic.prototype.animatedScrollTo = function(targetPosition) {
if (this.scrollAnimation_) {
this.scrollAnimation_ = null;
// Mouse move events are fired without touching the mouse because of scrolling
// the container. Therefore, these events have to be suppressed.
this.suppressHovering_ = true;
// Calculates integral area from t1 to t2 of f(x) = sqrt(x) dx.
var integral = function(t1, t2) {
return 2.0 / 3.0 * Math.pow(t2, 3.0 / 2.0) -
2.0 / 3.0 * Math.pow(t1, 3.0 / 2.0);
var delta = targetPosition - this.scrollLeft;
var factor = delta / integral(0, Mosaic.ANIMATED_SCROLL_DURATION);
var startTime =;
var lastPosition = 0;
var scrollOffset = this.scrollLeft;
var animationFrame = function() {
var position = - startTime;
var step = factor *
integral(Math.max(0, Mosaic.ANIMATED_SCROLL_DURATION - position),
Math.max(0, Mosaic.ANIMATED_SCROLL_DURATION - lastPosition));
scrollOffset += step;
var oldScrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
var newScrollLeft = Math.round(scrollOffset);
if (oldScrollLeft !== newScrollLeft)
this.scrollLeft = newScrollLeft;
if (step === 0 || this.scrollLeft !== newScrollLeft) {
this.scrollAnimation_ = null;
// Release the hovering lock after a safe delay to avoid hovering
// a tile because of altering |this.scrollLeft|.
setTimeout(function() {
if (!this.scrollAnimation_)
this.suppressHovering_ = false;
}.bind(this), 100);
} else {
// Continue the animation.
this.scrollAnimation_ = requestAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
lastPosition = position;
// Start the animation.
this.scrollAnimation_ = requestAnimationFrame(animationFrame);
* @return {Mosaic.Tile} Selected tile or undefined if no selection.
Mosaic.prototype.getSelectedTile = function() {
return this.tiles_ && this.tiles_[this.selectionModel_.selectedIndex];
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {Rect} Tile's image rectangle.
Mosaic.prototype.getTileRect = function(index) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
return tile && tile.getImageRect();
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* Scroll the given tile into the viewport.
Mosaic.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(index) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
if (tile) tile.scrollIntoView();
* Initializes multiple tiles.
* @param {Array.<Mosaic.Tile>} tiles Array of tiles.
* @param {function()=} opt_callback Completion callback.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.initTiles_ = function(tiles, opt_callback) {
// We do not want to use tile indices in asynchronous operations because they
// do not survive data model splices. Copy tile references instead.
tiles = tiles.slice();
// Throttle the metadata access so that we do not overwhelm the file system.
var MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 10;
var loadChunk = function() {
if (!tiles.length) {
if (opt_callback) opt_callback();
var chunkSize = Math.min(tiles.length, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
var loaded = 0;
for (var i = 0; i !== chunkSize; i++) {
this.initTile_(tiles.shift(), function() {
if (++loaded === chunkSize) {
* Initializes a single tile.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile} tile Tile.
* @param {function()} callback Completion callback.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.initTile_ = function(tile, callback) {
var onImageMeasured = callback;
this.metadataCache_.get(tile.getItem().getEntry(), Gallery.METADATA_TYPE,
function(metadata) {
tile.init(metadata, onImageMeasured);
* Reloads all tiles.
Mosaic.prototype.reload = function() {
this.tiles_.forEach(function(t) { t.markUnloaded() });
* Layouts the tiles in the order of their indices.
* Starts where it last stopped (at #0 the first time).
* Stops when all tiles are processed or when the next tile is still loading.
Mosaic.prototype.layout = function() {
if (this.layoutTimer_) {
this.layoutTimer_ = null;
while (true) {
var index = this.layoutModel_.getTileCount();
if (index === this.tiles_.length)
break; // All tiles done.
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
if (!tile.isInitialized())
break; // Next layout will try to restart from here.
this.layoutModel_.add(tile, index + 1 === this.tiles_.length);
* Schedules the layout.
* @param {number=} opt_delay Delay in ms.
Mosaic.prototype.scheduleLayout = function(opt_delay) {
if (!this.layoutTimer_) {
this.layoutTimer_ = setTimeout(function() {
this.layoutTimer_ = null;
}.bind(this), opt_delay || 0);
* Resize handler.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onResize_ = function() {
this.layoutModel_.setViewportSize(this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight -
(Mosaic.Layout.PADDING_TOP + Mosaic.Layout.PADDING_BOTTOM));
* Mouse event handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onMouseEvent_ = function(event) {
// Navigating with mouse, enable hover state.
if (!this.suppressHovering_)
if (event.type === 'mousemove')
var index = -1;
for (var target =;
target && (target !== this);
target = target.parentNode) {
if (target.classList.contains('mosaic-tile')) {
index = this.dataModel_.indexOf(target.getItem());
this.selectionController_.handlePointerDownUp(event, index);
* Scroll handler.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onScroll_ = function() {
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
* Selection change handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onSelection_ = function(event) {
for (var i = 0; i !== event.changes.length; i++) {
var change = event.changes[i];
var tile = this.tiles_[change.index];
if (tile);
* Leads item change handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onLeadChange_ = function(event) {
var index = event.newValue;
if (index >= 0) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
if (tile) tile.scrollIntoView();
* Splice event handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onSplice_ = function(event) {
var index = event.index;
if (event.removed.length) {
for (var t = 0; t !== event.removed.length; t++) {
// If the layout for the tile has not done yet, the parent is null.
// And the layout will not be done after onSplice_ becuase it is removed
// from this.tiles_.
if (this.tiles_[index + t].parentNode)
this.removeChild(this.tiles_[index + t]);
this.tiles_.splice(index, event.removed.length);
if (event.added.length) {
var newTiles = [];
for (var t = 0; t !== event.added.length; t++)
newTiles.push(new Mosaic.Tile(this, this.dataModel_.item(index + t)));
this.tiles_.splice.apply(this.tiles_, [index, 0].concat(newTiles));
if (this.tiles_.length !== this.dataModel_.length)
console.error('Mosaic is out of sync');
* Content change handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.onContentChange_ = function(event) {
if (!this.tiles_)
if (!event.metadata)
return; // Thumbnail unchanged, nothing to do.
var index = this.dataModel_.indexOf(event.item);
if (index !== this.selectionModel_.selectedIndex)
console.error('Content changed for unselected item');
this.tiles_[index].init(event.metadata, function() {
this.scheduleLayout.bind(this, Mosaic.LAYOUT_DELAY));
* Keydown event handler.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @return {boolean} True if the event has been consumed.
Mosaic.prototype.onKeyDown = function(event) {
if (event.defaultPrevented) // Navigating with keyboard, hide hover state.
return event.defaultPrevented;
* @return {boolean} True if the mosaic zoom effect can be applied. It is
* too slow if there are to many images.
* TODO(kaznacheev): Consider unloading the images that are out of the viewport.
Mosaic.prototype.canZoom = function() {
return this.tiles_.length < 100;
* Shows the mosaic.
*/ = function() {
var duration = ImageView.MODE_TRANSITION_DURATION;
if (this.canZoom()) {
// Fade in in parallel with the zoom effect.
this.setAttribute('visible', 'zooming');
} else {
// Mosaic is not animating but the large image is. Fade in the mosaic
// shortly before the large image animation is done.
duration -= 100;
this.showingTimeoutID_ = setTimeout(function() {
this.showingTimeoutID_ = null;
// Make the selection visible.
// If the mosaic is not animated it will start fading in now.
this.setAttribute('visible', 'normal');
}.bind(this), duration);
* Hides the mosaic.
Mosaic.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.showingTimeoutID_ !== null) {
this.showingTimeoutID_ = null;
* Checks if the mosaic view is visible.
* @return {boolean} True if visible, false otherwise.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.isVisible_ = function() {
return this.hasAttribute('visible');
* Loads visible tiles. Ignores consecutive calls. Does not reload already
* loaded images.
* @private
Mosaic.prototype.loadVisibleTiles_ = function() {
if (this.loadVisibleTilesSuppressed_) {
this.loadVisibleTilesScheduled_ = true;
this.loadVisibleTilesSuppressed_ = true;
this.loadVisibleTilesScheduled_ = false;
setTimeout(function() {
this.loadVisibleTilesSuppressed_ = false;
if (this.loadVisibleTilesScheduled_)
}.bind(this), 100);
// Tiles only in the viewport (visible).
var visibleRect = new Rect(0,
// Tiles in the viewport and also some distance on the left and right.
var renderableRect = new Rect(-this.clientWidth,
3 * this.clientWidth,
// Unload tiles out of scope.
for (var index = 0; index < this.tiles_.length; index++) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
var imageRect = tile.getImageRect();
// Unload a thumbnail.
if (imageRect && !imageRect.intersects(renderableRect))
// Load the visible tiles first.
var allVisibleLoaded = true;
// Show high-dpi only when the mosaic view is visible.
var loadMode = this.isVisible_() ? Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.HIGH_DPI :
for (var index = 0; index < this.tiles_.length; index++) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
var imageRect = tile.getImageRect();
// Load a thumbnail.
if (!tile.isLoading(loadMode) && !tile.isLoaded(loadMode) && imageRect &&
imageRect.intersects(visibleRect)) {
tile.load(loadMode, function() {});
allVisibleLoaded = false;
// Load also another, nearby, if the visible has been already loaded.
if (allVisibleLoaded) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.tiles_.length; index++) {
var tile = this.tiles_[index];
var imageRect = tile.getImageRect();
// Load a thumbnail.
if (!tile.isLoading() && !tile.isLoaded() && imageRect &&
imageRect.intersects(renderableRect)) {
tile.load(Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI, function() {});
* Applies reset the zoom transform.
* @param {Rect} tileRect Tile rectangle. Reset the transform if null.
* @param {Rect} imageRect Large image rectangle. Reset the transform if null.
* @param {boolean=} opt_instant True of the transition should be instant.
Mosaic.prototype.transform = function(tileRect, imageRect, opt_instant) {
if (opt_instant) { = '0';
} else { =
if (this.canZoom() && tileRect && imageRect) {
var scaleX = imageRect.width / tileRect.width;
var scaleY = imageRect.height / tileRect.height;
var shiftX = (imageRect.left + imageRect.width / 2) -
(tileRect.left + tileRect.width / 2);
var shiftY = ( + imageRect.height / 2) -
( + tileRect.height / 2); =
'translate(' + shiftX * scaleX + 'px, ' + shiftY * scaleY + 'px)' +
'scaleX(' + scaleX + ') scaleY(' + scaleY + ')';
} else { = '';
* Creates a selection controller that is to be used with grid.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel The selection model to
* interact with.
* @param {Mosaic.Layout} layoutModel The layout model to use.
* @constructor
* @extends {!cr.ui.ListSelectionController}
Mosaic.SelectionController = function(selectionModel, layoutModel) {, selectionModel);
this.layoutModel_ = layoutModel;
* Extends cr.ui.ListSelectionController.
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.__proto__ =
/** @override */
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.getLastIndex = function() {
return this.layoutModel_.getLaidOutTileCount() - 1;
/** @override */
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.getIndexBefore = function(index) {
return this.layoutModel_.getHorizontalAdjacentIndex(index, -1);
/** @override */
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.getIndexAfter = function(index) {
return this.layoutModel_.getHorizontalAdjacentIndex(index, 1);
/** @override */
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.getIndexAbove = function(index) {
return this.layoutModel_.getVerticalAdjacentIndex(index, -1);
/** @override */
Mosaic.SelectionController.prototype.getIndexBelow = function(index) {
return this.layoutModel_.getVerticalAdjacentIndex(index, 1);
* Mosaic layout.
* @param {string=} opt_mode Layout mode.
* @param {Mosaic.Density=} opt_maxDensity Layout density.
* @constructor
Mosaic.Layout = function(opt_mode, opt_maxDensity) {
this.mode_ = opt_mode || Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE;
this.maxDensity_ = opt_maxDensity || Mosaic.Density.createHighest();
* Blank space at the top of the mosaic element. We do not do that in CSS
* to make transition effects easier.
Mosaic.Layout.PADDING_TOP = 50;
* Blank space at the bottom of the mosaic element.
Mosaic.Layout.PADDING_BOTTOM = 50;
* Horizontal and vertical spacing between images. Should be kept in sync
* with the style of .mosaic-item in gallery.css (= 2 * ( 4 + 1))
Mosaic.Layout.SPACING = 10;
* Margin for scrolling using keyboard. Distance between a selected tile
* and window border.
Mosaic.Layout.SCROLL_MARGIN = 30;
* Layout mode: commit to DOM immediately.
Mosaic.Layout.MODE_FINAL = 'final';
* Layout mode: do not commit layout to DOM until it is complete or the viewport
* overflows.
Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE = 'tentative';
* Layout mode: never commit layout to DOM.
Mosaic.Layout.MODE_DRY_RUN = 'dry_run';
* Resets the layout.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.reset_ = function() {
this.columns_ = [];
this.newColumn_ = null;
this.density_ = Mosaic.Density.createLowest();
if (this.mode_ !== Mosaic.Layout.MODE_DRY_RUN) // DRY_RUN is sticky.
this.mode_ = Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE;
* @param {number} width Viewport width.
* @param {number} height Viewport height.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.setViewportSize = function(width, height) {
this.viewportWidth_ = width;
this.viewportHeight_ = height;
* @return {number} Total width of the layout.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getWidth = function() {
var lastColumn = this.getLastColumn_();
return lastColumn ? lastColumn.getRight() : 0;
* @return {number} Total height of the layout.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getHeight = function() {
var firstColumn = this.columns_[0];
return firstColumn ? firstColumn.getHeight() : 0;
* @return {Array.<Mosaic.Tile>} All tiles in the layout.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getTiles = function() {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], { return c.getTiles() }));
* @return {number} Total number of tiles added to the layout.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getTileCount = function() {
return this.getLaidOutTileCount() +
(this.newColumn_ ? this.newColumn_.getTileCount() : 0);
* @return {Mosaic.Column} The last column or null for empty layout.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getLastColumn_ = function() {
return this.columns_.length ? this.columns_[this.columns_.length - 1] : null;
* @return {number} Total number of tiles in completed columns.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getLaidOutTileCount = function() {
var lastColumn = this.getLastColumn_();
return lastColumn ? lastColumn.getNextTileIndex() : 0;
* Adds a tile to the layout.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile} tile The tile to be added.
* @param {boolean} isLast True if this tile is the last.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.add = function(tile, isLast) {
var layoutQueue = [tile];
// There are two levels of backtracking in the layout algorithm.
// |Mosaic.Layout.density_| tracks the state of the 'global' backtracking
// which aims to use as much of the viewport space as possible.
// It starts with the lowest density and increases it until the layout
// fits into the viewport. If it does not fit even at the highest density,
// the layout continues with the highest density.
// |Mosaic.Column.density_| tracks the state of the 'local' backtracking
// which aims to avoid producing unnaturally looking columns.
// It starts with the current global density and decreases it until the column
// looks nice.
while (layoutQueue.length) {
if (!this.newColumn_) {
var lastColumn = this.getLastColumn_();
this.newColumn_ = new Mosaic.Column(
lastColumn ? lastColumn.getNextRowIndex() : 0,
lastColumn ? lastColumn.getNextTileIndex() : 0,
lastColumn ? lastColumn.getRight() : 0,
var isFinalColumn = isLast && !layoutQueue.length;
if (!this.newColumn_.prepareLayout(isFinalColumn))
continue; // Column is incomplete.
if (this.newColumn_.isSuboptimal()) {
layoutQueue = this.newColumn_.getTiles().concat(layoutQueue);
this.newColumn_ = null;
if (this.mode_ === Mosaic.Layout.MODE_FINAL) {
if (this.getWidth() > this.viewportWidth_) {
// Viewport completely filled.
if (this.density_.equals(this.maxDensity_)) {
// Max density reached, commit if tentative, just continue if dry run.
if (this.mode_ === Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE)
// Rollback the entire layout, retry with higher density.
layoutQueue = this.getTiles().concat(layoutQueue);
this.columns_ = [];
if (isFinalColumn && this.mode_ === Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE) {
// The complete tentative layout fits into the viewport.
var stretched = this.findHorizontalLayout_();
if (stretched)
this.columns_ = stretched.columns_;
// Center the layout in the viewport and commit.
this.commit_((this.viewportWidth_ - this.getWidth()) / 2,
(this.viewportHeight_ - this.getHeight()) / 2);
* Commits the tentative layout.
* @param {number=} opt_offsetX Horizontal offset.
* @param {number=} opt_offsetY Vertical offset.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.commit_ = function(opt_offsetX, opt_offsetY) {
console.assert(this.mode_ !== Mosaic.Layout.MODE_FINAL,
'Did not expect final layout');
for (var i = 0; i !== this.columns_.length; i++) {
this.columns_[i].layout(opt_offsetX, opt_offsetY);
this.mode_ = Mosaic.Layout.MODE_FINAL;
* Finds the most horizontally stretched layout built from the same tiles.
* The main layout algorithm fills the entire available viewport height.
* If there is too few tiles this results in a layout that is unnaturally
* stretched in the vertical direction.
* This method tries a number of smaller heights and returns the most
* horizontally stretched layout that still fits into the viewport.
* @return {Mosaic.Layout} A horizontally stretched layout.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.findHorizontalLayout_ = function() {
// If the layout aspect ratio is not dramatically different from
// the viewport aspect ratio then there is no need to optimize.
if (this.getWidth() / this.getHeight() >
this.viewportWidth_ / this.viewportHeight_ * 0.9)
return null;
var tiles = this.getTiles();
if (tiles.length === 1)
return null; // Single tile layout is always the same.
var tileHeights = { return t.getMaxContentHeight() });
var minTileHeight = Math.min.apply(null, tileHeights);
for (var h = minTileHeight; h < this.viewportHeight_; h += minTileHeight) {
var layout = new Mosaic.Layout(
Mosaic.Layout.MODE_DRY_RUN, this.density_.clone());
layout.setViewportSize(this.viewportWidth_, h);
for (var t = 0; t !== tiles.length; t++)
layout.add(tiles[t], t + 1 === tiles.length);
if (layout.getWidth() <= this.viewportWidth_)
return layout;
return null;
* Invalidates the layout after the given tile was modified (added, deleted or
* changed dimensions).
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.invalidateFromTile_ = function(index) {
var columnIndex = this.getColumnIndexByTile_(index);
if (columnIndex < 0)
return; // Index not in the layout, probably already invalidated.
if (this.columns_[columnIndex].getLeft() >= this.viewportWidth_) {
// The columns to the right cover the entire viewport width, so there is no
// chance that the modified layout would fit into the viewport.
// No point in restarting the entire layout, keep the columns to the right.
console.assert(this.mode_ === Mosaic.Layout.MODE_FINAL,
'Expected FINAL layout mode');
this.columns_ = this.columns_.slice(0, columnIndex);
this.newColumn_ = null;
} else {
// There is a chance that the modified layout would fit into the viewport.
this.mode_ = Mosaic.Layout.MODE_TENTATIVE;
* Gets the index of the tile to the left or to the right from the given tile.
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @param {number} direction -1 for left, 1 for right.
* @return {number} Adjacent tile index.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getHorizontalAdjacentIndex = function(
index, direction) {
var column = this.getColumnIndexByTile_(index);
if (column < 0) {
console.error('Cannot find column for tile #' + index);
return -1;
var row = this.columns_[column].getRowByTileIndex(index);
if (!row) {
console.error('Cannot find row for tile #' + index);
return -1;
var sameRowNeighbourIndex = index + direction;
if (row.hasTile(sameRowNeighbourIndex))
return sameRowNeighbourIndex;
var adjacentColumn = column + direction;
if (adjacentColumn < 0 || adjacentColumn === this.columns_.length)
return -1;
return this.columns_[adjacentColumn].
getEdgeTileIndex_(row.getCenterY(), -direction);
* Gets the index of the tile to the top or to the bottom from the given tile.
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @param {number} direction -1 for above, 1 for below.
* @return {number} Adjacent tile index.
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getVerticalAdjacentIndex = function(
index, direction) {
var column = this.getColumnIndexByTile_(index);
if (column < 0) {
console.error('Cannot find column for tile #' + index);
return -1;
var row = this.columns_[column].getRowByTileIndex(index);
if (!row) {
console.error('Cannot find row for tile #' + index);
return -1;
// Find the first item in the next row, or the last item in the previous row.
var adjacentRowNeighbourIndex =
row.getEdgeTileIndex_(direction) + direction;
if (adjacentRowNeighbourIndex < 0 ||
adjacentRowNeighbourIndex > this.getTileCount() - 1)
return -1;
if (!this.columns_[column].hasTile(adjacentRowNeighbourIndex)) {
// It is not in the current column, so return it.
return adjacentRowNeighbourIndex;
} else {
// It is in the current column, so we have to find optically the closest
// tile in the adjacent row.
var adjacentRow = this.columns_[column].getRowByTileIndex(
var previousTileCenterX = row.getTileByIndex(index).getCenterX();
// Find the closest one.
var closestIndex = -1;
var closestDistance;
var adjacentRowTiles = adjacentRow.getTiles();
for (var t = 0; t !== adjacentRowTiles.length; t++) {
var distance =
Math.abs(adjacentRowTiles[t].getCenterX() - previousTileCenterX);
if (closestIndex === -1 || distance < closestDistance) {
closestIndex = adjacentRow.getEdgeTileIndex_(-1) + t;
closestDistance = distance;
return closestIndex;
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {number} Index of the column containing the given tile.
* @private
Mosaic.Layout.prototype.getColumnIndexByTile_ = function(index) {
for (var c = 0; c !== this.columns_.length; c++) {
if (this.columns_[c].hasTile(index))
return c;
return -1;
* Scales the given array of size values to satisfy 3 conditions:
* 1. The new sizes must be integer.
* 2. The new sizes must sum up to the given |total| value.
* 3. The relative proportions of the sizes should be as close to the original
* as possible.
* @param {Array.<number>} sizes Array of sizes.
* @param {number} newTotal New total size.
Mosaic.Layout.rescaleSizesToNewTotal = function(sizes, newTotal) {
var total = 0;
var partialTotals = [0];
for (var i = 0; i !== sizes.length; i++) {
total += sizes[i];
var scale = newTotal / total;
for (i = 0; i !== sizes.length; i++) {
sizes[i] = Math.round(partialTotals[i + 1] * scale) -
Math.round(partialTotals[i] * scale);
* Representation of the layout density.
* @param {number} horizontal Horizontal density, number tiles per row.
* @param {number} vertical Vertical density, frequency of rows forced to
* contain a single tile.
* @constructor
Mosaic.Density = function(horizontal, vertical) {
this.horizontal = horizontal;
this.vertical = vertical;
* Minimal horizontal density (tiles per row).
Mosaic.Density.MIN_HORIZONTAL = 1;
* Minimal horizontal density (tiles per row).
Mosaic.Density.MAX_HORIZONTAL = 3;
* Minimal vertical density: force 1 out of 2 rows to containt a single tile.
Mosaic.Density.MIN_VERTICAL = 2;
* Maximal vertical density: force 1 out of 3 rows to containt a single tile.
Mosaic.Density.MAX_VERTICAL = 3;
* @return {Mosaic.Density} Lowest density.
Mosaic.Density.createLowest = function() {
return new Mosaic.Density(
Mosaic.Density.MIN_VERTICAL /* ignored when horizontal is at min */);
* @return {Mosaic.Density} Highest density.
Mosaic.Density.createHighest = function() {
return new Mosaic.Density(
* @return {Mosaic.Density} A clone of this density object.
Mosaic.Density.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Mosaic.Density(this.horizontal, this.vertical);
* @param {Mosaic.Density} that The other object.
* @return {boolean} True if equal.
Mosaic.Density.prototype.equals = function(that) {
return this.horizontal === that.horizontal &&
this.vertical === that.vertical;
* Increases the density to the next level.
Mosaic.Density.prototype.increase = function() {
if (this.horizontal === Mosaic.Density.MIN_HORIZONTAL ||
this.vertical === Mosaic.Density.MAX_VERTICAL) {
console.assert(this.horizontal < Mosaic.Density.MAX_HORIZONTAL);
this.vertical = Mosaic.Density.MIN_VERTICAL;
} else {
* Decreases horizontal density.
Mosaic.Density.prototype.decreaseHorizontal = function() {
console.assert(this.horizontal > Mosaic.Density.MIN_HORIZONTAL);
* @param {number} tileCount Number of tiles in the row.
* @param {number} rowIndex Global row index.
* @return {boolean} True if the row is complete.
Mosaic.Density.prototype.isRowComplete = function(tileCount, rowIndex) {
return (tileCount === this.horizontal) || (rowIndex % this.vertical) === 0;
* A column in a mosaic layout. Contains rows.
* @param {number} index Column index.
* @param {number} firstRowIndex Global row index.
* @param {number} firstTileIndex Index of the first tile in the column.
* @param {number} left Left edge coordinate.
* @param {number} maxHeight Maximum height.
* @param {Mosaic.Density} density Layout density.
* @constructor
Mosaic.Column = function(index, firstRowIndex, firstTileIndex, left, maxHeight,
density) {
this.index_ = index;
this.firstRowIndex_ = firstRowIndex;
this.firstTileIndex_ = firstTileIndex;
this.left_ = left;
this.maxHeight_ = maxHeight;
this.density_ = density;
* Resets the layout.
* @private
Mosaic.Column.prototype.reset_ = function() {
this.tiles_ = [];
this.rows_ = [];
this.newRow_ = null;
* @return {number} Number of tiles in the column.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getTileCount = function() { return this.tiles_.length };
* @return {number} Index of the last tile + 1.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getNextTileIndex = function() {
return this.firstTileIndex_ + this.getTileCount();
* @return {number} Global index of the last row + 1.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getNextRowIndex = function() {
return this.firstRowIndex_ + this.rows_.length;
* @return {Array.<Mosaic.Tile>} Array of tiles in the column.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getTiles = function() { return this.tiles_ };
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {boolean} True if this column contains the tile with the given index.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.hasTile = function(index) {
return this.firstTileIndex_ <= index &&
index < (this.firstTileIndex_ + this.getTileCount());
* @param {number} y Y coordinate.
* @param {number} direction -1 for left, 1 for right.
* @return {number} Index of the tile lying on the edge of the column at the
* given y coordinate.
* @private
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getEdgeTileIndex_ = function(y, direction) {
for (var r = 0; r < this.rows_.length; r++) {
if (this.rows_[r].coversY(y))
return this.rows_[r].getEdgeTileIndex_(direction);
return -1;
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {Mosaic.Row} The row containing the tile with a given index.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getRowByTileIndex = function(index) {
for (var r = 0; r !== this.rows_.length; r++)
if (this.rows_[r].hasTile(index))
return this.rows_[r];
return null;
* Adds a tile to the column.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile} tile The tile to add.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.add = function(tile) {
var rowIndex = this.getNextRowIndex();
if (!this.newRow_)
this.newRow_ = new Mosaic.Row(this.getNextTileIndex());
if (this.density_.isRowComplete(this.newRow_.getTileCount(), rowIndex)) {
this.newRow_ = null;
* Prepares the column layout.
* @param {boolean=} opt_force True if the layout must be performed even for an
* incomplete column.
* @return {boolean} True if the layout was performed.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.prepareLayout = function(opt_force) {
if (opt_force && this.newRow_) {
this.newRow_ = null;
if (this.rows_.length === 0)
return false;
this.width_ = Math.min.apply(
null, { return row.getMaxWidth() }));
this.height_ = 0;
this.rowHeights_ = [];
for (var r = 0; r !== this.rows_.length; r++) {
var rowHeight = this.rows_[r].getHeightForWidth(this.width_);
this.height_ += rowHeight;
var overflow = this.height_ / this.maxHeight_;
if (!opt_force && (overflow < 1))
return false;
if (overflow > 1) {
// Scale down the column width and height.
this.width_ = Math.round(this.width_ / overflow);
this.height_ = this.maxHeight_;
Mosaic.Layout.rescaleSizesToNewTotal(this.rowHeights_, this.maxHeight_);
return true;
* Retries the column layout with less tiles per row.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.retryWithLowerDensity = function() {
* @return {number} Column left edge coordinate.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getLeft = function() { return this.left_ };
* @return {number} Column right edge coordinate after the layout.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getRight = function() {
return this.left_ + this.width_;
* @return {number} Column height after the layout.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.height_ };
* Performs the column layout.
* @param {number=} opt_offsetX Horizontal offset.
* @param {number=} opt_offsetY Vertical offset.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.layout = function(opt_offsetX, opt_offsetY) {
opt_offsetX = opt_offsetX || 0;
opt_offsetY = opt_offsetY || 0;
var rowTop = Mosaic.Layout.PADDING_TOP;
for (var r = 0; r !== this.rows_.length; r++) {
opt_offsetX + this.left_,
opt_offsetY + rowTop,
rowTop += this.rowHeights_[r];
* Checks if the column layout is too ugly to be displayed.
* @return {boolean} True if the layout is suboptimal.
Mosaic.Column.prototype.isSuboptimal = function() {
var tileCounts = { return row.getTileCount() });
var maxTileCount = Math.max.apply(null, tileCounts);
if (maxTileCount === 1)
return false; // Every row has exactly 1 tile, as optimal as it gets.
var sizes = { return tile.getMaxContentHeight() });
// Ugly layout #1: all images are small and some are one the same row.
var allSmall = Math.max.apply(null, sizes) <= Mosaic.Tile.SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE;
if (allSmall)
return true;
// Ugly layout #2: all images are large and none occupies an entire row.
var allLarge = Math.min.apply(null, sizes) > Mosaic.Tile.SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE;
var allCombined = Math.min.apply(null, tileCounts) !== 1;
if (allLarge && allCombined)
return true;
// Ugly layout #3: some rows have too many tiles for the resulting width.
if (this.width_ / maxTileCount < 100)
return true;
return false;
* A row in a mosaic layout. Contains tiles.
* @param {number} firstTileIndex Index of the first tile in the row.
* @constructor
Mosaic.Row = function(firstTileIndex) {
this.firstTileIndex_ = firstTileIndex;
this.tiles_ = [];
* @param {Mosaic.Tile} tile The tile to add.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.add = function(tile) {
console.assert(this.getTileCount() < Mosaic.Density.MAX_HORIZONTAL);
* @return {Array.<Mosaic.Tile>} Array of tiles in the row.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getTiles = function() { return this.tiles_ };
* Gets a tile by index.
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {Mosaic.Tile} Requested tile or null if not found.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getTileByIndex = function(index) {
if (!this.hasTile(index))
return null;
return this.tiles_[index - this.firstTileIndex_];
* @return {number} Number of tiles in the row.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getTileCount = function() { return this.tiles_.length };
* @param {number} index Tile index.
* @return {boolean} True if this row contains the tile with the given index.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.hasTile = function(index) {
return this.firstTileIndex_ <= index &&
index < (this.firstTileIndex_ + this.tiles_.length);
* @param {number} y Y coordinate.
* @return {boolean} True if this row covers the given Y coordinate.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.coversY = function(y) {
return this.top_ <= y && y < (this.top_ + this.height_);
* @return {number} Y coordinate of the tile center.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getCenterY = function() {
return this.top_ + Math.round(this.height_ / 2);
* Gets the first or the last tile.
* @param {number} direction -1 for the first tile, 1 for the last tile.
* @return {number} Tile index.
* @private
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getEdgeTileIndex_ = function(direction) {
if (direction < 0)
return this.firstTileIndex_;
return this.firstTileIndex_ + this.getTileCount() - 1;
* @return {number} Aspect ration of the combined content box of this row.
* @private
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getTotalContentAspectRatio_ = function() {
var sum = 0;
for (var t = 0; t !== this.tiles_.length; t++)
sum += this.tiles_[t].getAspectRatio();
return sum;
* @return {number} Total horizontal spacing in this row. This includes
* the spacing between the tiles and both left and right margins.
* @private
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getTotalHorizontalSpacing_ = function() {
return Mosaic.Layout.SPACING * this.getTileCount();
* @return {number} Maximum width that this row may have without overscaling
* any of the tiles.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getMaxWidth = function() {
var contentHeight = Math.min.apply(null, { return tile.getMaxContentHeight() }));
var contentWidth =
Math.round(contentHeight * this.getTotalContentAspectRatio_());
return contentWidth + this.getTotalHorizontalSpacing_();
* Computes the height that best fits the supplied row width given
* aspect ratios of the tiles in this row.
* @param {number} width Row width.
* @return {number} Height.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.getHeightForWidth = function(width) {
var contentWidth = width - this.getTotalHorizontalSpacing_();
var contentHeight =
Math.round(contentWidth / this.getTotalContentAspectRatio_());
return contentHeight + Mosaic.Layout.SPACING;
* Positions the row in the mosaic.
* @param {number} left Left position.
* @param {number} top Top position.
* @param {number} width Width.
* @param {number} height Height.
Mosaic.Row.prototype.layout = function(left, top, width, height) {
this.top_ = top;
this.height_ = height;
var contentWidth = width - this.getTotalHorizontalSpacing_();
var contentHeight = height - Mosaic.Layout.SPACING;
var tileContentWidth =
function(tile) { return tile.getAspectRatio() });
Mosaic.Layout.rescaleSizesToNewTotal(tileContentWidth, contentWidth);
var tileLeft = left;
for (var t = 0; t !== this.tiles_.length; t++) {
var tileWidth = tileContentWidth[t] + Mosaic.Layout.SPACING;
this.tiles_[t].layout(tileLeft, top, tileWidth, height);
tileLeft += tileWidth;
* A single tile of the image mosaic.
* @param {Element} container Container element.
* @param {Gallery.Item} item Gallery item associated with this tile.
* @param {EntryLocation} locationInfo Location information for the tile.
* @return {Element} The new tile element.
* @constructor
Mosaic.Tile = function(container, item, locationInfo) {
var self = container.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
Mosaic.Tile.decorate(self, container, item, locationInfo);
return self;
* @param {Element} self Self pointer.
* @param {Element} container Container element.
* @param {Gallery.Item} item Gallery item associated with this tile.
* @param {EntryLocation} locationInfo Location info for the tile image.
Mosaic.Tile.decorate = function(self, container, item, locationInfo) {
self.__proto__ = Mosaic.Tile.prototype;
self.className = 'mosaic-tile';
self.container_ = container;
self.item_ = item;
self.left_ = null; // Mark as not laid out.
self.hidpiEmbedded_ = locationInfo && locationInfo.isDriveBased;
* Load mode for the tile's image.
* @enum {number}
Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode = {
* Inherit from HTMLDivElement.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.__proto__ = HTMLDivElement.prototype;
* Minimum tile content size.
Mosaic.Tile.MIN_CONTENT_SIZE = 64;
* Maximum tile content size.
Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 512;
* Default size for a tile with no thumbnail image.
Mosaic.Tile.GENERIC_ICON_SIZE = 128;
* Max size of an image considered to be 'small'.
* Small images are laid out slightly differently.
Mosaic.Tile.SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE = 160;
* @return {Gallery.Item} The Gallery item.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.getItem = function() { return this.item_ };
* @return {number} Maximum content height that this tile can have.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.getMaxContentHeight = function() {
return this.maxContentHeight_;
* @return {number} The aspect ratio of the tile image.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.getAspectRatio = function() { return this.aspectRatio_ };
* @return {boolean} True if the tile is initialized.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
return !!this.maxContentHeight_;
* Checks whether the image of specified (or better resolution) has been loaded.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode=} opt_loadMode Loading mode, default: LOW_DPI.
* @return {boolean} True if the tile is loaded with the specified dpi or
* better.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.isLoaded = function(opt_loadMode) {
var loadMode = opt_loadMode || Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI;
switch (loadMode) {
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI:
if (this.imagePreloaded_ || this.imageLoaded_)
return true;
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.HIGH_DPI:
if (this.imageLoaded_)
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether the image of specified (or better resolution) is being loaded.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode=} opt_loadMode Loading mode, default: LOW_DPI.
* @return {boolean} True if the tile is being loaded with the specified dpi or
* better.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.isLoading = function(opt_loadMode) {
var loadMode = opt_loadMode || Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI;
switch (loadMode) {
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI:
if (this.imagePreloading_ || this.imageLoading_)
return true;
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.HIGH_DPI:
if (this.imageLoading_)
return true;
return false;
* Marks the tile as not loaded to prevent it from participating in the layout.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.markUnloaded = function() {
this.maxContentHeight_ = 0;
if (this.thumbnailLoader_) {
this.imagePreloaded_ = false;
this.imagePreloading_ = false;
this.imageLoaded_ = false;
this.imageLoading_ = false;
* Initializes the thumbnail in the tile. Does not load an image, but sets
* target dimensions using metadata.
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata object.
* @param {function()} onImageMeasured Image measured callback.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.init = function(metadata, onImageMeasured) {
this.left_ = null; // Mark as not laid out.
// Set higher priority for the selected elements to load them first.
var priority = this.getAttribute('selected') ? 2 : 3;
// Use embedded thumbnails on Drive, since they have higher resolution.
this.thumbnailLoader_ = new ThumbnailLoader(
undefined, // Media type.
this.hidpiEmbedded_ ? ThumbnailLoader.UseEmbedded.USE_EMBEDDED :
// If no hidpi embedded thumbnail available, then use the low resolution
// for preloading.
if (!this.hidpiEmbedded_) {
this.thumbnailPreloader_ = new ThumbnailLoader(
undefined, // Media type.
2); // Preloaders have always higher priotity, so the preload images
// are loaded as soon as possible.
var setDimensions = function(width, height) {
if (width > height) {
if (width > Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE) {
height = Math.round(height * Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE / width);
width = Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE;
} else {
if (height > Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE) {
width = Math.round(width * Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE / height);
height = Mosaic.Tile.MAX_CONTENT_SIZE;
this.maxContentHeight_ = Math.max(Mosaic.Tile.MIN_CONTENT_SIZE, height);
this.aspectRatio_ = width / height;
// Dimensions are always acquired from the metadata. For local files, it is
// extracted from headers. For Drive files, it is received via the Drive API.
// If the dimensions are not available, then the fallback dimensions will be
// used (same as for the generic icon).
if ( && {
} else if ( && && {
} else {
// No dimensions in metadata, then use the generic dimensions.
* Loads an image into the tile.
* The mode argument is a hint. Use low-dpi for faster response, and high-dpi
* for better output, but possibly affecting performance.
* If the mode is high-dpi, then a the high-dpi image is loaded, but also
* low-dpi image is loaded for preloading (if available).
* For the low-dpi mode, only low-dpi image is loaded. If not available, then
* the high-dpi image is loaded as a fallback.
* @param {Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode} loadMode Loading mode.
* @param {function(boolean)} onImageLoaded Callback when image is loaded.
* The argument is true for success, false for failure.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.load = function(loadMode, onImageLoaded) {
// Attaches the image to the tile and finalizes loading process for the
// specified loader.
var finalizeLoader = function(mode, success, loader) {
if (success && this.wrapper_) {
// Show the fade-in animation only when previously there was no image
// attached in this tile.
if (!this.imageLoaded_ && !this.imagePreloaded_)
loader.attachImage(this.wrapper_, ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.OVER_FILL);
switch (mode) {
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.LOW_DPI:
this.imagePreloading_ = false;
this.imagePreloaded_ = true;
case Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.HIGH_DPI:
this.imageLoading_ = false;
this.imageLoaded_ = true;
// Always load the low-dpi image first if it is available for the fastest
// feedback.
if (!this.imagePreloading_ && this.thumbnailPreloader_) {
this.imagePreloading_ = true;
this.thumbnailPreloader_.loadDetachedImage(function(success) {
// Hi-dpi loaded first, ignore this call then.
if (this.imageLoaded_)
// Load the high-dpi image only when it is requested, or the low-dpi is not
// available.
if (!this.imageLoading_ &&
(loadMode === Mosaic.Tile.LoadMode.HIGH_DPI || !this.imagePreloading_)) {
this.imageLoading_ = true;
this.thumbnailLoader_.loadDetachedImage(function(success) {
// Cancel preloading, since the hi-dpi image is ready.
if (this.thumbnailPreloader_)
* Unloads an image from the tile.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.unload = function() {
if (this.thumbnailPreloader_)
this.imagePreloaded_ = false;
this.imageLoaded_ = false;
this.imagePreloading_ = false;
this.imageLoading_ = false;
this.wrapper_.innerText = '';
* Selects/unselects the tile.
* @param {boolean} on True if selected.
*/ = function(on) {
if (on)
this.setAttribute('selected', true);
* Positions the tile in the mosaic.
* @param {number} left Left position.
* @param {number} top Top position.
* @param {number} width Width.
* @param {number} height Height.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.layout = function(left, top, width, height) {
this.left_ = left;
this.top_ = top;
this.width_ = width;
this.height_ = height; = left + 'px'; = top + 'px'; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px';
if (!this.wrapper_) { // First time, create DOM.
var border = util.createChild(this, 'img-border');
this.wrapper_ = util.createChild(border, 'img-wrapper');
if (this.hasAttribute('selected'))
if (this.imageLoaded_) {
* If the tile is not fully visible scroll the parent to make it fully visible.
* @param {boolean=} opt_animated True, if scroll should be animated,
* default: true.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(opt_animated) {
if (this.left_ === null) // Not laid out.
var targetPosition;
var tileLeft = this.left_ - Mosaic.Layout.SCROLL_MARGIN;
if (tileLeft < this.container_.scrollLeft) {
targetPosition = tileLeft;
} else {
var tileRight = this.left_ + this.width_ + Mosaic.Layout.SCROLL_MARGIN;
var scrollRight = this.container_.scrollLeft + this.container_.clientWidth;
if (tileRight > scrollRight)
targetPosition = tileRight - this.container_.clientWidth;
if (targetPosition) {
if (opt_animated === false)
this.container_.scrollLeft = targetPosition;
* @return {Rect} Rectangle occupied by the tile's image,
* relative to the viewport.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.getImageRect = function() {
if (this.left_ === null) // Not laid out.
return null;
var margin = Mosaic.Layout.SPACING / 2;
return new Rect(this.left_ - this.container_.scrollLeft, this.top_,
this.width_, this.height_).inflate(-margin, -margin);
* @return {number} X coordinate of the tile center.
Mosaic.Tile.prototype.getCenterX = function() {
return this.left_ + Math.round(this.width_ / 2);