blob: aa7d0dfec4a0cd68df2d2c7362f6554754bf3e72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Loads a thumbnail using provided url. In CANVAS mode, loaded images
* are attached as <canvas> element, while in IMAGE mode as <img>.
* <canvas> renders faster than <img>, however has bigger memory overhead.
* @param {FileEntry} entry File entry.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType=} opt_loaderType Canvas or Image loader,
* default: IMAGE.
* @param {Object=} opt_metadata Metadata object.
* @param {string=} opt_mediaType Media type.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.UseEmbedded=} opt_useEmbedded If to use embedded
* jpeg thumbnail if available. Default: USE_EMBEDDED.
* @param {number=} opt_priority Priority, the highest is 0. default: 2.
* @constructor
function ThumbnailLoader(entry, opt_loaderType, opt_metadata, opt_mediaType,
opt_useEmbedded, opt_priority) {
opt_useEmbedded = opt_useEmbedded || ThumbnailLoader.UseEmbedded.USE_EMBEDDED;
this.mediaType_ = opt_mediaType || FileType.getMediaType(entry);
this.loaderType_ = opt_loaderType || ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType.IMAGE;
this.metadata_ = opt_metadata;
this.priority_ = (opt_priority !== undefined) ? opt_priority : 2;
this.transform_ = null;
if (!opt_metadata) {
this.thumbnailUrl_ = entry.toURL(); // Use the URL directly.
this.fallbackUrl_ = null;
this.thumbnailUrl_ = null;
if ( &&
this.fallbackUrl_ =;
// Fetch the rotation from the Drive metadata (if available).
var driveTransform;
if ( && !== undefined) {
driveTransform = {
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
rotate90: / 90
if (opt_metadata.thumbnail && opt_metadata.thumbnail.url &&
opt_useEmbedded === ThumbnailLoader.UseEmbedded.USE_EMBEDDED) {
this.thumbnailUrl_ = opt_metadata.thumbnail.url;
this.transform_ = driveTransform !== undefined ? driveTransform :
} else if (FileType.isImage(entry)) {
this.thumbnailUrl_ = entry.toURL();
this.transform_ = driveTransform !== undefined ? driveTransform : &&;
} else if (this.fallbackUrl_) {
// Use fallback as the primary thumbnail.
this.thumbnailUrl_ = this.fallbackUrl_;
this.fallbackUrl_ = null;
} // else the generic thumbnail based on the media type will be used.
* In percents (0.0 - 1.0), how much area can be cropped to fill an image
* in a container, when loading a thumbnail in FillMode.AUTO mode.
* The specified 30% value allows to fill 16:9, 3:2 pictures in 4:3 element.
* @type {number}
ThumbnailLoader.AUTO_FILL_THRESHOLD = 0.3;
* Type of displaying a thumbnail within a box.
* @enum {number}
ThumbnailLoader.FillMode = {
FILL: 0, // Fill whole box. Image may be cropped.
FIT: 1, // Keep aspect ratio, do not crop.
OVER_FILL: 2, // Fill whole box with possible stretching.
AUTO: 3 // Try to fill, but if incompatible aspect ratio, then fit.
* Optimization mode for downloading thumbnails.
* @enum {number}
ThumbnailLoader.OptimizationMode = {
NEVER_DISCARD: 0, // Never discards downloading. No optimization.
DISCARD_DETACHED: 1 // Canceled if the container is not attached anymore.
* Type of element to store the image.
* @enum {number}
ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType = {
* Whether to use the embedded thumbnail, or not. The embedded thumbnail may
* be small.
* @enum {number}
ThumbnailLoader.UseEmbedded = {
* Maximum thumbnail's width when generating from the full resolution image.
* @const
* @type {number}
ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = 500;
* Maximum thumbnail's height when generating from the full resolution image.
* @const
* @type {number}
ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT = 500;
* Loads and attaches an image.
* @param {HTMLElement} box Container element.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.FillMode} fillMode Fill mode.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.OptimizationMode=} opt_optimizationMode Optimization
* for downloading thumbnails. By default optimizations are disabled.
* @param {function(Image, Object)} opt_onSuccess Success callback,
* accepts the image and the transform.
* @param {function} opt_onError Error callback.
* @param {function} opt_onGeneric Callback for generic image used.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.load = function(box, fillMode, opt_optimizationMode,
opt_onSuccess, opt_onError, opt_onGeneric) {
opt_optimizationMode = opt_optimizationMode ||
if (!this.thumbnailUrl_) {
// Relevant CSS rules are in file_types.css.
box.setAttribute('generic-thumbnail', this.mediaType_);
if (opt_onGeneric) opt_onGeneric();
this.canvasUpToDate_ = false;
this.image_ = new Image();
this.image_.onload = function() {
this.attachImage(box, fillMode);
if (opt_onSuccess)
opt_onSuccess(this.image_, this.transform_);
this.image_.onerror = function() {
if (opt_onError)
if (this.fallbackUrl_) {
this.thumbnailUrl_ = this.fallbackUrl_;
this.fallbackUrl_ = null;
this.load(box, fillMode, opt_optimizationMode, opt_onSuccess);
} else {
box.setAttribute('generic-thumbnail', this.mediaType_);
if (this.image_.src) {
console.warn('Thumbnail already loaded: ' + this.thumbnailUrl_);
// TODO(mtomasz): Smarter calculation of the requested size.
var wasAttached = box.ownerDocument.contains(box);
var modificationTime = this.metadata_ &&
this.metadata_.filesystem &&
this.metadata_.filesystem.modificationTime &&
this.taskId_ = util.loadImage(
{ maxWidth: ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH,
maxHeight: ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT,
cache: true,
priority: this.priority_,
timestamp: modificationTime },
function() {
if (opt_optimizationMode ==
ThumbnailLoader.OptimizationMode.DISCARD_DETACHED &&
!box.ownerDocument.contains(box)) {
// If the container is not attached, then invalidate the download.
return false;
return true;
* Cancels loading the current image.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.cancel = function() {
if (this.taskId_) {
this.image_.onload = function() {};
this.image_.onerror = function() {};
this.taskId_ = null;
* @return {boolean} True if a valid image is loaded.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.hasValidImage = function() {
return !!(this.image_ && this.image_.width && this.image_.height);
* @return {boolean} True if the image is rotated 90 degrees left or right.
* @private
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.isRotated_ = function() {
return this.transform_ && (this.transform_.rotate90 % 2 === 1);
* @return {number} Image width (corrected for rotation).
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.isRotated_() ? this.image_.height : this.image_.width;
* @return {number} Image height (corrected for rotation).
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.isRotated_() ? this.image_.width : this.image_.height;
* Load an image but do not attach it.
* @param {function(boolean)} callback Callback, parameter is true if the image
* has loaded successfully or a stock icon has been used.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.loadDetachedImage = function(callback) {
if (!this.thumbnailUrl_) {
this.canvasUpToDate_ = false;
this.image_ = new Image();
this.image_.onload = callback.bind(null, true);
this.image_.onerror = callback.bind(null, false);
// TODO(mtomasz): Smarter calculation of the requested size.
var modificationTime = this.metadata_ &&
this.metadata_.filesystem &&
this.metadata_.filesystem.modificationTime &&
this.taskId_ = util.loadImage(
{ maxWidth: ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH,
maxHeight: ThumbnailLoader.THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT,
cache: true,
priority: this.priority_,
timestamp: modificationTime });
* Renders the thumbnail into either canvas or an image element.
* @private
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.renderMedia_ = function() {
if (this.loaderType_ !== ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType.CANVAS)
if (!this.canvas_)
this.canvas_ = document.createElement('canvas');
// Copy the image to a canvas if the canvas is outdated.
if (!this.canvasUpToDate_) {
this.canvas_.width = this.image_.width;
this.canvas_.height = this.image_.height;
var context = this.canvas_.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(this.image_, 0, 0);
this.canvasUpToDate_ = true;
* Attach the image to a given element.
* @param {Element} container Parent element.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.FillMode} fillMode Fill mode.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.attachImage = function(container, fillMode) {
if (!this.hasValidImage()) {
container.setAttribute('generic-thumbnail', this.mediaType_);
util.applyTransform(container, this.transform_);
var attachableMedia = this.loaderType_ === ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType.CANVAS ?
this.canvas_ : this.image_;
container, attachableMedia, fillMode, this.isRotated_());
if (attachableMedia.parentNode !== container) {
container.textContent = '';
if (!this.taskId_)
* Gets the loaded image.
* TODO(mtomasz): Apply transformations.
* @return {Image|HTMLCanvasElement} Either image or a canvas object.
ThumbnailLoader.prototype.getImage = function() {
return this.loaderType_ === ThumbnailLoader.LoaderType.CANVAS ? this.canvas_ :
* Update the image style to fit/fill the container.
* Using webkit center packing does not align the image properly, so we need
* to wait until the image loads and its dimensions are known, then manually
* position it at the center.
* @param {HTMLElement} box Containing element.
* @param {Image|HTMLCanvasElement} img Element containing an image.
* @param {ThumbnailLoader.FillMode} fillMode Fill mode.
* @param {boolean} rotate True if the image should be rotated 90 degrees.
* @private
ThumbnailLoader.centerImage_ = function(box, img, fillMode, rotate) {
var imageWidth = img.width;
var imageHeight = img.height;
var fractionX;
var fractionY;
var boxWidth = box.clientWidth;
var boxHeight = box.clientHeight;
var fill;
switch (fillMode) {
case ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.FILL:
case ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.OVER_FILL:
fill = true;
case ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.FIT:
fill = false;
case ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.AUTO:
var imageRatio = imageWidth / imageHeight;
var boxRatio = 1.0;
if (boxWidth && boxHeight)
boxRatio = boxWidth / boxHeight;
// Cropped area in percents.
var ratioFactor = boxRatio / imageRatio;
fill = (ratioFactor >= 1.0 - ThumbnailLoader.AUTO_FILL_THRESHOLD) &&
(ratioFactor <= 1.0 + ThumbnailLoader.AUTO_FILL_THRESHOLD);
if (boxWidth && boxHeight) {
// When we know the box size we can position the image correctly even
// in a non-square box.
var fitScaleX = (rotate ? boxHeight : boxWidth) / imageWidth;
var fitScaleY = (rotate ? boxWidth : boxHeight) / imageHeight;
var scale = fill ?
Math.max(fitScaleX, fitScaleY) :
Math.min(fitScaleX, fitScaleY);
if (fillMode !== ThumbnailLoader.FillMode.OVER_FILL)
scale = Math.min(scale, 1); // Never overscale.
fractionX = imageWidth * scale / boxWidth;
fractionY = imageHeight * scale / boxHeight;
} else {
// We do not know the box size so we assume it is square.
// Compute the image position based only on the image dimensions.
// First try vertical fit or horizontal fill.
fractionX = imageWidth / imageHeight;
fractionY = 1;
if ((fractionX < 1) === !!fill) { // Vertical fill or horizontal fit.
fractionY = 1 / fractionX;
fractionX = 1;
function percent(fraction) {
return (fraction * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
} = percent(fractionX); = percent(fractionY); = percent((1 - fractionX) / 2); = percent((1 - fractionY) / 2);