blob: e55aad8d761b511b6a24bd81db19f73a244922ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Type of a root directory.
* @enum {string}
* @const
var RootType = Object.freeze({
// Root of local directory.
DOWNLOADS: 'downloads',
// Root of mounted archive file.
ARCHIVE: 'archive',
// Root of removal volume.
REMOVABLE: 'removable',
// Root of drive directory.
DRIVE: 'drive',
// Root for privet storage volume.
CLOUD_DEVICE: 'cloud_device',
// Root for MTP device.
MTP: 'mtp',
// Root for entries that is not located under RootType.DRIVE. e.g. shared
// files.
DRIVE_OTHER: 'drive_other',
// Fake root for offline available files on the drive.
DRIVE_OFFLINE: 'drive_offline',
// Fake root for shared files on the drive.
DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME: 'drive_shared_with_me',
// Fake root for recent files on the drive.
DRIVE_RECENT: 'drive_recent'
var PathUtil = {};
* Extracts the extension of the path.
* Examples:
* PathUtil.splitExtension('abc.ext') -> ['abc', '.ext']
* PathUtil.splitExtension('a/b/abc.ext') -> ['a/b/abc', '.ext']
* PathUtil.splitExtension('a/b') -> ['a/b', '']
* PathUtil.splitExtension('.cshrc') -> ['', '.cshrc']
* PathUtil.splitExtension('a/b.backup/hoge') -> ['a/b.backup/hoge', '']
* @param {string} path Path to be extracted.
* @return {Array.<string>} Filename and extension of the given path.
PathUtil.splitExtension = function(path) {
var dotPosition = path.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotPosition <= path.lastIndexOf('/'))
dotPosition = -1;
var filename = dotPosition != -1 ? path.substr(0, dotPosition) : path;
var extension = dotPosition != -1 ? path.substr(dotPosition) : '';
return [filename, extension];