blob: afdcf56d2e64354e7a7ec2d41800ed06c5a3b9d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('extensions', function() {
'use strict';
* Clear all the content of a given element.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to be cleared.
function clearElement(element) {
while (element.firstChild)
* Get the url relative to the main extension url. If the url is
* unassociated with the extension, this will be the full url.
* @param {string} url The url to make relative.
* @param {string} extensionUrl The url for the extension resources, in the
* form "chrome-etxension://<extension_id>/".
* @return {string} The url relative to the host.
function getRelativeUrl(url, extensionUrl) {
return url.substring(0, extensionUrl.length) == extensionUrl ?
url.substring(extensionUrl.length) : url;
* The RuntimeErrorContent manages all content specifically associated with
* runtime errors; this includes stack frames and the context url.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLDivElement}
function RuntimeErrorContent() {
var contentArea = $('template-collection-extension-error-overlay').
contentArea.__proto__ = RuntimeErrorContent.prototype;
return contentArea;
* The name of the "active" class specific to extension errors (so as to
* not conflict with other rules).
* @type {string}
* @const
RuntimeErrorContent.ACTIVE_CLASS_NAME = 'extension-error-active';
* Determine whether or not we should display the url to the user. We don't
* want to include any of our own code in stack traces.
* @param {string} url The url in question.
* @return {boolean} True if the url should be displayed, and false
* otherwise (i.e., if it is an internal script).
RuntimeErrorContent.shouldDisplayForUrl = function(url) {
// All our internal scripts are in the 'extensions::' namespace.
return !/^extensions::/.test(url);
* Send a call to chrome to open the developer tools for an error.
* This will call either the bound function in ExtensionErrorHandler or the
* API function from developerPrivate, depending on whether this is being
* used in the native chrome:extensions page or the Apps Developer Tool.
* @see chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/extension_error_ui_util.h
* @param {Object} args The arguments to pass to openDevTools.
* @private
RuntimeErrorContent.openDevtools_ = function(args) {
if (chrome.send)
chrome.send('extensionErrorOpenDevTools', [args]);
else if (chrome.developerPrivate)
assert(false, 'Cannot call either openDevTools function.');
RuntimeErrorContent.prototype = {
__proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype,
* The underlying error whose details are being displayed.
* @type {Object}
* @private
error_: undefined,
* The URL associated with this extension, i.e. chrome-extension://<id>/.
* @type {string}
* @private
extensionUrl_: undefined,
* The node of the stack trace which is currently active.
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
currentFrameNode_: undefined,
* Initialize the RuntimeErrorContent for the first time.
init: function() {
* The stack trace element in the overlay.
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.stackTrace_ =
* The context URL element in the overlay.
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.contextUrl_ =
* Sets the error for the content.
* @param {Object} error The error whose content should be displayed.
* @param {string} extensionUrl The URL associated with this extension.
setError: function(error, extensionUrl) {
this.error_ = error;
this.extensionUrl_ = extensionUrl;
this.contextUrl_.textContent = error.contextUrl ?
getRelativeUrl(error.contextUrl, this.extensionUrl_) :
* Wipe content associated with a specific error.
clearError: function() {
this.error_ = undefined;
this.extensionUrl_ = undefined;
this.currentFrameNode_ = undefined;
this.stackTrace_.hidden = true;
* Makes |frame| active and deactivates the previously active frame (if
* there was one).
* @param {HTMLElement} frame The frame to activate.
* @private
setActiveFrame_: function(frameNode) {
if (this.currentFrameNode_) {
this.currentFrameNode_ = frameNode;
* Initialize the stack trace element of the overlay.
* @private
initStackTrace_: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.error_.stackTrace.length; ++i) {
var frame = this.error_.stackTrace[i];
// Don't include any internal calls (e.g., schemaBindings) in the
// stack trace.
if (!RuntimeErrorContent.shouldDisplayForUrl(frame.url))
var frameNode = document.createElement('li');
// Attach the index of the frame to which this node refers (since we
// may skip some, this isn't a 1-to-1 match).
frameNode.indexIntoTrace = i;
// The description is a human-readable summation of the frame, in the
// form "<relative_url>:<line_number> (function)", e.g.
// "myfile.js:25 (myFunction)".
var description = getRelativeUrl(frame.url, this.extensionUrl_) +
':' + frame.lineNumber;
if (frame.functionName) {
var functionName = frame.functionName == '(anonymous function)' ?
loadTimeData.getString('extensionErrorOverlayAnonymousFunction') :
description += ' (' + functionName + ')';
frameNode.textContent = description;
// When the user clicks on a frame in the stack trace, we should
// highlight that overlay in the list, display the appropriate source
// code with the line highlighted, and link the "Open DevTools" button
// with that frame.
frameNode.addEventListener('click', function(frame, frameNode, e) {
if (this.currStackFrame_ == frameNode)
// Request the file source with the section highlighted; this will
// call ExtensionErrorOverlay.requestFileSourceResponse() when
// completed, which in turn calls setCode().
{extensionId: this.error_.extensionId,
message: this.error_.message,
pathSuffix: getRelativeUrl(frame.url, this.extensionUrl_),
lineNumber: frame.lineNumber});
}.bind(this, frame, frameNode));
// Set the current stack frame to the first stack frame and show the
// trace, if one exists. (We can't just check error.stackTrace, because
// it's possible the trace was purely internal, and we don't show
// internal frames.)
if (this.stackTrace_.children.length > 0) {
this.stackTrace_.hidden = false;
* Open the developer tools for the active stack frame.
openDevtools: function() {
var stackFrame =
{renderProcessId: this.error_.renderProcessId,
renderViewId: this.error_.renderViewId,
url: stackFrame.url,
lineNumber: stackFrame.lineNumber || 0,
columnNumber: stackFrame.columnNumber || 0});
* The ExtensionErrorOverlay will show the contents of a file which pertains
* to the ExtensionError; this is either the manifest file (for manifest
* errors) or a source file (for runtime errors). If possible, the portion
* of the file which caused the error will be highlighted.
* @constructor
function ExtensionErrorOverlay() {
* The content section for runtime errors; this is re-used for all
* runtime errors and attached/detached from the overlay as needed.
* @type {RuntimeErrorContent}
* @private
this.runtimeErrorContent_ = new RuntimeErrorContent();
* Value of ExtensionError::RUNTIME_ERROR enum.
* @see extensions/browser/extension_error.h
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
ExtensionErrorOverlay.RUNTIME_ERROR_TYPE_ = 1;
* The manifest filename.
* @type {string}
* @const
* @private
ExtensionErrorOverlay.MANIFEST_FILENAME_ = 'manifest.json';
* Determine whether or not chrome can load the source for a given file; this
* can only be done if the file belongs to the extension.
* @param {string} file The file to load.
* @param {string} extensionUrl The url for the extension, in the form
* chrome-extension://<extension-id>/.
* @return {boolean} True if the file can be loaded, false otherwise.
* @private
ExtensionErrorOverlay.canLoadFileSource = function(file, extensionUrl) {
return file.substr(0, extensionUrl.length) == extensionUrl ||
file.toLowerCase() == ExtensionErrorOverlay.MANIFEST_FILENAME_;
* Determine whether or not we can show an overlay with more details for
* the given extension error.
* @param {Object} error The extension error.
* @param {string} extensionUrl The url for the extension, in the form
* "chrome-extension://<extension-id>/".
* @return {boolean} True if we can show an overlay for the error,
* false otherwise.
ExtensionErrorOverlay.canShowOverlayForError = function(error, extensionUrl) {
if (ExtensionErrorOverlay.canLoadFileSource(error.source, extensionUrl))
return true;
if (error.stackTrace) {
for (var i = 0; i < error.stackTrace.length; ++i) {
if (RuntimeErrorContent.shouldDisplayForUrl(error.stackTrace[i].url))
return true;
return false;
* Send a call to chrome to request the source of a given file.
* This will call either the bound function in ExtensionErrorHandler or the
* API function from developerPrivate, depending on whether this is being
* used in the native chrome:extensions page or the Apps Developer Tool.
* @see chrome/browser/ui/webui/extensions/extension_error_ui_util.h
* @param {Object} args The arguments to pass to requestFileSource.
ExtensionErrorOverlay.requestFileSource = function(args) {
if (chrome.send) {
chrome.send('extensionErrorRequestFileSource', [args]);
} else if (chrome.developerPrivate) {
chrome.developerPrivate.requestFileSource(args, function(result) {
} else {
assert(false, 'Cannot call either requestFileSource function.');
ExtensionErrorOverlay.prototype = {
* The underlying error whose details are being displayed.
* @type {Object}
* @private
error_: undefined,
* Initialize the page.
* @param {function(HTMLDivElement)} showOverlay The function to show or
* hide the ExtensionErrorOverlay; this should take a single parameter
* which is either the overlay Div if the overlay should be displayed,
* or null if the overlay should be hidden.
initializePage: function(showOverlay) {
var overlay = $('overlay');
overlay.addEventListener('cancelOverlay', this.handleDismiss_.bind(this));
'click', this.handleDismiss_.bind(this));
* The element of the full overlay.
* @type {HTMLDivElement}
* @private
this.overlayDiv_ = $('extension-error-overlay');
* The portion of the overlay which shows the code relating to the error
* and the corresponding line numbers.
* @type {ExtensionCode}
* @private
this.codeDiv_ =
new extensions.ExtensionCode($('extension-error-overlay-code'));
* The function to show or hide the ExtensionErrorOverlay.
* @type {function}
* @param {boolean} isVisible Whether the overlay should be visible.
this.setVisible = function(isVisible) {
showOverlay(isVisible ? this.overlayDiv_ : null);
if (isVisible)
* The button to open the developer tools (only available for runtime
* errors).
* @type {HTMLButtonElement}
* @private
this.openDevtoolsButton_ = $('extension-error-overlay-devtools-button');
this.openDevtoolsButton_.addEventListener('click', function() {
* Handles a click on the dismiss ("OK" or close) buttons.
* @param {Event} e The click event.
* @private
handleDismiss_: function(e) {
// There's a chance that the overlay receives multiple dismiss events; in
// this case, handle it gracefully and return (since all necessary work
// will already have been done).
if (!this.error_)
// Remove all previous content.
this.openDevtoolsButton_.hidden = true;
if (this.error_.type == ExtensionErrorOverlay.RUNTIME_ERROR_TYPE_) {
this.error_ = undefined;
* Associate an error with the overlay. This will set the error for the
* overlay, and, if possible, will populate the code section of the overlay
* with the relevant file, load the stack trace, and generate links for
* opening devtools (the latter two only happen for runtime errors).
* @param {Object} error The error to show in the overlay.
* @param {string} extensionUrl The URL of the extension, in the form
* "chrome-extension://<extension_id>".
setErrorAndShowOverlay: function(error, extensionUrl) {
this.error_ = error;
if (this.error_.type == ExtensionErrorOverlay.RUNTIME_ERROR_TYPE_) {
this.runtimeErrorContent_.setError(this.error_, extensionUrl);
this.openDevtoolsButton_.hidden = false;
this.openDevtoolsButton_.disabled = !error.canInspect;
if (ExtensionErrorOverlay.canLoadFileSource(error.source, extensionUrl)) {
var relativeUrl = getRelativeUrl(error.source, extensionUrl);
var requestFileSourceArgs = {extensionId: error.extensionId,
message: error.message,
pathSuffix: relativeUrl};
if (relativeUrl.toLowerCase() ==
ExtensionErrorOverlay.MANIFEST_FILENAME_) {
requestFileSourceArgs.manifestKey = error.manifestKey;
requestFileSourceArgs.manifestSpecific = error.manifestSpecific;
} else {
requestFileSourceArgs.lineNumber =
error.stackTrace && error.stackTrace[0] ?
error.stackTrace[0].lineNumber : 0;
} else {
* Set the code to be displayed in the code portion of the overlay.
* @see ExtensionErrorOverlay.requestFileSourceResponse().
* @param {?Object} code The code to be displayed. If |code| is null, then
* a "Could not display code" message will be displayed instead.
setCode: function(code) {
'#extension-error-overlay .extension-error-overlay-title').
textContent = code.title;
* Called by the ExtensionErrorHandler responding to the request for a file's
* source. Populate the content area of the overlay and display the overlay.
* @param {Object?} result An object with four strings - the title,
* beforeHighlight, afterHighlight, and highlight. The three 'highlight'
* strings represent three portions of the file's content to display - the
* portion which is most relevant and should be emphasized (highlight),
* and the parts both before and after this portion. These may be empty.
ExtensionErrorOverlay.requestFileSourceResponse = function(result) {
var overlay = extensions.ExtensionErrorOverlay.getInstance();
// Export
return {
ExtensionErrorOverlay: ExtensionErrorOverlay