blob: 1cf2606130978a0f8bfdd803dfb28be8e86a3a60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/android/bookmarks/managed_bookmarks_shim.h"
#include "chrome/browser/android/bookmarks/partner_bookmarks_shim.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/base_bookmark_model_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
// The handler for Javascript messages related to the bookmarks.
// In Javascript if getBookmarks() is called without any parameter, the 'Other
// Bookmark' folder and bookmark bar's bookmarks and folders are returned.
// If getBookmarks() is called with a valid bookmark folder id, the given
// folder's bookmarks and sub folders of it are returned.
// All bookmarks and subfolder is returned by bookmarks() javascript callback
// function.
// The returned field 'folder' indicates whether the data is a folder. The
// returned field 'root' indicates whether or not the bookmark list that was
// returned is the root list or not. Besides these fields, a folder has id
// and title fields; A bookmark has url and title fields.
// A sample result looks like:
// {
// title: 'Bookmark Bar',
// id: '1',
// root: true,
// bookmarks: [
// {
// title: 'Cake',
// url: '',
// folder: false
// },
// {
// title: 'Puppies',
// folder: true,
// id: '2'
// }
// ]
// }
class BookmarksHandler : public content::WebUIMessageHandler,
public BaseBookmarkModelObserver,
public PartnerBookmarksShim::Observer,
public ManagedBookmarksShim::Observer {
virtual ~BookmarksHandler();
// WebUIMessageHandler override and implementation.
virtual void RegisterMessages() OVERRIDE;
// Callback for the "getBookmarks" message.
void HandleGetBookmarks(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "deleteBookmark" message.
void HandleDeleteBookmark(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "editBookmark" message.
void HandleEditBookmark(const base::ListValue* args);
// Callback for the "createHomeScreenBookmarkShortcut" message. Used when
// creating a shortcut on the home screen that should open the bookmark
// specified in |args|.
void HandleCreateHomeScreenBookmarkShortcut(const base::ListValue* args);
// Override the methods of BookmarkModelObserver
virtual void BookmarkModelLoaded(BookmarkModel* model,
bool ids_reassigned) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkModelChanged() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ExtensiveBookmarkChangesBeginning(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ExtensiveBookmarkChangesEnded(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* parent,
int old_index,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkAllNodesRemoved(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeAdded(
BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* parent, int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void BookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE;
// Override the methods of PartnerBookmarksShim::Observer
virtual void PartnerShimChanged(PartnerBookmarksShim* shim) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PartnerShimLoaded(PartnerBookmarksShim* shim) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ShimBeingDeleted(PartnerBookmarksShim* shim) OVERRIDE;
// Override the methods of ManagedBookmarksShim::Observer
virtual void OnManagedBookmarksChanged() OVERRIDE;
// The bookmark model being observed (if it has been attached).
BookmarkModel* bookmark_model_;
// Information about the Partner bookmarks (must check for IsLoaded())
PartnerBookmarksShim* partner_bookmarks_shim_;
// Contains the bookmarks managed via enterprise policy.
scoped_ptr<ManagedBookmarksShim> managed_bookmarks_shim_;
// Whether the bookmark data has been requested by the UI yet.
bool bookmark_data_requested_;
// Indicates that extensive changes to the BookmarkModel is on-going.
bool extensive_changes_;
// Used for loading bookmark node.
base::CancelableTaskTracker cancelable_task_tracker_;
// Returns true iff bookmark model and partner bookmarks shim are loaded.
bool AreModelsLoaded() const;
// Notify the UI that a change occurred to the bookmark model.
void NotifyModelChanged(const base::DictionaryValue& status);
// Generates the string encoded ID to be used by the NTP.
std::string GetBookmarkIdForNtp(const BookmarkNode* node);
// Sets the necessary parent information in the response object to be sent
// to the UI renderer.
void SetParentInBookmarksResult(const BookmarkNode* parent,
base::DictionaryValue* result);
// Convert the given bookmark |node| into a dictionary format to be returned
// to JavaScript.
void PopulateBookmark(const BookmarkNode* node, base::ListValue* result);
// Given a bookmark folder node, |folder|, populate the |result| with the
// structured JavaScript-formatted data regarding the folder.
void PopulateBookmarksInFolder(const BookmarkNode* folder,
base::DictionaryValue* result);
// Sends all bookmarks and sub folders in the given folder back to the NTP.
void QueryBookmarkFolder(const BookmarkNode* node);
// Sends bookmark bar's bookmarks and sub folders and other folders back to
// NTP.
void QueryInitialBookmarks();
// Sends the result back to Javascript
void SendResult(const base::DictionaryValue& result);
// Called once the favicon is loaded during creation of the bookmark shortcuts
// and is available for use.
void OnShortcutFaviconDataAvailable(
const BookmarkNode* node,
const favicon_base::FaviconBitmapResult& bitmap_result);
// Looks at an optional bookmark ID in |args| and returns the corresponding
// node if found, otherwise returns NULL.
const BookmarkNode* GetNodeByID(const base::ListValue* args) const;
// Returns the parent of |node|, or NULL if it's the root node.
const BookmarkNode* GetParentOf(const BookmarkNode* node) const;
// Returns the title of |node|, possibly remapped (if a partner bookmark).
base::string16 GetTitle(const BookmarkNode* node) const;
// Returns true if the node is reachable.
bool IsReachable(const BookmarkNode* node) const;
// Returns true if |node| can be modified by the user.
bool IsEditable(const BookmarkNode* node) const;
// Returns true if |node| is the real root node (not the root node of the
// partner bookmarks shim nor the managed bookmark shim root).
bool IsRoot(const BookmarkNode* node) const;