blob: d3b3717eb92f0d3bf85bb0c80695f3b1b708ded8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os.path
from code import Code
import cpp_util
class CCGenerator(object):
def Generate(self, feature_defs, source_file, namespace):
return _Generator(feature_defs, source_file, namespace).Generate()
class _Generator(object):
"""A .cc generator for features.
def __init__(self, feature_defs, source_file, namespace):
self._feature_defs = feature_defs
self._source_file = source_file
self._source_file_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(source_file)
self._class_name = cpp_util.ClassName(self._source_file_filename)
self._namespace = namespace
def Generate(self):
"""Generates a Code object for features.
c = Code()
.Append(cpp_util.GENERATED_FEATURE_MESSAGE % self._source_file)
.Append('#include <string>')
.Append('#include "%s.h"' % self._source_file_filename)
.Append('#include "base/logging.h"')
# Generate the constructor.
(c.Append('%s::%s() {' % (self._class_name, self._class_name))
for feature in self._feature_defs:
c.Append('features_["%s"] = %s;'
% (, cpp_util.ConstantName(
# Generate the ToString function.
(c.Append('const char* %s::ToString('
'%s::ID id) const {' % (self._class_name, self._class_name))
.Append('switch (id) {')
for feature in self._feature_defs:
c.Append('case %s: return "%s";' %
(c.Append('case kUnknown: break;')
.Append('case kEnumBoundary: break;')
.Append('return "";')
# Generate the FromString function.
(c.Append('%s::ID %s::FromString('
'const std::string& id) const {'
% (self._class_name, self._class_name))
.Append('std::map<std::string, %s::ID>::const_iterator it'
' = features_.find(id);' % self._class_name)
.Append('if (it == features_.end())')
.Append(' return kUnknown;')
.Append('return it->second;')
return c