blob: b4ac9b52d77b75bf3f219e149ed8306453970c51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* MetadataCache is a map from url to an object containing properties.
* Properties are divided by types, and all properties of one type are accessed
* at once.
* Some of the properties:
* {
* filesystem: size, modificationTime
* internal: presence
* drive: pinned, present, hosted, availableOffline
* streaming: (no property)
* Following are not fetched for non-present drive files.
* media: artist, album, title, width, height, imageTransform, etc.
* thumbnail: url, transform
* Following are always fetched from content, and so force the downloading
* of remote drive files. One should use this for required content metadata,
* i.e. image orientation.
* fetchedMedia: width, height, etc.
* }
* Typical usages:
* {
* cache.get([entry1, entry2], 'drive|filesystem', function(metadata) {
* if (metadata[0].drive.pinned && metadata[1].filesystem.size == 0)
* alert("Pinned and empty!");
* });
* cache.set(entry, 'internal', {presence: 'deleted'});
* cache.clear([fileUrl1, fileUrl2], 'filesystem');
* // Getting fresh value.
* cache.clear(entry, 'thumbnail');
* cache.get(entry, 'thumbnail', function(thumbnail) {
* img.src = thumbnail.url;
* });
* var cached = cache.getCached(entry, 'filesystem');
* var size = (cached && cached.size) || UNKNOWN_SIZE;
* }
* @constructor
function MetadataCache() {
* Map from urls to entries. Entry contains |properties| - an hierarchical
* object of values, and an object for each metadata provider:
* <prodiver-id>: { time, callbacks }
* @private
this.cache_ = {};
* List of metadata providers.
* @private
this.providers_ = [];
* List of observers added. Each one is an object with fields:
* re - regexp of urls;
* type - metadata type;
* callback - the callback.
* TODO(dgozman): pass entries to observer if present.
* @private
this.observers_ = [];
this.observerId_ = 0;
this.batchCount_ = 0;
this.totalCount_ = 0;
* Time of first get query of the current batch. Items updated later than this
* will not be evicted.
* @private
this.lastBatchStart_ = new Date();
* Observer type: it will be notified if the url changed is exactly the same
* as the url passed.
MetadataCache.EXACT = 0;
* Observer type: it will be notified if the url changed is an immediate child
* of the url passed.
MetadataCache.CHILDREN = 1;
* Observer type: it will be notified if the url changed is any descendant
* of the url passed.
MetadataCache.DESCENDANTS = 2;
* Minimum number of items in cache to start eviction.
MetadataCache.EVICTION_NUMBER = 1000;
* @return {MetadataCache!} The cache with all providers.
MetadataCache.createFull = function() {
var cache = new MetadataCache();
cache.providers_.push(new FilesystemProvider());
cache.providers_.push(new DriveProvider());
cache.providers_.push(new ContentProvider());
return cache;
* Clones metadata entry. Metadata entries may contain scalars, arrays,
* hash arrays and Date object. Other objects are not supported.
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata object.
* @return {Object} Cloned entry.
MetadataCache.cloneMetadata = function(metadata) {
if (metadata instanceof Array) {
var result = [];
for (var index = 0; index < metadata.length; index++) {
result[index] = MetadataCache.cloneMetadata(metadata[index]);
return result;
} else if (metadata instanceof Date) {
var result = new Date();
return result;
} else if (metadata instanceof Object) { // Hash array only.
var result = {};
for (var property in metadata) {
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(property))
result[property] = MetadataCache.cloneMetadata(metadata[property]);
return result;
} else {
return metadata;
* @return {boolean} Whether all providers are ready.
MetadataCache.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
for (var index = 0; index < this.providers_.length; index++) {
if (!this.providers_[index].isInitialized()) return false;
return true;
* Fetches the metadata, puts it in the cache, and passes to callback.
* If required metadata is already in the cache, does not fetch it again.
* @param {string|Entry|Array.<string|Entry>} items The list of entries or
* file urls. May be just a single item.
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback The metadata is passed to callback.
MetadataCache.prototype.get = function(items, type, callback) {
if (!(items instanceof Array)) {
this.getOne(items, type, callback);
if (items.length == 0) {
if (callback) callback([]);
var result = [];
var remaining = items.length;
var onOneItem = function(index, value) {
result[index] = value;
if (remaining == 0) {
if (callback) setTimeout(callback, 0, result);
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
this.getOne(items[index], type, onOneItem.bind(this, index));
* Fetches the metadata for one Entry/FileUrl. See comments to |get|.
* @param {Entry|string} item The entry or url.
* @param {string} type Metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback The callback.
MetadataCache.prototype.getOne = function(item, type, callback) {
if (type.indexOf('|') != -1) {
var types = type.split('|');
var result = {};
var typesLeft = types.length;
var onOneType = function(requestedType, metadata) {
result[requestedType] = metadata;
if (typesLeft == 0) callback(result);
for (var index = 0; index < types.length; index++) {
this.getOne(item, types[index], onOneType.bind(null, types[index]));
var url = this.itemToUrl_(item);
// Passing entry to fetchers may save one round-trip to APIs.
var fsEntry = item === url ? null : item;
callback = callback || function() {};
if (!(url in this.cache_)) {
this.cache_[url] = this.createEmptyEntry_();
var entry = this.cache_[url];
if (type in {
var providers = this.providers_.slice();
var currentProvider;
var self = this;
var onFetched = function() {
if (type in {
// Got properties from provider.
} else {
var onProviderProperties = function(properties) {
var id = currentProvider.getId();
var fetchedCallbacks = entry[id].callbacks;
delete entry[id].callbacks;
entry.time = new Date();
self.mergeProperties_(url, properties);
for (var index = 0; index < fetchedCallbacks.length; index++) {
var queryProvider = function() {
var id = currentProvider.getId();
if ('callbacks' in entry[id]) {
// We are querying this provider now.
} else {
entry[id].callbacks = [onFetched];
currentProvider.fetch(url, type, onProviderProperties, fsEntry);
var tryNextProvider = function() {
if (providers.length == 0) {
callback([type] || null);
currentProvider = providers.shift();
if (currentProvider.supportsUrl(url) &&
currentProvider.providesType(type)) {
} else {
* Returns the cached metadata value, or |null| if not present.
* @param {string|Entry|Array.<string|Entry>} items The list of entries or
* file urls. May be just a single item.
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @return {Object} The metadata or null.
MetadataCache.prototype.getCached = function(items, type) {
var single = false;
if (!(items instanceof Array)) {
single = true;
items = [items];
var result = [];
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
var url = this.itemToUrl_(items[index]);
result.push(url in this.cache_ ?
(this.cache_[url].properties[type] || null) : null);
return single ? result[0] : result;
* Puts the metadata into cache
* @param {string|Entry|Array.<string|Entry>} items The list of entries or
* file urls. May be just a single item.
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @param {Array.<Object>} values List of corresponding metadata values.
MetadataCache.prototype.set = function(items, type, values) {
if (!(items instanceof Array)) {
items = [items];
values = [values];
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
var url = this.itemToUrl_(items[index]);
if (!(url in this.cache_)) {
this.cache_[url] = this.createEmptyEntry_();
this.cache_[url].properties[type] = values[index];
this.notifyObservers_(url, type);
* Clears the cached metadata values.
* @param {string|Entry|Array.<string|Entry>} items The list of entries or
* file urls. May be just a single item.
* @param {string} type The metadata types or * for any type.
MetadataCache.prototype.clear = function(items, type) {
if (!(items instanceof Array))
items = [items];
var types = type.split('|');
for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
var url = this.itemToUrl_(items[index]);
if (url in this.cache_) {
if (type === '*') {
this.cache_[url].properties = {};
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
var type = types[j];
delete this.cache_[url].properties[type];
* Clears the cached metadata values recursively.
* @param {Entry|string} item An entry or a url.
* @param {string} type The metadata types or * for any type.
MetadataCache.prototype.clearRecursively = function(item, type) {
var types = type.split('|');
var keys = Object.keys(this.cache_);
var url = this.itemToUrl_(item);
for (var index = 0; index < keys.length; index++) {
var entryUrl = keys[index];
if (entryUrl.substring(0, url.length) === url) {
if (type === '*') {
this.cache_[entryUrl].properties = {};
} else {
for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
var type = types[j];
delete this.cache_[entryUrl].properties[type];
* Adds an observer, which will be notified when metadata changes.
* @param {string|Entry} item The root item to look at.
* @param {number} relation This defines, which items will trigger the observer.
* See comments to |MetadataCache.EXACT| and others.
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @param {function(Array.<string>, Array.<Object>)} observer List of file urls
* and corresponding metadata values are passed to this callback.
* @return {number} The observer id, which can be used to remove it.
MetadataCache.prototype.addObserver = function(item, relation, type, observer) {
var url = this.itemToUrl_(item);
var re = url;
if (relation == MetadataCache.CHILDREN) {
re += '(/[^/]*)?';
} else if (relation == MetadataCache.DESCENDANTS) {
re += '(/.*)?';
var id = ++this.observerId_;
re: new RegExp('^' + re + '$'),
type: type,
callback: observer,
id: id,
pending: {}
return id;
* Removes the observer.
* @param {number} id Observer id.
* @return {boolean} Whether observer was removed or not.
MetadataCache.prototype.removeObserver = function(id) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.observers_.length; index++) {
if (this.observers_[index].id == id) {
this.observers_.splice(index, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Start batch updates.
MetadataCache.prototype.startBatchUpdates = function() {
if (this.batchCount_ == 1)
this.lastBatchStart_ = new Date();
* End batch updates. Notifies observers if all nested updates are finished.
MetadataCache.prototype.endBatchUpdates = function() {
if (this.batchCount_ != 0) return;
if (this.totalCount_ > MetadataCache.EVICTION_NUMBER)
for (var index = 0; index < this.observers_.length; index++) {
var observer = this.observers_[index];
var urls = [];
var properties = [];
for (var url in observer.pending) {
if (observer.pending.hasOwnProperty(url) && url in this.cache_) {
properties.push(this.cache_[url].properties[observer.type] || null);
observer.pending = {};
if (urls.length > 0) {
observer.callback(urls, properties);
* Notifies observers or puts the data to pending list.
* @param {string} url Url of entry changed.
* @param {string} type Metadata type.
* @private
MetadataCache.prototype.notifyObservers_ = function(url, type) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.observers_.length; index++) {
var observer = this.observers_[index];
if (observer.type == type && {
if (this.batchCount_ == 0) {
// Observer expects array of urls and array of properties.
observer.callback([url], [this.cache_[url].properties[type] || null]);
} else {
observer.pending[url] = true;
* Removes the oldest items from the cache.
* This method never removes the items from last batch.
* @private
MetadataCache.prototype.evict_ = function() {
var toRemove = [];
// We leave only a half of items, so we will not call evict_ soon again.
var desiredCount = Math.round(MetadataCache.EVICTION_NUMBER / 2);
var removeCount = this.totalCount_ - desiredCount;
for (var url in this.cache_) {
if (this.cache_.hasOwnProperty(url) &&
this.cache_[url].time < this.lastBatchStart_) {
toRemove.sort(function(a, b) {
var aTime = this.cache_[a].time;
var bTime = this.cache_[b].time;
return aTime < bTime ? -1 : aTime > bTime ? 1 : 0;
removeCount = Math.min(removeCount, toRemove.length);
this.totalCount_ -= removeCount;
for (var index = 0; index < removeCount; index++) {
delete this.cache_[toRemove[index]];
* Converts Entry or file url to url.
* @param {string|Entry} item Item to convert.
* @return {string} File url.
* @private
MetadataCache.prototype.itemToUrl_ = function(item) {
if (typeof(item) == 'string')
return item;
if (!item._URL_) {
// Is a fake entry.
if (typeof item.toURL !== 'function')
item._URL_ = util.makeFilesystemUrl(item.fullPath);
item._URL_ = item.toURL();
return item._URL_;
* @return {Object} Empty cache entry.
* @private
MetadataCache.prototype.createEmptyEntry_ = function() {
var entry = {properties: {}};
for (var index = 0; index < this.providers_.length; index++) {
entry[this.providers_[index].getId()] = {};
return entry;
* Caches all the properties from data to cache entry for url.
* @param {string} url The url.
* @param {Object} data The properties.
* @private
MetadataCache.prototype.mergeProperties_ = function(url, data) {
if (data == null) return;
var properties = this.cache_[url].properties;
for (var type in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(type) && !properties.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
properties[type] = data[type];
this.notifyObservers_(url, type);
* Base class for metadata providers.
* @constructor
function MetadataProvider() {
* @param {string} url The url.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider supports the url.
MetadataProvider.prototype.supportsUrl = function(url) { return false; };
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider provides this metadata.
MetadataProvider.prototype.providesType = function(type) { return false; };
* @return {string} Unique provider id.
MetadataProvider.prototype.getId = function() { return ''; };
* @return {boolean} Whether provider is ready.
MetadataProvider.prototype.isInitialized = function() { return true; };
* Fetches the metadata. It's suggested to return all the metadata this provider
* can fetch at once.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {string} type Requested metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback expects a map from metadata type
* to metadata value.
* @param {Entry=} opt_entry The file entry if present.
MetadataProvider.prototype.fetch = function(url, type, callback, opt_entry) {
throw new Error('Default metadata provider cannot fetch.');
* Provider of filesystem metadata.
* This provider returns the following objects:
* filesystem: { size, modificationTime }
* @constructor
function FilesystemProvider() {;
FilesystemProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: MetadataProvider.prototype
* @param {string} url The url.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider supports the url.
FilesystemProvider.prototype.supportsUrl = function(url) {
return true;
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider provides this metadata.
FilesystemProvider.prototype.providesType = function(type) {
return type == 'filesystem';
* @return {string} Unique provider id.
FilesystemProvider.prototype.getId = function() { return 'filesystem'; };
* Fetches the metadata.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {string} type Requested metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback expects a map from metadata type
* to metadata value.
* @param {Entry=} opt_entry The file entry if present.
FilesystemProvider.prototype.fetch = function(url, type, callback, opt_entry) {
function onError(error) {
function onMetadata(entry, metadata) {
filesystem: {
size: entry.isFile ? (metadata.size || 0) : -1,
modificationTime: metadata.modificationTime
function onEntry(entry) {
entry.getMetadata(onMetadata.bind(null, entry), onError);
if (opt_entry)
window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(url, onEntry, onError);
* Provider of drive metadata.
* This provider returns the following objects:
* drive: { pinned, hosted, present, customIconUrl, etc. }
* thumbnail: { url, transform }
* streaming: { }
* @constructor
function DriveProvider() {;
// We batch metadata fetches into single API call.
this.urls_ = [];
this.callbacks_ = [];
this.scheduled_ = false;
this.callApiBound_ = this.callApi_.bind(this);
DriveProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: MetadataProvider.prototype
* @param {string} url The url.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider supports the url.
DriveProvider.prototype.supportsUrl = function(url) {
return FileType.isOnDrive(url);
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider provides this metadata.
DriveProvider.prototype.providesType = function(type) {
return type == 'drive' || type == 'thumbnail' ||
type == 'streaming' || type == 'media';
* @return {string} Unique provider id.
DriveProvider.prototype.getId = function() { return 'drive'; };
* Fetches the metadata.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {string} type Requested metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback expects a map from metadata type
* to metadata value.
* @param {Entry=} opt_entry The file entry if present.
DriveProvider.prototype.fetch = function(url, type, callback, opt_entry) {
if (!this.scheduled_) {
this.scheduled_ = true;
setTimeout(this.callApiBound_, 0);
* Schedules the API call.
* @private
DriveProvider.prototype.callApi_ = function() {
this.scheduled_ = false;
var urls = this.urls_;
var callbacks = this.callbacks_;
this.urls_ = [];
this.callbacks_ = [];
var self = this;
var task = function(url, callback) {
function(properties) {
callback(self.convert_(properties, url));
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)
task(urls[i], callbacks[i]);
* @param {DriveEntryProperties} data Drive entry properties.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @return {boolean} True if the file is available offline.
DriveProvider.isAvailableOffline = function(data, url) {
if (data.isPresent)
return true;
if (!data.isHosted)
return false;
// What's available offline? See the 'Web' column at:
var subtype = FileType.getType(url).subtype;
return (subtype == 'doc' ||
subtype == 'draw' ||
subtype == 'sheet' ||
subtype == 'slides');
* @param {DriveEntryProperties} data Drive entry properties.
* @return {boolean} True if opening the file does not require downloading it
* via a metered connection.
DriveProvider.isAvailableWhenMetered = function(data) {
return data.isPresent || data.isHosted;
* Converts API metadata to internal format.
* @param {Object} data Metadata from API call.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @return {Object} Metadata in internal format.
* @private
DriveProvider.prototype.convert_ = function(data, url) {
var result = {}; = {
present: data.isPresent,
pinned: data.isPinned,
hosted: data.isHosted,
availableOffline: DriveProvider.isAvailableOffline(data, url),
availableWhenMetered: DriveProvider.isAvailableWhenMetered(data),
customIconUrl: data.customIconUrl || '',
contentMimeType: data.contentMimeType || '',
sharedWithMe: data.sharedWithMe
if (!data.isPresent) {
// Block the local fetch for drive files, which require downloading.
result.thumbnail = { url: '', transform: null }; = {};
if ('thumbnailUrl' in data) {
result.thumbnail = {
url: data.thumbnailUrl.replace(/s220/, 's500'),
transform: null
if (!data.isPresent) {
// Indicate that the data is not available in local cache.
// It used to have a field 'url' for streaming play, but it is
// derprecated. See
result.streaming = {};
return result;
* Provider of content metadata.
* This provider returns the following objects:
* thumbnail: { url, transform }
* media: { artist, album, title, width, height, imageTransform, etc. }
* fetchedMedia: { same fields here }
* @constructor
function ContentProvider() {;
// Pass all URLs to the metadata reader until we have a correct filter.
this.urlFilter_ = /.*/;
var path = document.location.pathname;
var workerPath = document.location.origin +
path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) +
if (ContentProvider.USE_SHARED_WORKER) {
this.dispatcher_ = new SharedWorker(workerPath).port;
} else {
this.dispatcher_ = new Worker(workerPath);
this.dispatcher_.onmessage = this.onMessage_.bind(this);
this.dispatcher_.postMessage({verb: 'init'});
// Initialization is not complete until the Worker sends back the
// 'initialized' message. See below.
this.initialized_ = false;
// Map from url to callback.
// Note that simultaneous requests for same url are handled in MetadataCache.
this.callbacks_ = {};
* Flag defining which kind of a worker to use.
* TODO(kaznacheev): Observe for some time and remove if SharedWorker does not
* cause any problems.
ContentProvider.USE_SHARED_WORKER = true;
ContentProvider.prototype = {
__proto__: MetadataProvider.prototype
* @param {string} url The url.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider supports the url.
ContentProvider.prototype.supportsUrl = function(url) {
return url.match(this.urlFilter_);
* @param {string} type The metadata type.
* @return {boolean} Whether this provider provides this metadata.
ContentProvider.prototype.providesType = function(type) {
return type == 'thumbnail' || type == 'fetchedMedia' || type == 'media';
* @return {string} Unique provider id.
ContentProvider.prototype.getId = function() { return 'content'; };
* Fetches the metadata.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {string} type Requested metadata type.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback expects a map from metadata type
* to metadata value.
* @param {Entry=} opt_entry The file entry if present.
ContentProvider.prototype.fetch = function(url, type, callback, opt_entry) {
if (opt_entry && opt_entry.isDirectory) {
this.callbacks_[url] = callback;
this.dispatcher_.postMessage({verb: 'request', arguments: [url]});
* Dispatch a message from a metadata reader to the appropriate on* method.
* @param {Object} event The event.
* @private
ContentProvider.prototype.onMessage_ = function(event) {
var data =;
var methodName =
'on' + data.verb.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + data.verb.substr(1) + '_';
if (!(methodName in this)) {
console.error('Unknown message from metadata reader: ' + data.verb, data);
this[methodName].apply(this, data.arguments);
* @return {boolean} Whether provider is ready.
ContentProvider.prototype.isInitialized = function() {
return this.initialized_;
* Handles the 'initialized' message from the metadata reader Worker.
* @param {Object} regexp Regexp of supported urls.
* @private
ContentProvider.prototype.onInitialized_ = function(regexp) {
this.urlFilter_ = regexp;
// Tests can monitor for this state with
// ExtensionTestMessageListener listener("worker-initialized");
// ASSERT_TRUE(listener.WaitUntilSatisfied());
// Automated tests need to wait for this, otherwise we crash in
// browser_test cleanup because the worker process still has
// URL requests in-flight.
var test = chrome.test ||;
this.initialized_ = true;
* Converts content metadata from parsers to the internal format.
* @param {Object} metadata The content metadata.
* @param {Object=} opt_result The internal metadata object ot put result in.
* @return {Object!} Converted metadata.
ContentProvider.ConvertContentMetadata = function(metadata, opt_result) {
var result = opt_result || {};
if ('thumbnailURL' in metadata) {
metadata.thumbnailTransform = metadata.thumbnailTransform || null;
result.thumbnail = {
url: metadata.thumbnailURL,
transform: metadata.thumbnailTransform
for (var key in metadata) {
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!('media' in result)) = {};[key] = metadata[key];
if ('media' in result) {
result.fetchedMedia =;
return result;
* Handles the 'result' message from the worker.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {Object} metadata The metadata.
* @private
ContentProvider.prototype.onResult_ = function(url, metadata) {
var callback = this.callbacks_[url];
delete this.callbacks_[url];
* Handles the 'error' message from the worker.
* @param {string} url File url.
* @param {string} step Step failed.
* @param {string} error Error description.
* @param {Object?} metadata The metadata, if available.
* @private
ContentProvider.prototype.onError_ = function(url, step, error, metadata) {
if (MetadataCache.log) // Avoid log spam by default.
console.warn('metadata: ' + url + ': ' + step + ': ' + error);
metadata = metadata || {};
// Prevent asking for thumbnail again.
metadata.thumbnailURL = '';
this.onResult_(url, metadata);
* Handles the 'log' message from the worker.
* @param {Array.<*>} arglist Log arguments.
* @private
ContentProvider.prototype.onLog_ = function(arglist) {
if (MetadataCache.log) // Avoid log spam by default.
console.log.apply(console, ['metadata:'].concat(arglist));