blob: 4d6b8ea0874fdefa1bde1d75272b361d87364484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Viewport class controls the way the image is displayed (scale, offset etc).
* @constructor
function Viewport() {
this.imageBounds_ = new Rect();
this.screenBounds_ = new Rect();
this.scale_ = 1;
this.offsetX_ = 0;
this.offsetY_ = 0;
this.generation_ = 0;
this.scaleControl_ = null;
this.repaintCallbacks_ = [];
* Viewport modification.
* @param {Object} scaleControl The UI object responsible for scaling.
Viewport.prototype.setScaleControl = function(scaleControl) {
this.scaleControl_ = scaleControl;
* @param {number} width Image width.
* @param {number} height Image height.
Viewport.prototype.setImageSize = function(width, height) {
this.imageBounds_ = new Rect(width, height);
if (this.scaleControl_) this.scaleControl_.displayImageSize(width, height);
* @param {number} width Screen width.
* @param {number} height Screen height.
Viewport.prototype.setScreenSize = function(width, height) {
this.screenBounds_ = new Rect(width, height);
if (this.scaleControl_)
* Set the size by an HTML element.
* @param {HTMLElement} frame The element acting as the "screen".
Viewport.prototype.sizeByFrame = function(frame) {
this.setScreenSize(frame.clientWidth, frame.clientHeight);
* Set the size and scale to fit an HTML element.
* @param {HTMLElement} frame The element acting as the "screen".
Viewport.prototype.sizeByFrameAndFit = function(frame) {
var wasFitting = this.getScale() == this.getFittingScale();
var minScale = this.getFittingScale();
if (wasFitting || (this.getScale() < minScale)) {
this.setScale(minScale, true);
* @return {number} Scale.
Viewport.prototype.getScale = function() { return this.scale_ };
* @param {number} scale The new scale.
* @param {boolean} notify True if the change should be reflected in the UI.
Viewport.prototype.setScale = function(scale, notify) {
if (this.scale_ == scale) return;
this.scale_ = scale;
if (notify && this.scaleControl_) this.scaleControl_.displayScale(scale);
* @return {number} Best scale to fit the current image into the current screen.
Viewport.prototype.getFittingScale = function() {
var scaleX = this.screenBounds_.width / this.imageBounds_.width;
var scaleY = this.screenBounds_.height / this.imageBounds_.height;
// Scales > (1 / this.getDevicePixelRatio()) do not look good. Also they are
// not really useful as we do not have any pixel-level operations.
return Math.min(1 / Viewport.getDevicePixelRatio(), scaleX, scaleY);
* Set the scale to fit the image into the screen.
Viewport.prototype.fitImage = function() {
var scale = this.getFittingScale();
if (this.scaleControl_) this.scaleControl_.setMinScale(scale);
this.setScale(scale, true);
* @return {number} X-offset of the viewport.
Viewport.prototype.getOffsetX = function() { return this.offsetX_ };
* @return {number} Y-offset of the viewport.
Viewport.prototype.getOffsetY = function() { return this.offsetY_ };
* Set the image offset in the viewport.
* @param {number} x X-offset.
* @param {number} y Y-offset.
* @param {boolean} ignoreClipping True if no clipping should be applied.
Viewport.prototype.setOffset = function(x, y, ignoreClipping) {
if (!ignoreClipping) {
x = this.clampOffsetX_(x);
y = this.clampOffsetY_(y);
if (this.offsetX_ == x && this.offsetY_ == y) return;
this.offsetX_ = x;
this.offsetY_ = y;
* Return a closure that can be called to pan the image.
* Useful for implementing non-trivial variants of panning (overview etc).
* @param {number} originalX The x coordinate on the screen canvas that
* corresponds to zero change to offsetX.
* @param {number} originalY The y coordinate on the screen canvas that
* corresponds to zero change to offsetY.
* @param {function():number} scaleFunc returns the image to screen scale.
* @param {function(number,number):boolean} hitFunc returns true if (x,y) is
* in the valid region.
* @return {function} The closure to pan the image.
Viewport.prototype.createOffsetSetter = function(
originalX, originalY, scaleFunc, hitFunc) {
var originalOffsetX = this.offsetX_;
var originalOffsetY = this.offsetY_;
if (!hitFunc) hitFunc = function() { return true };
if (!scaleFunc) scaleFunc = this.getScale.bind(this);
var self = this;
return function(x, y) {
if (hitFunc(x, y)) {
var scale = scaleFunc();
originalOffsetX + (x - originalX) / scale,
originalOffsetY + (y - originalY) / scale);
* Access to the current viewport state.
* @return {Rect} The image bounds in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getImageBounds = function() { return this.imageBounds_ };
* @return {Rect} The screen bounds in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getScreenBounds = function() { return this.screenBounds_ };
* @return {Rect} The visible part of the image, in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getImageClipped = function() { return this.imageClipped_ };
* @return {Rect} The visible part of the image, in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getScreenClipped = function() { return this.screenClipped_ };
* A counter that is incremented with each viewport state change.
* Clients that cache anything that depends on the viewport state should keep
* track of this counter.
* @return {number} counter.
Viewport.prototype.getCacheGeneration = function() { return this.generation_ };
* Called on event view port state change (even if repaint has not been called).
Viewport.prototype.invalidateCaches = function() { this.generation_++ };
* @return {Rect} The image bounds in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getImageBoundsOnScreen = function() {
return this.imageOnScreen_;
* Conversion between the screen and image coordinate spaces.
* @param {number} size Size in screen coordinates.
* @return {number} Size in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.screenToImageSize = function(size) {
return size / this.getScale();
* @param {number} x X in screen coordinates.
* @return {number} X in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.screenToImageX = function(x) {
return Math.round((x - this.imageOnScreen_.left) / this.getScale());
* @param {number} y Y in screen coordinates.
* @return {number} Y in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.screenToImageY = function(y) {
return Math.round((y - / this.getScale());
* @param {Rect} rect Rectangle in screen coordinates.
* @return {Rect} Rectangle in image coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.screenToImageRect = function(rect) {
return new Rect(
* @param {number} size Size in image coordinates.
* @return {number} Size in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.imageToScreenSize = function(size) {
return size * this.getScale();
* @param {number} x X in image coordinates.
* @return {number} X in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.imageToScreenX = function(x) {
return Math.round(this.imageOnScreen_.left + x * this.getScale());
* @param {number} y Y in image coordinates.
* @return {number} Y in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.imageToScreenY = function(y) {
return Math.round( + y * this.getScale());
* @param {Rect} rect Rectangle in image coordinates.
* @return {Rect} Rectangle in screen coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.imageToScreenRect = function(rect) {
return new Rect(
* @return {number} The number of physical pixels in one CSS pixel.
Viewport.getDevicePixelRatio = function() { return window.devicePixelRatio };
* Convert a rectangle from screen coordinates to 'device' coordinates.
* This conversion enlarges the original rectangle devicePixelRatio times
* with the screen center as a fixed point.
* @param {Rect} rect Rectangle in screen coordinates.
* @return {Rect} Rectangle in device coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.screenToDeviceRect = function(rect) {
var ratio = Viewport.getDevicePixelRatio();
var screenCenterX = Math.round(
this.screenBounds_.left + this.screenBounds_.width / 2);
var screenCenterY = Math.round( + this.screenBounds_.height / 2);
return new Rect(screenCenterX + (rect.left - screenCenterX) * ratio,
screenCenterY + ( - screenCenterY) * ratio,
rect.width * ratio,
rect.height * ratio);
* @return {Rect} The visible part of the image, in device coordinates.
Viewport.prototype.getDeviceClipped = function() {
return this.screenToDeviceRect(this.getScreenClipped());
* @return {boolean} True if some part of the image is clipped by the screen.
Viewport.prototype.isClipped = function() {
return this.getMarginX_() < 0 || this.getMarginY_() < 0;
* @return {number} Horizontal margin.
* Negative if the image is clipped horizontally.
* @private
Viewport.prototype.getMarginX_ = function() {
return Math.round(
(this.screenBounds_.width - this.imageBounds_.width * this.scale_) / 2);
* @return {number} Vertical margin.
* Negative if the image is clipped vertically.
* @private
Viewport.prototype.getMarginY_ = function() {
return Math.round(
(this.screenBounds_.height - this.imageBounds_.height * this.scale_) / 2);
* @param {number} x X-offset.
* @return {number} X-offset clamped to the valid range.
* @private
Viewport.prototype.clampOffsetX_ = function(x) {
var limit = Math.round(Math.max(0, -this.getMarginX_() / this.getScale()));
return ImageUtil.clamp(-limit, x, limit);
* @param {number} y Y-offset.
* @return {number} Y-offset clamped to the valid range.
* @private
Viewport.prototype.clampOffsetY_ = function(y) {
var limit = Math.round(Math.max(0, -this.getMarginY_() / this.getScale()));
return ImageUtil.clamp(-limit, y, limit);
* Recalculate the viewport parameters.
Viewport.prototype.update = function() {
var scale = this.getScale();
// Image bounds in screen coordinates.
this.imageOnScreen_ = new Rect(
Math.round(this.imageBounds_.width * scale),
Math.round(this.imageBounds_.height * scale));
// A visible part of the image in image coordinates.
this.imageClipped_ = new Rect(this.imageBounds_);
// A visible part of the image in screen coordinates.
this.screenClipped_ = new Rect(this.screenBounds_);
// Adjust for the offset.
if (this.imageOnScreen_.left < 0) {
this.imageOnScreen_.left +=
Math.round(this.clampOffsetX_(this.offsetX_) * scale);
this.imageClipped_.left = Math.round(-this.imageOnScreen_.left / scale);
this.imageClipped_.width = Math.round(this.screenBounds_.width / scale);
} else {
this.screenClipped_.left = this.imageOnScreen_.left;
this.screenClipped_.width = this.imageOnScreen_.width;
if ( < 0) { +=
Math.round(this.clampOffsetY_(this.offsetY_) * scale); = Math.round( / scale);
this.imageClipped_.height = Math.round(this.screenBounds_.height / scale);
} else { =;
this.screenClipped_.height = this.imageOnScreen_.height;
* @param {function} callback Repaint callback.
Viewport.prototype.addRepaintCallback = function(callback) {
* Repaint all clients.
Viewport.prototype.repaint = function() {
for (var i = 0; i != this.repaintCallbacks_.length; i++)