blob: 4161cc1864706b2ddbce9037d26c72ecf0203e48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/common/partial_circular_buffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace {
inline uint32 Min3(uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32 c) {
return std::min(a, std::min(b, c));
} // namespace
PartialCircularBuffer::PartialCircularBuffer(void* buffer,
uint32 buffer_size)
: buffer_data_(reinterpret_cast<BufferData*>(buffer)),
total_read_(0) {
uint32 header_size =
buffer_data_->data - reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(buffer_data_);
data_size_ = memory_buffer_size_ - header_size;
DCHECK_GE(memory_buffer_size_, header_size);
DCHECK_LE(buffer_data_->total_written, data_size_);
DCHECK_LT(buffer_data_->wrap_position, data_size_);
DCHECK_LT(buffer_data_->end_position, data_size_);
PartialCircularBuffer::PartialCircularBuffer(void* buffer,
uint32 buffer_size,
uint32 wrap_position,
bool append)
: buffer_data_(reinterpret_cast<BufferData*>(buffer)),
total_read_(0) {
uint32 header_size =
buffer_data_->data - reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(buffer_data_);
data_size_ = memory_buffer_size_ - header_size;
DCHECK_GE(memory_buffer_size_, header_size);
if (append) {
DCHECK_LT(buffer_data_->wrap_position, data_size_);
position_ = buffer_data_->end_position;
} else {
DCHECK_LT(wrap_position, data_size_);
buffer_data_->total_written = 0;
buffer_data_->wrap_position = wrap_position;
buffer_data_->end_position = 0;
uint32 PartialCircularBuffer::Read(void* buffer, uint32 buffer_size) {
if (total_read_ >= buffer_data_->total_written)
return 0;
uint8* buffer_uint8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(buffer);
uint32 read = 0;
// Read from beginning part.
if (position_ < buffer_data_->wrap_position) {
uint32 to_wrap_pos = buffer_data_->wrap_position - position_;
uint32 to_eow = buffer_data_->total_written - total_read_;
uint32 to_read = Min3(buffer_size, to_wrap_pos, to_eow);
memcpy(buffer_uint8, buffer_data_->data + position_, to_read);
position_ += to_read;
total_read_ += to_read;
read += to_read;
if (position_ == buffer_data_->wrap_position &&
buffer_data_->total_written == data_size_) {
// We've read all the beginning part, set the position to the middle part.
// (The second condition above checks if the wrapping part is filled, i.e.
// writing has wrapped.)
position_ = buffer_data_->end_position;
if (read >= buffer_size) {
DCHECK_EQ(read, buffer_size);
return read;
if (read >= to_eow) {
DCHECK_EQ(read, to_eow);
DCHECK_EQ(total_read_, buffer_data_->total_written);
return read;
// Read from middle part.
DCHECK_GE(position_, buffer_data_->wrap_position);
if (position_ >= buffer_data_->end_position) {
uint32 remaining_buffer_size = buffer_size - read;
uint32 to_eof = data_size_ - position_;
uint32 to_eow = buffer_data_->total_written - total_read_;
uint32 to_read = Min3(remaining_buffer_size, to_eof, to_eow);
memcpy(buffer_uint8 + read, buffer_data_->data + position_, to_read);
position_ += to_read;
total_read_ += to_read;
read += to_read;
if (position_ == data_size_) {
// We've read all the middle part, set position to the end part.
position_ = buffer_data_->wrap_position;
if (read >= buffer_size) {
DCHECK_EQ(read, buffer_size);
return read;
if (total_read_ >= buffer_data_->total_written) {
DCHECK_EQ(total_read_, buffer_data_->total_written);
return read;
// Read from end part.
DCHECK_GE(position_, buffer_data_->wrap_position);
DCHECK_LT(position_, buffer_data_->end_position);
uint32 remaining_buffer_size = buffer_size - read;
uint32 to_eob = buffer_data_->end_position - position_;
uint32 to_eow = buffer_data_->total_written - total_read_;
uint32 to_read = Min3(remaining_buffer_size, to_eob, to_eow);
memcpy(buffer_uint8 + read, buffer_data_->data + position_, to_read);
position_ += to_read;
total_read_ += to_read;
read += to_read;
DCHECK_LE(read, buffer_size);
DCHECK_LE(total_read_, buffer_data_->total_written);
return read;
void PartialCircularBuffer::Write(const void* buffer, uint32 buffer_size) {
uint32 position_before_write = position_;
uint32 to_eof = data_size_ - position_;
uint32 to_write = std::min(buffer_size, to_eof);
DoWrite(buffer_data_->data + position_, buffer, to_write);
if (position_ >= data_size_) {
DCHECK_EQ(position_, data_size_);
position_ = buffer_data_->wrap_position;
if (to_write < buffer_size) {
uint32 remainder_to_write = buffer_size - to_write;
DCHECK_LT(position_, position_before_write);
DCHECK_LE(position_ + remainder_to_write, position_before_write);
DoWrite(buffer_data_->data + position_,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(buffer) + to_write,
void PartialCircularBuffer::DoWrite(void* dest, const void* src, uint32 num) {
memcpy(dest, src, num);
position_ += num;
buffer_data_->total_written =
std::min(buffer_data_->total_written + num, data_size_);
buffer_data_->end_position = position_;