blob: 0f40e35f40352897c978d40d5260408f45115665 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace chromeos {
namespace ibus {
const char kServiceName[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus";
// Constants used to receive NameOwner signals from ibus-daemon. Note that
// "org.freedesktop.DBus" is used instead of "org.freedesktop.IBus" for these
// signals.
const char kDBusServiceName[] = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
const char kDBusObjectPath[] = "/org/freedesktop/DBus";
const char kDBusInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
const char kGetNameOwnerMethod[] = "GetNameOwner";
const char kNameOwnerChangedSignal[] = "NameOwnerChanged";
namespace bus {
const char kServicePath[] = "/org/freedesktop/IBus";
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus";
const char kCreateInputContextMethod[] = "CreateInputContext";
const char kRegisterComponentMethod[] = "RegisterComponent";
const char kSetGlobalEngineMethod[] = "SetGlobalEngine";
const char kExitMethod[] = "Exit";
} // namespace bus
namespace input_context {
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.InputContext";
const char kCommitTextSignal[] = "CommitText";
const char kForwardKeyEventSignal[] = "ForwardKeyEvent";
const char kHidePreeditTextSignal[] = "HidePreeditText";
const char kShowPreeditTextSignal[] = "ShowPreeditText";
const char kUpdatePreeditTextSignal[] = "UpdatePreeditText";
const char kDeleteSurroundingTextSignal[] = "DeleteSurroundingText";
const char kFocusInMethod[] = "FocusIn";
const char kFocusOutMethod[] = "FocusOut";
const char kResetMethod[] = "Reset";
const char kSetCapabilitiesMethod[] = "SetCapabilities";
const char kSetCursorLocationMethod[] = "SetCursorLocation";
const char kProcessKeyEventMethod[] = "ProcessKeyEvent";
const char kSetSurroundingTextMethod[] = "SetSurroundingText";
const char kPropertyActivateMethod[] = "PropertyActivate";
} // namespace input_context
namespace engine_factory {
const char kServicePath[] = "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Factory";
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Factory";
const char kCreateEngineMethod[] = "CreateEngine";
} // namespace engine_factory
namespace engine {
const char kServicePathPrefix[] = "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Engine/";
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Engine";
const char kFocusInMethod[] = "FocusIn";
const char kFocusOutMethod[] = "FocusOut";
const char kEnableMethod[] = "Enable";
const char kDisableMethod[] = "Disable";
const char kPropertyActivateMethod[] = "PropertyActivate";
const char kPropertyShowMethod[] = "PropertyShow";
const char kPropertyHideMethod[] = "PropertyHide";
const char kSetCapabilityMethod[] = "SetCapability";
const char kResetMethod[] = "Reset";
const char kProcessKeyEventMethod[] = "ProcessKeyEvent";
const char kCandidateClickedMethod[] = "CandidateClicked";
const char kSetSurroundingTextMethod[] = "SetSurroundingText";
const char kRegisterPropertiesSignal[] = "RegisterProperties";
const char kUpdatePreeditSignal[] = "UpdatePreeditText";
const char kUpdateAuxiliaryTextSignal[] = "UpdateAuxiliaryText";
const char kUpdateLookupTableSignal[] = "UpdateLookupTable";
const char kUpdatePropertySignal[] = "UpdateProperty";
const char kForwardKeyEventSignal[] = "ForwardKeyEvent";
const char kRequireSurroundingTextSignal[] = "RequireSurroundingText";
const char kCommitTextSignal[] = "CommitText";
const char kDeleteSurroundingTextSignal[] = "DeleteSurroundingText";
} // namespace engine
namespace panel {
const char kServiceName[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel";
const char kServicePath[] = "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Panel";
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel";
const char kUpdateLookupTableMethod[] = "UpdateLookupTable";
const char kHideLookupTableMethod[] = "HideLookupTable";
const char kUpdateAuxiliaryTextMethod[] = "UpdateAuxiliaryText";
const char kHideAuxiliaryTextMethod[] = "HideAuxiliaryText";
const char kUpdatePreeditTextMethod[] = "UpdatePreeditText";
const char kHidePreeditTextMethod[] = "HidePreeditText";
const char kRegisterPropertiesMethod[] = "RegisterProperties";
const char kUpdatePropertyMethod[] = "UpdateProperty";
const char kCandidateClickedSignal[] = "CandidateClicked";
const char kCursorUpSignal[] = "CursorUp";
const char kCursorDownSignal[] = "CursorDown";
const char kPageUpSignal[] = "PageUp";
const char kPageDownSignal[] = "PageDown";
// Methods to be just ignored. We do not use these methods in the UI.
// See
const char kFocusInMethod[] = "FocusIn";
const char kFocusOutMethod[] = "FocusOut";
const char kStateChangedMethod[] = "StateChanged";
} // namespace panel
namespace config {
const char kServiceName[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Config";
const char kServicePath[] = "/org/freedesktop/IBus/Config";
const char kServiceInterface[] = "org.freedesktop.IBus.Config";
const char kSetValueMethod[] = "SetValue";
} // namespace config
} // namespace ibus
} // namespace chromeos