blob: 104fb121e00be48e5ae51b97f1187c12b6958c1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import features_utility as features
from third_party.json_schema_compiler.json_parse import Parse
def _ListifyAndSortDocs(features, app_name):
'''Convert a |feautres| dictionary, and all 'children' dictionaries, into
lists recursively. Sort lists first by 'level' then by name.
def sort_key(item):
'''Key function to sort items primarily by level (according to index into
levels) then subsort by name.
levels = ('required', 'recommended', 'only_one', 'optional')
return (levels.index(item.get('level', 'optional')), item['name'])
def coerce_example_to_feature(feature):
'''To display json in examples more clearly, convert the example of
|feature| into the feature format, with a name and children, to be rendered
by the templates. Only applicable to examples that are dictionaries.
if not isinstance(feature.get('example'), dict):
if 'example' in feature:
feature['example'] = json.dumps(feature['example'])
# Add any keys/value pairs in the dict as children
for key, value in feature['example'].iteritems():
if not 'children' in feature:
feature['children'] = {}
feature['children'][key] = { 'name': key, 'example': value }
del feature['example']
del feature['has_example']
def convert_and_sort(features):
for key, value in features.items():
if 'example' in value:
value['has_example'] = True
example = json.dumps(value['example'])
if example == '{}':
value['example'] = '{...}'
elif example == '[]':
value['example'] = '[...]'
if 'children' in value:
features[key]['children'] = convert_and_sort(value['children'])
return sorted(features.values(), key=sort_key)
# Replace {{title}} in the 'name' manifest property example with |app_name|
if 'name' in features:
name = features['name']
name['example'] = name['example'].replace('{{title}}', app_name)
features = convert_and_sort(features)
return features
def _AddLevelAnnotations(features):
'''Add level annotations to |features|. |features| and children lists must be
sorted by 'level'. Annotations are added to the first item in a group of
features of the same 'level'.
The last item in a list has 'is_last' set to True.
annotations = {
'required': 'Required',
'recommended': 'Recommended',
'only_one': 'Pick one (or none)',
'optional': 'Optional'
def add_annotation(item, annotation):
if not 'annotations' in item:
item['annotations'] = []
item['annotations'].insert(0, annotation)
def annotate(parent_level, features):
current_level = parent_level
for item in features:
level = item.get('level', 'optional')
if level != current_level:
add_annotation(item, annotations[level])
current_level = level
if 'children' in item:
annotate(level, item['children'])
if features:
features[-1]['is_last'] = True
annotate('required', features)
return features
def _RestructureChildren(features):
'''Features whose names are of the form 'parent.child' are moved to be part
of the 'parent' dictionary under the key 'children'. Names are changed to
the 'child' section of the original name. Applied recursively so that
children can have children.
def add_child(features, parent, child_name, value):
value['name'] = child_name
if not 'children' in features[parent]:
features[parent]['children'] = {}
features[parent]['children'][child_name] = value
def insert_children(features):
for name in features.keys():
if '.' in name:
value = features.pop(name)
parent, child_name = name.split('.', 1)
add_child(features, parent, child_name, value)
for value in features.values():
if 'children' in value:
return features
class ManifestDataSource(object):
'''Provides access to the properties in manifest features.
def __init__(self,
self._manifest_path = manifest_path
self._features_path = features_path
self._file_system = file_system
self._cache = compiled_fs_factory.Create(
self._CreateManifestData, ManifestDataSource)
def GetFeatures(self):
'''Returns a dictionary of the contents of |_features_path| merged with
manifest_json = Parse(self._file_system.ReadSingle(self._manifest_path))
manifest_features = features.Parse(
return features.MergedWith(manifest_features, manifest_json)
def _CreateManifestData(self, _, content):
'''Combine the contents of |_manifest_path| and |_features_path| and filter
the results into lists specific to apps or extensions for templates. Marks
up features with annotations.
def for_templates(manifest_features, platform):
return _AddLevelAnnotations(
features.Filtered(manifest_features, platform)),
manifest_json = Parse(self._file_system.ReadSingle(self._manifest_path))
manifest_features = features.MergedWith(
features.Parse(Parse(content)), manifest_json)
return {
'apps': for_templates(manifest_features, 'app'),
'extensions': for_templates(manifest_features, 'extension')
def get(self, key):
return self._cache.GetFromFile(self._features_path)[key]