blob: 9e2dd06ff2fb903096d06ebbb29bfc9108b87614 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(eroman): put these methods into a namespace.
var printLogEntriesAsText;
var createLogEntryTablePrinter;
var proxySettingsToString;
var stripCookiesAndLoginInfo;
// Start of anonymous namespace.
(function() {
'use strict';
function canCollapseBeginWithEnd(beginEntry) {
return beginEntry &&
beginEntry.isBegin() &&
beginEntry.end &&
beginEntry.end.index == beginEntry.index + 1 &&
(!beginEntry.orig.params || !beginEntry.end.orig.params);
* Adds a child pre element to the end of |parent|, and writes the
* formatted contents of |logEntries| to it.
printLogEntriesAsText = function(logEntries, parent, privacyStripping,
logCreationTime) {
var tablePrinter = createLogEntryTablePrinter(logEntries, privacyStripping,
// Format the table for fixed-width text.
tablePrinter.toText(0, parent);
* Creates a TablePrinter for use by the above two functions.
createLogEntryTablePrinter = function(logEntries, privacyStripping,
logCreationTime) {
var entries = LogGroupEntry.createArrayFrom(logEntries);
var tablePrinter = new TablePrinter();
var parameterOutputter = new ParameterOutputter(tablePrinter);
if (entries.length == 0)
return tablePrinter;
var startTime = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToTime(entries[0].orig.time);
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
var entry = entries[i];
// Avoid printing the END for a BEGIN that was immediately before, unless
// both have extra parameters.
if (!entry.isEnd() || !canCollapseBeginWithEnd(entry.begin)) {
var entryTime = timeutil.convertTimeTicksToTime(entry.orig.time);
addRowWithTime(tablePrinter, entryTime, startTime);
for (var j = entry.getDepth(); j > 0; --j)
tablePrinter.addCell(' ');
var eventText = getTextForEvent(entry);
// Get the elapsed time, and append it to the event text.
if (entry.isBegin()) {
var dt = '?';
// Definite time.
if (entry.end) {
dt = entry.end.orig.time - entry.orig.time;
} else if (logCreationTime != undefined) {
dt = (logCreationTime - entryTime) + '+';
eventText += ' [dt=' + dt + ']';
var mainCell = tablePrinter.addCell(eventText);
mainCell.allowOverflow = true;
// Output the extra parameters.
if (typeof entry.orig.params == 'object') {
// Those 5 skipped cells are: two for "t=", and three for "st=".
tablePrinter.setNewRowCellIndent(5 + entry.getDepth());
writeParameters(entry.orig, privacyStripping, parameterOutputter);
// If viewing a saved log file, add row with just the time the log was
// created, if the event never completed.
var lastEntry = entries[entries.length - 1];
// If the last entry has a non-zero depth or is a begin event, the source is
// still active.
var isSourceActive = lastEntry.getDepth() != 0 || lastEntry.isBegin();
if (logCreationTime != undefined && isSourceActive)
addRowWithTime(tablePrinter, logCreationTime, startTime);
return tablePrinter;
* Adds a new row to the given TablePrinter, and adds five cells containing
* information about the time an event occured.
* Format is '[t=<UTC time in ms>] [st=<ms since the source started>]'.
* @param {TablePrinter} tablePrinter The table printer to add the cells to.
* @param {number} eventTime The time the event occured, as a UTC time in
* milliseconds.
* @param {number} startTime The time the first event for the source occured,
* as a UTC time in milliseconds.
function addRowWithTime(tablePrinter, eventTime, startTime) {
var tCell = tablePrinter.addCell(eventTime);
tCell.alignRight = true;
tablePrinter.addCell(' [st=');
var stCell = tablePrinter.addCell(eventTime - startTime);
stCell.alignRight = true;
tablePrinter.addCell('] ');
* |hexString| must be a string of hexadecimal characters with no whitespace,
* whose length is a multiple of two. Writes multiple lines to |out| with
* the hexadecimal characters from |hexString| on the left, in groups of
* two, and their corresponding ASCII characters on the right.
* |asciiCharsPerLine| specifies how many ASCII characters will be put on each
* line of the output string.
function writeHexString(hexString, asciiCharsPerLine, out) {
// Number of transferred bytes in a line of output. Length of a
// line is roughly 4 times larger.
var hexCharsPerLine = 2 * asciiCharsPerLine;
for (var i = 0; i < hexString.length; i += hexCharsPerLine) {
var hexLine = '';
var asciiLine = '';
for (var j = i; j < i + hexCharsPerLine && j < hexString.length; j += 2) {
var hex = hexString.substr(j, 2);
hexLine += hex + ' ';
var charCode = parseInt(hex, 16);
// For ASCII codes 32 though 126, display the corresponding
// characters. Use a space for nulls, and a period for
// everything else.
if (charCode >= 0x20 && charCode <= 0x7E) {
asciiLine += String.fromCharCode(charCode);
} else if (charCode == 0x00) {
asciiLine += ' ';
} else {
asciiLine += '.';
// Make the ASCII text for the last line of output align with the previous
// lines.
hexLine += makeRepeatedString(' ', 3 * asciiCharsPerLine - hexLine.length);
out.writeLine(' ' + hexLine + ' ' + asciiLine);
* Wrapper around a TablePrinter to simplify outputting lines of text for event
* parameters.
var ParameterOutputter = (function() {
* @constructor
function ParameterOutputter(tablePrinter) {
this.tablePrinter_ = tablePrinter;
ParameterOutputter.prototype = {
* Outputs a single line.
writeLine: function(line) {
var cell = this.tablePrinter_.addCell(line);
cell.allowOverflow = true;
return cell;
* Outputs a key=value line which looks like:
* --> key = value
writeArrowKeyValue: function(key, value, link) {
var cell = this.writeLine(kArrow + key + ' = ' + value); = link;
* Outputs a key= line which looks like:
* --> key =
writeArrowKey: function(key) {
this.writeLine(kArrow + key + ' =');
* Outputs multiple lines, each indented by numSpaces.
* For instance if numSpaces=8 it might look like this:
* line 1
* line 2
* line 3
writeSpaceIndentedLines: function(numSpaces, lines) {
var prefix = makeRepeatedString(' ', numSpaces);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i)
this.writeLine(prefix + lines[i]);
* Outputs multiple lines such that the first line has
* an arrow pointing at it, and subsequent lines
* align with the first one. For example:
* --> line 1
* line 2
* line 3
writeArrowIndentedLines: function(lines) {
if (lines.length == 0)
this.writeLine(kArrow + lines[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; ++i)
this.writeLine(kArrowIndentation + lines[i]);
var kArrow = ' --> ';
var kArrowIndentation = ' ';
return ParameterOutputter;
})(); // end of ParameterOutputter
* Formats the parameters for |entry| and writes them to |out|.
* Certain event types have custom pretty printers. Everything else will
* default to a JSON-like format.
function writeParameters(entry, privacyStripping, out) {
if (privacyStripping) {
// If privacy stripping is enabled, remove data as needed.
entry = stripCookiesAndLoginInfo(entry);
} else {
// If headers are in an object, convert them to an array for better display.
entry = reformatHeaders(entry);
// Use any parameter writer available for this event type.
var paramsWriter = getParamaterWriterForEventType(entry.type);
var consumedParams = {};
if (paramsWriter)
paramsWriter(entry, out, consumedParams);
// Write any un-consumed parameters.
for (var k in entry.params) {
if (consumedParams[k])
defaultWriteParameter(k, entry.params[k], out);
* Finds a writer to format the parameters for events of type |eventType|.
* @return {function} The returned function "writer" can be invoked
* as |writer(entry, writer, consumedParams)|. It will
* output the parameters of |entry| to |out|, and fill
* |consumedParams| with the keys of the parameters
* consumed. If no writer is available for |eventType| then
* returns null.
function getParamaterWriterForEventType(eventType) {
switch (eventType) {
return writeParamsForRequestHeaders;
return writeParamsForProxyConfigChanged;
return writeParamsForCertificates;
return writeParamsForSSLVersionFallback;
return null;
* Default parameter writer that outputs a visualization of field named |key|
* with value |value| to |out|.
function defaultWriteParameter(key, value, out) {
if (key == 'headers' && value instanceof Array) {
// For transferred bytes, display the bytes in hex and ASCII.
if (key == 'hex_encoded_bytes' && typeof value == 'string') {
writeHexString(value, 20, out);
// Handle source_dependency entries - add link and map source type to
// string.
if (key == 'source_dependency' && typeof value == 'object') {
var link = '#events&s=' +;
var valueStr = + ' (' + EventSourceTypeNames[value.type] + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr, link);
if (key == 'net_error' && typeof value == 'number') {
var valueStr = value + ' (' + netErrorToString(value) + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr);
if (key == 'quic_error' && typeof value == 'number') {
var valueStr = value + ' (' + quicErrorToString(value) + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr);
if (key == 'quic_crypto_handshake_message' && typeof value == 'string') {
var lines = value.split('\n');
if (key == 'quic_rst_stream_error' && typeof value == 'number') {
var valueStr = value + ' (' + quicRstStreamErrorToString(value) + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr);
if (key == 'load_flags' && typeof value == 'number') {
var valueStr = value + ' (' + getLoadFlagSymbolicString(value) + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr);
if (key == 'load_state' && typeof value == 'number') {
var valueStr = value + ' (' + getKeyWithValue(LoadState, value) + ')';
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, valueStr);
// Otherwise just default to JSON formatting of the value.
out.writeArrowKeyValue(key, JSON.stringify(value));
* Returns the set of LoadFlags that make up the integer |loadFlag|.
* For example: getLoadFlagSymbolicString(
function getLoadFlagSymbolicString(loadFlag) {
// Load flag of 0 means "NORMAL". Special case this, since and-ing with
// 0 is always going to be false.
if (loadFlag == 0)
return getKeyWithValue(LoadFlag, loadFlag);
var matchingLoadFlagNames = [];
for (var k in LoadFlag) {
if (loadFlag & LoadFlag[k])
return matchingLoadFlagNames.join(' | ');
* Converts an SSL version number to a textual representation.
* For instance, SSLVersionNumberToName(0x0301) returns 'TLS 1.0'.
function SSLVersionNumberToName(version) {
if ((version & 0xFFFF) != version) {
// If the version number is more than 2 bytes long something is wrong.
// Print it as hex.
return 'SSL 0x' + version.toString(16);
// See if it is a known TLS name.
var kTLSNames = {
0x0301: 'TLS 1.0',
0x0302: 'TLS 1.1',
0x0303: 'TLS 1.2'
var name = kTLSNames[version];
if (name)
return name;
// Otherwise label it as an SSL version.
var major = (version & 0xFF00) >> 8;
var minor = version & 0x00FF;
return 'SSL ' + major + '.' + minor;
* TODO(eroman): get rid of this, as it is only used by 1 callsite.
* Indent |lines| by |start|.
* For example, if |start| = ' -> ' and |lines| = ['line1', 'line2', 'line3']
* the output will be:
* " -> line1\n" +
* " line2\n" +
* " line3"
function indentLines(start, lines) {
return start + lines.join('\n' + makeRepeatedString(' ', start.length));
* If entry.param.headers exists and is an object other than an array, converts
* it into an array and returns a new entry. Otherwise, just returns the
* original entry.
function reformatHeaders(entry) {
// If there are no headers, or it is not an object other than an array,
// return |entry| without modification.
if (!entry.params || entry.params.headers === undefined ||
typeof entry.params.headers != 'object' ||
entry.params.headers instanceof Array) {
return entry;
// Duplicate the top level object, and |entry.params|, so the original object
// will not be modified.
entry = shallowCloneObject(entry);
entry.params = shallowCloneObject(entry.params);
// Convert headers to an array.
var headers = [];
for (var key in entry.params.headers)
headers.push(key + ': ' + entry.params.headers[key]);
entry.params.headers = headers;
return entry;
* Removes a cookie or unencrypted login information from a single HTTP header
* line, if present, and returns the modified line. Otherwise, just returns
* the original line.
function stripCookieOrLoginInfo(line) {
var patterns = [
// Cookie patterns
/^set-cookie: /i,
/^set-cookie2: /i,
/^cookie: /i,
// Unencrypted authentication patterns
/^authorization: \S*\s*/i,
/^proxy-authorization: \S*\s*/i];
// Prefix will hold the first part of the string that contains no private
// information. If null, no part of the string contains private information.
var prefix = null;
for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
var match = patterns[i].exec(line);
if (match != null) {
prefix = match[0];
// Look for authentication information from data received from the server in
// multi-round Negotiate authentication.
if (prefix === null) {
var challengePatterns = [
/^www-authenticate: (\S*)\s*/i,
/^proxy-authenticate: (\S*)\s*/i];
for (var i = 0; i < challengePatterns.length; i++) {
var match = challengePatterns[i].exec(line);
if (!match)
// If there's no data after the scheme name, do nothing.
if (match[0].length == line.length)
// Ignore lines with commas, as they may contain lists of schemes, and
// the information we want to hide is Base64 encoded, so has no commas.
if (line.indexOf(',') >= 0)
// Ignore Basic and Digest authentication challenges, as they contain
// public information.
if (/^basic$/i.test(match[1]) || /^digest$/i.test(match[1]))
prefix = match[0];
if (prefix) {
var suffix = line.slice(prefix.length);
// If private information has already been removed, keep the line as-is.
// This is often the case when viewing a loaded log.
// TODO(mmenke): Remove '[value was stripped]' check once M24 hits stable.
if (^\[[0-9]+ bytes were stripped\]$/) == -1 &&
suffix != '[value was stripped]') {
return prefix + '[' + suffix.length + ' bytes were stripped]';
return line;
* If |entry| has headers, returns a copy of |entry| with all cookie and
* unencrypted login text removed. Otherwise, returns original |entry| object.
* This is needed so that JSON log dumps can be made without affecting the
* source data. Converts headers stored in objects to arrays.
stripCookiesAndLoginInfo = function(entry) {
if (!entry.params || entry.params.headers === undefined ||
!(entry.params.headers instanceof Object)) {
return entry;
// Make sure entry's headers are in an array.
entry = reformatHeaders(entry);
// Duplicate the top level object, and |entry.params|. All other fields are
// just pointers to the original values, as they won't be modified, other than
// |entry.params.headers|.
entry = shallowCloneObject(entry);
entry.params = shallowCloneObject(entry.params);
entry.params.headers =;
return entry;
* Outputs the request header parameters of |entry| to |out|.
function writeParamsForRequestHeaders(entry, out, consumedParams) {
var params = entry.params;
if (!(typeof params.line == 'string') || !(params.headers instanceof Array)) {
// Unrecognized params.
// Strip the trailing CRLF that params.line contains.
var lineWithoutCRLF = params.line.replace(/\r\n$/g, '');
consumedParams.line = true;
consumedParams.headers = true;
* Outputs the certificate parameters of |entry| to |out|.
function writeParamsForCertificates(entry, out, consumedParams) {
if (!(entry.params.certificates instanceof Array)) {
// Unrecognized params.
var certs = entry.params.certificates.reduce(function(previous, current) {
return previous.concat(current.split('\n'));
}, new Array());
out.writeSpaceIndentedLines(8, certs);
consumedParams.certificates = true;
* Outputs the SSL version fallback parameters of |entry| to |out|.
function writeParamsForSSLVersionFallback(entry, out, consumedParams) {
var params = entry.params;
if (typeof params.version_before != 'number' ||
typeof params.version_after != 'number') {
// Unrecognized params.
var line = SSLVersionNumberToName(params.version_before) +
' ==> ' +
consumedParams.version_before = true;
consumedParams.version_after = true;
function writeParamsForProxyConfigChanged(entry, out, consumedParams) {
var params = entry.params;
if (typeof params.new_config != 'object') {
// Unrecognized params.
if (typeof params.old_config == 'object') {
var oldConfigString = proxySettingsToString(params.old_config);
// The previous configuration may not be present in the case of
// the initial proxy settings fetch.
out.writeSpaceIndentedLines(8, oldConfigString.split('\n'));
consumedParams.old_config = true;
var newConfigString = proxySettingsToString(params.new_config);
out.writeSpaceIndentedLines(8, newConfigString.split('\n'));
consumedParams.new_config = true;
function getTextForEvent(entry) {
var text = '';
if (entry.isBegin() && canCollapseBeginWithEnd(entry)) {
// Don't prefix with '+' if we are going to collapse the END event.
text = ' ';
} else if (entry.isBegin()) {
text = '+' + text;
} else if (entry.isEnd()) {
text = '-' + text;
} else {
text = ' ';
text += EventTypeNames[entry.orig.type];
return text;
proxySettingsToString = function(config) {
if (!config)
return '';
// TODO(eroman): if |config| has unexpected properties, print it as JSON
// rather than hide them.
function getProxyListString(proxies) {
// Older versions of Chrome would set these values as strings, whereas newer
// logs use arrays.
// TODO(eroman): This behavior changed in M27. Support for older logs can
// safely be removed circa M29.
if (Array.isArray(proxies)) {
var listString = proxies.join(', ');
if (proxies.length > 1)
return '[' + listString + ']';
return listString;
return proxies;
// The proxy settings specify up to three major fallback choices
// (auto-detect, custom pac url, or manual settings).
// We enumerate these to a list so we can later number them.
var modes = [];
// Output any automatic settings.
if (config.auto_detect)
if (config.pac_url)
modes.push(['PAC script: ' + config.pac_url]);
// Output any manual settings.
if (config.single_proxy || config.proxy_per_scheme) {
var lines = [];
if (config.single_proxy) {
lines.push('Proxy server: ' + getProxyListString(config.single_proxy));
} else if (config.proxy_per_scheme) {
for (var urlScheme in config.proxy_per_scheme) {
if (urlScheme != 'fallback') {
lines.push('Proxy server for ' + urlScheme.toUpperCase() + ': ' +
if (config.proxy_per_scheme.fallback) {
lines.push('Proxy server for everything else: ' +
// Output any proxy bypass rules.
if (config.bypass_list) {
if (config.reverse_bypass) {
lines.push('Reversed bypass list: ');
} else {
lines.push('Bypass list: ');
for (var i = 0; i < config.bypass_list.length; ++i)
lines.push(' ' + config.bypass_list[i]);
var result = [];
if (modes.length < 1) {
// If we didn't find any proxy settings modes, we are using DIRECT.
result.push('Use DIRECT connections.');
} else if (modes.length == 1) {
// If there was just one mode, don't bother numbering it.
} else {
// Otherwise concatenate all of the modes into a numbered list
// (which correspond with the fallback order).
for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; ++i)
result.push(indentLines('(' + (i + 1) + ') ', modes[i]));
if (config.source != undefined && config.source != 'UNKNOWN')
result.push('Source: ' + config.source);
return result.join('\n');
// End of anonymous namespace.