blob: 3b09c47562e5a391dc276c320cde33d633cdfc2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_image_loader.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/user_image_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_downloader_delegate.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
class ProfileDownloader;
class UserImage;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace chromeos {
class UserImageSyncObserver;
namespace chromeos {
class UserImageManagerImpl : public UserImageManager,
public ProfileDownloaderDelegate {
// UserImageManager implemenation:
virtual ~UserImageManagerImpl();
virtual void LoadUserImages(const UserList& users) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UserLoggedIn(const std::string& email,
bool user_is_new,
bool user_is_local) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserDefaultImageIndex(const std::string& username,
int image_index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImage(const std::string& username,
const UserImage& user_image) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImageFromFile(const std::string& username,
const base::FilePath& path) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SaveUserImageFromProfileImage(
const std::string& username) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DeleteUserImage(const std::string& username) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DownloadProfileImage(const std::string& reason) OVERRIDE;
virtual const gfx::ImageSkia& DownloadedProfileImage() const OVERRIDE;
virtual UserImageSyncObserver* GetSyncObserver() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
friend class UserImageManagerTest;
// Non-const for testing purposes.
static int user_image_migration_delay_sec;
// ProfileDownloaderDelegate implementation:
virtual bool NeedsProfilePicture() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetDesiredImageSideLength() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Profile* GetBrowserProfile() OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string GetCachedPictureURL() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadSuccess(ProfileDownloader* downloader) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnProfileDownloadFailure(
ProfileDownloader* downloader,
ProfileDownloaderDelegate::FailureReason reason) OVERRIDE;
// Returns image filepath for the given user.
base::FilePath GetImagePathForUser(const std::string& username);
// Sets one of the default images for the specified user and saves this
// setting in local state.
// Does not send LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED notification.
void SetInitialUserImage(const std::string& username);
// Sets image for user |username| and sends LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED
// notification unless this is a new user and image is set for the first time.
// If |image| is empty, sets a stub image for the user.
void SetUserImage(const std::string& username,
int image_index,
const GURL& image_url,
const UserImage& user_image);
// Saves image to file, updates local state preferences to given image index
// and sends LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED notification.
void SaveUserImageInternal(const std::string& username,
int image_index,
const GURL& image_url,
const UserImage& user_image);
// Saves image to file with specified path and sends LOGIN_USER_IMAGE_CHANGED
// notification. Runs on FILE thread. Posts task for saving image info to
// Local State on UI thread.
void SaveImageToFile(const std::string& username,
const UserImage& user_image,
const base::FilePath& image_path,
int image_index,
const GURL& image_url);
// Stores path to the image and its index in local state. Runs on UI thread.
// If |is_async| is true, it has been posted from the FILE thread after
// saving the image.
void SaveImageToLocalState(const std::string& username,
const std::string& image_path,
int image_index,
const GURL& image_url,
bool is_async);
// Saves |image| to the specified |image_path|. Runs on FILE thread.
bool SaveBitmapToFile(const UserImage& user_image,
const base::FilePath& image_path);
// Initializes |downloaded_profile_image_| with the picture of the logged-in
// user.
void InitDownloadedProfileImage();
// Download user's profile data, including full name and picture, when
// |download_image| is true.
// |reason| is an arbitrary string (used to report UMA histograms with
// download times).
void DownloadProfileData(const std::string& reason, bool download_image);
// Scheduled call for downloading profile data.
void DownloadProfileDataScheduled();
// Delayed call to retry downloading profile data.
void DownloadProfileDataRetry(bool download_image);
// Migrates image info for the current user and deletes the old image, if any.
void MigrateUserImage();
// Deletes old user image and dictionary entry.
void DeleteOldUserImage(const std::string& username);
// Loader for JPEG user images.
scoped_refptr<UserImageLoader> image_loader_;
// Unsafe loader instance for all user images formats.
scoped_refptr<UserImageLoader> unsafe_image_loader_;
// Download user profile image on login to update it if it's changed.
scoped_ptr<ProfileDownloader> profile_image_downloader_;
// Arbitrary string passed to the last |DownloadProfileImage| call.
std::string profile_image_download_reason_;
// Time when the profile image download has started.
base::Time profile_image_load_start_time_;
// True if the last user image required async save operation (which may not
// have been completed yet). This flag is used to avoid races when user image
// is first set with |SaveUserImage| and then with |SaveUserImagePath|.
bool last_image_set_async_;
// Result of the last successful profile image download, if any.
gfx::ImageSkia downloaded_profile_image_;
// Data URL for |downloaded_profile_image_|.
std::string downloaded_profile_image_data_url_;
// Original URL of |downloaded_profile_image_|, from which it was downloaded.
GURL profile_image_url_;
// True when |profile_image_downloader_| is fetching profile picture (not
// just full name).
bool downloading_profile_image_;
// Timer triggering DownloadProfileDataScheduled for refreshing profile data.
base::RepeatingTimer<UserImageManagerImpl> profile_download_timer_;
// Users that need image migration to JPEG.
std::set<std::string> users_to_migrate_;
// If |true|, current user image should be migrated right after it is loaded.
bool migrate_current_user_on_load_;
// Sync observer attached to current user.
scoped_ptr<UserImageSyncObserver> user_image_sync_observer_;
} // namespace chromeos