blob: e662ce237427d1aecdedf0c1e2861b9f44cf1bdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/display/display_util_x11.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include "ash/display/display_info.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chromeos/display/output_util.h"
namespace ash {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// A list of bogus sizes in mm that X detects that should be ignored.
// See The first element maintains the minimum
// size required to be valid size.
const unsigned long kInvalidDisplaySizeList[][2] = {
{40, 30},
{50, 40},
{160, 90},
{160, 100},
// Resolution list are sorted by the area in pixels and the larger
// one comes first.
struct ResolutionSorter {
bool operator()(const Resolution& a, const Resolution& b) {
return a.size.width() * a.size.height() > b.size.width() * b.size.height();
} // namespace
bool ShouldIgnoreSize(unsigned long mm_width, unsigned long mm_height) {
// Ignore if the reported display is smaller than minimum size.
if (mm_width <= kInvalidDisplaySizeList[0][0] ||
mm_height <= kInvalidDisplaySizeList[0][1]) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Smaller than minimum display size";
return true;
for (unsigned long i = 1 ; i < arraysize(kInvalidDisplaySizeList); ++i) {
const unsigned long* size = kInvalidDisplaySizeList[i];
if (mm_width == size[0] && mm_height == size[1]) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Black listed display size detected:"
<< size[0] << "x" << size[1];
return true;
return false;
std::vector<Resolution> GetResolutionList(
XRRScreenResources* screen_resources,
XRROutputInfo* output_info) {
typedef std::map<std::pair<int,int>, Resolution> ResolutionMap;
ResolutionMap resolution_map;
for (int i = 0; i < output_info->nmode; i++) {
RRMode mode = output_info->modes[i];
const XRRModeInfo* info = chromeos::FindModeInfo(screen_resources, mode);
// Just ignore bad entry on Release build.
if (!info)
ResolutionMap::key_type size = std::make_pair(info->width, info->height);
bool interlaced = (info->modeFlags & RR_Interlace) != 0;
ResolutionMap::iterator iter = resolution_map.find(size);
// Add new resolution if it's new size or override interlaced mode.
if (iter == resolution_map.end()) {
Resolution(gfx::Size(info->width, info->height), interlaced)));
} else if (iter->second.interlaced && !interlaced) {
iter->second.interlaced = false;
std::vector<Resolution> resolution_list;
for (ResolutionMap::const_iterator iter = resolution_map.begin();
iter != resolution_map.end();
++iter) {
std::sort(resolution_list.begin(), resolution_list.end(), ResolutionSorter());
return resolution_list;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace ash