blob: a896cc85e9eb2468bd25dd4f235f09af7c1d2684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for test related things.
var test = test || {};
* Namespace for test utility functions.
* Public functions in the test.util.sync and the test.util.async namespaces are
* published to test cases and can be called by using callRemoteTestUtil. The
* arguments are serialized as JSON internally. If application ID is passed to
* callRemoteTestUtil, the content window of the application is added as the
* first argument. The functions in the test.util.async namespace are passed the
* callback function as the last argument.
test.util = {};
* Namespace for synchronous utility functions.
test.util.sync = {};
* Namespace for asynchronous utility functions.
test.util.async = {};
* Extension ID of the testing extension.
* @type {string}
* @const
test.util.TESTING_EXTENSION_ID = 'oobinhbdbiehknkpbpejbbpdbkdjmoco';
* Interval of checking a condition in milliseconds.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @private
test.util.WAITTING_INTERVAL_ = 50;
* Repeats the function until it returns true.
* @param {function()} closure Function expected to return true.
* @private
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_ = function(closure) {
var step = function() {
if (closure())
setTimeout(step, test.util.WAITTING_INTERVAL_);
* Opens the main's window and waits until it is ready.
* @param {string} path Path of the directory to be opened.
* @param {function(string)} callback Completion callback with the new window's
* App ID.
test.util.async.openMainWindow = function(path, callback) {
var steps = [
function() {
launchFileManager({defaultPath: path},
undefined, // opt_type
undefined, // opt_id
function(appId) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
if (!appWindows[appId])
return false;
var contentWindow = appWindows[appId].contentWindow;
var table = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#detail-table');
if (!table)
return false;
return true;
* Waits for a window with the specified App ID prefix. Eg. `files` will match
* windows such as files#0, files#1, etc.
* @param {string} appIdPrefix ID prefix of the requested window.
* @param {function(string)} callback Completion callback with the new window's
* App ID.
test.util.async.waitForWindow = function(appIdPrefix, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
for (var appId in appWindows) {
if (appId.indexOf(appIdPrefix) == 0 &&
appWindows[appId].contentWindow) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets a document in the's window, including iframes.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be used.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Query for the iframe.
* @return {Document=} Returns the found document or undefined if not found.
* @private
test.util.sync.getDocument_ = function(contentWindow, opt_iframeQuery) {
if (opt_iframeQuery) {
var iframe = contentWindow.document.querySelector(opt_iframeQuery);
return iframe && iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document;
return contentWindow.document;
* Gets total Javascript error count from each app window.
* @return {number} Error count.
test.util.sync.getErrorCount = function() {
var totalCount = 0;
for (var appId in appWindows) {
var contentWindow = appWindows[appId].contentWindow;
if (contentWindow.JSErrorCount)
totalCount += contentWindow.JSErrorCount;
return totalCount;
* Resizes the window to the specified dimensions.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {number} width Window width.
* @param {number} height Window height.
* @return {boolean} True for success.
test.util.sync.resizeWindow = function(contentWindow, width, height) {
appWindows[contentWindow.appID].resizeTo(width, height);
return true;
* Returns an array with the files currently selected in the file manager.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {Array.<string>} Array of selected files.
test.util.sync.getSelectedFiles = function(contentWindow) {
var table = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#detail-table');
var rows = table.querySelectorAll('li');
var selected = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
if (rows[i].hasAttribute('selected')) {
return selected;
* Returns an array with the files on the file manager's file list.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {Array.<Array.<string>>} Array of rows.
test.util.sync.getFileList = function(contentWindow) {
var table = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#detail-table');
var rows = table.querySelectorAll('li');
var fileList = [];
for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; ++j) {
var row = rows[j];
return fileList;
* Waits until the window is set to the specified dimensions.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {number} width Requested width.
* @param {number} height Requested height.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Success callback with the dimensions.
test.util.async.waitForWindowGeometry = function(
contentWindow, width, height, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
if (contentWindow.innerWidth == width &&
contentWindow.innerHeight == height) {
callback({width: width, height: height});
return true;
return false;
* Waits for an element and returns it as an array of it's attributes.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {?string} iframeQuery Iframe selector or null if no iframe.
* @param {boolean=} opt_inverse True if the function should return if the
* element disappears, instead of appearing.
* @param {function(Object)} callback Callback with a hash array of attributes
* and contents as text.
test.util.async.waitForElement = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, iframeQuery, opt_inverse, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
var doc = test.util.sync.getDocument_(contentWindow, iframeQuery);
if (!doc)
return false;
var element = doc.querySelector(targetQuery);
if (!element)
return !!opt_inverse;
var attributes = {};
for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {
attributes[element.attributes[i].nodeName] =
var text = element.textContent;
callback({attributes: attributes, text: text});
return !opt_inverse;
* Calls getFileList until the number of displayed files is different from
* lengthBefore.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {number} lengthBefore Number of items visible before.
* @param {function(Array.<Array.<string>>)} callback Change callback.
test.util.async.waitForFileListChange = function(
contentWindow, lengthBefore, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
var files = test.util.sync.getFileList(contentWindow);
var notReadyRows = files.filter(function(row) {
return row.filter(function(cell) { return cell == '...'; }).length;
if (notReadyRows.length === 0 &&
files.length !== lengthBefore &&
files.length !== 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns an array of items on the file manager's autocomplete list.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {Array.<string>} Array of items.
test.util.sync.getAutocompleteList = function(contentWindow) {
var list = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#autocomplete-list');
var lines = list.querySelectorAll('li');
var items = [];
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) {
var line = lines[j];
return items;
* Performs autocomplete with the given query and waits until at least
* |numExpectedItems| items are shown, including the first item which
* always looks like "'<query>' - search Drive".
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} query Query used for autocomplete.
* @param {number} numExpectedItems number of items to be shown.
* @param {function(Array.<string>)} callback Change callback.
test.util.async.performAutocompleteAndWait = function(
contentWindow, query, numExpectedItems, callback) {
// Dispatch a 'focus' event to the search box so that the autocomplete list
// is attached to the search box. Note that calling searchBox.focus() won't
// dispatch a 'focus' event.
var searchBox = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#search-box');
var focusEvent = contentWindow.document.createEvent('Event');
focusEvent.initEvent('focus', true /* bubbles */, true /* cancelable */);
// Change the value of the search box and dispatch an 'input' event so that
// the autocomplete query is processed.
searchBox.value = query;
var inputEvent = contentWindow.document.createEvent('Event');
inputEvent.initEvent('input', true /* bubbles */, true /* cancelable */);
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
var items = test.util.sync.getAutocompleteList(contentWindow);
if (items.length >= numExpectedItems) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Waits until a dialog with an OK button is shown and accepts it.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {function()} callback Success callback.
test.util.async.waitAndAcceptDialog = function(contentWindow, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
var button = contentWindow.document.querySelector('.cr-dialog-ok');
if (!button)
return false;;
// Wait until the dialog is removed from the DOM.
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
if (contentWindow.document.querySelector('.cr-dialog-container'))
return false;
return true;
return true;
* Fakes pressing the down arrow until the given |filename| is selected.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} filename Name of the file to be selected.
* @return {boolean} True if file got selected, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.selectFile = function(contentWindow, filename) {
var table = contentWindow.document.querySelector('#detail-table');
var rows = table.querySelectorAll('li');
for (var index = 0; index < rows.length; ++index) {
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown(contentWindow, '#file-list', 'Down', false);
var selection = test.util.sync.getSelectedFiles(contentWindow);
if (selection.length === 1 && selection[0] === filename)
return true;
console.error('Failed to select file "' + filename + '"');
return false;
* Selects a volume specified by its icon name
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} iconName Name of the volume icon.
* @param {function(boolean)} callback Callback function to notify the caller
* whether the target is found and mousedown and click events are sent.
test.util.async.selectVolume = function(contentWindow, iconName, callback) {
var query = '[volume-type-icon=' + iconName + ']';
var driveQuery = '[volume-type-icon=drive]';
var isDriveSubVolume = iconName == 'drive_recent' ||
iconName == 'drive_shared_with_me' ||
iconName == 'drive_offline';
var preSelection = false;
var steps = {
checkQuery: function() {
if (contentWindow.document.querySelector(query)) {
// If the target volume is sub-volume of drive, we must click 'drive'
// before clicking the sub-item.
if (!preSelection) {
if (!isDriveSubVolume) {
if (!(test.util.sync.fakeMouseDown(contentWindow, driveQuery) &&
test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick(contentWindow, driveQuery))) {
preSelection = true;
setTimeout(steps.checkQuery, 50);
sendEvents: function() {
// To change the selected volume, we have to send both events 'mousedown'
// and 'click' to the navigation list.
callback(test.util.sync.fakeMouseDown(contentWindow, query) &&
test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick(contentWindow, query));
* Waits the contents of file list becomes to equal to expected contents.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {Array.<Array.<string>>} expected Expected contents of file list.
* @param {boolean=} opt_orderCheck If it is true, this function also compares
* the order of files.
* @param {function()} callback Callback function to notify the caller that
* expected files turned up.
test.util.async.waitForFiles = function(
contentWindow, expected, opt_orderCheck, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
var files = test.util.sync.getFileList(contentWindow);
if (!opt_orderCheck)
if (chrome.test.checkDeepEq(expected, files)) {
return true;
return false;
* Executes Javascript code on a webview and returns the result.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} webViewQuery Selector for the web view.
* @param {string} code Javascript code to be executed within the web view.
* @param {function(*)} callback Callback function with results returned by the
* script.
test.util.async.executeScriptInWebView = function(
contentWindow, webViewQuery, code, callback) {
var webView = contentWindow.document.querySelector(webViewQuery);
webView.executeScript({code: code}, callback);
* Sends an event to the element specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {Event} event Event to be sent.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.sendEvent = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery) {
var doc = test.util.sync.getDocument_(contentWindow, opt_iframeQuery);
if (doc) {
var target = doc.querySelector(targetQuery);
if (target) {
return true;
console.error('Target element for ' + targetQuery + ' not found.');
return false;
* Sends an fake event having the specified type to the target query.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string} event Type of event.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeEvent = function(contentWindow, targetQuery, event) {
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, new Event(event));
* Sends a fake key event to the element specified by |targetQuery| with the
* given |keyIdentifier| and optional |ctrl| modifier to the file manager.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string} keyIdentifier Identifier of the emulated key.
* @param {boolean} ctrl Whether CTRL should be pressed, or not.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, keyIdentifier, ctrl, opt_iframeQuery) {
var event = new KeyboardEvent(
{ bubbles: true, keyIdentifier: keyIdentifier, ctrlKey: ctrl });
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery);
* Sends a fake mouse click event (left button, single click) to the element
* specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_iframeQuery) {
var event = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, detail: 1 });
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery);
* Simulates a fake double click event (left button) to the element specified by
* |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseDoubleClick = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_iframeQuery) {
// Double click is always preceeded with a single click.
if (!test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_iframeQuery)) {
return false;
// Send the second click event, but with detail equal to 2 (number of clicks)
// in a row.
var event = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, detail: 2 });
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery)) {
return false;
// Send the double click event.
var event = new MouseEvent('dblclick', { bubbles: true });
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery)) {
return false;
return true;
* Sends a fake mouse down event to the element specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseDown = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_iframeQuery) {
var event = new MouseEvent('mousedown', { bubbles: true });
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery);
* Sends a fake mouse up event to the element specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string=} opt_iframeQuery Optional iframe selector.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseUp = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_iframeQuery) {
var event = new MouseEvent('mouseup', { bubbles: true });
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(
contentWindow, targetQuery, event, opt_iframeQuery);
* Selects |filename| and fakes pressing Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V (copy, paste).
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} filename Name of the file to be copied.
* @return {boolean} True if copying got simulated successfully. It does not
* say if the file got copied, or not.
test.util.sync.copyFile = function(contentWindow, filename) {
if (!test.util.sync.selectFile(contentWindow, filename))
return false;
// Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown(contentWindow, '#file-list', 'U+0043', true);
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown(contentWindow, '#file-list', 'U+0056', true);
return true;
* Selects |filename| and fakes pressing the Delete key.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} filename Name of the file to be deleted.
* @return {boolean} True if deleting got simulated successfully. It does not
* say if the file got deleted, or not.
test.util.sync.deleteFile = function(contentWindow, filename) {
if (!test.util.sync.selectFile(contentWindow, filename))
return false;
// Delete
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown(contentWindow, '#file-list', 'U+007F', false);
return true;
* Wait for the elements' style to be changed as the expected values. The
* queries argument is a list of object that have the query property and the
* styles property. The query property is a string query to specify the
* element. The styles property is a string map of the style name and its
* expected value.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {Array.<object>} queries Queries that specifies the elements and
* expected styles.
* @param {function()} callback Callback function to be notified the change of
* the styles.
test.util.async.waitForStyles = function(contentWindow, queries, callback) {
test.util.repeatUntilTrue_(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
var element = contentWindow.document.querySelector(queries[i].query);
var styles = queries[i].styles;
for (var name in styles) {
if (contentWindow.getComputedStyle(element)[name] != styles[name])
return false;
return true;
* Execute a command on the document in the specified window.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} command Command name.
* @return {boolean} True if the command is executed successfully.
test.util.sync.execCommand = function(contentWindow, command) {
return contentWindow.document.execCommand(command);
* Registers message listener, which runs test utility functions.
test.util.registerRemoteTestUtils = function() {
// Register the message listenr.
var onMessage = chrome.runtime ? chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal :
// Return true for asynchronous functions and false for synchronous.
onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// Check the sender.
if ( != test.util.TESTING_EXTENSION_ID) {
console.error('The testing extension must be white-listed.');
return false;
// Set a global flag that we are in tests, so other components are aware
// of it.
window.IN_TEST = true;
// Check the function name.
if (!request.func || request.func[request.func.length - 1] == '_') {
request.func = '';
// Prepare arguments.
var args = request.args.slice(); // shallow copy
if (request.appId) {
if (!appWindows[request.appId]) {
console.error('Specified window not found.');
return false;
// Call the test utility function and respond the result.
if (test.util.async[request.func]) {
args[test.util.async[request.func].length - 1] = function() {
console.debug('Received the result of ' + request.func);
sendResponse.apply(null, arguments);
console.debug('Waiting for the result of ' + request.func);
test.util.async[request.func].apply(null, args);
return true;
} else if (test.util.sync[request.func]) {
sendResponse(test.util.sync[request.func].apply(null, args));
return false;
} else {
console.error('Invalid function name.');
return false;
// Register the test utils.