blob: 6204d85cae227868fe3215575f34c5ad8fd6eb3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for async utility functions.
var AsyncUtil = {};
* Asynchronous version of Array.forEach.
* This executes a provided function callback once per array element, then
* run completionCallback to notify the completion.
* The callback can be an asynchronous function, but the execution is
* sequentially done.
* @param {Array.<T>} array The array to be iterated.
* @param {function(function(), T, number, Array.<T>)} callback The iteration
* callback. The first argument is a callback to notify the completion of
* the iteration.
* @param {function()} completionCallback Called when all iterations are
* completed.
* @param {Object=} opt_thisObject Bound to callback if given.
* @template T
AsyncUtil.forEach = function(
array, callback, completionCallback, opt_thisObject) {
if (opt_thisObject)
callback = callback.bind(opt_thisObject);
var queue = new AsyncUtil.Queue();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {, index, iterationCompletionCallback) {
callback(iterationCompletionCallback, element, index, array);
}.bind(null, array[i], i));
} {
completionCallback(); // Don't pass iteration completion callback.
* Creates a class for executing several asynchronous closures in a fifo queue.
* Added tasks will be started in order they were added. Tasks are run
* concurrently. At most, |limit| jobs will be run at the same time.
* @param {number} limit The number of jobs to run at the same time.
* @constructor
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue = function(limit) {
console.assert(limit > 0, '|limit| must be larger than 0');
this.limit_ = limit;
this.addedTasks_ = [];
this.pendingTasks_ = [];
this.isCancelled_ = false;
* @return {boolean} True when a task is running, otherwise false.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.isRunning = function() {
return this.pendingTasks_.length !== 0;
* @return {number} Number of waiting tasks.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.getWaitingTasksCount = function() {
return this.addedTasks_.length;
* @return {number} Number of running tasks.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.getRunningTasksCount = function() {
return this.pendingTasks_.length;
* Enqueues a closure to be executed.
* @param {function(function())} closure Closure with a completion
* callback to be executed.
*/ = function(closure) {
if (this.isCancelled_) {
console.error('Queue is calcelled. Cannot add a new task.');
* Cancels the queue. It removes all the not-run (yet) tasks. Note that this
* does NOT stop tasks currently running.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.cancel = function() {
this.isCancelled_ = true;
this.addedTasks_ = [];
* @return {boolean} True when the queue have been requested to cancel or is
* already cancelled. Otherwise false.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.isCancelled = function() {
return this.isCancelled_;
* Runs the next tasks if available.
* @private
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.continue_ = function() {
if (this.addedTasks_.length === 0)
this.pendingTasks_.length <= this.limit_,
'Too many jobs are running (' + this.pendingTasks_.length + ')');
if (this.pendingTasks_.length >= this.limit_)
// Run the next closure.
var closure = this.addedTasks_.shift();
closure(this.onTaskFinished_.bind(this, closure));
* Called when a task is finished. Removes the tasks from pending task list.
* @param {function()} closure Finished task, which has been bound in
* |continue_|.
* @private
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.onTaskFinished_ = function(closure) {
var index = this.pendingTasks_.indexOf(closure);
console.assert(index >= 0, 'Invalid task is finished');
this.pendingTasks_.splice(index, 1);
* Returns string representation of current AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue instance.
* @return {string} String representation of the instance.
AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue\n' +
'- WaitingTasksCount: ' + this.getWaitingTasksCount() + '\n' +
'- RunningTasksCount: ' + this.getRunningTasksCount() + '\n' +
'- isCancelled: ' + this.isCancelled();
* Creates a class for executing several asynchronous closures in a fifo queue.
* Added tasks will be executed sequentially in order they were added.
* @constructor
* @extends {AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue}
AsyncUtil.Queue = function() {, 1);
AsyncUtil.Queue.prototype = {
__proto__: AsyncUtil.ConcurrentQueue.prototype
* A task which is executed by AsyncUtil.Group.
* @param {!function(function())} closure Closure with a completion callback to
* be executed.
* @param {!Array.<string>} dependencies Array of dependencies.
* @param {!string} name Task identifier. Specify to use in dependencies.
* @constructor
AsyncUtil.GroupTask = function(closure, dependencies, name) {
this.closure = closure;
this.dependencies = dependencies; = name;
* Returns string representation of AsyncUti.GroupTask instance.
* @return {string} String representation of the instance.
AsyncUtil.GroupTask.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'AsyncUtil.GroupTask\n' +
'- name: ' + + '\n' +
'- dependencies: ' + this.dependencies.join();
* Creates a class for executing several asynchronous closures in a group in
* a dependency order.
* @constructor
AsyncUtil.Group = function() {
this.addedTasks_ = {};
this.pendingTasks_ = {};
this.finishedTasks_ = {};
this.completionCallbacks_ = [];
AsyncUtil.Group.prototype = {
* @return {Object.<string, AsyncUtil.GroupTask>} Pending tasks
get pendingTasks() {
return this.pendingTasks_;
* Enqueues a closure to be executed after dependencies are completed.
* @param {function(function())} closure Closure with a completion callback to
* be executed.
* @param {Array.<string>=} opt_dependencies Array of dependencies. If no
* dependencies, then the the closure will be executed immediately.
* @param {string=} opt_name Task identifier. Specify to use in dependencies.
AsyncUtil.Group.prototype.add = function(closure, opt_dependencies, opt_name) {
var length = Object.keys(this.addedTasks_).length;
var name = opt_name || ('(unnamed#' + (length + 1) + ')');
var task = new AsyncUtil.GroupTask(closure, opt_dependencies || [], name);
this.addedTasks_[name] = task;
this.pendingTasks_[name] = task;
* Runs the enqueued closured in order of dependencies.
* @param {function()=} opt_onCompletion Completion callback.
*/ = function(opt_onCompletion) {
if (opt_onCompletion)
* Runs enqueued pending tasks whose dependencies are completed.
* @private
AsyncUtil.Group.prototype.continue_ = function() {
// If all of the added tasks have finished, then call completion callbacks.
if (Object.keys(this.addedTasks_).length ==
Object.keys(this.finishedTasks_).length) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.completionCallbacks_.length; index++) {
var callback = this.completionCallbacks_[index];
this.completionCallbacks_ = [];
for (var name in this.pendingTasks_) {
var task = this.pendingTasks_[name];
var dependencyMissing = false;
for (var index = 0; index < task.dependencies.length; index++) {
var dependency = task.dependencies[index];
// Check if the dependency has finished.
if (!this.finishedTasks_[dependency])
dependencyMissing = true;
// All dependences finished, therefore start the task.
if (!dependencyMissing) {
delete this.pendingTasks_[];
task.closure(this.finish_.bind(this, task));
* Finishes the passed task and continues executing enqueued closures.
* @param {Object} task Task object.
* @private
AsyncUtil.Group.prototype.finish_ = function(task) {
this.finishedTasks_[] = task;
* Aggregates consecutive calls and executes the closure only once instead of
* several times. The first call is always called immediately, and the next
* consecutive ones are aggregated and the closure is called only once once
* |delay| amount of time passes after the last call to run().
* @param {function()} closure Closure to be aggregated.
* @param {number=} opt_delay Minimum aggregation time in milliseconds. Default
* is 50 milliseconds.
* @constructor
AsyncUtil.Aggregator = function(closure, opt_delay) {
* @type {number}
* @private
this.delay_ = opt_delay || 50;
* @type {function()}
* @private
this.closure_ = closure;
* @type {number?}
* @private
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = null;
* @type {number}
* @private
this.lastRunTime_ = 0;
* Runs a closure. Skips consecutive calls. The first call is called
* immediately.
*/ = function() {
// If recently called, then schedule the consecutive call with a delay.
if ( - this.lastRunTime_ < this.delay_) {
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = setTimeout(this.runImmediately_.bind(this),
this.delay_ + 1);
this.lastRunTime_ =;
// Otherwise, run immediately.
* Calls the schedule immediately and cancels any scheduled calls.
* @private
AsyncUtil.Aggregator.prototype.runImmediately_ = function() {
this.lastRunTime_ =;
* Cancels all scheduled runs (if any).
* @private
AsyncUtil.Aggregator.prototype.cancelScheduledRuns_ = function() {
if (this.scheduledRunsTimer_) {
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = null;
* Samples calls so that they are not called too frequently.
* The first call is always called immediately, and the following calls may
* be skipped or delayed to keep each interval no less than |minInterval_|.
* @param {function()} closure Closure to be called.
* @param {number=} opt_minInterval Minimum interval between each call in
* milliseconds. Default is 200 milliseconds.
* @constructor
AsyncUtil.RateLimiter = function(closure, opt_minInterval) {
* @type {function()}
* @private
this.closure_ = closure;
* @type {number}
* @private
this.minInterval_ = opt_minInterval || 200;
* @type {number}
* @private
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = 0;
* This variable remembers the last time the closure is called.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.lastRunTime_ = 0;
* Requests to run the closure.
* Skips or delays calls so that the intervals between calls are no less than
* |minInteval_| milliseconds.
*/ = function() {
var now =;
// If |minInterval| has not passed since the closure is run, skips or delays
// this run.
if (now - this.lastRunTime_ < this.minInterval_) {
// Delays this run only when there is no scheduled run.
// Otherwise, simply skip this run.
if (!this.scheduledRunsTimer_) {
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = setTimeout(
this.lastRunTime_ + this.minInterval_ - now);
// Otherwise, run immediately
* Calls the scheduled run immediately and cancels any scheduled calls.
AsyncUtil.RateLimiter.prototype.runImmediately = function() {
this.lastRunTime_ =;
* Cancels all scheduled runs (if any).
* @private
AsyncUtil.RateLimiter.prototype.cancelScheduledRuns_ = function() {
if (this.scheduledRunsTimer_) {
this.scheduledRunsTimer_ = 0;