blob: 53d6b6668243ca9fe57a9a99f081ee4928510d66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @constructor
* @struct
* @param {!RecordStorage} storage
function ImportHistory(storage) {
/** @private {!RecordStorage} */
this.storage_ = storage;
/** @private {!Object.<string, !Array.<string>>} */
this.entries_ = {};
/** @private {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>} */
this.whenReady_ = this.refresh_();
* Loads history from disk and merges in any previously existing entries
* that are not present in the newly loaded data. Should be called
* when the file is changed by an external source.
* @return {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>} Resolves when history has been refreshed.
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.refresh_ = function() {
var oldEntries = this.entries_;
this.entries_ = {};
return this.storage_.readAll()
.then(this.mergeEntries_.bind(this, oldEntries))
* @return {!ImportHistory}
* @this {ImportHistory}
function() {
return this;
* Adds all entries not already present in history.
* @param {!Object.<string, !Array.<string>>} entries
* @return {!Promise.<?>} Resolves once all updates are completed.
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.mergeEntries_ = function(entries) {
var promises = [];
* @param {string} key
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(key) {
* @param {string} key
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(destination) {
if (this.getDestinations_(key).indexOf(destination) >= 0) {
this.updateHistoryRecord_(key, destination);
promises.push(this.storage_.write([key, destination]));
return Promise.all(promises);
* Reloads history from disk. Should be called when the file
* is changed by an external source.
* @return {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>} Resolves when history has been refreshed.
ImportHistory.prototype.refresh = function() {
this.whenReady_ = this.refresh_();
return this.whenReady_;
* @return {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>}
ImportHistory.prototype.whenReady = function() {
return this.whenReady_;
* Adds a history entry to the in-memory history model.
* @param {!Array.<!Array.<*>>} records
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.updateHistoryRecords_ = function(records) {
* @param {!Array.<*>} entry
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(record) {
this.updateHistoryRecord_(record[0], record[1]);
* Adds a history entry to the in-memory history model.
* @param {string} key
* @param {string} destination
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.updateHistoryRecord_ = function(key, destination) {
if (key in this.entries_) {
} else {
this.entries_[key] = [destination];
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {string} destination
* @return {!Promise.<boolean>} Resolves with true if the FileEntry
* was previously imported to the specified destination.
ImportHistory.prototype.wasImported = function(entry, destination) {
return this.whenReady_
.then(this.createKey_.bind(this, entry))
* @param {string} key
* @return {!Promise.<boolean>}
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(key) {
return this.getDestinations_(key).indexOf(destination) >= 0;
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {string} destination
* @return {!Promise.<?>} Resolves when the operation is completed.
ImportHistory.prototype.markImported = function(entry, destination) {
return this.whenReady_
.then(this.createKey_.bind(this, entry))
* @param {string} key
* @return {!Promise.<?>}
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(key) {
return this.addDestination_(destination, key);
* @param {string} destination
* @param {string} key
* @return {!Promise.<?>} Resolves once the write has been completed.
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.addDestination_ = function(destination, key) {
this.updateHistoryRecord_(key, destination);
return this.storage_.write([key, destination]);
* @param {string} key
* @return {!Array.<string>} The list of previously noted
* destinations, or an empty array, if none.
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.getDestinations_ = function(key) {
return key in this.entries_ ? this.entries_[key] : [];
* @param {!FileEntry} fileEntry
* @return {!Promise.<string>} Resolves with a the key is available.
* @private
ImportHistory.prototype.createKey_ = function(fileEntry) {
var entry = new PromisaryFileEntry(fileEntry);
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(resolve, reject) {
* @param {!Object} metadata
* @return {!Promise.<string>}
* @this {ImportHistory}
function(metadata) {
if (!('modificationTime' in metadata)) {
reject('File entry missing "modificationTime" field.');
} else if (!('size' in metadata)) {
reject('File entry missing "size" field.');
} else {
metadata['modificationTime'] + '_' + metadata['size']);
* Provider of lazy loaded ImportHistory. This is the main
* access point for a fully prepared {@code ImportHistory} object.
* @interface
function HistoryLoader() {}
* Instantiates an {@code ImportHistory} object and manages any
* necessary ongoing maintenance of the object with respect to
* its external dependencies.
* @see SynchronizedHistoryLoader for an example.
* @return {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>} Resolves when history instance is ready.
* Class responsible for lazy loading of {@code ImportHistory},
* and reloading when the underlying data is updated (via sync).
* @constructor
* @implements {HistoryLoader}
* @struct
* @param {!SyncFileEntryProvider} fileProvider
function SynchronizedHistoryLoader(fileProvider) {
/** @private {!SyncFileEntryProvider} */
this.fileProvider_ = fileProvider;
/** @private {!ImportHistory|undefined} */
/** @override */
SynchronizedHistoryLoader.prototype.loadHistory = function() {
if (this.history_) {
return this.history_.whenReady();
return this.fileProvider_.getSyncFileEntry()
* @param {!FileEntry} fileEntry
* @return {!Promise.<!ImportHistory>}
* @this {SynchronizedHistoryLoader}
function(fileEntry) {
var storage = new FileEntryRecordStorage(fileEntry);
var history = new ImportHistory(storage);
return history.refresh().then(
* @return {!ImportHistory}
* @this {SynchronizedHistoryLoader}
function() {
this.history_ = history;
return history;
* Handles file sync events, by simply reloading history. The presumption
* is that 99% of the time these events will basically be happening when
* there is no active import process.
* @private
SynchronizedHistoryLoader.prototype.onSyncedDataChanged_ = function() {
if (this.history_) {
this.history_.refresh(); // Reload history entries.
* Factory interface for creating/accessing synced {@code FileEntry}
* instances and listening to sync events on those files.
* @interface
function SyncFileEntryProvider() {}
* Adds a listener to be notified when the the FileEntry owned/managed
* by this class is updated via sync.
* @param {function()} syncListener
* Provides accsess to the sync FileEntry owned/managed by this class.
* @return {!Promise.<!FileEntry>}
* Factory for synchronized files based on chrome.syncFileSystem.
* @constructor
* @implements {SyncFileEntryProvider}
* @struct
function ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider() {
/** @private {!Array.<function()>} */
this.syncListeners_ = [];
/** @private {!Promise.<!FileEntry>|undefined} */
/** @private @const {string} */
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.FILE_NAME_ = '';
* Wraps chrome.syncFileSystem.onFileStatusChanged
* so that we can report to our listeners when our file has changed.
* @private
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.monitorSyncEvents_ = function() {
/** @override */
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.addSyncListener = function(listener) {
if (this.syncListeners_.indexOf(listener) === -1) {
/** @override */
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.getSyncFileEntry = function() {
if (this.fileEntryPromise_) {
return this.fileEntryPromise_;
this.fileEntryPromise_ = this.getFileSystem_()
* @param {!FileSystem} fileSystem
* @return {!Promise.<!FileEntry>}
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(fileSystem) {
return this.getFileEntry_(fileSystem);
return this.fileEntryPromise_;
* Wraps chrome.syncFileSystem in a Promise.
* @return {!Promise.<!FileSystem>}
* @private
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.getFileSystem_ = function() {
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(resolve, reject) {
* @param {FileSystem} fileSystem
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(fileSystem) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
} else {
resolve(/** @type {!FileSystem} */ (fileSystem));
* @param {!FileSystem} fileSystem
* @return {!Promise.<!FileEntry>}
* @private
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.getFileEntry_ = function(fileSystem) {
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(resolve, reject) {
create: true,
exclusive: false
* Handles sync events. Checks to see if the event is for the file
* we track, and sync-direction, and if so, notifies syncListeners.
* @see
* #event-onFileStatusChanged
* @param {!Object} event Having a structure not unlike: {
* fileEntry: Entry,
* status: string,
* action: (string|undefined),
* direction: (string|undefined)}
* @private
ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider.prototype.handleSyncEvent_ = function(event) {
if (!this.fileEntryPromise_) {
* @param {!FileEntry} fileEntry
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(fileEntry) {
if (event['fileEntry'].fullPath !== fileEntry.fullPath) {
if (event.direction && event.direction !== 'remote_to_local') {
if (event.action && event.action !== 'updated') {
'Unexpected sync event action for history file: ' + event.action);
* @param {function()} listener
* @this {ChromeSyncFileEntryProvider}
function(listener) {
// Notify by way of a promise so that it is fully asynchronous
// (which can rationalize testing).
* An simple record storage mechanism.
* @interface
function RecordStorage() {}
* Adds a new record.
* @param {!Array.<*>} record
* @return {!Promise.<?>} Resolves when record is added.
* Reads all records.
* @return {!Promise.<!Array.<!Array.<*>>>}
* A {@code RecordStore} that persists data in a {@code FileEntry}.
* @param {!FileEntry} fileEntry
* @constructor
* @implements {RecordStorage}
* @struct
function FileEntryRecordStorage(fileEntry) {
/** @private {!PromisaryFileEntry} */
this.fileEntry_ = new PromisaryFileEntry(fileEntry);
/** @override */
FileEntryRecordStorage.prototype.write = function(record) {
// TODO(smckay): should we make an effort to reuse a file writer?
return this.fileEntry_.createWriter()
.then(this.writeRecord_.bind(this, record));
* Appends a new record to the end of the file.
* @param {!Object} record
* @param {!FileWriter} writer
* @return {!Promise.<?>} Resolves when write is complete.
* @private
FileEntryRecordStorage.prototype.writeRecord_ = function(record, writer) {
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {FileEntryRecordStorage}
function(resolve, reject) {
var blob = new Blob(
[JSON.stringify(record) + ',\n'],
{type: 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'});
writer.onwriteend = resolve;
writer.onerror = reject;;
/** @override */
FileEntryRecordStorage.prototype.readAll = function() {
return this.fileEntry_.file()
* @return {string}
* @this {FileEntryRecordStorage}
function() {
console.error('Unable to read from history file.');
return '';
* @param {string} fileContents
* @this {FileEntryRecordStorage}
function(fileContents) {
return this.parse_(fileContents);
* Reads the entire entry as a single string value.
* @param {!File} file
* @return {!Promise.<string>}
* @private
FileEntryRecordStorage.prototype.readFileAsText_ = function(file) {
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {FileEntryRecordStorage}
function(resolve, reject) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
if (reader.error) {
} else {
reader.onerror = function(error) {
* Parses the text.
* @param {string} text
* @return {!Promise.<!Array.<!Array.<*>>>}
* @private
FileEntryRecordStorage.prototype.parse_ = function(text) {
return new Promise(
* @param {function()} resolve
* @param {function()} reject
* @this {FileEntryRecordStorage}
function(resolve, reject) {
if (text.length === 0) {
} else {
// Dress up the contents of the file like an array,
// so the JSON object can parse it using JSON.parse.
// That means we need to both:
// 1) Strip the trailing ',\n' from the last record
// 2) Surround the whole string in brackets.
// NOTE: JSON.parse is WAY faster than parsing this
// ourselves in javascript.
var json = '[' + text.substring(0, text.length - 2) + ']';
* A wrapper for FileEntry that provides Promises.
* @param {!FileEntry} fileEntry
* @constructor
* @struct
function PromisaryFileEntry(fileEntry) {
/** @private {!FileEntry} */
this.fileEntry_ = fileEntry;
* A "Promisary" wrapper around entry.getWriter.
* @return {!Promise.<!FileWriter>}
PromisaryFileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function() {
return new Promise(this.fileEntry_.createWriter.bind(this.fileEntry_));
* A "Promisary" wrapper around entry.file.
* @return {!Promise.<!File>}
PromisaryFileEntry.prototype.file = function() {
return new Promise(this.fileEntry_.file.bind(this.fileEntry_));
* @return {!Promise.<!Object>}
PromisaryFileEntry.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
return new Promise(this.fileEntry_.getMetadata.bind(this.fileEntry_));