blob: 91c0dd19d7fa8278122c58561b68ae09f20cf39e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Implements a low-level gnubby driver based on chrome.usb.
'use strict';
* Low level gnubby 'driver'. One per physical USB device.
* @param {Gnubbies} gnubbies The gnubbies instances this device is enumerated
* in.
* @param {!chrome.usb.ConnectionHandle} dev The device.
* @param {number} id The device's id.
* @param {number} inEndpoint The device's in endpoint.
* @param {number} outEndpoint The device's out endpoint.
* @constructor
* @implements {GnubbyDevice}
function UsbGnubbyDevice(gnubbies, dev, id, inEndpoint, outEndpoint) {
/** @private {Gnubbies} */
this.gnubbies_ = gnubbies; = dev; = id;
this.inEndpoint = inEndpoint;
this.outEndpoint = outEndpoint;
this.txqueue = [];
this.clients = [];
this.lockCID = 0; // channel ID of client holding a lock, if != 0.
this.lockMillis = 0; // current lock period.
this.lockTID = null; // timer id of lock timeout.
this.closing = false; // device to be closed by receive loop.
this.updating = false; // device firmware is in final stage of updating.
this.inTransferPending = false;
this.outTransferPending = false;
* Namespace for the UsbGnubbyDevice implementation.
* @const
UsbGnubbyDevice.NAMESPACE = 'usb';
/** Destroys this low-level device instance. */
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (! return; // Already dead.
{namespace: UsbGnubbyDevice.NAMESPACE, device:});
this.closing = true;
// Synthesize a close error frame to alert all clients,
// some of which might be in read state.
// Use magic CID 0 to address all.
this.publishFrame_(new Uint8Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, // broadcast CID
0, 1, // length
// Set all clients to closed status and remove them.
while (this.clients.length != 0) {
var client = this.clients.shift();
if (client) client.closed = true;
if (this.lockTID) {
this.lockTID = null;
var dev =; = null;
chrome.usb.releaseInterface(dev, 0, function() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('Device ' + dev.handle +
' couldn\'t be released:'));
console.log(UTIL_fmt('Device ' + dev.handle + ' released'));
chrome.usb.closeDevice(dev, function() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('Device ' + dev.handle +
' couldn\'t be closed:'));
console.log(UTIL_fmt('Device ' + dev.handle + ' closed'));
* Push frame to all clients.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} f Data frame
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.publishFrame_ = function(f) {
var old = this.clients;
var remaining = [];
var changes = false;
for (var i = 0; i < old.length; ++i) {
var client = old[i];
if (client.receivedFrame(f)) {
// Client still alive; keep on list.
} else {
changes = true;
'[' + client.cid.toString(16) + '] left?'));
if (changes) this.clients = remaining;
* @return {boolean} whether this device is open and ready to use.
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.readyToUse_ = function() {
if (this.closing) return false;
if (! return false;
return true;
* Reads one reply from the low-level device.
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.readOneReply_ = function() {
if (!this.readyToUse_()) return; // No point in continuing.
if (this.updating) return; // Do not bother waiting for final update reply.
var self = this;
function inTransferComplete(x) {
self.inTransferPending = false;
if (!self.readyToUse_()) return; // No point in continuing.
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('in bulkTransfer got lastError: '));
window.setTimeout(function() { self.destroy(); }, 0);
if ( {
var u8 = new Uint8Array(;
console.log(UTIL_fmt('<' + UTIL_BytesToHex(u8)));
// Write another pending request, if any.
function() {
self.txqueue.shift(); // Drop sent frame from queue.
} else {
window.setTimeout(function() { self.destroy(); }, 0);
if (this.inTransferPending == false) {
this.inTransferPending = true;
/** @type {!chrome.usb.ConnectionHandle} */(,
{ direction: 'in', endpoint: this.inEndpoint, length: 2048 },
} else {
throw 'inTransferPending!';
* Register a client for this gnubby.
* @param {*} who The client.
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.registerClient = function(who) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; ++i) {
if (this.clients[i] === who) return; // Already registered.
* De-register a client.
* @param {*} who The client.
* @return {number} The number of remaining listeners for this device, or -1
* Returns number of remaining listeners for this device.
* if this had no clients to start with.
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.deregisterClient = function(who) {
var current = this.clients;
if (current.length == 0) return -1;
this.clients = [];
for (var i = 0; i < current.length; ++i) {
var client = current[i];
if (client !== who) this.clients.push(client);
return this.clients.length;
* @param {*} who The client.
* @return {boolean} Whether this device has who as a client.
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.hasClient = function(who) {
if (this.clients.length == 0) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.clients.length; ++i) {
if (who === this.clients[i])
return true;
return false;
* Stuff queued frames from txqueue[] to device, one by one.
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.writeOneRequest_ = function() {
if (!this.readyToUse_()) return; // No point in continuing.
if (this.txqueue.length == 0) return; // Nothing to send.
var frame = this.txqueue[0];
var self = this;
function OutTransferComplete(x) {
self.outTransferPending = false;
if (!self.readyToUse_()) return; // No point in continuing.
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('out bulkTransfer lastError: '));
window.setTimeout(function() { self.destroy(); }, 0);
window.setTimeout(function() { self.readOneReply_(); }, 0);
var u8 = new Uint8Array(frame);
// See whether this requires scrubbing before logging.
var alternateLog = Gnubby.hasOwnProperty('redactRequestLog') &&
if (alternateLog) {
console.log(UTIL_fmt('>' + alternateLog));
} else {
console.log(UTIL_fmt('>' + UTIL_BytesToHex(u8)));
if (this.outTransferPending == false) {
this.outTransferPending = true;
/** @type {!chrome.usb.ConnectionHandle} */(,
{ direction: 'out', endpoint: this.outEndpoint, data: frame },
} else {
throw 'outTransferPending!';
* Check whether channel is locked for this request or not.
* @param {number} cid Channel id
* @param {number} cmd Command to be sent
* @return {boolean} true if not locked for this request.
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.checkLock_ = function(cid, cmd) {
if (this.lockCID) {
// We have an active lock.
if (this.lockCID != cid) {
// Some other channel has active lock.
if (cmd != GnubbyDevice.CMD_SYNC &&
cmd != GnubbyDevice.CMD_INIT) {
// Anything but SYNC|INIT gets an immediate busy.
var busy = new Uint8Array(
[(cid >> 24) & 255,
(cid >> 16) & 255,
(cid >> 8) & 255,
cid & 255,
0, 1, // length
// Log the synthetic busy too.
console.log(UTIL_fmt('<' + UTIL_BytesToHex(busy)));
return false;
// SYNC|INIT get to go to the device to flush OS tx/rx queues.
// The usb firmware is to always respond to SYNC|INIT,
// regardless of lock status.
return true;
* Update or grab lock.
* @param {number} cid Channel id
* @param {number} cmd Command
* @param {number} arg Command argument
* @private
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.updateLock_ = function(cid, cmd, arg) {
if (this.lockCID == 0 || this.lockCID == cid) {
// It is this caller's or nobody's lock.
if (this.lockTID) {
this.lockTID = null;
if (cmd == GnubbyDevice.CMD_LOCK) {
var nseconds = arg;
if (nseconds != 0) {
this.lockCID = cid;
// Set tracking time to be .1 seconds longer than usb device does.
this.lockMillis = nseconds * 1000 + 100;
} else {
// Releasing lock voluntarily.
this.lockCID = 0;
// (re)set the lock timeout if we still hold it.
if (this.lockCID) {
var self = this;
this.lockTID = window.setTimeout(
function() {
'lock for CID ' + cid.toString(16) + ' expired!'));
self.lockTID = null;
self.lockCID = 0;
* Queue command to be sent.
* If queue was empty, initiate the write.
* @param {number} cid The client's channel ID.
* @param {number} cmd The command to send.
* @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command argument data
UsbGnubbyDevice.prototype.queueCommand = function(cid, cmd, data) {
if (! return;
if (!this.checkLock_(cid, cmd)) return;
var u8 = new Uint8Array(data);
var frame = new Uint8Array(u8.length + 7);
frame[0] = cid >>> 24;
frame[1] = cid >>> 16;
frame[2] = cid >>> 8;
frame[3] = cid;
frame[4] = cmd;
frame[5] = (u8.length >> 8);
frame[6] = (u8.length & 255);
frame.set(u8, 7);
var lockArg = (u8.length > 0) ? u8[0] : 0;
this.updateLock_(cid, cmd, lockArg);
var wasEmpty = (this.txqueue.length == 0);
if (wasEmpty) this.writeOneRequest_();
* @const
UsbGnubbyDevice.WINUSB_VID_PIDS = [
{'vendorId': 4176, 'productId': 529} // Yubico WinUSB
* @param {function(Array)} cb Enumerate callback
UsbGnubbyDevice.enumerate = function(cb) {
var numEnumerated = 0;
var allDevs = [];
function enumerated(devs) {
allDevs = allDevs.concat(devs);
if (++numEnumerated == UsbGnubbyDevice.WINUSB_VID_PIDS.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < UsbGnubbyDevice.WINUSB_VID_PIDS.length; i++) {
chrome.usb.getDevices(UsbGnubbyDevice.WINUSB_VID_PIDS[i], enumerated);
* @typedef {?{
* address: number,
* type: string,
* direction: string,
* maximumPacketSize: number,
* synchronization: (string|undefined),
* usage: (string|undefined),
* pollingInterval: (number|undefined)
* }}
* @see
var InterfaceEndpoint;
* @typedef {?{
* interfaceNumber: number,
* alternateSetting: number,
* interfaceClass: number,
* interfaceSubclass: number,
* interfaceProtocol: number,
* description: (string|undefined),
* endpoints: !Array.<!InterfaceEndpoint>
* }}
* @see
var InterfaceDescriptor;
* @param {Gnubbies} gnubbies The gnubbies instances this device is enumerated
* in.
* @param {number} which The index of the device to open.
* @param {!chrome.usb.Device} dev The device to open.
* @param {function(number, GnubbyDevice=)} cb Called back with the
* result of opening the device.
*/ = function(gnubbies, which, dev, cb) {
/** @param {chrome.usb.ConnectionHandle=} handle Connection handle */
function deviceOpened(handle) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('openDevice got lastError:'));
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('failed to open device. permissions issue?'));
var nonNullHandle = /** @type {!chrome.usb.ConnectionHandle} */ (handle);
chrome.usb.listInterfaces(nonNullHandle, function(descriptors) {
var inEndpoint, outEndpoint;
for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
var descriptor = /** @type {InterfaceDescriptor} */ (descriptors[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < descriptor.endpoints.length; j++) {
var endpoint = descriptor.endpoints[j];
if (inEndpoint == undefined && endpoint.type == 'bulk' &&
endpoint.direction == 'in') {
inEndpoint = endpoint.address;
if (outEndpoint == undefined && endpoint.type == 'bulk' &&
endpoint.direction == 'out') {
outEndpoint = endpoint.address;
if (inEndpoint == undefined || outEndpoint == undefined) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('device lacking an endpoint (broken?)'));
// Try getting it claimed now.
chrome.usb.claimInterface(nonNullHandle, 0, function() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('lastError: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError));
var claimed = !chrome.runtime.lastError;
if (!claimed) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('failed to claim interface. busy?'));
// Claim failed? Let the callers know and bail out.
var gnubby = new UsbGnubbyDevice(gnubbies, nonNullHandle, which,
inEndpoint, outEndpoint);
cb(-GnubbyDevice.OK, gnubby);
if (UsbGnubbyDevice.runningOnCrOS === undefined) {
UsbGnubbyDevice.runningOnCrOS =
(window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf('; CrOS ') != -1);
if (UsbGnubbyDevice.runningOnCrOS) {
chrome.usb.requestAccess(dev, 0, function(success) {
// Even though the argument to requestAccess is a chrome.usb.Device, the
// access request is for access to all devices with the same vid/pid.
// Curiously, if the first chrome.usb.requestAccess succeeds, a second
// call with a separate device with the same vid/pid fails. Since
// chrome.usb.openDevice will fail if a previous access request really
// failed, just ignore the outcome of the access request and move along.
chrome.usb.openDevice(dev, deviceOpened);
} else {
chrome.usb.openDevice(dev, deviceOpened);
* @param {*} dev Chrome usb device
* @return {GnubbyDeviceId} A device identifier for the device.
UsbGnubbyDevice.deviceToDeviceId = function(dev) {
var usbDev = /** @type {!chrome.usb.Device} */ (dev);
var deviceId = {
namespace: UsbGnubbyDevice.NAMESPACE,
device: usbDev.device
return deviceId;
* Registers this implementation with gnubbies.
* @param {Gnubbies} gnubbies Gnubbies singleton instance
UsbGnubbyDevice.register = function(gnubbies) {
isSharedAccess: false,
enumerate: UsbGnubbyDevice.enumerate,
deviceToDeviceId: UsbGnubbyDevice.deviceToDeviceId,
gnubbies.registerNamespace(UsbGnubbyDevice.NAMESPACE, USB_GNUBBY_IMPL);