blob: 2eda3fc509b66d0490632c8ca0b58ea9912d23ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Footer shown when the is opened as a file/folder selecting dialog.
* @param {DialogType} dialogType Dialog type.
* @param {!Element} container Container of the dialog footer.
* @param {!Element} filenameInput Filename input element.
* @constructor
function DialogFooter(dialogType, container, filenameInput) {
* Root element of the footer.
* @type {!Element}
* @const
this.element = container;
* Dialog type.
* @type {DialogType}
* @const
* @private
this.dialogType_ = dialogType;
* OK button in the footer.
* @const
* @type {!HTMLButtonElement}
this.okButton = /** @type {!HTMLButtonElement} */
* Cancel button in the footer.
* @const
* @type {!HTMLButtonElement}
this.cancelButton = /** @type {!HTMLButtonElement} */
* File type selector in the footer.
* @const
* @type {!HTMLSelectElement}
this.fileTypeSelector = /** @type {!HTMLSelectElement} */
* @const
* @type {!Element}
this.filenameInput = filenameInput;
// Initialize the element styles.
this.okButton.textContent = DialogFooter.getOKButtonLabel_(dialogType);
DialogFooter.prototype = {
* @return {number} Selected filter index.
get selectedFilterIndex() {
return ~~this.fileTypeSelector.value;
* Finds the dialog footer element for the dialog type.
* @param {DialogType} dialogType Dialog type.
* @param {!Document} document Document.
* @return {!DialogFooter} Dialog footer created with the found element.
DialogFooter.findDialogFooter = function(dialogType, document) {
// If the footer panel exists, the buttons are placed there. Otherwise,
// the buttons are on the preview panel.
var hasFooterPanel = dialogType == DialogType.SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE;
return new DialogFooter(
document, hasFooterPanel ? '.dialog-footer' : '.preview-panel'),
queryRequiredElement(document, '#filename-input-box input'));
* Obtains the label of OK button for the dialog type.
* @param {DialogType} dialogType Dialog type.
* @return {string} OK button label.
* @private
DialogFooter.getOKButtonLabel_ = function(dialogType) {
switch (dialogType) {
return str('UPLOAD_LABEL');
return str('SAVE_LABEL');
case DialogType.SELECT_FOLDER:
case DialogType.SELECT_OPEN_FILE:
case DialogType.FULL_PAGE:
return str('OPEN_LABEL');
throw new Error('Unknown dialog type: ' + dialogType);
* Fills the file type list or hides it.
* @param {!Array.<{extensions: Array.<string>, description: string}>} fileTypes
* List of file type.
* @param {boolean} includeAllFiles Whether the filter includes the 'all files'
* item or not.
DialogFooter.prototype.initFileTypeFilter = function(
fileTypes, includeAllFiles) {
if (includeAllFiles) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.innerText = str('ALL_FILES_FILTER');
option.value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < fileTypes.length; i++) {
var fileType = fileTypes[i];
var option = document.createElement('option');
var description = fileType.description;
if (!description) {
// See if all the extensions in the group have the same description.
for (var j = 0; j !== fileType.extensions.length; j++) {
var currentDescription = FileType.typeToString(
FileType.getTypeForName('.' + fileType.extensions[j]));
if (!description) {
// Set the first time.
description = currentDescription;
} else if (description != currentDescription) {
// No single description, fall through to the extension list.
description = null;
if (!description) {
// Convert ['jpg', 'png'] to '*.jpg, *.png'.
description = {
return '*.' + s;
}).join(', ');
option.innerText = description;
option.value = i + 1;
if (fileType.selected)
option.selected = true;
var options = this.fileTypeSelector.querySelectorAll('option');
if (options.length >= 2) {
// There is in fact no choice, show the selector.
this.fileTypeSelector.hidden = false;