blob: b937ecf2332c39b6602a55794524cde2a7a60c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* The current selection object.
* @param {FileManager} fileManager FileManager instance.
* @param {Array.<number>} indexes Selected indexes.
* @constructor
function FileSelection(fileManager, indexes) {
this.fileManager_ = fileManager;
this.computeBytesSequence_ = 0;
this.indexes = indexes;
this.entries = [];
this.totalCount = 0;
this.fileCount = 0;
this.directoryCount = 0;
this.bytes = 0;
this.showBytes = false;
this.allDriveFilesPresent = false,
this.iconType = null;
this.bytesKnown = false;
this.mustBeHidden_ = false;
this.mimeTypes = null;
// Synchronously compute what we can.
for (var i = 0; i < this.indexes.length; i++) {
var entry = /** @type {!Entry} */
if (!entry)
if (this.iconType == null) {
this.iconType = FileType.getIcon(entry);
} else if (this.iconType != 'unknown') {
var iconType = FileType.getIcon(entry);
if (this.iconType != iconType)
this.iconType = 'unknown';
if (entry.isFile) {
this.fileCount += 1;
} else {
this.directoryCount += 1;
this.tasks = new FileTasks(this.fileManager_);
* Computes data required to get file tasks and requests the tasks.
* @param {function()} callback The callback.
FileSelection.prototype.createTasks = function(callback) {
if (!this.fileManager_.isOnDrive()) {
this.entries, 'external', function(props) {
var present = props.filter(function(p) {
return p && p.availableOffline;
this.allDriveFilesPresent = present.length == props.length;
// Collect all of the mime types and push that info into the selection.
this.mimeTypes = {
return (value && value.contentMimeType) || '';
this.tasks.init(this.entries, this.mimeTypes);
* Computes the total size of selected files.
* @param {function()} callback Completion callback. Not called when cancelled,
* or a new call has been invoked in the meantime.
FileSelection.prototype.computeBytes = function(callback) {
if (this.entries.length == 0) {
this.bytesKnown = true;
this.showBytes = false;
this.bytes = 0;
var computeBytesSequence = ++this.computeBytesSequence_;
var pendingMetadataCount = 0;
var maybeDone = function() {
if (pendingMetadataCount == 0) {
this.bytesKnown = true;
var onProps = function(properties) {
// Ignore if the call got cancelled, or there is another new one fired.
if (computeBytesSequence != this.computeBytesSequence_)
// It may happen that the metadata is not available because a file has been
// deleted in the meantime.
if (properties)
this.bytes += properties.size;
for (var index = 0; index < this.entries.length; index++) {
var entry = this.entries[index];
if (entry.isFile) {
this.showBytes |= !FileType.isHosted(entry);
this.fileManager_.metadataCache_.getOne(entry, 'filesystem', onProps);
} else if (entry.isDirectory) {
// Don't compute the directory size as it's expensive.
this.showBytes = false;
* Cancels any async computation by increasing the sequence number. Results
* of any previous call to computeBytes() will be discarded.
* @private
FileSelection.prototype.cancelComputing_ = function() {
* This object encapsulates everything related to current selection.
* @param {FileManager} fileManager File manager instance.
* @extends {cr.EventTarget}
* @constructor
function FileSelectionHandler(fileManager) {
this.fileManager_ = fileManager;
// TODO(dgozman): create a shared object with most of UI elements.
this.okButton_ = fileManager.ui.dialogFooter.okButton;
this.filenameInput_ = fileManager.ui.dialogFooter.filenameInput;
this.previewPanel_ = fileManager.ui.previewPanel;
this.taskItems_ = fileManager.taskItems_;
this.selection = new FileSelection(this.fileManager_, []);
* Create the temporary disabled action menu item.
* @return {Object} Created disabled item.
* @private
FileSelectionHandler.createTemporaryDisabledActionMenuItem_ = function() {
if (!FileSelectionHandler.cachedDisabledActionMenuItem_) {
FileSelectionHandler.cachedDisabledActionMenuItem_ = {
label: str('ACTION_OPEN'),
disabled: true
return FileSelectionHandler.cachedDisabledActionMenuItem_;
* Cached the temporary disabled action menu item. Used inside
* FileSelectionHandler.createTemporaryDisabledActionMenuItem_().
* @private
FileSelectionHandler.cachedDisabledActionMenuItem_ = null;
* FileSelectionHandler extends cr.EventTarget.
FileSelectionHandler.prototype.__proto__ = cr.EventTarget.prototype;
* Maximum amount of thumbnails in the preview pane.
* @const
* @type {number}
* Maximum width or height of an image what pops up when the mouse hovers
* thumbnail in the bottom panel (in pixels).
* @const
* @type {number}
FileSelectionHandler.IMAGE_HOVER_PREVIEW_SIZE = 200;
* Update the UI when the selection model changes.
FileSelectionHandler.prototype.onFileSelectionChanged = function() {
var indexes =
if (this.selection) this.selection.cancelComputing_();
var selection = new FileSelection(this.fileManager_, indexes);
this.selection = selection;
if (this.fileManager_.dialogType == DialogType.SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE) {
// If this is a save-as dialog, copy the selected file into the filename
// input text box.
if (this.selection.totalCount == 1 &&
this.selection.entries[0].isFile &&
this.filenameInput_.value != this.selection.entries[0].name) {
this.filenameInput_.value = this.selection.entries[0].name;
if (this.selectionUpdateTimer_) {
this.selectionUpdateTimer_ = null;
// The rest of the selection properties are computed via (sometimes lengthy)
// asynchronous calls. We initiate these calls after a timeout. If the
// selection is changing quickly we only do this once when it slows down.
var updateDelay = 200;
var now =;
if (now > (this.lastFileSelectionTime_ || 0) + updateDelay) {
// The previous selection change happened a while ago. Update the UI soon.
updateDelay = 0;
this.lastFileSelectionTime_ = now;
if (this.fileManager_.dialogType === DialogType.FULL_PAGE &&
selection.directoryCount === 0 && selection.fileCount > 0) {
// Show disabled items for position calculation of the menu. They will be
// overridden in this.updateFileSelectionAsync().
FileSelectionHandler.createTemporaryDisabledActionMenuItem_(), true);
} else {
// Update context menu.
this.fileManager_.updateContextMenuActionItems(null, false);
this.selectionUpdateTimer_ = setTimeout(function() {
this.selectionUpdateTimer_ = null;
if (this.selection == selection)
}.bind(this), updateDelay);
* Updates the Ok button enabled state.
* @return {boolean} Whether button is enabled.
FileSelectionHandler.prototype.updateOkButton = function() {
var selectable;
var dialogType = this.fileManager_.dialogType;
if (DialogType.isFolderDialog(dialogType)) {
// In SELECT_FOLDER mode, we allow to select current directory
// when nothing is selected.
selectable = this.selection.directoryCount <= 1 &&
this.selection.fileCount == 0;
} else if (dialogType == DialogType.SELECT_OPEN_FILE) {
selectable = (this.isFileSelectionAvailable() &&
this.selection.directoryCount == 0 &&
this.selection.fileCount == 1);
} else if (dialogType == DialogType.SELECT_OPEN_MULTI_FILE) {
selectable = (this.isFileSelectionAvailable() &&
this.selection.directoryCount == 0 &&
this.selection.fileCount >= 1);
} else if (dialogType == DialogType.SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE) {
if (this.fileManager_.isOnReadonlyDirectory()) {
selectable = false;
} else {
selectable = !!this.filenameInput_.value;
} else if (dialogType == DialogType.FULL_PAGE) {
// No "select" buttons on the full page UI.
selectable = true;
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown dialog type');
this.okButton_.disabled = !selectable;
return selectable;
* Check if all the files in the current selection are available. The only
* case when files might be not available is when the selection contains
* uncached Drive files and the browser is offline.
* @return {boolean} True if all files in the current selection are
* available.
FileSelectionHandler.prototype.isFileSelectionAvailable = function() {
var isDriveOffline =
this.fileManager_.volumeManager.getDriveConnectionState().type ===
return !this.fileManager_.isOnDrive() || !isDriveOffline ||
* Calculates async selection stats and updates secondary UI elements.
* @param {FileSelection} selection The selection object.
FileSelectionHandler.prototype.updateFileSelectionAsync = function(selection) {
if (this.selection != selection) return;
// Update the file tasks.
if (this.fileManager_.dialogType === DialogType.FULL_PAGE &&
selection.directoryCount === 0 && selection.fileCount > 0) {
selection.createTasks(function() {
if (this.selection != selection)
} else {
this.taskItems_.hidden = true;
// Update preview panels.
var wasVisible = this.previewPanel_.visible;
// Scroll to item
if (!wasVisible && this.selection.totalCount == 1) {
var list = this.fileManager_.getCurrentList();
// Sync the commands availability.
if (this.fileManager_.commandHandler)
// Inform tests it's OK to click buttons now.
if (selection.totalCount > 0) {