blob: a6be692ead7ca92d998b9fb0b26cc06533ec92cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
define("mojo/public/js/validator", [
], function(codec) {
var validationError = {
function isStringClass(cls) {
return cls === codec.String || cls === codec.NullableString;
function isHandleClass(cls) {
return cls === codec.Handle || cls === codec.NullableHandle;
function isNullable(type) {
return type === codec.NullableString || type === codec.NullableHandle ||
type instanceof codec.NullableArrayOf ||
type instanceof codec.NullablePointerTo;
function Validator(message) {
this.message = message;
this.offset = 0;
this.handleIndex = 0;
Object.defineProperty(Validator.prototype, "offsetLimit", {
get: function() { return this.message.buffer.byteLength; }
Object.defineProperty(Validator.prototype, "handleIndexLimit", {
get: function() { return this.message.handles.length; }
// True if we can safely allocate a block of bytes from start to
// to start + numBytes.
Validator.prototype.isValidRange = function(start, numBytes) {
// Only positive JavaScript integers that are less than 2^53
// (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) can be represented exactly.
if (start < this.offset || numBytes <= 0 ||
!Number.isSafeInteger(start) ||
return false;
var newOffset = start + numBytes;
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(newOffset) || newOffset > this.offsetLimit)
return false;
return true;
Validator.prototype.claimRange = function(start, numBytes) {
if (this.isValidRange(start, numBytes)) {
this.offset = start + numBytes;
return true;
return false;
Validator.prototype.claimHandle = function(index) {
if (index === codec.kEncodedInvalidHandleValue)
return true;
if (index < this.handleIndex || index >= this.handleIndexLimit)
return false;
// This is safe because handle indices are uint32.
this.handleIndex = index + 1;
return true;
Validator.prototype.validateHandle = function(offset, nullable) {
var index = this.message.buffer.getUint32(offset);
if (index === codec.kEncodedInvalidHandleValue)
return nullable ?
validationError.NONE : validationError.UNEXPECTED_INVALID_HANDLE;
if (!this.claimHandle(index))
return validationError.ILLEGAL_HANDLE;
return validationError.NONE;
Validator.prototype.validateStructHeader =
function(offset, minNumBytes, minNumFields) {
if (!codec.isAligned(offset))
return validationError.MISALIGNED_OBJECT;
if (!this.isValidRange(offset, codec.kStructHeaderSize))
return validationError.ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE;
var numBytes = this.message.buffer.getUint32(offset);
var numFields = this.message.buffer.getUint32(offset + 4);
if (numBytes < minNumBytes || numFields < minNumFields)
return validationError.UNEXPECTED_STRUCT_HEADER;
if (!this.claimRange(offset, numBytes))
return validationError.ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE;
return validationError.NONE;
Validator.prototype.validateMessageHeader = function() {
var err = this.validateStructHeader(0, codec.kMessageHeaderSize, 2);
if (err != validationError.NONE)
return err;
var numBytes = this.message.getHeaderNumBytes();
var numFields = this.message.getHeaderNumFields();
var validNumFieldsAndNumBytes =
(numFields == 2 && numBytes == codec.kMessageHeaderSize) ||
(numFields == 3 &&
numBytes == codec.kMessageWithRequestIDHeaderSize) ||
(numFields > 3 &&
numBytes >= codec.kMessageWithRequestIDHeaderSize);
if (!validNumFieldsAndNumBytes)
return validationError.UNEXPECTED_STRUCT_HEADER;
var expectsResponse = this.message.expectsResponse();
var isResponse = this.message.isResponse();
if (numFields == 2 && (expectsResponse || isResponse))
if (isResponse && expectsResponse)
return validationError.NONE;
// Returns the message.buffer relative offset this pointer "points to",
// NULL_MOJO_POINTER if the pointer represents a null, or JS null if the
// pointer's value is not valid.
Validator.prototype.decodePointer = function(offset) {
var pointerValue = this.message.buffer.getUint64(offset);
if (pointerValue === 0)
var bufferOffset = offset + pointerValue;
return Number.isSafeInteger(bufferOffset) ? bufferOffset : null;
Validator.prototype.validateArrayPointer = function(
offset, elementSize, elementType, nullable, expectedDimensionSizes,
currentDimension) {
var arrayOffset = this.decodePointer(offset);
if (arrayOffset === null)
return validationError.ILLEGAL_POINTER;
if (arrayOffset === NULL_MOJO_POINTER)
return nullable ?
validationError.NONE : validationError.UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER;
return this.validateArray(arrayOffset, elementSize, elementType,
expectedDimensionSizes, currentDimension);
Validator.prototype.validateStructPointer = function(
offset, structClass, nullable) {
var structOffset = this.decodePointer(offset);
if (structOffset === null)
return validationError.ILLEGAL_POINTER;
if (structOffset === NULL_MOJO_POINTER)
return nullable ?
validationError.NONE : validationError.UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER;
return structClass.validate(this, structOffset);
// This method assumes that the array at arrayPointerOffset has
// been validated.
Validator.prototype.arrayLength = function(arrayPointerOffset) {
var arrayOffset = this.decodePointer(arrayPointerOffset);
return this.message.buffer.getUint32(arrayOffset + 4);
Validator.prototype.validateMapPointer = function(
offset, mapIsNullable, keyClass, valueClass, valueIsNullable) {
// Validate the implicit map struct:
// struct {array<keyClass> keys; array<valueClass> values};
var structOffset = this.decodePointer(offset);
if (structOffset === null)
return validationError.ILLEGAL_POINTER;
if (structOffset === NULL_MOJO_POINTER)
return mapIsNullable ?
validationError.NONE : validationError.UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER;
var mapEncodedSize = codec.kStructHeaderSize + codec.kMapStructPayloadSize;
var err = this.validateStructHeader(structOffset, mapEncodedSize, 2);
if (err !== validationError.NONE)
return err;
// Validate the keys array.
var keysArrayPointerOffset = structOffset + codec.kStructHeaderSize;
err = this.validateArrayPointer(
keysArrayPointerOffset, keyClass.encodedSize, keyClass, false, [0], 0);
if (err !== validationError.NONE)
return err;
// Validate the values array.
var valuesArrayPointerOffset = keysArrayPointerOffset + 8;
var valuesArrayDimensions = [0]; // Validate the actual length below.
if (valueClass instanceof codec.ArrayOf)
valuesArrayDimensions =
var err = this.validateArrayPointer(valuesArrayPointerOffset,
if (err !== validationError.NONE)
return err;
// Validate the lengths of the keys and values arrays.
var keysArrayLength = this.arrayLength(keysArrayPointerOffset);
var valuesArrayLength = this.arrayLength(valuesArrayPointerOffset);
if (keysArrayLength != valuesArrayLength)
return validationError.DIFFERENT_SIZED_ARRAYS_IN_MAP;
return validationError.NONE;
Validator.prototype.validateStringPointer = function(offset, nullable) {
return this.validateArrayPointer(
offset, codec.Uint8.encodedSize, codec.Uint8, nullable, [0], 0);
// Similar to Array_Data<T>::Validate()
// mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/array_internal.h
Validator.prototype.validateArray =
function (offset, elementSize, elementType, expectedDimensionSizes,
currentDimension) {
if (!codec.isAligned(offset))
return validationError.MISALIGNED_OBJECT;
if (!this.isValidRange(offset, codec.kArrayHeaderSize))
return validationError.ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE;
var numBytes = this.message.buffer.getUint32(offset);
var numElements = this.message.buffer.getUint32(offset + 4);
// Note: this computation is "safe" because elementSize <= 8 and
// numElements is a uint32.
var elementsTotalSize = (elementType === codec.PackedBool) ?
Math.ceil(numElements / 8) : (elementSize * numElements);
if (numBytes < codec.kArrayHeaderSize + elementsTotalSize)
return validationError.UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_HEADER;
if (expectedDimensionSizes[currentDimension] != 0 &&
numElements != expectedDimensionSizes[currentDimension]) {
return validationError.UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_HEADER;
if (!this.claimRange(offset, numBytes))
return validationError.ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE;
// Validate the array's elements if they are pointers or handles.
var elementsOffset = offset + codec.kArrayHeaderSize;
var nullable = isNullable(elementType);
if (isHandleClass(elementType))
return this.validateHandleElements(elementsOffset, numElements, nullable);
if (isStringClass(elementType))
return this.validateArrayElements(
elementsOffset, numElements, codec.Uint8, nullable, [0], 0);
if (elementType instanceof codec.PointerTo)
return this.validateStructElements(
elementsOffset, numElements, elementType.cls, nullable);
if (elementType instanceof codec.ArrayOf)
return this.validateArrayElements(
elementsOffset, numElements, elementType.cls, nullable,
expectedDimensionSizes, currentDimension + 1);
return validationError.NONE;
// Note: the |offset + i * elementSize| computation in the validateFooElements
// methods below is "safe" because elementSize <= 8, offset and
// numElements are uint32, and 0 <= i < numElements.
Validator.prototype.validateHandleElements =
function(offset, numElements, nullable) {
var elementSize = codec.Handle.encodedSize;
for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
var elementOffset = offset + i * elementSize;
var err = this.validateHandle(elementOffset, nullable);
if (err != validationError.NONE)
return err;
return validationError.NONE;
// The elementClass parameter is the element type of the element arrays.
Validator.prototype.validateArrayElements =
function(offset, numElements, elementClass, nullable,
expectedDimensionSizes, currentDimension) {
var elementSize = codec.PointerTo.prototype.encodedSize;
for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
var elementOffset = offset + i * elementSize;
var err = this.validateArrayPointer(
elementOffset, elementClass.encodedSize, elementClass, nullable,
expectedDimensionSizes, currentDimension);
if (err != validationError.NONE)
return err;
return validationError.NONE;
Validator.prototype.validateStructElements =
function(offset, numElements, structClass, nullable) {
var elementSize = codec.PointerTo.prototype.encodedSize;
for (var i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
var elementOffset = offset + i * elementSize;
var err =
this.validateStructPointer(elementOffset, structClass, nullable);
if (err != validationError.NONE)
return err;
return validationError.NONE;
var exports = {};
exports.validationError = validationError;
exports.Validator = Validator;
return exports;