blob: c20b934b6fc55c27f4aa222b18696f38a6b24928 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Generator script for creating gtest-style JavaScript
* tests for extensions, WebUI and unit tests. Generates C++ gtest wrappers
* which will invoke the appropriate JavaScript for each test.
* @author (Sheridan Rawlins)
* @see WebUI testing:
* @see gtest documentation:
* @see chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
* @see tools/
// Arguments from rules in chrome_tests.gypi are passed in through
// python script
if (arguments.length != 6) {
print('usage: ' +
arguments[0] +
' path-to-testfile.js testfile.js path_to_deps.js test-type');
* Full path to the test input file.
* @type {string}
var jsFile = arguments[1];
* Relative path to the test input file appropriate for use in the
* C++ TestFixture's addLibrary method.
* @type {string}
var jsFileBase = arguments[2];
* The cwd, as determined by the paths of |jsFile| and |jsFileBase|.
* This is usually relative to the root source directory and points to the
* directory where the GYP rule processing the js file lives.
var jsDirBase = jsFileBase.replace(jsFile, '');
* Path to Closure library style deps.js file.
* @type {string?}
var depsFile = arguments[3];
* Path to C++ file generation is outputting to.
* @type {string}
var outputFile = arguments[4];
* Type of this test.
* @type {string} ('extension' | 'unit' | 'webui')
var testType = arguments[5];
if (testType != 'extension' &&
testType != 'unit' &&
testType != 'webui') {
print('Invalid test type: ' + testType);
* C++ gtest macro to use for TEST_F depending on |testType|.
* @type {string} ('TEST_F'|'IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F')
var testF;
* Keeps track of whether a typedef has been generated for each test
* fixture.
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
var typedeffedCppFixtures = {};
* Maintains a list of relative file paths to add to each gtest body
* for inclusion at runtime before running each JavaScript test.
* @type {Array.<string>}
var genIncludes = [];
* When true, add calls to set_preload_test_(fixture|name). This is needed when
* |testType| === 'webui' to send an injection message before the page loads,
* but is not required or supported by any other test type.
* @type {boolean}
var addSetPreloadInfo;
* Whether cc headers need to be generated.
* @type {boolean}
var needGenHeader = true;
* Helpful hint pointing back to the source js.
* @type {string}
var argHint = '// ' + this['arguments'].join(' ');
* Generates the header of the cc file to stdout.
* @param {string?} testFixture Name of test fixture.
function maybeGenHeader(testFixture) {
if (!needGenHeader)
needGenHeader = false;
print('// GENERATED FILE');
// Output some C++ headers based upon the |testType|.
// Currently supports:
// 'extension' - browser_tests harness, js2extension rule,
// ExtensionJSBrowserTest superclass.
// 'unit' - unit_tests harness, js2unit rule, V8UnitTest superclass.
// 'webui' - browser_tests harness, js2webui rule, WebUIBrowserTest
// superclass.
if (testType === 'extension') {
print('#include "chrome/test/base/extension_js_browser_test.h"');
testing.Test.prototype.typedefCppFixture = 'ExtensionJSBrowserTest';
addSetPreloadInfo = false;
} else if (testType === 'unit') {
print('#include "chrome/test/base/v8_unit_test.h"');
testing.Test.prototype.typedefCppFixture = 'V8UnitTest';
testF = 'TEST_F';
addSetPreloadInfo = false;
} else {
print('#include "chrome/test/base/web_ui_browser_test.h"');
testing.Test.prototype.typedefCppFixture = 'WebUIBrowserTest';
addSetPreloadInfo = true;
print('#include "url/gurl.h"');
print('#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"');
if (testFixture && this[testFixture].prototype.testGenCppIncludes)
* Convert the |includeFile| to paths appropriate for immediate
* inclusion (path) and runtime inclusion (base).
* @param {string} includeFile The file to include.
* @return {{path: string, base: string}} Object describing the paths
* for |includeFile|. |path| is relative to cwd; |base| is relative to
* source root.
function includeFileToPaths(includeFile) {
if (includeFile.indexOf(jsDirBase) == 0) {
// The caller supplied a path relative to root source.
var relPath = includeFile.replace(jsDirBase, '');
return {
path: relPath,
base: jsDirBase + relPath
// The caller supplied a path relative to the input js file's directory (cwd).
return {
path: jsFile.replace(/[^\/\\]+$/, includeFile),
base: jsFileBase.replace(/[^\/\\]+$/, includeFile),
* Maps object names to the path to the file that provides them.
* Populated from the |depsFile| if any.
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
var dependencyProvidesToPaths = {};
* Maps dependency path names to object names required by the file.
* Populated from the |depsFile| if any.
* @type {Object.<string, Array.<string>>}
var dependencyPathsToRequires = {};
if (depsFile) {
var goog = goog || {};
* Called by the javascript in the deps file to add modules and their
* dependencies.
* @param {string} path Relative path to the file.
* @param Array.<string> provides Objects provided by this file.
* @param Array.<string> requires Objects required by this file.
goog.addDependency = function(path, provides, requires) {
provides.forEach(function(provide) {
dependencyProvidesToPaths[provide] = path;
dependencyPathsToRequires[path] = requires;
// Read and eval the deps file. It should only contain goog.addDependency
// calls.
* Resolves a list of libraries to an ordered list of paths to load by the
* generated C++. The input should contain object names provided
* by the deps file. Dependencies will be resolved and included in the
* correct order, meaning that the returned array may contain more entries
* than the input.
* @param {Array.<string>} deps List of dependencies.
* @return {Array.<string>} List of paths to load.
function resolveClosureModuleDeps(deps) {
if (!depsFile && deps.length > 0) {
print('Can\'t have closure dependencies without a deps file.');
var resultPaths = [];
var addedPaths = {};
function addPath(path) {
addedPaths[path] = true;
function resolveAndAppend(path) {
if (addedPaths[path]) {
// Set before recursing to catch cycles.
addedPaths[path] = true;
dependencyPathsToRequires[path].forEach(function(require) {
var providingPath = dependencyProvidesToPaths[require];
if (!providingPath) {
print('Unknown object', require, 'required by', path);
// Always add closure library's base.js if provided by deps.
var basePath = dependencyProvidesToPaths['goog'];
if (basePath) {
deps.forEach(function(dep) {
var providingPath = dependencyProvidesToPaths[dep];
if (providingPath) {
} else {
print('Unknown dependency:', dep);
return resultPaths;
* Output |code| verbatim.
* @param {string} code The code to output.
function GEN(code) {
* Outputs |commentEncodedCode|, converting comment to enclosed C++ code.
* @param {function} commentEncodedCode A function in the following format (note
* the space in '/ *' and '* /' should be removed to form a comment delimiter):
* function() {/ *! my_cpp_code.DoSomething(); * /
* Code between / *! and * / will be extracted and written to stdout.
function GEN_BLOCK(commentEncodedCode) {
var code = commentEncodedCode.toString().
replace(/^[^\/]+\/\*!?/, '').
replace(/\*\/[^\/]+$/, '').
replace(/^\n|\n$/, '').
replace(/\s+$/, '');
* Generate includes for the current |jsFile| by including them
* immediately and at runtime.
* The paths are allowed to be:
* 1. relative to the root src directory (i.e. similar to #include's).
* 2. relative to the directory specified in the GYP rule for the file.
* @param {Array.<string>} includes Paths to JavaScript files to
* include immediately and at runtime.
function GEN_INCLUDE(includes) {
for (var i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) {
var includePaths = includeFileToPaths(includes[i]);
var js = read(includePaths.path);
('global', eval)(js);
* Generate gtest-style TEST_F definitions for C++ with a body that
* will invoke the |testBody| for |testFixture|.|testFunction|.
* @param {string} testFixture The name of this test's fixture.
* @param {string} testFunction The name of this test's function.
* @param {Function} testBody The function body to execute for this test.
function TEST_F(testFixture, testFunction, testBody) {
var browsePreload = this[testFixture].prototype.browsePreload;
var browsePrintPreload = this[testFixture].prototype.browsePrintPreload;
var testGenPreamble = this[testFixture].prototype.testGenPreamble;
var testGenPostamble = this[testFixture].prototype.testGenPostamble;
var typedefCppFixture = this[testFixture].prototype.typedefCppFixture;
var isAsyncParam = testType === 'unit' ? '' :
this[testFixture].prototype.isAsync + ', ';
var testShouldFail = this[testFixture].prototype.testShouldFail;
var testPredicate = testShouldFail ? 'ASSERT_FALSE' : 'ASSERT_TRUE';
var extraLibraries = genIncludes.concat(
function(includeFile) {
return includeFileToPaths(includeFile).base;
if (typedefCppFixture && !(testFixture in typedeffedCppFixtures)) {
print('typedef ' + typedefCppFixture + ' ' + testFixture + ';');
typedeffedCppFixtures[testFixture] = typedefCppFixture;
print(testF + '(' + testFixture + ', ' + testFunction + ') {');
for (var i = 0; i < extraLibraries.length; i++) {
print(' AddLibrary(base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("' +
extraLibraries[i].replace(/\\/g, '/') + '")));');
print(' AddLibrary(base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("' +
jsFileBase.replace(/\\/g, '/') + '")));');
if (addSetPreloadInfo) {
print(' set_preload_test_fixture("' + testFixture + '");');
print(' set_preload_test_name("' + testFunction + '");');
if (testGenPreamble)
testGenPreamble(testFixture, testFunction);
if (browsePreload)
print(' BrowsePreload(GURL("' + browsePreload + '"));');
if (browsePrintPreload) {
print(' BrowsePrintPreload(GURL(WebUITestDataPathToURL(\n' +
' FILE_PATH_LITERAL("' + browsePrintPreload + '"))));');
print(' ' + testPredicate + '(RunJavascriptTestF(' + isAsyncParam +
'"' + testFixture + '", ' +
'"' + testFunction + '"));');
if (testGenPostamble)
testGenPostamble(testFixture, testFunction);
// Now that generation functions are defined, load in |jsFile|.
var js = read(jsFile);