blob: 7f05e94cc7f95b492b4cf495ddb7d1bdbb432cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
GEN('#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/identity_internals_ui_browsertest.h"');
* Test C++ fixture for downloads WebUI testing.
* @constructor
* @extends {testing.Test}
function IdentityInternalsUIBrowserTest() {}
* Base fixture for Downloads WebUI testing.
* @extends {testing.Test}
* @constructor
function BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest() {}
BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest.prototype = {
__proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
* Browse to the downloads page & call our preLoad().
browsePreload: 'chrome://identity-internals',
/** @override */
typedefCppFixture: 'IdentityInternalsUIBrowserTest',
* Gets all of the token entries on the page.
* @return {!NodeList} Elements displaying token information.
getTokens: function() {
return document.querySelectorAll('#token-list > div');
* Gets the expiration time displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {Date} Expiration date of the token.
getExpirationTime: function(tokenEntry) {
return Date.parse(tokenEntry.querySelector('.expiration-time')
* Gets the extension id displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {string} Extension Id of the token.
getExtensionId: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.extension-id').innerText;
* Gets the extension name displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {string} Extension Name of the token.
getExtensionName: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.extension-name').innerText;
* Gets the revoke button of the token entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Diplsy element holding token information.
* @return {HTMLButtonElement} Revoke button belonging related to the token.
getRevokeButton: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.revoke-button');
* Gets the token ID displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {string} Token ID of the token.
getAccessToken: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.access-token').innerText;
* Gets the token status displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {string} Token status of the token.
getTokenStatus: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.token-status').innerText;
* Gets the token scopes displayed on the page for a given entry.
* @param {Element} tokenEntry Display element holding token information.
* @return {string[]} Token scopes of the token.
getScopes: function(tokenEntry) {
return tokenEntry.querySelector('.scope-list')
// Test verifying chrome://identity-internals Web UI when the token cache is
// empty.
TEST_F('BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest', 'emptyTokenCache', function() {
var tokenListEntries = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(0, tokenListEntries.length);
* Fixture for Identity Internals Web UI testing with a single token in the
* Identity API token cache.
* @extends {BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest}
* @constructor
function IdentityInternalsSingleTokenWebUITest() {}
IdentityInternalsSingleTokenWebUITest.prototype = {
__proto__: BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest.prototype,
/** @override */
testGenPreamble: function() {
GEN(' SetupTokenCacheWithStoreApp();');
// Test for listing a token cache with a single token. It uses a known extension
// - the Chrome Web Store, in order to check the extension name.
TEST_F('IdentityInternalsSingleTokenWebUITest', 'getAllTokens', function() {
var tokenListEntries = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(1, tokenListEntries.length);
expectEquals('Web Store', this.getExtensionName(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectEquals('store_token', this.getAccessToken(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectEquals('Token Present', this.getTokenStatus(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectLT(this.getExpirationTime(tokenListEntries[0]) - new Date(),
3600 * 1000);
var scopes = this.getScopes(tokenListEntries[0]);
expectEquals(3, scopes.length);
expectEquals('store_scope1', scopes[0]);
expectEquals('store_scope2', scopes[1]);
expectEquals('', scopes[2]);
// Test ensuring the getters on the BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest work
// correctly. They are implemented on the child class, because the parent does
// not have any tokens to display.
TEST_F('IdentityInternalsSingleTokenWebUITest', 'verifyGetters', function() {
var tokenListEntries = document.querySelectorAll('#token-list > div');
var actualTokens = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(tokenListEntries.length, actualTokens.length);
expectEquals(tokenListEntries[0], actualTokens[0]);
var scopes = tokenListEntries[0].querySelector('.scope-list')
var actualScopes = this.getScopes(tokenListEntries[0]);
expectEquals(scopes.length, actualScopes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; i++) {
expectEquals(scopes[i], actualScopes[i]);
* Fixture for Identity Internals Web UI testing with multiple tokens in the
* Identity API token cache.
* @extends {BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest}
* @constructor
function IdentityInternalsMultipleTokensWebUITest() {}
IdentityInternalsMultipleTokensWebUITest.prototype = {
__proto__: BaseIdentityInternalsWebUITest.prototype,
/** @override */
testGenPreamble: function() {
GEN(' SetupTokenCache(2);');
// Test for listing a token cache with multiple tokens. Names of the extensions
// are empty, because extensions are faked, and not present in the extension
// service.
TEST_F('IdentityInternalsMultipleTokensWebUITest', 'getAllTokens', function() {
var tokenListEntries = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(2, tokenListEntries.length);
expectEquals('', this.getExtensionName(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectEquals('token0', this.getAccessToken(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectEquals('Token Present', this.getTokenStatus(tokenListEntries[0]));
expectLT(this.getExpirationTime(tokenListEntries[0]) - new Date(),
3600 * 1000);
var scopes = this.getScopes(tokenListEntries[0]);
expectEquals(3, scopes.length);
expectEquals('scope_1_0', scopes[0]);
expectEquals('scope_2_0', scopes[1]);
expectEquals('', scopes[2]);
expectEquals('', this.getExtensionName(tokenListEntries[1]));
expectEquals('token1', this.getAccessToken(tokenListEntries[1]));
expectEquals('Token Present', this.getTokenStatus(tokenListEntries[1]));
expectLT(this.getExpirationTime(tokenListEntries[1]) - new Date(),
3600 * 1000);
var scopes = this.getScopes(tokenListEntries[1]);
expectEquals(3, scopes.length);
expectEquals('scope_1_1', scopes[0]);
expectEquals('scope_2_1', scopes[1]);
expectEquals('', scopes[2]);
* Fixture for asynchronous testing of Identity Internals Web UI with multiple
* tokens in Identity API token cache.
* @extends {IdentityInternalsMultipleTokensWebUITest}
* @constructor
function IdentityInternalsWebUITestAsync() {}
IdentityInternalsWebUITestAsync.prototype = {
__proto__: IdentityInternalsMultipleTokensWebUITest.prototype,
/** @override */
isAsync: true,
TEST_F('IdentityInternalsWebUITestAsync', 'revokeToken', function() {
var tokenListBefore = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(2, tokenListBefore.length);
var tokenRevokeDone = identity_internals.tokenRevokeDone;
identity_internals.tokenRevokeDone = this.continueTest(
WhenTestDone.ALWAYS, function(accessTokens) {, accessTokens);
identity_internals.tokenRevokeDone = tokenRevokeDone;
var tokenListAfter = this.getTokens();
expectEquals(1, tokenListAfter.length);