blob: 06563f55f9d6f42fd53d495d233a48ae0a411d39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @fileoverview This object provides a similar API to chrome.networkingPrivate.
* It simulates the extension callback model by storing callbacks in a member
* object and invoking them when the corresponding method is called by Chrome in
* response to a chrome.send call.
var networkConfig = {
* Return the property associated with a key (which may reference a
* sub-object).
* @param {Object} properties The object containing the network properties.
* @param {string} key The ONC key for the property. May refer to a nested
* propety, e.g. 'WiFi.Security'.
* @return {*} The value associated with the property.
getValueFromProperties: function(properties, key) {
if (!key) {
console.error('Empty key');
return undefined;
var dot = key.indexOf('.');
if (dot > 0) {
var key1 = key.substring(0, dot);
var key2 = key.substring(dot + 1);
var subobject = properties[key1];
if (subobject)
return this.getValueFromProperties(subobject, key2);
return properties[key];
* Generate a unique id for 'callback' and store it for future retrieval.
* @param {function} callback The associated callback.
* @return {integer} The id of the callback.
* @private
callbackId: 1,
callbackMap: {},
storeCallback_: function(callback) {
var id = this.callbackId++;
this.callbackMap[id] = callback;
return id;
* Retrieve the callback associated with |id| and remove it from the map.
* @param {integer} id The id of the callback.
* @return {function} The associated callback.
* @private
retrieveCallback_: function(id) {
var callback = this.callbackMap[id];
delete this.callbackMap[id];
return callback;
* Callback invoked by Chrome.
* @param {Array} args A list of arguments passed to the callback. The first
* entry must be the callbackId passed to chrome.send.
chromeCallbackSuccess: function(args) {
var callbackId = args.shift();
var callback = this.retrieveCallback_(callbackId);
this.lastError = '';
if (callback)
callback.apply(null, args);
console.error('Callback not found for id: ' + callbackId);
* Error Callback invoked by Chrome. Sets lastError and logs to the console.
* @param {Args} args A list of arguments. The first entry must be the
* callbackId passed to chrome.send.
lastError: '',
chromeCallbackError: function(args) {
var callbackId = args.shift();
this.lastError = args.shift();
console.error('Callback error: "' + this.lastError);
// We still invoke the callback, but with null args. The callback should
// check this.lastError and handle that.
var callback = this.retrieveCallback_(callbackId);
if (callback)
callback.apply(null, null);
* Implement networkingPrivate.getProperties. See networking_private.json.
* @param {string} guid The guid identifying the network.
* @param {function()} callback The callback to call on completion.
getProperties: function(guid, callback) {
var callbackId = this.storeCallback_(callback);
chrome.send('networkConfig.getProperties', [callbackId, guid]);
* Implement networkingPrivate.getManagedProperties. See
* networking_private.json.
* @param {string} guid The guid identifying the network.
* @param {function()} callback The callback to call on completion.
getManagedProperties: function(guid, callback) {
var callbackId = this.storeCallback_(callback);
chrome.send('networkConfig.getManagedProperties', [callbackId, guid]);
* Implement networkingPrivate.getNetworks. See networking_private.json.
* @param {string} guid The guid identifying the network.
* @param {function()} callback The callback to call on completion.
getNetworks: function(filter, callback) {
var callbackId = this.storeCallback_(callback);
chrome.send('networkConfig.getNetworks', [callbackId, filter]);