blob: 5171d330b0c3433f6f4484b1148838dc8af0ae55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
var naclModule = null;
var presets = [
* A helper function to abbreviate getElementById.
* @param {string} elementId The id to get.
* @return {Element}
function $(elementId) {
return document.getElementById(elementId);
* MIME type for PNaCl
* @return {string} MIME type
function PNaClmimeType() {
return 'application/x-pnacl';
* Check if the browser supports PNaCl.
* @return {bool}
function browserSupportsPNaCl() {
var mimetype = PNaClmimeType();
return navigator.mimeTypes[mimetype] !== undefined;
* Get the URL for Google Cloud Storage.
* @param {string} name The relative path to the file.
* @return {string}
function getDataURL(name) {
var revision = 231964;
var baseUrl = '';
return baseUrl + revision + '/smoothlife/' + name;
* Create the Native Client <embed> element as a child of the DOM element
* named "listener".
* @param {string} name The name of the example.
* @param {number} width The width to create the plugin.
* @param {number} height The height to create the plugin.
* @param {Object} attrs Dictionary of attributes to set on the module.
function createNaClModule(name, width, height, attrs) {
var moduleEl = document.createElement('embed');
moduleEl.setAttribute('name', 'nacl_module');
moduleEl.setAttribute('id', 'nacl_module');
moduleEl.setAttribute('width', width);
moduleEl.setAttribute('height', height);
moduleEl.setAttribute('path', '');
moduleEl.setAttribute('src', getDataURL(name + '.nmf'));
moduleEl.setAttribute('type', PNaClmimeType());
// Add any optional arguments
if (attrs) {
for (var key in attrs) {
moduleEl.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);
// The <EMBED> element is wrapped inside a <DIV>, which has both a 'load'
// and a 'message' event listener attached. This wrapping method is used
// instead of attaching the event listeners directly to the <EMBED> element
// to ensure that the listeners are active before the NaCl module 'load'
// event fires.
var listenerDiv = $('listener');
* Add the default event listeners to the element with id "listener".
function attachDefaultListeners() {
var listenerDiv = $('listener');
listenerDiv.addEventListener('load', moduleDidLoad, true);
listenerDiv.addEventListener('error', moduleLoadError, true);
listenerDiv.addEventListener('progress', moduleLoadProgress, true);
listenerDiv.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);
listenerDiv.addEventListener('crash', handleCrash, true);
* Called when the Browser can not communicate with the Module
* This event listener is registered in attachDefaultListeners above.
* @param {Object} event
function handleCrash(event) {
if (naclModule.exitStatus == -1) {
} else {
updateStatus('EXITED [' + naclModule.exitStatus + ']');
* Called when the NaCl module is loaded.
* This event listener is registered in attachDefaultListeners above.
function moduleDidLoad() {
var bar = $('progress');
bar.value = 100;
bar.max = 100;
naclModule = $('nacl_module');
* Hide the status field and progress bar.
function hideStatus() {
$('statusField').style.display = 'none';
$('progress').style.display = 'none';
* Called when the plugin fails to load.
* @param {Object} event
function moduleLoadError(event) {
updateStatus('Load failed.');
* Called when the plugin reports progress events.
* @param {Object} event
function moduleLoadProgress(event) {
$('progress').style.display = 'block';
var loadPercent = 0.0;
var bar = $('progress');
bar.max = 100;
if (event.lengthComputable && > 0) {
loadPercent = event.loaded / * 100.0;
} else {
// The total length is not yet known.
loadPercent = -1.0;
bar.value = loadPercent;
* If the element with id 'statusField' exists, then set its HTML to the status
* message as well.
* @param {string} opt_message The message to set.
function updateStatus(opt_message) {
var statusField = $('statusField');
if (statusField) { = 'block';
statusField.textContent = opt_message;
* Add event listeners after the NaCl module has loaded. These listeners will
* forward messages to the NaCl module via postMessage()
function attachListeners() {
$('preset').addEventListener('change', loadSelectedPreset);
$('reset').addEventListener('click', loadSelectedPreset);
$('clear').addEventListener('click', function() { clear(0); });
$('splat').addEventListener('click', function() { splat(); });
$('brushSizeRange').addEventListener('change', function() {
var radius = parseFloat(this.value);
setBrushSize(radius, 1.0);
$('brushSize').textContent = radius.toFixed(1);
function loadSelectedPreset() {
function loadPreset(index) {
var preset = presets[index];
setKernel.apply(null, preset[0]);
setSmoother.apply(null, preset[1]);
setPalette.apply(null, preset[2]);
function clear(color) {
naclModule.postMessage({cmd: 'clear', color: color});
function setKernel(discRadius, ringRadius, blendRadius) {
cmd: 'setKernel',
discRadius: discRadius,
ringRadius: ringRadius,
blendRadius: blendRadius});
function setSmoother(type, dt, b1, d1, b2, d2, mode, sigmoid, mix, sn, sm) {
cmd: 'setSmoother',
type: type, dt: dt,
b1: b1, d1: d1, b2: b2, d2: d2,
mode: mode, sigmoid: sigmoid, mix: mix,
sn: sn, sm: sm});
function setPalette() {
var repeating = arguments[0] !== 0;
var colors = []
var stops = []
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
stops.push(arguments[i + 1]);
cmd: 'setPalette',
repeating: repeating,
colors: colors,
stops: stops});
function splat() {
naclModule.postMessage({cmd: 'splat'});
function setBrushSize(radius, color) {
naclModule.postMessage({cmd: 'setBrush', radius: radius, color: color});
* Handle a message coming from the NaCl module.
* @param {Object} message_event
function handleMessage(message_event) {
// Update FPS
$('fps').textContent =;
* Listen for the DOM content to be loaded. This event is fired when parsing of
* the page's document has finished.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
if (!browserSupportsPNaCl()) {
updateStatus('Browser does not support PNaCl or PNaCl is disabled');
} else if (naclModule == null) {
createNaClModule('smoothnacl', 512, 512);
} else {
// It's possible that the Native Client module onload event fired
// before the page's onload event. In this case, the status message
// will reflect 'SUCCESS', but won't be displayed. This call will
// display the current message.